Keep Track and Speak Up

by admin on December 14, 2010

Members of the ABCAlliance hosted Dr. Tom Kurt last weekend, a respected medical toxicologist, who helped not only us, but also several local elected officials, get a better understanding of the health effects from natural gas drilling and production in our community.

One of the most important things we learned is that for immuno-compromised individuals, there is almost no latency period between exposure to hazardous emissions and the onset of serious illness. Cancer can set in within months. And with some neurotoxins, such as carbon disulfide, the effects are permanent and irreversible.

The Texas Administrative Code says:
No person shall discharge from any source whatsoever one or more air contaminants or combinations thereof, in such concentration and of such duration as are or may tend to be injurious to or to adversely affect human health or welfare, animal life, vegetation, or property, or as to interfere with the normal use and enjoyment of animal life, vegetation, or property.

(Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 101, Subchapter A, Rule 101.4, Environmental Quality – Nuisance)

The law says we’re entitled to a clean environment, but unfortunately, Texas puts the burden on residents to get that code enforced.

An Arlington resident, through careful and thorough documentation, as well as her doctor’s assistance, was able to show that Carrizo’s drilling at UT-Arlington profoundly affected her health, and the state found them in violation of the code — so it has been done.

It is important to document every thing that happens when, where, how long, what was done, have a TCEQ Odor log and make complaints to them. Your doctor needs to know how close you are to drilling and production facilities, as well as be aware of the following guidelines when giving care to you and your family.
CHEMICAL EXPOSURE HISTORY: Accepted Medical Criteria

There is medically recognized criteria available for taking a proper history of a chemical/toxic exposure.  These are used to evaluate illness caused by exposures. These criteria include:

1. The relationship in time between the onset of illness and toxic exposures.

2. Improvement of symptoms during times away from exposure (e.g., vacations, etc.).

3. Recurrence or worsening of symptoms after re-exposure.

This basic information requires a more detailed history if the above information suggests potential toxic exposure.  Additional information should include a more detailed exposure history, including information on duration and intensity of exposure, how the person worked with or was exposed to the toxin, how absorption into the body could have occurred, and protective measures such as respirators, protective clothing etc. to reduce exposure.

When possible, physicians are encouraged to obtain more detailed exposure history such as safety data sheets, etc. under the Hazard Communication Standard.

While these criteria have long been recognized, they were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association 256: 678-680, 1991. The authors are national experts in occupational disease: Dr. Landrigan and Dr. Baker at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY.

If symptoms increase make sure your physician documents any and all treatments, tests and complaints about drilling and ask your physician for a letter stating such for the TCEQ, be sure it is sent to the attention of TCEQ regional employees Tony Walker and Alyssa Taylor. And again, we urge you to call the TCEQ out for odor complaints, get a Summa canister from them if necessary.

We know there are more people out there impacted — because you have talked to us, but you are afraid to speak up.

The longer you are silent, the greater the potential that more people will suffer.

Zoe Nance December 14, 2010 at 9:42 pm

Please if you are having symptoms to related to gas drilling extraction let Town of Bartonville know:

Unusual headaches, nose bleeds, pain that come without reason, nausea that comes without ailment, cough, newly onset asthma, skin disorders that have recently come on, dizziness, recent loss of concentration, neurological feelings in your hands and feet, unexplained weight loss, partial paralysis of your limbs, or face, maybe you’ve lived here for years and have developed cancer of an unusual type, or age for your lifestyle.

These are some of the symptoms I get now since Blessing Site erected back in May. If you have them too please speak up, we CAN make a difference.

We bought another month free and clean of frac’ing toxins, you can help us keep the train rolling.

You are important and we can’t do it without you.

Thank you,
In the spirit of Christmas.

Peggy December 16, 2010 at 1:07 am
Zoe Nance December 16, 2010 at 7:13 am

What I feel everyday, my eyes, my eyes are so dry, I can barely open them, even with eye drops

Christine Ruggiero December 16, 2010 at 10:59 pm

I have to say, when this all started for us a little over a year ago, I was shocked given what I was experiencing that I was provided an Odor Log by the TCEQ. The first time I complained was in the drilling phase, November 2009. Diesel exhaust grows cancer right? I really didn’t care what it smelled like. Who cares what it smells like. It’s massive amounts of diesel exhaust 200 feet from my child.

I was shocked that I was apparently at the mercy of the mineral right owner to determine the driller and what my family should and should not be exposed to. I sure would have liked to have had a servant/master clause in the closing documents that clearly stated that he/she could exempt drilling 50 acres around his/her home, but could blast my child with carcinogens and neurotoxins before we signed on the dotted line.

I can’t wait until all of those living on Shales discover and really understand that they don’t own the mineral right and they are subserviant to a mineral right owner for the health and welfare of their family and children. Will they take care of the medical expenses of their “slaves”?

Let’s look that up in the closing documents shall we? You don’t own the mineral rights, therefore, you are signing over the health and welfare of yourselves and future generations to the decisions of the mineral owner dependent on his/her greed level and capacity t0 poison your family and future generations. His/her soul has a direct effect on your purchase.”

You have to complain to the state “authorities” to cause change. But the change won’t be in what they do for you. It will be to provide you with supporting documentation of what they didn’t do, how long it took them to fail to do so, and how they failed you and your family. You can’t show this if you don’t complain and keep notes, get records, and keep documentation.

I would have never thought a year ago that I would be an unpaid monitor for the operator, TCEQ, and TRC. But apparently they are all super under-staffed. The operator, their CEOs, CFOs, are just too strapped. Maybe that is why the drilling is so closed to our homes.

They can’t afford monitors but they know if they push in close to our homes we will monitor it for them in order to protect our families. We are the Monitors and it is by their design. What will it take for the Monitors to stand up and say, ENOUGH…

I think that is what everyone is waiting for.

Zoe Nance December 17, 2010 at 6:42 am

Zoe Nance December 14, 2010 at 9:42 pm

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Please if you are having symptoms to related to gas drilling extraction let Town of Bartonville know:

Unusual headaches, nose bleeds, pain that come without reason, nausea that comes without ailment, cough, newly onset asthma, skin disorders that have recently come on, dizziness, recent loss of concentration, neurological feelings in your hands and feet, unexplained weight loss, partial paralysis of your limbs, or face, maybe you’ve lived here for years and have developed cancer of an unusual type, or age for your lifestyle.

These are some of the symptoms I get now since Blessing Site erected back in May. If you have them too please speak up, we CAN make a difference.

We bought another month free and clean of frac’ing toxins, you can help us keep the train rolling.

You are important and we can’t do it without you.

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