Izvestia crosses into Der Stürmer territory

You may recall the Russian writer Alexander Prokhanov, the notoriously anti-Semitic, Stalinist ultranationalist who has of late migrated from the margins of Russian public life to the officially approved mainstream. He caused something of a stir back in March when he opined on Russian state TV that the Jews were “bringing a second Holocaust on themselves” by backing the Maidan revolution in Ukraine (prompting the host of the program to remark that “they brought on the first one, too”).

Well, now he’s at it again, this time in the pro-Kremlin newspaper Izvestia, with a surreal article about the common struggle of Donetsk and Gaza as “hero cities, martyr cities, twin cities”–“two stumbling blocks in the path of universal evil.”

Universal evil, apparently, has a rather specific character:

Netanyahu and his spiritual brother Kolomoisky, both stiff-necked, merciless, obsessed with a monstrous messianic idea, are incinerating mosques and churches, hospitals and maternity wards.

It’s rather remarkable that Prokhanov pairs Netanyahu with Kolomoisky–not a head of state but merely a regional governor, and not even the governor of the Donetsk region, who plays no role in the anti-insurgent operation. Why not Petro Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine, or Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the Prime Minister? What do Netanyahu and Kolomoisky have in common? If you’re thinking “they’re both Jews,” you’re correct: Kolomoisky is the most prominent openly Jewish Ukrainian politician. (Actually, Yatsenyuk has a partly Jewish background, but he identifies as a Christian and downplays his Jewish origins.)  A later paragraph does mention Poroshenko, but again in conjunction with Kolomoisky, whom Prokhanov evidently regards as the real leader of post-Maidan Ukraine.

The rest of the article is a bizarre ode to “the heroes of Hamas and the warriors of Donbass,” concluding with a gloriously demented vision of “the day when the people of Gaza and the people of Donbass reunite at a victory celebration, clasp each other in a fraternal embrace, and glorify God’s truth in their verses and songs.” There’s even a mention of red and white roses. But what’s most remarkable about this rhapsody is the virtually undisguised stench of anti-Semitism in an article published in a leading, quasi-official Russian newspaper. Apparently, “Jew-haters of the world, unite!” is an acceptable slogan in today’s Russia.



Filed under anti-Semitism, Russia

3 responses to “Izvestia crosses into Der Stürmer territory

  1. He picked Kilomoisky because Kolomoisky finances much of military operations and hob-nibbling with Ukrainian Nazis, all the while flaunting his Jewishness.
    He could mention Kernes, of course, also Jewish, whom Kiev is trying to remove from his post right now.
    I don’t believe Poroshenko is a real leader of today’s Ukraine. Then again, I don’t think there are real leaders there.
    And certainly, Kolomoisky is no Bibi. Kolomoisky is your average “New Russian” thug with whom European Jewish Congress once had an unfortunate encounter. Bibi is an enlightened man, and a patriot facing tough decisions. Makes no difference to an anti-Semite.

  2. Cathy, what are your thoughts on Mihail Zadornov? This guy is even crazier than Prokhanov, if that’s even possible! http://news.rambler.ru/26102989/

  3. Sandbox: where is the evidence of these “Kiev Nazis,” please?

    David: Wow. Zadornov was actually a good humorist/comedian once… Yeah, that’s pretty nuts.

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