A Nu Start

Who did it better?

tobias funke


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Jens Weidmann is the fucking problem

While the Fed was flooding the world with dollars that EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN stupidly said would create hyperinflation (which it didn’t), the Europeans were actually implementing a plan that was almost exactly like the one the Republicans wanted for the US… Cut spending to the bone, cut benefits to the needy, ‘tighten the belt’ and raise interest rates to stop inflation from killing us all. Here, the Republicans only got about half of what they wanted and as a result, our recovery has been building strength month after month.

Europe, meanwhile, has been a disaster. Now, the Europeans are doing what we did and the only reason I’m pointing this out (it’s really not a political thing) is because now, as they have since the credit crisis and crash of 2008, the obstacle is Ze Germans. Specifically, Jens Weidmann at the German Bundesbank. He’s been all over the place whining. THIS is my favorite part…

Mr Weidmann also said that the ECB’s Governing Council, of which he is a member, was more concerned about a prolonged period of low inflation rather than “broad-based deflation”.

The depth of dumb here is stultifying. Using food as an analogy, inflation is like unsweetened tea… no one really likes it, but you can still drink it. Deflation is like being stabbed in the head with a jackhammer while Jens Weidmann stands there, watching, eating an apple that’s clearly started to turn.

The best thing that could happen to the economy in Europe is for Jens Weidmann to take a vacation for a few decades. He’s the reason unemployment is still so unreasonably high and the economy is so bad in Europe.

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Wendles and the Best Ad In The History Of Ever

THIS is fantastic… I’d love to see it paired with a positive track, but even without it’s still a very good ad that plays into the commonly held notion that Greg Abbott is very much about himself (and you can go fuck yourself).

This is one of the few times during this dreary campaign when I’ve been genuinely impressed with the strategy AND the implementation AT THE SAME TIME. I don’t know if this will be enough so late in the game, but I do know that it’s fantastic to see Wendy finally kick the motherfucker in the balls.

And just so we’re clear, I think this ad is FAR too easy on Abbott.

Now, for those of you who think this is desperate, you’re wrong. You don’t run an ad like this, with this kind of restraint, unless you know it’ll move the voters you need to shift. As for the folks out there, especially liberals, who are all wound up over how mean it all is, quit being a dumbass. Especially this guy who is on his fainting couch even now. This is Texas and Abbott has made a big deal about being in a wheel chair… it’s high time Texans had the chance to put that into context with his career shutting the door on other victims.

Outstanding work, Team Wendy.

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The End Is Near

Well, it is for the oil and gas industry in Texas

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples has been selected to head up the Texas Oil and Gas Association (TXOGA) – the state’s largest and oldest petroleum group, sources say.

During Staples tenure at TDA, we’ve seen a prolonged drought and decreased production COUPLED with increased costs. He’s been terrible for an industry that could have been, by now, meeting more than 30% of the states energy needs. When it came to increasing the availability of water, Staples was no where which further hurt agricultural output.

The man, to put it bluntly, is snakebit and his appointment presages a time of disaster if it’s not reversed.

Don’t say you weren’t warned, oil and gas industry.

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The key to success in Government

As part of a public service that’s not at all court mandated (really, I’m doing this just to be nice), I’d like to offer those of you interested in policy and public service a tip that will be make you eminently successful…

When you receive advice from Peggy Venable at Americans For Prosperity – Texas (yes, it’s totally a thing… and it’s a misnomer because their policies would make 98% of the people in this country POORER), you should do the exact opposite.

Seriously, that’s all… I just saw Peggy on TV looking old, sad and just as clueless as a post op lobotomy patient protesting something inane at Austin City Hall. That clip reminded me that I really haven’t spent enough time addressing the poor advice and track record of Peggy Venable.

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“The most drunk Democrat in Texas”


Evidently, Rick Perry never met his predecessor as Lieutenant Governor.

Or any of us, for that matter.

UPDATE: Perry pussied out and removed the tweet. What a twat.

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Seriously, Wendles?

For starters, Kirby DIDN’T owe a thing to the victim, the distributor did. The emotional appeal isn’t going to work… you’re not hitting the right notes and you failed to humanize the victim. The is the ‘silver bullet’ attack that’s failed to take down Abbott for years, but this time you think it’ll work?

Forget what I said here. This is amatuer hour and it’s August. You have two weeks to get your heads in the motherfucking game and let me clue you in on one important point… anticipating a Greg Abbott fuck up carrying you into office isn’t a strategy for a number of reasons, first among them that I doubt you could capitalize on it.

And Zac, feel free to freeze me out… just promise to take me off the campaign email list I never signed up for as well.

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A quick note to those who would be king…

Turns out, everybody really does want to rule the world. It seems appropriate to warn those in the new aristocracy of how aristocracies typically meet their end.

One other quick note for all the geeks secure in their place in the pecking order, there’s this and finally there’s the rather simple fact that the thin veneer of civilization which you’re so eager to shed protects you. From people far worse than me.

Posted in Just how fucking stupid are people?, Oh, get over yourself!, People are Stupid, Stupid "Progressive" Tricks | Comments Off

Wishing Wendles Well

The Observer has a pretty good piece up about the Davis campaign and some advice regarding how to fix things. I agree with much of it except for the idea that Wendy needs to recapture her hero status. I’d really prefer to just see an absence of pandering and a commitment to common sense proposals that will put Texas back on course. It’s not a big leap, it’s just a tiny step… STAND FOR SOMETHING OTHER THAN NOT BEING GREG ABBOTT. As for the negative, why is the Davis campaign even talking about General Abbott? In this cycle, on that ballot, HE is a non-entity. There’s a far bigger target that Texans should fear and you’re ignoring him just because he’s in a different race?

Come on, folks… I’m going to give you a week to figure it out and if you can’t, call me and I’ll clue you in.

Until that happens, we’re wishing Wendles nothing but the best but we’re going to focus on LVDP. Speaking of, Stace has a fantastic update on her campaign activities where she’s focused on bringing jobs to Texas unlike her opponent who is hellbent on making them go away.

Posted in Stupid Democratic Tricks, Stupid Republican Tricks, Texas | Comments Off


The State of Rhode Island has denied access to information regarding hedge fund investments made by public pensions. This is absolutely inexcusable and a clear indication that the hedge funds that received money performed poorly and pension managers should start losing their jobs.

Now, when the hell do you think even one of the dailies in Texas will get around to asking about public pension investments in hedge funds and other alternative investment vehicles? We all know that public pension money is being funnelled to campaign contributors for ‘investment’ but we don’t really know how those investments are performing. Maybe it’s time to find out?

Oh, OK… I’ll fucking do it.

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