When fracking flares go wrong

by TXsharon on July 15, 2012

in Uncategorized

The Big Oil & Gas Mafia claims that they operate in a responsible manner. If you criticize them, like I do, they say you are just against all drilling even responsible drilling. Im not against responsible drilling but I doubt exists because I’ve never seen responsible drilling anywhere.

This is an example of responsible drilling NOT brought to Gardendale, Texas by Berry Petroleum and exposed by Gardendale Accountability Project.

Note that the flare is right next to some tank batteries. That could have been really bad.

Here is another example of responsible drilling NOT:

You can read more about Gardendale in this article: Mess in Texas: Holding big oil accountable in the long star state. 

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

supersnooper58 July 16, 2012 at 6:12 am

tried to read that article:

“You can read more about Gardendale in this article: Mess in Texas: Holding big oil accountable in the long star state.”

the title to the article is there, as well is the photo of the writer, but the story is not……


TXsharon July 16, 2012 at 10:02 am

It’s hard to load. I have to refresh a couple of times to get the whole article.


Luke Ashley July 16, 2012 at 1:33 pm

Global Ban on Hydraulic Fracturing


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