Services Website Design Flyers, brouchures, newsletters and more Photo fix, scanning, slideshow, powerpoint etc

Welcome To DLH Design Services

In the electronic age, more and more people are looking to Websites and Social Media for information or as a way to stay in touch with family and friends. Building a webpage, a FaceBook™ page or setting up a Twitter™ account may seem a daunting task, and this is where DLH Design Services can help.

Whether you are a small businesss, a non-profit, an organization or just want to share with family and friends, we will help to put you on the world stage.

Print Items

• Every organization needs a Logo and the stationary to go along with it. We can help you brand your business or organization.

Newsletters are a great way to keep your contacts up to date on what's happening. Email, snailmail or both, we can do it!

• We will custom design Brochures to showcase your organization or spotlight a new product. Have an event planned? Get the word out with Flyers, Handouts or Posters!


Have a box or album of old photos, or maybe a stack of VHS tapes? We will scan and convert them to DVD! Turn them into a show that can be played on your TV!

Maybe a photo or document is blemished? We can fix it!

Need a Powerpoint™ presentation? We can do that too!


Cross linking your website to social media is one way to boost visibility and engage with your clients, customers and members. The question becomes "Which Social Media"? Should you be on all of them, or a select few?

Ebiz Magazines lists the 15 most popular social media websites for 2014.

Which ones to use depends on your market audience and your goals.

Keep in mind social media is SOCIAL. This means consistent communication with your audience in a meaningful way.

Read: How to Use Social Networking Sites to Help Your Business Grow


Be it "Like" numbers on FaceBook, "Followers" on Twitter or similar statistics on other social media may be deceiving.

Having a high number of likes does give you a quick snapshot of your popularity, and helps your visibility. Clicking the "Like" button is easy, but does that really translate into repeat visits to your page, group or websites?

The importance placed on "LIKES" has given birth to "click farms", and those working for click farms have become known as "click monkeys". For a small fee, you can buy "likes" using a click farm service. Click farms are typically staffed by individuals in Egypt, India, the Phillippines, Pakistan and a host of other countries are spamming pages with fake Likes.

Read: This blogger paid Facebook to promote his page. He got 80,000 bogus Likes instead.