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The Texas Observer Seeks an Editor in Chief


The Texas Observer is seeking a talented editor to lead one of the best small magazines in the country.

The Observer, based in Austin, is a nonprofit known for its fearless investigative reporting and narrative writing about all things Texan. We publish a monthly magazine and daily content on our website. A young, talented staff has taken the 60-year-old Observer to new heights. We’ve been a finalist for a National Magazine Award in the reporting category each of the past two years, and nominated for two Livingston Awards for Young Journalists. Since 2011, our web traffic has tripled.

The editor in chief manages the editorial staff, and works with the publisher to oversee our budget and to promote the magazine. The editor directs the editorial content of the magazine from the cover to the back page, including our award-winning features, and oversees editorial content on the Observer website. The editor controls the editorial direction of the Observer, including our digital strategies. He/she recruits freelancers, and sets salaries/pay rates within an annual budget set by the board of directors. The editor in conjunction with the managing editor helps keep the production schedule.

—Demonstrable strong editorial management and reporting experience
—Proven ability to identify and shape long-form stories
—Proven ability to generate viable story ideas across a broad spectrum of issues
—Commitment to strong investigative reporting
—Ability to cultivate and work with inexperienced as well as experienced writers
—Strong copyediting and proofreading skills
—Ability to work cooperatively under regular deadline pressure
—Flexibility and collegiality essential
—Familiarity with Texas politics, culture, literature, and arts preferred

This is a great opportunity for a journalist who wants to make a difference in a state that’s a target-rich environment for investigative reporting. We’re looking for a first-rate editor with a sharp eye for good stories and potential investigative projects, and a steady manager who can oversee a small collegial team of writers and editors at a magazine on the rise.

To apply, send a cover letter and resume to Publisher Emily Williams at [email protected].