Five surprising health benefits of coffee

Just after my mother was admitted to the hospital for heart beat irregularities, my entire family came to visit.  A family of 3 doctors and 2 lawyers, I was the first to pipe up and ask my mother if I could run out and buy her a most coveted dri

Raise your bike seat! Here's howand why

I heard avid cyclist Craig Miller of The Ticket mention this one day, and I thought (or perhaps said out loud): YES!! WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THAT?!"

Video: Health Headlines

It's a day of celebration in Dallas as 51 people complete their 21-day Ebola monitoring period.

So how did Team Diabadass do in the Capital to Coast relay?

I woke up Friday morning and thought, "Oh, my, the Capital to Coast relay started an hour ago!"

Health alerts: Why eating together as a family matters

Teens who eat dinner with their families two or three times a week may reduce their risk for obesity.

Bang for your bite: These foods are packed with healthful surprises

Can beef and beer count as good for you? Read on.

Perils of drinking sugary soda: weight gain, cavities and -- what? -- early death

Sodas have lots of sugar and lots of calories. Yeah yeah yeah, so what else is new?

What could Dallas learn from Toronto's 2003 SARS response?

The Canadian city's experience with what's now regarded as a public health success story offers some timely lessons.

The Onion's tweet on the Susan G. Komen Foundation

Susan G. Komen Foundation hit by Onion

That's not a fake headline: The satirical website The Onion  has tweaked the Dallas institution in a new article that declares: Susan G.

Did Enterovirus D68 Come From Central America? Probably Not.

On Sunday, my colleague Dr. Seema Yasmin and I wrote about the outbreak of enterovirus D68 in the United States. The virus typically causes a common cold, but in rare cases children have been hospitalized with breathing problems.

They're athletes who happen to have diabetes, running a 233 mile relay because they can

When I met with Jeff Kilarski, Don Muchow and Jim Cadorette atStarbucks a week or so ago to talk abouttheir upcoming relay, I told them I'd been asked to be part of a team years ago. I umsaid no.

When diabetes is your running buddy

Running a 233-mile relay is hard enough. What’s it like when you have diabetes?

What to consider if travel companion has Alzheimer’s or dementia

Planning ahead, finding support can make trips less fraught with worry, headaches.

Dry roasting peanuts may be to blame for allergy nightmare

Research shows an allergic reaction in mice exposed to dry-roasted nut first.

Confirmed: Interrupted sleep makes you cranky

A study proves that if you’re being awakened by your baby, or anything else, it’s affecting you.

Healthy for the holidays: 90 day fat shredder program starts November 8

It's not hard to see that the proverbial holiday season is upon us.

Q&A: What you should know about enterovirus D68

Here are the CDC’s answers to some frequently asked questions about the outbreak.

Once rare, enterovirus D68 sickens nearly 700 across U.S. — most children

Doctors are trying to solve the medical mystery surrounding a virus that may be linked to paralysis in some patients.

Video: enterovirus D68 outbreak sickens hundreds of children

Since mid-August, nearly 700 children nationwide have been sickened by enterovirus D68, also known as EV-D68. The outbreak has now spread across 46 states and has sickened 14 children in Texas.

The 10 healthiest (and least healthy) cereals might surprise you

The folks at just told me (and everyone else on their mailing list) that 90 percent of households have cereal on the shelves and that more than 2 billion boxes are sold each year. I am proud that my five boxes are part of that number.

Pumpkin pitfalls and pluses, just in time for National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

I received an email yesterday from the College of Health and Human Sciences at Baylor University (my alma mater, but I digress) yesterday, and was all atwitter over it. But deadlines trumped writing about pumpkinsuntil now.

Get answers about Ebola: Our expert Dr. Seema Yasmin answers your questions

As details of the Ebola investigation continue to unfold, we will answer your questions about Ebola and events here in Dallas.

Health calendar: Cooking with diabetes, Wellness Expo and more

COOKING WITH DIABETES: Registration ends Friday for Cooking Well with Diabetes. The four-week series will feature recipe demonstrations and a new topic each week. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Mondays, beginning Oct....

Pack more nutrition into meals with fresh herbs

This snack is so tasty, your kids won’t know it’s healthfulFresh herbs are a great way to add nutrition to anyone’s diet.

Dallas cancer doctor takes a holistic approach to treatment

Cancer patients may not be able to control their chemotherapy, but they can eat right, exercise and have fun.

How do light and melatonin affect breast cancer drug?

A study looks at whether exposure to dim light at night boosts tumors’ resistance.

Family squabbles, stress put cancer patients at higher risk following surgery

Patients with quality-of-life issues three times more likely to have serious complications.

Obesity in teens linked to cancer risk later

Researchers are intrigued by connection but say more study is needed.

How to tell your child you have cancer

Honesty, the right words help youngsters through distressing time.

Gov. Rick Perry forms Texas task force to address Ebola and infectious disesases

The formation of the blue-ribbon group followed lapses at Dallas' Presbyterian Hospital that sent a man infected with Ebola home.

Take a mental, emotional and mental health break daily

Slow down for yoga, tai chi, meditation and deep breathing, AHA recommends.

Fitness tip of the month: At last, time to head outdoors

It’ll clear your head, calm your mind, help you face whatever the world tosses your way.

Getting a flu shot? Get a checkup, too

Seeing your doctor is a better bet than a retail store visit, an expert says.

Autumn allergies: What you need to know

Your pollen problems didn’t end with the summer. Here’s advice on how to cope.

Video: Answers to your Ebola questions

We know you have questions about Ebola and the investigation taking place here in Dallas. Check out the video for some answers and keep sending us your questions. You can tweet us @dallasnews and @DoctorYasmin.

Three viruses currently on your medical provider's radar

Many different viruses floating around the metropolis are creating unrest among our population and we (medical providers) are on the alert. Understandably, people have concerns for viral spread.

Video: Inside an isolation room ready for Ebola

Are Dallas hospitals prepared for Ebola? We take you behind the scenes at Baylor University Medical Center's emergency room so that you can decide.

Children's Dallas says 11-year-old Allen boy diagnosed with enterovirus suffering from paralysis

An 11-year-old boy who's being treated for a common respiratory illness at Children's Medical Center Dallas is paralyzed in his right arm.

Fitness Tip of the Day: Love the stars

These mornings have been, in a word, glorious. OK, maybe they were more glorious last week because the temperatures were in the 60s instead of close to 80 when I set out on my runs.

Ebola: 5 simple facts

Dallas has now confirmed a positive test for Ebola on our home turf. In a little bit of a hurry, I put together simplified "CliffNotes" about this deadly virus. Most of the information is from theCenter for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC).

10 things you can do right now to live longer

You can add years to your life today by following a few easy steps.

Health calendar: Alzheimer’s awareness, Apple-a-Day festival and more

LACE UP: Raise Alzheimer’s awareness at the 2014 Greater Dallas Walk to End Alzheimer’s. The event includes a 5k walk, promise garden ceremony and education for Alzheimer’s care, support and research....

Enterovirus 68 probed in paralysis cases in 9 Colorado kids

Health News: New Ebola drug approved

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates as many as 1.4 million West Africans could become infected with the deadly Ebola virus by January.