Election Season Is In Full Swing

Election season kicked off last week with the Rally for Wendy at the University of North Library Mall. But, that was just the beginning!

Phone Banks are in full operation at the DCDP offices on North Elm Street every Thursday night until the election. And, yes — operators are standing by to take your calls and make a few as well. While we can’t promise you the President will be there, we can tell you that the Coordinated Campaign Phone Banks are open to anyone who wants to see progressive change come November. All we ask is that you call to let us know you want to participate. You can RSVP at our main number, 940-566-1165 or send an email to mail@dentondemocrats.org

Don’t miss a moment of the excitement at our Coordinated Campaign Phone Banks, Thursdays, 6:00 to 8:30 pm, 1421 N Elm Street, Denton, TX.

Sep 7, 2014 No Comments ››