National Geographic News

Special Report: The Great Shale Gas Rush

Natural Gas Stirs Hope, Fear in Pennsylvania

Natural Gas Stirs Hope, Fear in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania sits atop one of the world’s largest natural gas reservoirs, promising clean energy and new jobs. But can this resource be extracted sustainably?Read Article »

  • Natural Gas Stirs Hope, Fear in Pennsylvania
  • Driving Gas Out of Rock With Water
  • A Drive for New Jobs Through Energy
  • Gas in Water, Spills on Land

Mapping a Gas Boom

Track the growing mark that energy companies have etched on Pennsylvania since first producing natural gas from its shale.

Beneath Parks and Forests

Officials realize they may not be able to protect the “Pennsylvania Wilds” and other state and national public lands from the new gas rush.

First Hand Accounts

  • The Farmer

    The Farmer

    Donald Roessler is happy with the gas operations on his farm in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania.

  • The

    The Homeowners

    Stephanie and Chris Hallowich feel their plans of a home in the country have been destroyed by shale development.

  • The Businessman

    The Businessman

    Paul Battista retooled his business supply store to cater to the new gas industry.

  • The Environmentalist

    The Environmentalist

    Conrad Dan Volz, of University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public Health, favors a drilling moratorium until more science is done.

  • The Job Seeker

    The Job Seeker

    Lee Zavislak trained to be a commercial truck driver-one of the hottest jobs in the market, due to the shale gas drilling.

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Special Report: The Great Shale Gas Rush

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