Factory Farms: Get the Facts & Take Action | Food & Water Watch
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I long ago stopped believing that most corporations and politicians had the good of the public in mind. We need independent groups like Food & Water Watch to raise awareness and advocate for ethical, environmentally positive laws.
Elise Zuidema

Factory Farms

Wondering where the factory farms are? Click the map to check out factoryfarmmap.org.

  Get the Facts

  • Most animals raised for food in the United States are raised on factory farms. 
  • For years, investigations have revealed conditions on some factory farms that result in extreme animal suffering.
  • The total number of livestock on the largest factory farms rose by more than one-fifth between 2002 and 2007.
  • The average size of hog factory farms increased by 42 percent over a decade. Seven states average more than 10,000 hogs per factory farm. 
  • The average size of egg operations has grown by half over the decade. The five states with the largest flocks all average at least 750,000 hens per factory farm. 
  • Although the EPA is tasked with regulating factory farms, it has done little or nothing to control the environmental damage caused by factory farms.
  • For more information read our fact sheet, The Economic Cost of Food Monopolies.

Why You Should Care

Learn More
  •  You can end up with meat loaded with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  •  Many communities have to deal with tainted water and severe air pollution caused by nearby farms. 
  •  Animals on factory farms live in unnatural, inhumane, and unhealthy conditions. 

You, your family, and the planet deserve better than factory farms.