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Ben Sargent’s Loon Star State: Rick Perry Takes Inspiration From Richard Nixon

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Loon Star State Rick Perry and Richard Nixon
Ben Sargent
  • 1bimbo

    ‘when the governor does it’ ??? you mean, when the governor vetoes funding for a partisan group corrupted by a drunken DA with no integrity

    • george the sceptical

      We mean when the governor defunds the integrity unit so they can’t look into funding scandals by the GOP…

      • 1bimbo

        ahh, ‘scandals’ so sayeth the donkey party

        • george the sceptical

          And this is probably why they cut five billion out of education.
          Republicans prefer the electorate to be stupid…

          • 1bimbo

            the electorate prefers them to be ‘smart’ like obama or wendy davis, right? harvard and everything! .. their diplomas ain’t worth the lambs skins they’re printed on

          • george the sceptical

            “Stupid and Proud” is what you’re saying?
            You are indeed a Republican!

          • 1bimbo


          • george the sceptical

            You’re welcome.
            And I sincerely mean it.
            Now educate yourself….


          • 1bimbo

            you’re confusing ‘educate’ with ‘brainwash’.. or perhaps you mean ‘indoctrinate’ because apparently that’s the formula for becoming a pretentious close-minded ideologue such as yourself

          • george the sceptical

            Best I can tell, YOUR the one that refuses to acknowledge evidence contrary to you beliefs!
            Read the damned article.
            What you believe is BS Right Wing propaganda.
            Bet you don’t believe in climate change either! But you believe in god!
            There are reams of evidence supporting one, and no evidence supporting the other.
            Guess which one?

            “You can’t convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based
            on evidence, it’s based on a deep seated need to believe.”
            Carl Sagan

          • 1bimbo

            are you already a shill for ancient hillary? speaking of milllionaires, it’s a little early to start the regressive campaigning for your warmongering corporatist candidate.. ole hills is a goldwatergirl to the core.. and the donkey party is so desperate to stay above water they’ll put all their broken eggs in the clinton basket.. again. america is sick of clintons and bushes even if democrats are content with an oligarchy…

            why am i not shocked you’re a climate cultist, ha!

          • george the sceptical

            And I’m not surprised that you’re a Bimbo!!!

            Scientists have been telling you for decades, weather is telling you now.
            If you pay attention you might have noticed that wildlife are changing their migratory routes. And the tree lines keep climbing higher and higher.
            You may continue to stick your head up Exxon/Mobil’s ass, but it won’t change anything.
            If you won’t listen to scientists, at least pay attention to nature….
            Elk, Moose, etc.
            They don’t give a shit about politics.

          • No name nut case

            Proof? The weather is cyclic, and always has been. I’ve been around for a lot of years and have seen it over and over. I’ve seen winters in Texas that looked like the Artic and I’ve seen summers that resembled the Sahara desert but after a while they always turn around and go the other way. Some day, when you have lived long enough you will look back and acknowledge that I am right. In the meantime, you and your party members and believers in global freezing (which went away) and for the last several years its been global warming (which is now beginning to change, too). Knee jerk “environmentalists” whose agenda is NOT the weather, are behind “the sky is falling, the sky is falling” mentality.

          • george the sceptical

            Read the IPCC report.
            Or do you prefer to get your climate information from The Heartland Institute?
            Funded by big Tobacco and the Kochs.
            Now there’s a source you can trust!
            No conflict of interest there…
            And like most of your brethren, you can’t seem to tell the difference between weather and climate….

          • No name nut case

            In 50 years when the earth is still here and the earth’s population is still here, and there has not been a horrible natural disaster (not started by a human being) which has not destroyed the earth, we will discuss it. Until then, my opinion is every bit as good as yours or anyone else’s. Scientists have been wrong as many times as they have right. Do your homework.

          • george the sceptical

            So-called “global warming” is just a secret ploy by wacko
            tree-huggers to make America energy independent, clean our air and
            water, improve the fuel efficiency of our vehicles, kick-start
            21st-century industries, and make our cities safer and more livable.

            Don’t let them get away with it!
            — Chip Giller

          • No name nut case

            I agree that our water and air should not be crapped out, but the sky is not falling.

          • george the sceptical

            Yes, but if you leave it up to industry and the Koch’s to police themselves, rivers in Cleavland catch fire.
            Or are you too young to remember?
            How do you think the EPA came about under a Republican administration?
            So tell me this: How can you imagine that we can continually pump toxic crap into the atmosphere and not expect consequences?

          • No name nut case

            What were people in Cleveland dumping into their rivers???? If they don’t know enough not to crap out their own water sources and food supplies they can’t be helped. If the industry there is doing it, what are the occupants of the state trying to do about it? They are not helpless! They don’t have to wait for daddy government to come to their aid. They can boycott and take them to court! Don’t make everyone in the country pay for a local problem! If your air is dirty, clean it up! Don’t make me pay for someone in your state pouring contaminates into your air.
            The whole reason that the states have autonomy is for the citizens of that state to have power! If your state has lost its power it is time to take it back, and not depend upon the federal government to do it for you. Stand on your own feet.

          • george the sceptical

            Yes but the local economy depended on those industries.
            So the Feds had to step in and Richard Nixon created the EPA.
            You really should learn some history…..
            And answer the damn question!!

          • 1bimbo

            i come back two days later and you’re talking about nixon now?

          • george the sceptical

            That damned librul Richard Nixon!

          • george the sceptical

            The very idea that you have no knowledge of the Cuyahoga River catching fire, not just once but several times lets me know what a political novice I’m dealing with.
            Perhaps you might come back when you have learned some history.
            Meanwhile, you’re wasting my time…

          • george the sceptical

            So if we pump enough crap into the air that it catches fire, you better hope the skys not falling!
            Here’s an idea….
            Why don’t we just stop doing that?
            “It would be economic collapse!!” Says industry.
            It would instead create businesses that would employ thousands to deal with the problem.
            But it would cost them in the short term.
            And they would rather see you dead than spend one lousy buck.
            Tell me were I got this wrong?

          • 1bimbo

            all those scientist who rely on federal subsidies for their research

          • george the sceptical

            That’s actually BS being fed to you by The Heartland Institute and the Kochs.
            But what about NOAA?
            They don’t get paid anything extra for what they report!
            And guess what they say…
            Or for that matter, take a look at what the U.S. Navy says.
            What’s their angle, dearheart?

          • No name nut case

            Did you ever hear of “global cooling”? That was the environmentalist’s scare a couple of decades ago and when that fell through on them, they were quite for a while. Then when the earth began a “global warming” cycle the environmentalists used that to raise money and scare people into thinking that they would spontaneously burst into flames. Wouldn’t you call that a little “knee jerk?” It is cooler earlier this year than it has been in ages! It is actually chilly right now in my part of the country in the southwest.

          • george the sceptical

            Weather is not climate.
            Read the IPCC report

          • No name nut case

            In my part of the country it doesn’t get this cool this early in the year. I NEVER said it was weather, I said it was an EARTH CYCLE. It is nothing new. It has happened as long as I have been living and that is quite a while! The only problem in the last 30 or so years is that liberals figured out how to make money on it.

          • george the sceptical

            Biggest bunch of BS I’ve ever heard in my life.
            Read the IPCC report….
            And answer the Frikken Question!!
            I understand what you’re saying. And the truth is, we should be in a cooling cycle.
            But due to AGW, global temps. are not declining.
            Don’t believe me. Look at what insurance companies are preparing for.
            They have a financial stake in getting it right.
            Coca-Cola has figured out that they need clean water and citrus to continue to make millions. So they are concerned as well.
            Pull your frikken head out!

          • No name nut case

            Yup, just like I said. You get totally hateful when anyone disagrees with you. Watch your mouth!

          • george the sceptical

            Bite me, asshole.
            It would be financially advantageous for me to vote Republican.
            For me, anyway.
            But I have grandchildren. Two of which have asthma.
            I do not intend to leave their future in the hands of Jim Inhoffe.
            Know the answer to the question? It’s very simple: You Can’t.

          • george the sceptical

            So amusing that you would consider, “Pull your frikken head out” to be insulting.
            While I merely intended it to be helpful advice.
            Clearly it was ignored.

          • 1bimbo

            so that’s the new narrative.. ‘weather is not climate’?

            webster’s says:

            cli·mate noun ˈklī-mət

            : a region with particular weather patterns or conditions

            : the usual weather conditions in a particular place or region

            : the usual or most widespread mood or conditions in a place

          • george the sceptical

            To get a handle on climate takes constant monitoring for at least thirty years.
            Why don’t you answer the other question?
            What makes you believe that we can continually pump toxic crap into the atmosphere and not expect consequences?

          • No name nut case

            One of the biggest problems with people schooled in the last 20 or 30 years is that they think they know everything and they are really, really hateful when someone disagrees with them.

          • george the sceptical

            …and the horse you rode in on.
            So it’s better if you haven’t been “schooled”?
            Geez… You an Don McLeroy.
            You’re right. I get hateful when idiots fu*k with children…

          • No name nut case

            Someone writing an article is not “proof” of anything. Proof is physical evidence.

          • No name nut case

            Anyone can say anything and present it as proof.

    • Jedoba

      If Perry had some sort of record to support his call for her to resign, he might have something. Instead, he was SILENT when two separate Republican District Attorneys did the same thing; and worse! Perry was already under investigation for corruption when he attempted to force her to resign. Don’t let the facts get in the way of your partisan opinions though, right?

      In June 2009, Kaufman County District Attorney (Republican) Rick Harrison was arrested in Seagoville after driving the wrong way down a street and hitting another car.

      It would become his second conviction for DWI, following one in 1994 when he was a Dallas County prosecutor.

      In November 2002, Swisher County District Attorney (Republican) Terry McEachern was arrested in New Mexico after a family called police to report him swerving into oncoming traffic and running off the shoulder of the road.

      He failed a field sobriety test and refused a breath test.

      He was found guilty of aggravated DWI in June the next year and sentenced to two days in jail and a $300 fine.

      McEachern was already under fire as the prosecutor in the notorious Tulia drug busts. The drug sting, aimed primarily at Tulia’s black residents, unraveled after questions were raised about the sole undercover agent. The agent was subsequently convicted of perjury.

      Perry issued pardons for the 46 people a few months after McEachern’s DWI arrest.

      • 1bimbo

        those prosecutors don’t operate socalled ‘integrity units’ tasked with launching partisan investigations against politicians in the GOP

        • Jedoba

          You’re right. Those prosecutors are responsible for investigating ‘regular’ people. It appears that Perry was only concerned with the one who had HIM under investigation. Do you always make remarks that weaken your position further?

          • 1bimbo

            do you always lie.. perry wasn’t under investigation by the ‘integrity unit’

          • Jedoba

            Idiots never disappoint. Keep this going 1bimbo. You will not win against me. I don’t argue anything until I know the facts. You, on the other hand…

            Perry, a Republican, had his fingerprints and mug shot taken Tuesday by Travis County officials. After being indicted last week on charges that he threatened Lehmberg, a Democrat, he repeated his stance that he did nothing wrong. Perry had said he would veto $7.5 million for the anti-corruption unit in her office unless she stepped down after her DWI conviction.

            At the time, her office was investigating insider dealing in Perry’s signature Texas Cancer Research and Prevention Institute. Perry would have named Lehmberg’s replacement.

            Perry tried to eliminate the PIU while they were investigating the Cancer Research Institute – a state institution that gave more than $40 million in taxpayer funds to Abbott and Perry donors.

          • george the sceptical

            Pretty sure Bimbo’s a paid troll

          • 1bimbo

            my advice is free.. i consider it a public service to call out the lunacy of the dumbdemocrats

          • george the sceptical

            BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

    • Bandara Carlos

      Republican, The party of personal responsibility, my ass.

      “I don’t know what penalty it deserves,” McDonald said.
      “He does deserve to be held accountable. He clearly in our minds and apparently
      the minds of other Republican jurists looks like he broke the law. He
      needs to be held accountable for that.

  • Marty

    I don’t know anybody who likes Nixon anymore, thank God. Of course, both Bush and Obama have expanded the role of the Executive Branch even more than he did. So it’s like Tricky Dick is still alive.