Lobbyist: Denton fracking ban a threat - Odessa American: Inthepipeline

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Lobbyist: Denton fracking ban a threat

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Posted: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 9:10 am

Such initiative would be unlikely to succeed in Odessa, but Judy Calloway of the Ector County Republican Women said the group wondered about the potential impact here if the Denton ban passes.

A yes-vote on the referendum would almost certainly face legal challenges but mere passage would be negative, argued the lobbyist, Marty Allday, who is executive director of the Consumer Energy Alliance.

“I know you don’t live there,” Allday said. “I know it’s not your community, but I don’t think Texas can afford to tolerate a ban on hydraulic fracturing.”

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DAILY OIL PRICE: Oct. 29, 2014

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