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Viking's Choice: Wildhoney, 'Fall In'

Wildhoney. i i

Wildhoney. Pat McQuade/Courtesy of the artist hide caption

itoggle caption Pat McQuade/Courtesy of the artist


Pat McQuade/Courtesy of the artist

What happened to your brain the first time you heard the way My Bloody Valentine's seismic guitar crunch seemed to bend space? Did you bend with it? The first 10 seconds of Wildhoney's "Fall In" know that moment, wash it in a mess of crashing cymbals, and pull back the gauzy covers for a dreamy pop song that feels like the day between summer and autumn. It's bright and carefree, full of purpose and light, as Lauren Shusterich coos and leads us into the swirling foliage.

Sleep Through It comes out Jan. 20 on Deranged and Forward Records. Wildhoney is currently on tour.



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