I’ll Be All in Clover

April 18, 2014 - 1:14 pm 13 Comments

bunnybathThis marks my first Easter with a baby and I have already gotten her an Easter basket and filled it with chocolate bunnies and Reese’s peanut butter eggs. Yes, I know she can’t eat chocolate—what kind of mother do you think I am DON’T ANSWER THAT—so I will be eating all the chocolate for her. I will also be dressing up my pug as Judas Iscariot as he would most certainly betray me for even one morsel of chocolate. And then he might feel a little bad but only once he realizes that I’m the one who feeds him.

Today is Good Friday which basically means you can’t eat meat. Unless you’re not Christian in which case you should eat all the meat you can now because as far as I know they don’t serve steak in hell. Although we usually ate meat and starch every night growing up, Fridays during Lent meant mystery fish dinners. The only seafood I liked as a child was, naturally, shrimp cocktail but apparently that was TOO FANCY for Good Friday, a day that Catholics are supposed to go to confession and pray for the poor souls who have spent thousands of years in purgatory and, let’s be honest, have little chance of ever making it to heaven.

There are two doors to every confessional. One provides a screen between you and the priest so your confession is anonymous and the other is the dreaded “face-to-face” where you can personally witness his, and therefore God’s, utter disappointment in the direction your life is going. One time I mistakenly walked into the face-to-face room and immediately walked out, went around to the screen section, and affected a British accent to mask my identity.

They say confession is good for the soul. I prefer spilling your guts to a bunch of strangers after three too many mimosas. Either way you’re putting it out there. Just don’t confess to anyone that you lie to make people feel better. Then they’ll know that you were lying when you asked them if they’d lost weight. Awkward.

I will be marching in the Easter Parade that I organize every year in my neighborhood although I’m the only one who participates. But this year I can take my baby with me in a stroller and walk along in our matching mother-daughter Lilly Pulitzer outfits and matching bunny ears. I have a feeling one of us will be slightly more adorable but don’t tell her because it’ll make her feel bad.

13 Responses to “I’ll Be All in Clover”

  1. Donna Says:

    There was a brief time in the history of Catholicism that they had a general absolution service. Wish they would bring that back. Freddy can always eat meat because he is of Hispanic descent and his people performed some favor for the pope many centuries ago. You know this is too strange for me to be fabricating. I’m sending Lily outfits to Freddy and Enrique so they can march with you in the parade.

    Happy Easter with love from Grammy

    Eileen Reply:

    I always knew you never fully accepted Freddy into our family.

    Donna Reply:

    Actually I’ve fully accepted Freddy. It’s his wife who is problematic.

    Don't Mess w/ Pink Reply:

    ^^I like that woman very much.

  2. Big Sis Says:

    Crap. Forgot the no meat thing. Protestants aren’t that picky.
    At least I can still drink alcohol!

    Eileen Reply:

    You’re PROTESTANT?!

  3. Fled Says:

    At some point a mommy/ dog owner blog sneaked into my feed. I guess that’s what happens when you spend 8 YEARS in the same Internet Neighborhood.

    /still good though.

    Eileen Reply:

    Try 9 years. Nine glorious years. Weren’t you once a guest writer?

    Fled Reply:

    I was daddy blogging before daddy blogging (without actually having a blog) was er… Cool?

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Oh how I would love to see this Easter parade!

  5. Jeannette Says:

    That’s me by the way – Jeannette – who wants to see the parade!

  6. John Johnson Says:

    Burkablog has gone to hell. Any desiretion to go back there and take over as blog master? I’ll start the petition and make sure you get to rename the site.

    eileen Reply:

    Good God. As I live and breathe…