
One Rule

I encourage comments from all sides. I will not edit any comments. They post as you have written them. However, your comments will be deleted for the following reason only: I will not tolerate racism on any level especially the use of the "N" word.


October 2014
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BlueBloggin is Redesigning and Getting Ready for a Comeback

I have watched for two years and I am sick of all the crap in DC, Texas and the media heads. It’s time to get back in the game.

TPA Roundup 10/15/2012

The Texas Progressive Alliance and this week’s roundup are both certified 100% malarkey-free.

Off the Kuff takes a look at how many seats the Democrats are likely to pick up in the Legislature this November.

BossKitty at TruthHugger sees the Meningitis Outbreak as another nail, driven home by Right Wing Corporate Oligarchy war on regulations and existing laws. Voters who don’t put 2 and 2 together, about the consequences of deregulation, allow manufacturing shortcuts to hurt all of us. Deregulation mantras are bought and paid for by corporate greed. My Profit Is Worth More Than Your Safety.

Yes, the government can help people, and until Democrats in Texas remind people of that they’ll keep losing. From WCNews at Eye on Williamson on that subject, Democratic success in Texas is tied to voters seeing government as on their side.

Mitt Romney’s slight increase in polling popularity in the wake of the first debate is most attributable to single women, who apparently allowed his economic appeals to overcome their concerns about that whole War on Women thing. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs thinks that if the President Obama doesn’t make his case for a better economy, he’s stupid.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wonders why so much of the drill baby drill energy is going out of our ports. Who’s getting that energy?

Libby Shaw explains the Romney plan in terms even a child can understand in Starving Big Bird, Children and the Poor. Check it out.

Texas History for the Week of October 14 – 20

October 14
Inventor and early settler born in Norway (1843)
Future general and president born in Denison (1890)
Frustrated ex-ranger killed when he smashes his malfunctioning rifle against rock (1867)
October 15
Hearst hosts New York benefit for Galveston orphans (1900)
Texas native given command of both American air forces in England (1943)
Emmett Scott appointed to reduce racial tension (1917)
First state Sängerfest held in New Braunfels (1853)
October 16
Pan American Round Table founded in San Antonio (1916)
Attempt to kidnap alleged Union spy fails (1861)
On Texas soil, presidents meet for the first time (1909)
October 17
Sam Houston issues passport (1844)
Texans found first black police organization in the country (1935)
President Lamar and cabinet arrive in new capital of Austin (1839)
October 18
Follower of Mexican anarchist causes train crash (1915)
Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant begins production (1942)
Cowboy detective dies in California (1928)
October 19
League of Women Voters of Texas organized in San Antonio (1919)
Earliest known explorer carves name in Devil’s Sinkhole (1889)
Presidents of U.S. and Mexico dedicate International Falcon Reservoir (1953)
October 20
In letter to king of Spain, Coronado is first to describe Llano Estacado (1541)
Community leader foresees her own death (1874)
Aaron Burr acquitted of charge of treason (1807)

TPA Roundup 10/8/2012

The Texas Progressive Alliance has Big Bird’s back as it brings you this week’s roundup.

BossKitty at TruthHugger was in a hurry and only posted one article. Thanks to underfunded oversight and a broken Congress, the state of the Veterans Administration, VA System Failure, Blame Robot Congress is disgusting.

Off the Kuff deconstructed a truly crappy poll that was nonetheless accepted uncritically by the media.

WCNews at Eye on Williamson shows us that one of the problems with our elections is who doesn’t show up to vote, Getting non-voters to the polls.

Green presidential candidate Jill Stein’s Texas swing wrapped up last Sunday in Houston with a visit to the Emile Street Community Farm, a fundraiser at a Montrose-area environmental showcase home, and another appearance on KPFT Pacifica radio. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs has pictures.

Neil at Texas Liberal went to a campaign appearance of Green Presidential nominee Jill Stein.

Texas History for the Week of October 7 – 13

October 07
Indians defeat Spanish force on Red River (1759)
Freedmen’s Bureau agent is assassinated (1868)
Alamo survivor dies (1883)
October 08
Witte Memorial Museum opens (1926)
Filibusters captured at La Bahía (1821)
Liberty Gazette announces Shakespeare reading by Ada Bertha Théodore (1855)
October 09
Houston Direct Navigation Company chartered (1866)
Legendary West Texas historian dies (1995)
Governor imposes martial law on Freestone County (1871)
October 10
First Bloys Camp Meeting held in Big Bend region (1890)
First issue of Telegraph and Texas Register published (1835)
Salt War turns bloody (1877)
October 11
Kiowa chief commits suicide (1878)
Texas Woman’s Fair begins in Houston (1915)
Yellow fever claims gubernatorial candidate (1847)
October 12
First Catholic Mass in Texas celebrated (1680)
UT president lambastes Board of Regents at faculty meeting (1944)
Future publisher joins Galveston News as office boy (1874)
October 13
Voters overwhelmingly approve annexation (1845)
New Orleans Greys assemble in historic meeting (1835)
Alexander Gregg consecrated first Episcopal bishop of Texas (1859)

TPA Roundup 10/1/2012

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The Texas Progressive Alliance reminds you that the deadline to register for the election  is October 9 as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff has a Q&A with Democratic Supreme Court candidate Michelle Petty, who is running against one of the Court’s least ethical members.

BossKitty at TruthHugger wants all Texans to have all the Texas Voting Information they need, this will stay at the top of my blog page until after November 6. It is disgusting that our Cowardly Congress Kicks The Can Again. Overjoyed to see more corporate manipulators exposed Do You Hear Me Now?

Three Wise Men forecasts the 2012 presidential and Senate elections.

With Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein scheduled to be in Houston and San Antonio from October 4-7, PDiddie at Brains and Eggs found it necessary to once again slay the persistent urban legend that Ralph Nader was responsible for Al Gore’s defeat in the 2000 election.

We’re facing another legislative session that’s will be harmful to the majority of Texans unless we act now. That’s why WCNews at Eye on Williamson is pointing this out now Here we go again.

Over at TexasKaos, Libby Shaw explains why The GOP is Obsessed About Voter Fraud. Hint: the best way to get away with something is to accuse your opponents of it.

Neil as Texas Liberal noted that you have the right to take pictures of bridges and infrastructure and anything in plain view so long as you are not trespassing. Neil said that business and government are teaming up to deny the basic freedom to observe and make note of the things that are around us in a so-called open society.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme notes Greg Abbott, likely gubernatorial candidate, goes all Christian Taliban by promoting bible verses in school


Texas History for the Week of October 1 – 6

September 30

Company chartered to develop the Rio Grande valley (1905)
Governor Pease resigns in protest against Reconstruction policies (1869)
Guadalupe Mountains National Park established (1972)

October 01

General Land Office opens (1837)
Quicksilver mine goes bust (1942)
The Texas State Penitentiary at Huntsville houses its first prisoner (1849)

October 02

Texas Revolution begins at Gonzales (1835)
Trials leading to Great Hanging at Gainesville begin (1862)
Lost Battalion shipped to Singapore (1942)

October 03

Joiner becomes “Dad” of East Texas Oilfield (1930)
General joins ranks with artist (1843)
Japanese colony honored (1982)

October 04

Texas hero falls at Battery Robinett (1862)
Smallpox breaks out in Laredo (1898)
Thomas S. Gathright takes charge of new A&M College (1876)

October 05

Hall for freethinkers burns down in Waco (1889)
Dallas Health Museum opens (1946)
Janis Joplin dies (1970)

October 06

Clyde Littlefield, future UT coach, born in Pennsylvania (1892)
Freethinker whipped in Bell County (1877)
Reuben Ross shoots Ben McCulloch in duel (1839)

And of special interest for September/October:

Sep 25, 1894: President Grover Cleveland issues a presidential proclamation pardoning Mormons who had previously engaged in polygamous marriages or habitation arrangements considered unlawful by the U.S. government.

Grover Cleveland pardons bigamists, adulterers, polygamists and unlawful cohabitants

Sep 30, 1918:  President Woodrow Wilson speaks in favor of female suffrage

Sep 30, 1994:  A Born Again ChristianTexas college student kills his ex-girlfriend

Oct 4, 1944: First Official Acknowledgment of PTSD – Ike warns of the risk of “shell shock”  On this day in 1944, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower distributes to his combat units a report by the U.S. Surgeon General that reveals the hazards of prolonged exposure to combat. “[T]he danger of being killed or maimed imposes a strain so great that it causes men to break down.


TPA Roundup 9/24/2012

The Texas Progressive Alliance is enjoying the change of season as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff took a deeper look at that Wilson Perkins poll of Texas.

Three Harris County judicial candidates and two Greens — one for US House of Representatives and one for US Senate — received the coveted Brainy Endorsement last week from PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

BossKitty at TruthHugger knows this just another season for Political Science experiments on the voting public. Let’s see how well they do, Generalizations: Politics is Science and we are all Test Subjects.

Transportation funding, the Voting Rights Act, and voter ID. WCNews at Eye on Williamson post about My afternoon at the Texas Tribune Festival.

Libby Shaw asks What is Mitt hiding? Find out what she thinks it is at TexasKaos.

Neil at Texas Liberal posted about donations he made to both Green Presidential nominee Jill Stein and to President Obama. Neil said that Ms. Stein is best on issues such as our rigged economy, climate change, and the freedom to dissent. He also said that those who think there is no difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are simply wrong.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants you to know that polluters can do untold damage and be liable for only $2M. Thanks to Republicans and their crony capitalism.

Texas History for the Week of September 24 – 29

September 23

James Perry marries into Austin family (1824)
Texas folklorist born (1867)
New Memorial Stadium scoreboard dedicated to Freddie Steinmark (1972)


September 24

G&I train arrives in Port Bolivar–three years late! (1903)
Future legal historian born in Denmark (1854)
Benjamin Grierson marries Alice Kirk (1854)


September 25

Radio broadcasting comes to South Texas (1922)
Goodnight, Loving! (1867)
West Texas’s first professional woman artist dies (1874)


September 26

Future panjandrum of the KKK is born (1881)
Famed cowboy memoirist dies (1935)
Temperamental new governor arrives in San Antonio (1736)
Flamboyant railroad and town promoter dies (1928)


September 27

First TV station in Texas goes on the air (1948)
Mexico arrests pioneer merchant as a spy (1846)
Babe Zaharias dies of cancer (1956)


September 28

Rebel wife and diarist dies (1917)
Presidio commander resumes post after arrest (1769)
Cortina attacks Brownsville (1859)


September 29

Texas exile dies in Brazil (1867)
First Polish church in America consecrated (1856)
Texas native and former slave earns Medal of Honor in Union Army (1864)



TPA Roundup 9/17/2012

The Texas Progressive Alliance  is still on a post-convention bounce as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff analyzed the latest poll of Texas and its implications.

BossKitty at TruthHugger is suspicious about the timing of that horrid film clip using the name of Mohammad as a fuse to global meltdown against all things western. Opportunistic Sadism and the US Election, I really want to know exactly WHO is responsible … I would rather complain about why America’s leaders are so slow to address more imminent hazards to America’s children, Half Truths Don’t Protect Our Children From Dirty GOP Toxic Trash.

Paul Sadler, the Democratic for US Senate in Texas is making the right argument, the question is will enough voters hear it? WCNews at Eye on Williamson makes it clear, Sadler painting Cruz as an extremist in US Senate race.

LibbyShaw reminds us that Women Will Remember in November . Check it out at TexasKaos now.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants you to know polluters like Exxon and Citgo do harm to real people and our environment.

A point about money and politics had to be made by PDiddie at Brains and Eggs, and so he made it.

Neil at Texas Liberal posted that where the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers meet at Cairo, Illinois is the place where he was created. Neil said his point of origin was based on 3 factors. He was looking for creation as a whole. A place where the culture and society he lives in is expressed. And for a place that has been part of his own life. This junction of two great American rivers meets these tests.

Texas History for the Week of September 16 – 22

September 16

Diez y Seis de Septiembre (1810)
Independent Democrats oppose KKK (1922)
Mexico releases remaining Texas captives from Perote Prison (1844)


September 17

Army officer paints watercolor of Kiowa Chief (1845)
Wood County dams completed (1962)
Emma loses out to Crosbyton as county seat (1910)


September 18

Sam Houston and other dignitaries dedicate Monument Hill cemetery (1848)
Town crier of San Antonio dies (1929)
French Expedition fizzles in El Paso (1850)
Two Texas Medal of Honor recipients die in battle (1944)


September 19

Forerunner of Bergstrom Air Force Base is activated near Austin (1942)
La Grange Intelligencer publishes last issue (1846)
Texans fight at Chickamauga (1863)
Jane Long sees her filibustering husband for the last time (1821)


September 20

Baptist university opens in Dallas (1905)
Hurricane Beulah wracks Texas coast (1967)
Texan flies in first airship? (1865)


September 21

Oldest public junior college in Texas opens (1925)
Future missionary ordained (1826)
Worst bus accident in Texas history (1989)


September 22

Texas passes law restricting cotton acreage (1931)
“American Nightingale” debuts in New York (1920)
Nimitz Museum acquires Nimitz Hotel (1964)


TPA Roundup 9/10/2012

The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks it’s high time the NFL began negotiating honorably with its referees as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff says that the state of Texas has clearly demonstrated the ongoing need for Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

BossKitty at TruthHugger sees this election year faced with critical health issues hurting working class people, when Bubonic Plague and Legionnaires Disease and Hanta Virus still occur in America, are we Unprepared, Careless and Incapable In 2012?

The GOP’s plan may have backfired, by intentionally discriminating they may have actually saved the Voting Rights Act. Because, as WCNews at Eye on Williamson, shows us The Voting Rights Act, still working as designed.

Neil at Texas Liberal saw Mitt Romney’s jet plane in Cincinnati last week. Neil offered up his view of what the letters on the tail of the plane were meant to convey.

Lightseeker reminds us that it is easy to throw the low level supervisors to the wolves when scandal strikes, but we should not forget where the fundamental problem lies. Are you listening Rick Perry and Republican legislators? Check out Behind the Drug and Rape Kit Scandals.

Rick Perry wants Texas women to get pap smears at colonoscopy clinics. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme didn’t know Perry was that stupid.

Texas History for the Week of September 10 – 15

September 09
East Dallas incorporated (1882)
Meteorite hits Grayson County (1961)
Terry’s Texas Rangers mustered into Confederate service (1861)
September 10
Spanish colonizer of South Texas dies in Mexico City (1770)
Spanish regulations changes frontier line in Texas (1772)
Washerwoman buys valuable Dallas property (1869)
September 11
Ottine Swamp designated state park (1933)
Spanish-language dramatic company attracts large audiences (1891)
Irredentist forces from Mexico try to take back Texas (1842)
September 12
Early colony holds first election (1844)
Country singer born in country town (1909)
First producing oil well in Texas comes in (1866)
September 13
Philanthropist Alexander Sanger dies (1925)
Fence-cutting war reaches Mabel Day’s ranch (1883)
Abolitionist minister lynched in Fort Worth (1860)
September 14
Mexican-American civil-rights conference meets in Laredo (1911)
Robert Neighbors assassinated at Fort Belknap (1859)
Hospital destroyed in hurricane (1919)
September 15
The University of Texas opened its doors on September 15, 1883.
Mexico frees slaves (1829)
Revolutionary journalist attacks Mexico from Texas (1891)
Promotional stunt in non-existent town kills three people (1896)

BlueBloggin On Sabbatical

BlueBloggin is on Extended Absence

BlueBloggin will devote efforts to posting the weekly Texas Progressive Alliance.  Original posts are suspended indefinitely. 

Due to the volume of spam and the time it takes to remove them, comments are suspended.

BossKitty continues to post original articles on TruthHugger. TruthHugger strives to write useful, informative and well researched articles.

BossKitty is determined to alert readers to the consequences of not paying attention to critical events in politics and nature that effect all of us.

TPA Roundup 9/3/2012

The Texas Progressive Alliance has its eyes on Charlotte as it brings you this week’s roundup.

There were two major court rulings last week, with the state of Texas losing and the voters of Texas winning as both the redistricting maps and the voter ID law were found to be illegal.

BossKitty at TruthHugger is sick of all the emails and robo calls wanting money for this or that political cause. Quit violating my personal space to beg for money when Super Pacs are doing that job for me, You Have My Vote, But Not My Money!

With the Texas GOP’s dual losses on redistricting and voter suppression this week, it’s still key for Democrats to keep the pressure on. Because, as WCNews at Eye on Williamson, points out they still have big and destructive plans for the future, Public education being left for dead in Texas.

The Austin Police Department not only infiltrated Occupy Austin, but one undercover cop designed and supplied the devices used in the Houston port protest that resulted in felony charges against several protestors. PDiddie at Brains and Eggs wants to know if Mayor Annise Parker still supports this kind of police misconduct.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme wants you to know that Quico Canseco is a whiner – your typical Republican crybaby.

Texas History for the Week of September 3 – 8

WIKI: 2011 Texas wildfires  On Sunday, September 4, 2011, a firestorm known as the Bastrop County Complex Fire engulfed Bastrop, Texas and by September 30 had destroyed 1,645 homes, burned 34,068 acres, and killed two people.[5] This fire is now regarded as the most catastrophic wildfire in Texas history.[6]

Texas Governor Rick Perry declared a State of Disaster starting on December 21, 2010 and renewed the proclamation every month. On April 16, 2011 Perry asked that President Barack Obama declare 252 of 254 Texas counties as disaster areas due to wildfires and wildfire danger;[7] the request was partially approved on July 1, 2011.[8] Critics of the governor’s relief efforts point to his budget cuts to the Texas Forest Service which provides a first line of defense against wildfires.[9]

View of Bastrop Complex fire captured by Terra satellite, September 5, 2011

Due to the on going exceptional drought conditions in most of Texas and the high winds brought to the state by Tropical Storm Lee, a series of wildfires flared up over Labor Day weekend and continued into the following week. The largest and most destructive was what is now known as the Bastrop County Complex. At approximately 3:00 p.m. (CDT) on September 4, two fires started north of Bastrop State Park in the communities of Circle D-KC Estates and Taihitan Village.[12][13] The likely cause of the blaze was sparks from electric power lines. 30 mph gusts of wind apparently toppled trees which tumbled into electrical lines at two locations, creating sparks that fell onto and ignited the dry grass and leaf litter below. The fire was exacerbated by the outflow of Tropical Storm Lee in conjunction with exceptional drought.[14] The fire quickly spread, engulfing 400 homes.[13] Multiple areas and locales were evacuated, including the Bastrop Animal Shelter, Bastrop State Park (more than half of which was burned), and other communities affected by the fire.[13][15] By 7:30 PM on September 5, 2011, the fire had burned about 25,000 acres and 500 homes. Winds began to calm the evening of September 5, but the fire still had no containment by the evening of September 6. By September 11, 1,554 homes had been destroyed. By October 1, the fire had reached 98% containment but had burned a total of 34,068 acres and 1,645 homes, making it the most destructive fire in Texas history.[16][17] At 8:00 PM on October 10, the fire was declared 100% contained.[18]

Sep 5, 1836:  Sam Houston elected as president of Texas   On this day in 1836, Sam Houston is elected as president of the Republic of Texas, which earned its independence from Mexico in a successful military rebellion.

The Hurricane of 1900 made landfall on the city of Galveston in the U.S. state of Texas, on September 8, 1900.[1] It had estimated winds of 145 miles per hour (233 km/h) at landfall, making it a Category 4 storm on the Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Scale.[2] It was the deadliest hurricane in US history, and the second costliest hurricane in US history based on the US dollar’s 2005 value (to compare costs with those of Hurricane Katrina and others).

The hurricane caused great loss of life with the estimated death toll between 6,000 and 12,000 individuals;[3] the number most cited in official reports is 8,000, giving the storm the third-highest number of deaths or injuries of any Atlantic hurricane, after the Great Hurricane of 1780 and 1998‘s Hurricane Mitch. The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 is to date the deadliest natural disaster ever to strike the United States. By contrast, the second-deadliest storm to strike the United States, the 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane, caused more than 2,500 deaths, and the deadliest storm of recent times, Hurricane Katrina, claimed the lives of approximately 1,800 people.

September 02
Texan signs peace treaty with Japan (1945)
Surveyor shoots lawyer in Austin colony feud (1830)
“Wolf of the Washita” born in Tennessee (1840)
Republic of Texas makes treaty with North Texas Indians (1838)

September 03

Last surviving signer of Texas Declaration of Independence dies (1895)
San Antonio piano teacher composes polka (1847)
Pioneer Methodist ministers hold camp meeting on Caney Creek (1834)

September 04

Fort Sam hospital renamed in honor of military physician (1942)
Black students attempt to enroll in white school (1950)
Former floating Texas capitol sold (1839)

September 05

Sam Houston elected first president of the Republic of Texas (1836)
Infamous outlaw sentenced to death (1877)
Future port developer weds future state legislator (1905)

September 06

Jaybirds order black leaders out of Fort Bend County (1888)
Constitutional convention meets in Austin (1875)
Texan’s sacrifice in Korea earns Medal of Honor (1952)

September 07

Houston Ship Channel is deepened (1914)
Hill County cotton mill begins production (1901)
Soldiers charged with setting fires and looting in Brenham (1866)

September 08

Port Arthur and Orange County connected by bridge (1938)
Frank Baldwin captures mysterious “white Indian” Tehan (1874)
Hurricane devastates Galveston (1900)



TPA Roundup 8/27/2012

The Texas Progressive Alliance is ready for the new school year as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff published interviews with Congressman Gene Green and Congressional candidate Jim Dougherty.

BossKitty at TruthHugger was interrupted while researching the abomination of H.R. 1096: Sanctity of Life Act of 2011, Questions and Permutations, to comment on the recent shootings in New York Do You Feel Better It Wasn’t Terrorism? Then the sad news that Neil Armstrong escaped the bounds of earth for the last time, He Stopped The World On July 20, 1969

The GOP’s answer for everything is trickle-down. WCNews at Eye on Williamson on the latest on transportation Forgotten Mission: Texas’ trickle-down transportation policy.

The legal action by the Harris County Democratic Party to remove DA nominee Lloyd Oliver from the November ballot places the rest of the party’s candidates in an unfortunate and unnecessary quandary, posits PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

Neil at Texas Liberal discussed litter in Houston bayous. This post also featured the famous crying Indian anti-litter PSA from the 70?s.

CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme knows that the Romney/Ryan racist welfare ads and jokes are par for the course for the republicans who built that d*mn fence as a monument to racism and fear.

Texas History for the Week of August 27

August 26, 1842 – In a treaty, Caddo Indians agreed to persuade other tribes to join in councils with Texas commissioners. Their efforts led to a peace treaty among nine tribes in 1843.

Provincias Internas divided into three sectors (1786)

State Police in gun battle (1870)

Alamo survivor Joe escapes from slavery (1837)

Town opens with a barbecue (1892)

August 27

August 27, 1837 – The first Texas Navy came to an end when the ships Brutus and Invincible were forced aground near Galveston by two Mexican ships.

Chihuahua Expedition ends after blazing trade route (1840)

Redeemed captive begins trip home (1866)

Stevie Ray Vaughan dies in crash (1990)

August 28

August 28, 1902 – The Texas Farmers Union was officially incorporated. The Union was created to stabilize the cotton market and bring about reforms in such areas as rural education.

Hugo Oconór becomes ad interim governor of Texas (1767)

María Calvillo petitions Mexican government for ranch title (1828)

Newt Gresham founds Farmers Union (1902)

Texas sub commander receives Medal of Honor (1945)

August 29

August 29, 1827 – Old Station, a settlement six miles up the Lavaca River in Jackson Co., was closed in violation of Mexican laws that prohibited settlements within 10 leagues of the coast.

Houston Academy chartered (1856)

Founder of agricultural community dies (1965)

August 30

August 30, 1855 – A treaty settled Penateka Indians on a reservation in Throckmorton County. The reservation closed in 1859, and the Penatekas moved to Indian Territory in Oklahoma.

Mob masses at Mansfield (1956)

Texans capture guns at Second Manassas (1862)

El Paso Electric forerunner takes over as supplier for the Southwest (1901)

August 31

August 31, 1968 – Dr. Michael E. DeBakey and his team performed the first multi-organ transplant in Houston, using several organs from one donor for four patients.

Asa Borger murdered (1934)

Camp Bowie closed (1946)

Historic Baptist church founded (1839)

“Gentleman Jim” Ferguson, future Texas governor, born in Salado (1871)