An inspector from the Elizabeth, New Jersey, Office of Law Enforcement checks a shipment of dried frogs. Credit: Bill Butcher / USFWS
An inspector from the Elizabeth, New Jersey, Office of Law Enforcement checks a shipment of dried frogs. Credit: Bill Butcher / USFWS

Fighting the Odds to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade

October 21, 2014
Darryl Fears of The Washington Post details the struggles of the Service's wildlife Inspectors and special agents as they work to stop illegal wildlife trade. His story points out that the number of Service employees on the ground intercepting illegal trafficking is almost unchanged from 30 years ago, but the job is much harder.
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Regional Director Tom Melius and White Earth Nation Tribal Chairwoman Erma Vizenor, along with tribal and refuge architects. Credit: USFWS

Regional Director Tom Melius and White Earth Nation Tribal Chairwoman Erma Vizenor, along with tribal and refuge architects. Credit: USFWS

Service, Tribe Collaborate on Law Enforcement

October 21, 2014
Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge and the White Earth Nation have signed an agreement to work together on conservation law enforcement activities occurring on Tamarac Refuge. The agreement is a unique collaboration between a Native American tribe and Service law enforcement.
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Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge »
Wilderness offers soul-stirring adventures. A hiker celebrates a breathtaking wilderness view atop Chupadera Peak at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico. Credit: USFWS

Wilderness offers soul-stirring adventures. A hiker celebrates a breathtaking wilderness view atop Chupadera Peak at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico. Credit: USFWS

New Vision Will Ensure Future Generations Can Enjoy Wilderness

October 20, 2014
The Service and its federal partner agencies that make up the National Wilderness Preservation System have a new vision that will guide interagency collaboration to ensure the continued preservation of nearly 110 million acres of the most primitive of public lands. The 758 wilderness areas in 44 states and Puerto Rico protect large expanses of habitat that are home to hundreds of native species. The vision will help federal land management agencies protect and expand the benefits of our wilderness areas for people and wildlife at a landscape scale.
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Offices and Refuges by State

Click on a State below or select from the State list
Map of the United States with links to Office information for each state. Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Hawaii Alaska Rhode Island Maryland Delaware New Jersey Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire New York Connecticut Pennsylvania Delaware New Jersey Massachusetts New Hampshire Vermont Maryland Maine West Virginia Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Ohio Georgia Alabama Tennessee Kentucky Florida Michigan Michigan Indiana Mississippi Illinois Wisconsin Louisiana Arkansas Missouri Iowa Minnesota Texas Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota New Mexico Colorado Wyoming Montana Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington state Oregon California

Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands
Pacific/Remote Islands and American Samoa
Puerto Rico, Caribbean, and U. S. Virgin Islands
Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters offices