The Daily Frack - Oct. 29

The Daily Frack – Oct. 29

  Legal petition seeks NY ban on outdated rail cars A coalition of environmental groups and Albany residents filed a legal petition last week seeking a ban on older model rail tanker cars carrying volatile crude oil from North Dakota to the Port of Albany , citing their history o… ...
Richard Averett 3 hours ago
Frack Pizza Time !

Frack Pizza Time !

Everybody run ! Call Homeland Security. Fracked well causes evacuation of entire Pennsylvania town. Everybody gets a pizza ! "A mandatory evacuation has been ordered for a two mile radius after a gas well head was sheared off by crews working at a site near Cross Creek Twp. 187 and County Road 26… ...
Chip Northrup 7 hours ago
The Daily Frack - Oct. 28

The Daily Frack – Oct. 28

Hurley Town Board OKs ban on use of fracking fluids on town roads The Town Board has approved a resolution prohibiting fluids from the natural gas drilling method known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, from being used on town roads as a de-icing or dust control agent. The boar… ...
Richard Averett 21 hours ago
When Frackers Frack Other Frackers

When Frackers Frack Other Frackers

Frackers hit a water well - on the other side of the Ohio River. And thar she blows. Mayhem ensues. "But fracking has never contaminated water" Except on a daily fracking basis . . . ‘Near-catastrophic’ Frack Blowout by Ken Ward Jr., Staff writer As the Tomblin administration considers a… ...
Chip Northrup 24 hours ago
Celebrity Frack Ho vs Vera Scroggins

Celebrity Frack Ho vs Vera Scroggins

The Fracksylvania Fracking Gastapo (ie. the judiciary and State Police) are in cahoots with the frackers to persecute fractavist videographer Vera Scroggins. Here is a copy of Cabot's complaint against her - for being "caught" with a camera on a county road patrolled by the State Gastapo. Cabot vs V… ...
Chip Northrup 1 day ago

The Daily Frack – Oct. 29

October 29, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 29

  Legal petition seeks NY ban on outdated rail cars A coalition of environmental groups and Albany residents filed a legal petition last week seeking a ban on older model rail tanker cars carrying volatile crude oil from North Dakota to the Port of Albany , citing their history of rupturing and exploding in a series of catastrophic derailments. The petition, filed by a group represented by Earthjustice, asks Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Joe Martens to issue an order prohibiting receipt and storage of crude in DOT-111 tank cars at the port, which has become a hub for rail shipments of North Dakota ‘s Bakken crude bound for coastal refineries. DEC spokesman Peter Constantakes said the federal government has sole authority over interstate commerce, “which absolutely prohibits the DEC […]

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Frack Pizza Time !

October 29, 2014
Frack Pizza Time !

Everybody run ! Call Homeland Security. Fracked well causes evacuation of entire Pennsylvania town. Everybody gets a pizza ! “A mandatory evacuation has been ordered for a two mile radius after a gas well head was sheared off by crews working at a site near Cross Creek Twp. 187 and County Road 26. The order has been issued by the Jefferson County Office of Homeland Security and EMA.  Pizza Hut and Dominos have been alerted.  Evacuations are in place for the following areas: Twp. Road 177 – Cross Creek Twp. Road 177A – Cross Creek Browns Hill Road – Cross Creek. State Route 151 7900 to Scott Featner Road in Cross Creek Twp. Co. Rd. 18, 151 to 700 Range Plum Run – Aldo Rd. – Co. Rd. 19 to 410 […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 28

October 28, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 28

Hurley Town Board OKs ban on use of fracking fluids on town roads The Town Board has approved a resolution prohibiting fluids from the natural gas drilling method known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, from being used on town roads as a de-icing or dust control agent. The board voted 3-1 in favor of the resolution at a meeting Monday, with Councilman John Dittus opposed and Councilman John Gill absent. “We’re getting close to the chance for snow and ice,” town Supervisor Gary Bellows said. “This will insure that we will not have fracking fluids on the Hurley highways this year.” The resolution contends there is a risk that hydraulic fracturing fluids could contaminate groundwater. “The activity of hydrofracturing of natural gas is known to utilize millions of gallons of fresh, […]

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When Frackers Frack Other Frackers

October 28, 2014
When Frackers Frack Other Frackers

Frackers hit a water well – on the other side of the Ohio River. And thar she blows. Mayhem ensues. “But fracking has never contaminated water” Except on a daily fracking basis . . . ‘Near-catastrophic’ Frack Blowout by Ken Ward Jr., Staff writer As the Tomblin administration considers a plan to allow natural gas drilling under the Ohio River, a major chemical maker in Marshall County has been fighting a proposal for hydraulic fracturing near its plant, citing a “near-catastrophic” gas-well incident last year that might be linked to geologic conditions beneath the river. Atlanta-based Axiall Corp. has been waging a legal battle to stop Gastar Exploration from fracking natural gas wells that Gastar had drilled on Axiall property under leases Gastar obtained from PPG Industries, the former owner […]

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Celebrity Frack Ho vs Vera Scroggins

October 28, 2014
Celebrity Frack Ho vs Vera Scroggins

The Fracksylvania Fracking Gastapo (ie. the judiciary and State Police) are in cahoots with the frackers to persecute fractavist videographer Vera Scroggins. Here is a copy of Cabot’s complaint against her – for being “caught” with a camera on a county road patrolled by the State Gastapo. Cabot vs Vera Scroggins The complaint was drafted by the firm of Dewey, Frackham & Howe, and signed by Cabot’s public spokesperson on the case, the tastefully peroxided Amy “Evita” Barette, shown below giving interviews at a press conference outside the courthouse, accompanied by celebrity gashole Tom Shepstone. The stylishly understated Ms. Barette (rhymes with ‘barrette‘) will put in a guest appearance at Vera’s trial tomorrow. Will she be wearing Marcellus gray or Bakken brown as she publicly berates a 63 year old grandmother for standing on public property […]

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Fracking Hot Air Balloon

October 28, 2014
Fracking Hot Air Balloon

New report dissects how the industry games the projections of shale gas and oil reserves – in favor of the industry. Imagine that. Drilling Deeper: A Reality Check on U.S. Government Forecasts for a Lasting Tight Oil & Shale Gas Boom Flawed Energy Department forecast misleads country, Congress on U.S. oil and natural gas   October 27 – A new report from the analyst who predicted the vast downgrade of available oil resources in California’s Monterey Shale* calls into question optimistic government forecasts and industry claims about U.S. energy independence and the viability of oil and natural gas exports. Using an exhaustive well-by-well survey of major tight oil and shale gas fields, the report shows that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has produced exaggerated forecasts that are misleading policymakers and […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 27

October 27, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 27

Companies lobby Cuomo administration for pipeline approvals Two companies that want to bring more natural gas into New York have been lobbying the Cuomo administration and state regulators for approval of new pipeline projects. The lobbying efforts come as the state has delayed a decision on fracking. Kinder Morgan and the Williams Companies spent almost $150,000 during the first six months of the year lobbying state and local officials and met with Cuomo administration officials in Albany and New York City. Approval of the pipelines is largely the purview of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Kinder Morgan spokeswoman Sara Loeffelholz said the company meets with state officials because it is necessary to obtain environmental and other permits from state agencies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Gov. Christie earned the Pinelands pipeline defeat: Editorial  […]

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We Are Seneca Lake

October 27, 2014
We Are Seneca Lake

Last week began a planned series of blockades against Texas-based Crestwood’s gas storage facility under Seneca Lake, which many residents, local governments, and business owners feel is incompatible with the rural nature of this community, known for farming, tourism, and wine. I was there on the first day. This is a video record.  A very powerful 9 minute video.   More info:  

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The Vera’s Day in Court Against the Fracking Gastapo

October 27, 2014
The Vera's Day in Court Against the Fracking Gastapo

Fractavist martyr Vera Scroggins goes to court to do battle with frackateer Cabot Energy and the Pennsylvania State Gastapo  Vera goes back to Court, Wednesday, Oct 29th This is not her first court session, here are some photos of her last including frak flak Tom Shepstone and Cabot’s very own Peroxide Frack Ho. Cabot Oil and Gas’ incredible arrogance will come to a head this Wednesday as they continue to harass 63 year old grandmother, Vera Scroggins. Vera has been leading tours of fracking sites, and filming the industry’s mistakes for over 6 years. They slapped her with an injunction, limiting her from traveling in over half of her home county, including public roads . . . She needs support as she comes face to face with the industry. I invite folks to join me […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 26

October 26, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 26

12 People Blockade Entrance to Compressor Station Protesting Methane Gas Storage Project A dozen people put their bodies on the line today in a last-resort protest to stop a major gas storage expansion project that has been authorized to begin construction tomorrow on the shore of Seneca Lake , the largest of New York ’s Finger Lakes . The protesters formed a human blockade in front of the Texas-based Crestwood Midstream company gate, shutting down the Finger Lakes facility from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday. A larger rally and the continuation of the human blockade and protest will take place Friday, Oct. 24, starting at 10 a.m. at the gates of the Crestwood compressor station site on Seneca Lake . The “WE ARE SENECA LAKE” actions are taking place to protest the methane gas storage expansion project that will store highly […]

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Shale Oil Bust ?

October 26, 2014
Shale Oil Bust ?

The problem with shale oil is that it’s expensive to produce – and if global oil prices continue to drop – it becomes uneconomic to produce.  Shale Boom’s Allure to Wall Street Tested by Bear Market By Isaac Arnsdorf Falling oil prices are testing investors’ commitment to the Wall Street-funded shale boom. Energy stocks led the plunge earlier this month in U.S. equities and the cost of borrowing rose. The Energy Select Sector Index is down 14 percent since the end of August, compared with 3.8 percent for the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. The yield for 190 bonds issued by U.S. shale companies increased by an average of 1.16 percentage points. Investors’ sentiment toward the oil and gas industry has “certainly changed in the last 30 days,” said Ron […]

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“Let Them Eat Gravel” – Fracking Roads at the Public’s Expense

October 26, 2014
"Let Them Eat Gravel" - Fracking Roads at the Public's Expense

Like most states, Texas has a state severance tax on oil and gas revenues, ostensibly to offset the costs and oil and gas industrialization has to public infrastructure – namely roads. Unfortunately, the frackers can game the severance tax (surprise) and not pay the full fair. Regardless, the state – ie. the taxpayers, the public – end up footing the bill for road repairs. The solution ? Rather than pay to maintain paved roads in heavily fracked areas, the state simply allows them to deteriorate to gravel.  Clever eh ? Surely an Aggie was involved in that clever decision . . . Last year, TxDOT announced that it needed $10 Billion for last year and this year to repair damage to roads caused by overloaded trucks used by the oil […]

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Pennsylvania DEP = “Department of Environmental Predation”

October 25, 2014
Pennsylvania DEP = "Department of Environmental Predation"

Why does the DEP act like yet another arm of the State Gastapo ? Because their primary regulatory role is to promote fracking – not protect the environment from fracking. Pennsylvania and New York are two of the few states that combine their minerals resource departments with their environmental departments. (Most states keep their environmental agency separate from mineral resources. Some  have as many as 6 agencies with fracking oversight) To compound the problem, the DEP in Pennsylvania and the DEC in New York task their environmental agencies with promoting oil and gas development. To the detriment of their role as environmental watchdog – as it pertains to fracking.  They are truly the fracking fox guarding the environmental hen house. We have seen examples of how compromised these agencies are. The Division of […]

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Fracking Nancy Brinker

October 24, 2014
Fracking Nancy Brinker

This Sunday at the Steelers Game  Stand up against the Pinkwashing of Fracking at a rally outside the Steelers game this Sunday! “I’m from Pittsburgh so I grew up loving Western Pennsylvania’s rivers and woods and of course the Pittsburgh Steelers. Finding out the Steelers were participating in the pinkwashing of fracking, a process that threatens the health of Western Pennsylvania’s citizens and environment, felt like a kick in the gut. Or worse, being tackled by a Steelers linebacker. The Susan G. Komen foundation has partnered with one of the world’s leading fracking companies to distribute 1,000 pink drill bits and on Sunday, October 26, Baker Hughes’ CEO will present a $100,000 check to Nancy Brinker, Komen’s founder and figurehead at the Pittsburgh Steelers football game. It sounds insane, right? An […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 24

October 24, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 24

New Poll: New Yorkers Overwhelmingly Support Fracking Moratorium — And Clean Energy Last month, NRDC engaged a nationally recognized opinion research firm to conduct polling in New York State to evaluate public attitudes about fracking and clean energy. Importantly, this is the first statewide poll in at least two years — and perhaps ever — to directly ask residents their views of the now six-year-old de facto moratorium on fracking. The results were overwhelming: Nearly 8 in 10 New Yorkers support the moratorium, and support crosses geographical, ideological and racial divides.  At the same time, respondents showed tremendous support for renewable energy.  The upshot is clear: New Yorkers want clean energy, not fracking. Here are some of the key takeaways from the poll: New Yorkers from All Walks of Life Strongly Support […]

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Most People in NY, MA., VT. and NH Won’t Get Fracked. They’ll get gassed. And dumped on.

October 24, 2014
Most People in NY, MA., VT. and NH Won't Get Fracked. They'll get gassed. And dumped on.

Sane Energy Project has long focused on infrastructure, and truth be told, it used to get a little lonely banging the drum about pipelines and compressor stations. But we’ve reached a turning point for the anti-fracking movement in New York State: it’s way beyond just talking about a ban now. Because really, we are already being fracked, in every way BUT the drilling. Due to the efforts of our members and allies, and with the help of our YOU ARE HERE map, people all over the region are now up in arms about shale gas infrastructure of every stripe. New coalitions are coming together, blockades are planned, forums are being held, hearings and rallies are packed! Here’s a roundup of recent and upcoming actions: Northeast Regional Pipeline Coalition Forms The […]

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We Are Seneca Lake !

October 24, 2014
We Are Seneca Lake !

Wherein fractavists defend the lake and its environs against shale gas industrialization. Pictures here – Hundreds of people are out this morning rallying and blockading against Crestwood’s massive gas storage facility project in the heart of the Finger Lakes. Please help amplify this on social media. Please include in social media posts. Facebook image to share: Tweet: Rally against Seneca Lake gas storage!  @BarackObama @NYGovCuomo @SenSchumer @SenGillibrand   Dear friends, Today, with a dozen other people, I blockaded a driveway for seven hours, in an action intended to serve as a prelude to a much bigger action tomorrow.. Behind us,  a crew of workers string barb wire atop a fence that separated me from the FERC-approved construction site that will prep fracked gas for storage in Seneca lake […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 23

October 23, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 23

  Protestors urge gubernatorial candidates to find alternatives to fracking Before the gubernatorial candidates started volleying debate points, citizens were volleying protest slogans.  Outside of the WBFO-WNED studios, shouts for second amendment rights – mostly aimed at Governor Cuomo – were just as loud as chants against fracking for natural gas. One of the voices behind those chants was that of John Washington. He’s a community organizer for People United for Sustainable Housing, better known as PUSH Buffalo .  It’s a group that builds houses heated with geothermal energy.  Washington says there’s no need to frack for natural gas when geothermal heat is far more effective and less detrimental to the environment.  He sees it as a new way forward… “You’re really going to be able to set a trend […]

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Fracksylvania DEP Cooks Books on Fracking Air Pollution Reports

October 23, 2014
Fracksylvania DEP Cooks Books on Fracking Air Pollution Reports

Pennsylvania Frack Air Emissions Reports Gamed by DEP October 20, 2014 12:00 AM By Don Hopey / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Three widely cited state studies of air emissions at Marcellus Shale gas development sites in Pennsylvania omit measurements of key air toxics and calculate the health risks of just two of more than two dozen pollutants. State regulators and the shale gas drilling industry over the past four years have repeatedly used the regional studies to support their positions that air emissions from drilling, fracking wastewater impoundments and compressor stations don’t pose a public health risk. The revelations about the shortcomings of the state Department of Environmental Protection’s short-term air sampling reports are contained in sworn depositions by two DEP air program employees who worked on them. Those documents were filed […]

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Calvin Tillman to Debate Phlegm McClear in Big D

October 23, 2014
Calvin Tillman to Debate Phlegm McClear in Big D

Phelim McAleer-Calvin Tillman Debate Monday, October 27 at 7:00pm Brookhaven College in Farmers Branch, Texas Join Maybe Decline Fracknation’s Phelim McAleer will debate Mayor Calvin Tillman on hydraulic fracturing   My pal Calvin Tillman is going to debate Phlegm McClear, the fracking freak in Dallas. On Monday. At Brookhaven College. Check it out ! Phlegm is the fracking hoaxster that started the conspiracy theory that the Russians are behind the grass roots anti-fracking movement. Should be fun. Here’s the backstory on Phlegm’s fracking mockumentary. “It gives me great joy to inform you that FracDallas is presenting a debate between former DISH, Texas Mayor Calvin Tillman and mockumentary filmmaker Phelim McAleer (Fracknation)on Monday, October 27, from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at Brookhaven College Geotechnology Institute, located at 3939 Valley View Lane, Farmers Branch, Texas 75244. […]

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Frackers Use Fed Loopholes to Inject Carcinogens into Drinking Water

October 23, 2014
Frackers Use Fed  Loopholes to Inject Carcinogens into Drinking Water

One loophole at a time. In pink ink.  Of course. Frackers Exploit Loophole to Use Carcinogens in Frack Fluids By Laura ArenschieldThe Columbus Dispatch  •  Thursday October 23, 2014 4:50 AM Federal laws meant to protect drinking water require fracking companies to get a permit before using diesel fuel in the drilling process. That permit is important: Diesel contains chemicals that can cause cancer and damage nerve tissues. The permits regulate the length and depth of concrete and steel well casings that keep those chemicals from reaching groundwater. But a loophole in the law allows oil and gas companies to separately inject the same toxic chemicals without a permit, according to a report released by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Environmental Integrity Project. Four chemicals in diesel — benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene […]

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Frackwaste Water Chemical Signature Identified by Scientists

October 23, 2014
Frackwaste Water Chemical Signature Identified by Scientists

As if there was ever any doubt where all that frackwaste water is going, (the local river, your street) a team of scientists have developed an chemical signature for frack waste water – so that it can be positively identified in the field. You don’t have to look for the pink trucks. Scientists Determine if Water Contamination Comes from Fracking   A new forensic tool can distinguish fracking wastewater pollution from other contamination. Published: October 22, 2014 | Authors: Emily Atkin | Climate Progress | News Investigation A team of U.S. and French scientists say they have developed a new tool that can specifically tell when environmental contamination comes from waste produced by hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking. In peer-reviewed research published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology […]

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Shale Shyster Tom West Retires !

October 22, 2014
Shale Shyster Tom West Retires !

After having gone 0 – 5 on trying to overturn Home Rule in New York, Chesapeake’s man in New York, Tom West, told No Fracking Way in an exclusive interview that he was closing his law practice and was going to devote his full time to lobbying. “After having beaten my head against the wall on this Home Rule thing for the last five years, the missus and I have prayed over it and I’ve decided to go back to what I do best: hand out fat envelopes in Albany.” A turn of events that was not only predictable, but predicted, right here.  NY Court Rejects Bid to Revive Fracking Ban Case Updated: Thursday, October 16 2014, 03:48 PM EDT ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York’s highest court has rejected an attempt by […]

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Frack Leaks Negate Gas Benefits In Global Warming

October 22, 2014
Frack Leaks Negate Gas Benefits In Global Warming

Methane Leaks Wipe Out Any Climate Benefit Of Fracking BY JOE ROMM POSTED ON OCTOBER 22, 2014 AT 3:31 PM 1,627Share This 212Tweet This “Methane Leaks Wipe Out Any Climate Benefit Of Fracking, Satellite Observations Confirm” Share: Fracking Planetary Suicide  Satellite observations of huge oil and gas basins in East Texas and North Dakota confirm staggering 9 and 10 percent leakage rates of heat-trapping methane. “In conclusion,” researcherswrite, “at the current methane loss rates, a net climate benefit on all time frames owing to tapping unconventional resources in the analyzed tight formations is unlikely.” In short, fracking speeds up human-caused climate change, thanks to methane leaks alone. Remember, natural gas is mostly methane, (CH4), a super-potent greenhouse gas, which traps 86 times as much heat as CO2 over a 20-year […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 22

October 22, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 22

Multiple Agencies Train for Oil Spill on Hudson ALBANY , N.Y. — In recent months, concern over a potential spill in the Port of Albany has been raised by people living at the Ezra Prentice Apartments and officials at the city and county level. Tuesday’s training exercise aimed to prepare for the worst. If there were a massive spill it would trigger a response from many agencies including The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Canadian Pacific railroad and the Albany Fire Department. “This isn’t going away, unfortunately as production increases, you’re gonna see a lot more of this going on,” said Dan McCoy, Albany County Executive. Despite Ladder No. 1 potentially being on the chopping block in Albany,leaders said it’s all about preparation. That’s why firefighters still continue […]

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Cuomo Promises to Cough Up Frack Studies

October 21, 2014
Cuomo Promises to Cough Up Frack Studies

Just in time for the election. How convenient.  Cuomo to Provide Fracking Documents by Nov. 3 Posted: Monday, October 20, 2014 10:09 am By DAVID L. SHAW | 0 comments GENEVA — The latest promise from the state Department of Health is to provide all requested documents on a hydrofracking health impact assessment to the Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association by Nov. 3. That’s the latest development in a two-year battle between SLPWA and the DOH over a Freedom of Information Law request for documentation on the controversial issue. “For the past five years, SLPWA has been concerned about the impact of high volume hydraulic fracturing technology for natural gas drilling on the health and environment of Seneca Lake and its residents,’’ said Mary Anne Kowalski of Romulus, SLPWA president. […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 21

October 21, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 21

State promises to provide fracking documents by Nov. 3 GENEVA — The latest promise from the state Department of Health is to provide all requested documents on a hydrofracking health impact assessment to the Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association by Nov. 3. That’s the latest development in a two-year battle between SLPWA and the DOH over a Freedom of Information Law request for documentation on the controversial issue. “For the past five years, SLPWA has been concerned about the impact of high volume hydraulic fracturing technology for natural gas drilling on the health and environment of Seneca Lake and its residents,’’ said Mary Anne Kowalski of Romulus, SLPWA president. “Our concerns have been expressed in public letters to our elected representatives at the state and national levels. They are available […]

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The Fracker’s Explosion Problem

October 21, 2014
The Fracker's Explosion Problem

The frackers kill more Americans in an average week than the US nuclear power industry has in its history. More in a month than the coal industry does in a year. More in a year than the solar, wind, and hydropower have in their combined histories. Mike Soraghan, E&E reporterEnergyWire: Monday, October 20, 2014 Temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit froze the valve on the back of Greg Bish’s frack truck. To thaw it, he fetched a blowtorch and put the 4-inch flame to the metal. The explosion blew him 75 feet, over a 7-foot-tall barbed-wire fence, and killed him. It might seem dangerous to apply a propane torch to the back of a large metal tank holding natural gas production waste, as Bish did that morning in 2010 just outside […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 20

October 20, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 20

  Activists Rally At Global Frackdown in Buffalo BUFFALO , N.Y. — There may be a ban on hydrofracking on county-owned property in Erie County and a de facto moratorium across the state, but many folks want a more permanent answer to prevent the natural gas extraction process from ever occurring in New York . “People really do care about their clean air, the clean water. This is something that affects our day to day. It’s something that’s deeply felt throughout the community,” said Rita Yelda of Food & Water Watch.  Yelda and others gathered at Bidwell Parkway for the Global Frackdown, an event aimed to challenge decision makers when it comes to fracking and its potential effects on a community. The state Assembly voted on a three-year moratorium in […]

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Oldest Horizontally Fracked Gas Wells in World are Biggest Leakers

October 19, 2014
Oldest Horizontally Fracked Gas Wells in World are Biggest Leakers

The frackers are spinning the news about the methane hot spot in the coal bed methane fields saying that it “predates’ the shale fracking boom. It certainly predates fracking shale gas, but does not predate fracking. It fact, it is the birthplace of horizontal fracking for gas. Therefore it is the most likely place to be leaking methane. And it is. Leaking. Big time. Thanks frackers. “Methane hotspot seen from space predates shale gas fracking boom. NASA and University of Michigan scientists analyzed satellite data from 2003 to 2009, and a map of their results shows a bright red spot at the Four Corners, which is most likely related to coal bed methane extraction there, as it predates the boom in shale gas fracking. Living On Earth. 19 October 2014.” […]

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America’s Biggest Fracketeer Fracks More Landowners

October 18, 2014
America's Biggest Fracketeer Fracks More Landowners

With scammy leases that obligates them to take frack flowback onto their property, puts a lien on their property and has an unlimited number of extensions without drilling. Courtesy of Aubrey McClendon, America’s Number One Gashole. Who else ? Getting landowners to take frack waste (which is in the fine print) is considered a double play by landmen – who joke about it and high five each other for getting clueless landowners to sign. Who originated the idea of getting lease owners to take frack flowback in the fine print ? Southwest Energy- who just bought all of Chesapeake’s Pennsylvania leases. Oh, and Exxon, who have the only viable horizontal well permits in the queue in New York. And of course, Chesapeake. Aubrey’s old company. The one he ran into the ground. […]

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Court Files: Coal CEO Robert Murray Unearths Lease from Aubrey McClendon’s New Fracking Company

October 18, 2014
Court Files: Coal CEO Robert Murray Unearths Lease from Aubrey McClendon's New Fracking Company DeSmogBlog has obtained a copy of a sample hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”)lease distributed to Ohio landowners byembattled former CEO and founder ofChesapeake Energy, Aubrey McClendon, now CEO of American Energy Partners. Elisabeth Radow, a New York-based attorney who examined a copy of the lease, told DeSmogBlog she believes the lease “has the effect of granting American Energy Partners the right to use the surface and subsurface to such a great extent that it takes away substantially all of the rights attributable to homeownership.” The American Energy Partners fracking lease was shaken loose as part of the discovery dispute process in an ongoing court case pitting coal industry executive Robert E. Murray — controversial CEO of Murray Energy Corporationand American Energy Corporation — against McClendon in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio Eastern Division. Murray brought the suit against McClendon back in August 2013, alleging McClendon committed trademark and […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 17

October 17, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 17

High Court Rejects Last Ditch Industry Effort to Challenge Local Fracking Ban Victory Upholds the zoning rights of communities across New York State Today, the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court, rejected an attempt by the oil and gas industry to revive a case on local fracking bans that the court decided earlier this year. In the precedent-setting decision, the Court ruled that the towns can use local zoning laws to ban heavy industry, including oil and gas operations, within municipal borders. The following is a statement by Earthjustice Managing Attorney Deborah Goldberg, who represented the Town of Dryden in the case.  “We are not surprised that the Court refused to give the oil and gas industry a second bite at the apple. The law of the […]

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Free Vera ! The Fracking Gastapo Harass Fractavist Martyr

October 16, 2014
Free Vera ! The Fracking Gastapo Harass Fractavist Martyr

Anti-fracking Activist Faces Jail   Anti-fracking activist Vera Scroggins may face fines and jail time if found in contempt of an injunction barring her from areas near Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation well sites. Photograph: Eduardo Munoz/Reuters An oil and gas company is seeking fines and jail time for a peaceful anti-fracking activist in Pennsylvania, according to court documents. In a motion filed this week, lawyers for Cabot Oil and Gas Corporation, one of the biggest operators in Pennsylvania, asked the Susquehanna county court to find longtime activist Vera Scroggins in contempt of an injunction barring her from areas near its well sites. The row between Cabot and Scroggins became notorious in environmental and human rights circles after the company sought last year to ban the activist from an area of […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 16

October 16, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 16

  Hawkins tours area, hits Cuomo on fracking COOPERSTOWN — Taking his campaign for governor to the heartland of New York ’s home-rule movement, Howie Hawkins on Wednesday eagerly pointed out that he is the only candidate in the race to favor a statewide ban on natural gas drilling. A truck unloader for UPS in Syracuse , Hawkins, 61, is on New York ’s Nov. 4 ballot as the endorsed candidate of the Green Party. He was also the party’s gubernatorial candidate in 2010, fielding more than 50,000 votes, a total sufficient to restore the Greens’ ballot status for this year. Hawkins is hoping to attract many of the New York Democrats who voted in the September primary for Zephyr Teachout, a Fordham Law School professor who garnered about a […]

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Beyond Fracking Psy-Ops – Fracking Dirty Tricks Against Town Bans

October 16, 2014
Beyond Fracking Psy-Ops - Fracking Dirty Tricks Against Town Bans

DIRTY FRACKING TRICKS IN VOTE TO BAN FRACKING Beyond fracking psy-ops. State regulators create fracking conspiracy theories to try to discredit grass roots opposition to fracking. Which begs the question: Where is my fracking check from the KGB ? October 15, 2014 by Steve Horn and Alexandra Tempus On September 8, a Texas state regulatory agency sent a letter to United States Secretary of State John Kerry, suggesting that U.S. anti-fracking activists are receiving funding from Russian President Vladimir Putin. “It is reasonable to assume,” Texas Railroad Commissioner David Porter wrote, “that their intention is to increase their market share of natural gas production and distribution as Russia is the second largest producer of natural gas in the world.” This move by Texas coincides with the lead up to an Election Day referendum on the […]

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USACE delivers TKO to Constitution Pipeline!

October 15, 2014
USACE delivers TKO to Constitution Pipeline!

Today the US Army Corps of Engineers may have dealt the DEATH BLOW to the ill-named “Constitution Pipeline“. The application, a joint venture between Cabot Oil and Gas and Williams Companies (and 2 other partners) is ON THE MATT and DOWN FOR THE COUNT!   Before we take the boxing metaphor too far, let’s break down what really happened…!   On 10/15/2014, the following Filing was submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Washington D.C.: Filer:          US Army Corps of Engineers – New York District Docket(s):              CP13-499-000 Lead Applicant: Constitution Pipeline Company, LLC Filing Type:    Supplemental/Additional Information Supplemental/Additional Information Description:    US Army Corps of Engineers – New York District Information requested as a follow-up from a meeting […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 15

October 15, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 15

  Fracking Triggers More Ohio Earthquakes, Study Finds Another rare case of fracking-caused earthquakes has jolted Ohio . A new study connects some 400 micro-earthquakes near the town of Canton , in Harrison County , to hydraulic fracturing wells. The three wells operated from September through October 2013 in the Utica Shale. Ten of the quakes registered between magnitude 1.7 and magnitude 2.2, but the tremors were too deep to cause damage or to be easily felt by people, according to the study, published Tuesday in the journal Seismological Research Letters. The new study is the second report this year of fracking-linked earthquakes from drilling in the Utica Shale. In March, scientists with Ohio ‘s Department of Natural Resources shut down drilling at seven Utica Shale gas wells in Poland […]

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California Towns Ban Fracking

October 14, 2014
California Towns Ban Fracking

One town at a time. Same as in New York. Or Texas. Here’s how . .   Sandra Steingraber Become a fan Like New Yorkers, Californians Can Say No to Fracking Posted: 10/13/2014 9:20 pm EDT Updated: 10/13/2014 10:58 pm EDT Co-authored by Helen Slottje and Andy Hsia-Coron Great movements — from women’s suffrage to civil rights — begin with a small group of people standing up and saying no to injustice. Such a movement is currently emerging around our most basic human rights: access to clean air, clean water, and a stable climate. This new movement aims to halt aggressive oil and gas extraction techniques like fracking, which destroy water, pollute air, and leak climate-killing methane into the atmosphere. It’s a grassroots effort that is spreading on both coasts […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 14

October 14, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 14

Poll shows more New Yorkers oppose fracking A poll organized by the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a non-profit environmental advocacy group, has shown that 56 percent of New York citizens oppose fracking. The survey was conducted by third-party researchers in September and documented the opinions of 802 New Yorkers. A similar survey conducted in August by Quinnipiac University found 48 percent of voters polled were opposed to fracking.The study also reported that 79 percent of New Yorkers are in favor of the current fracking moratorium, which was ordered in 2008 so state agencies could evaluate potential risks of the drilling method. Activists continue to rally against fracking and are following Gov. Cuomo on the campaign trail with hopes that he will form an opinion on the issue. To date, […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 13

October 13, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 13

More New Yorkers Oppose Fracking: Poll PA: Dilemma in the Marcellus Shale: How to dispose of radioactive oil and gas waste? PA: Marcellus Shale drillers still tout water impoundments after record fine PA: Washington County drilling hearing raises conflicts over contamination PA: Trains transport 1 million gallons of oil through Pittsburgh each week Environmental disasters lurk in energy pipelines 9 Good Reasons to Ban Fracking Immediately What My Time in America ‘s New Oil Boomtown Taught Me About Our Climate Madness RealtyTrac Ranks U.S. County Housing Markets Based on Prevalence of Man-Made Environmental Hazards

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Short Shale – Shorting Fracking Liars For Fun & Profit

October 13, 2014
Short Shale - Shorting Fracking Liars For Fun & Profit

Got your Fracking Shorts on ?  The SEC liberalized the rules for reporting shale gas reserves in 2009 – and (surprise) reserves took off on balance sheets. Now frackers are reporting even higher reserves to the public and the press. A lot higher. Imagine that. Sixty-two of 73 U.S. shale drillers reported one estimate in mandatory filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission while citing higher potential figures to the public, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD) Co.’s estimate was 13 times higher. Goodrich Petroleum Corp.’s was 19 times. For Rice Energy Inc., it was almost 27-fold. Guess what happens to those companies when the stock market rolls over ? That’s right. They get fracked. Big time. Just ask Carl Icahn’t he’s already taking his caning on Chessie. Fracking A […]

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Where to Get Rid of a Few Billion Gallons of Carcinogenic Radioactive Frack Slime ?

October 13, 2014
Where to Get Rid of a Few Billion Gallons of Carcinogenic Radioactive Frack Slime ?

That’s not a rhetorical question . .  . thousands of tanker-loads of radioactive frack sludge, literally too hot to dispose of. Paint the tankers Hot Pink and drive fast all the way to IdaFrackHo. Where else ? Dilemma: How to Dispose of Carcinogenic Radioactive Frack Waste? October 12, 2014 12:00 AM A few months ago, a Marcellus Shale operator approached Leong Ying, business development manager at the radiation measurement division of Thermo Fisher Scientific, with a problem. The driller, whom Mr. Ying declined to name, was trying to dispose of oil and gas waste at area landfills but the trucks kept tripping radiation alarms. Rejected trucks had to be sent back to well pads or taken out of state, both costly options. It was happening enough that it started nudging the company’s bottom […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 12

October 12, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 12

Cuomo: ‘I don’t know’ why state edited fracking study   Protest over fracking, offshore gas terminal in Long Beach   Anti-fracking event held in Red Hook as part of third annual Global Frackdown   NY State to first responders: Stay back from burning oil trains   Exxon, Chevron meet with White House over fracking regs   CA: With New Fracking Rules Coming, State Regulators Struggle With Enforcement   Report Confirms Fracking is Poisoning California’s Dwindling Aquifers   In Texas, Traffic Deaths Climb Amid Fracking Boom   Here’s why shale oil stocks are tanking   Remote sensing of fugitive methane emissions from oil and gas production in North American tight geologic formations  

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NASA Identifies Fracked Greenhouse Gas Hot Spots

October 11, 2014
NASA Identifies Fracked Greenhouse Gas Hot Spots

And the winner is . . . the coal bed methane gas fields in the San Juan Basin of Colorado and New Mexico. And how is coal bed methane extracted ? You guessed it.  Why are the horizontally hydrofracked coal bed methane wells in the San Juan  leaking ? Because some of those horizontal wells are now decades old.  Much older than most shale gas wells. As they age, they start to vent methane up the aging well bore, and over enough time every one of them will leak. Just a matter of how much how soon. Not if. The San Juan basin is the oldest horizontally hydrofracked gas field in the country. It predates the Barnett Shale by a decade. The Marcellus by almost 20 years. And it’s venting greenhouse gas […]

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Pink Washing Frackers – The Cure To Get Fracked At Steelers Game

October 11, 2014
Pink Washing Frackers - The Cure To Get Fracked At Steelers Game

At high noon in Pittsburgh on October 26th. Watch Nancy Brinker shill for fracking – which has been proven to cause cancer.  The Immaculate Deception? Of Pink Drill Bits and Cancer-Causing  Frack Flowback  Oct 11 – The Susan G. Komen Foundation has, once more, riled some of its base — breast-cancer activists, survivors and their families — this time by accepting $100,000 from an oil and fracking company that, in turn, produced 1,000 pink drill bits. Martin Craighead, chairman of Houston-based Baker Hughes Inc., will hand that check to Komen founder Nancy Brinker at Pittsburgh’s Heinz field on Oct. 26, before the Steelers play the Indianapolis Colts.  Komen’s decision to take the money — its second donation from Baker Hughes in two years — has sparked anger and disbelief across the breast […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 10

October 10, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 10

Howie Hawkins Tours PA Fracking Sites   First steps taken toward Cayuga County ban on use of fracking byproducts   Small Study May Have Big Answers on Health Risks of Fracking’s Open Waste Ponds   Biggest drillers trying new techniques to cut impact   Fracking Chemicals, Brought to You by Susan G. Komen   Curing or Causing? Komen Partners With Fracking Company   Fracking Company Launches Pink Drill Bits, Because Nothing Says Breast Cancer Awareness Like Fracking   Fracking Firms Get Tested by Oil’s Price Drop   Peter Hart  – Fracking: The Media’s New Climate Denial   Winona LaDuke – ND: Time is ripe to stop fracking at Ft. Berthold and Standing Rock    

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Big Fracking Loser: Carl Icahn’t Has Lost over $632 Million on Chesapeake

October 10, 2014
Big Fracking Loser: Carl Icahn't Has Lost over $632 Million on Chesapeake

Carl Icahn’t has lost over $632,000,000 on “America’s Biggest Fracking Gasholes,” Chesapeake. Sic Semper Gasholo Icahn’t is losing seven times as much on Chesapeake as he’s making on Apple a day. For the day, Icahn’t is up more than $10 million on Apple, but he’s down more than $75 million on fracker Chesapeake Energy Should Carl Icahn’t be smiling? He’s losing big time on fracking. Activist investor Carl Icahn may want to consider talking up the shares of Chesapeake Energy, because he’s lost seven times as much money on them Thursday as he’s made on Apple Inc.’s stock. Icahn Associates is the largest shareholder of Chesapeake Energy CHK, -1.04% with 66,450,000 shares, according to FactSet. With the shares sliding $1.13, or 5.5%, to $19.50 in afternoon trade Thursday to their […]

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Stay the FERC Out of Our Communities

October 9, 2014
Stay the FERC Out of Our Communities

##### FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ##### Communities Fight to Stop PennEast Pipeline as Company Enters Federal Regulatory Process Communities along the proposed route of a 105-mile pipeline in Pennsylvania and New Jersey are expressing their opposition to the project today by contacting the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. More than 350 people have submitted formal comments, calls, and emails to the commission demanding an immediate denial of the PennEast pipeline project. This is in response to the Commission accepting the first round of documents on Tuesday submitted by UGI Energy Services and its partners for the proposed PennEast pipeline. If approved, the 36-inch gas transmission pipeline would create a new 50-foot-wide pipeline right of way between Luzerne County in Pennsylvania and Mercer County in New Jersey, impacting the entire Delaware River Watershed […]

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The Daily Fractavist – Oct. 9

October 9, 2014
The Daily Fractavist - Oct. 9

  Our view: State meddles in fracking report   Will Andrew Cuomo oppose fracking after getting a scare from Zephyr Teachout?   Dutchess County considers banning fracking brine on local roads   Pinkwashing: Fracking Company Teams Up With Susan G. Komen to ‘End Breast Cancer Forever’     PA: State police documents show intelligence-sharing network between law enforcement and Marcellus Shale drillers   In Texas , a Fight Over Fracking   Fracking Study Shows Consequences Are Uncertain   Ohio: Group pushes for more chemical disclosure at fracking sites   EPA Increases Public Access to Chemical Data  

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Cuomo’s On-going Frackastrophe – “Doesn’t Know” Who Altered Frack Study

October 9, 2014
Cuomo's On-going Frackastrophe - "Doesn't Know" Who Altered Frack Study

Cuomo’s Latest Frackastrophe By Scott Waldman 3:52 p.m. | Oct. 8, 2014 1 ALBANY—Governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday said he was not sure why his administration helped shape a federal study on water quality in the Southern Tier. On Monday, Capital reported that officials from the Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority weighed in on a federal water quality study that is a necessary first step to prepare for fracking. State officials have claimed that their frequent communications with the U.S. Geological Survey were a normal back-and-forth between federal and state agencies. But in emails obtained by Capital, federal officials occasionally bristled at the editing and the delays from the state, and some fracking risks were downplayed in the final version of […]

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Fracking Energy Independence : Exporting America’s Gas Reserves

October 9, 2014
Fracking Energy Independence : Exporting America's Gas Reserves

Our Opinion: Exporting America’s Gas Reserves to Brazil Makes No Sense Times Union, Wilkes-Barre PA So much for working toward America’s “energy independence.” Natural gas pulled from below Pennsylvania’s state forests and privately owned lands might soon get siphoned to a Maryland port, then shipped – not to markets in the nation’s heartland, but instead – overseas. Initial recipients are said to include Japan and India, but in this multibillion-dollar industry, it’s not difficult to imagine the Keystone State’s resources going to the highest bidder, no matter where. Presumably, to whichever government has the most yen for it. The international exporting of coveted fuel from places such as Susquehanna County could begin by 2017. On Monday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission gave its preliminary blessing to Dominion Energy’s planned liquefied […]

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Fracking Seismic Crews Trespass via Helicopters . . . Aided by Fracking Gastapo

October 9, 2014
Fracking Seismic Crews Trespass via Helicopters . . .  Aided by Fracking Gastapo

Fracking Seismic Crews Trepass via Helicopter HTTP://WWW.OBSERVER-REPORTER.COM/ARTICLE/20141008/NEWS01/141009557#.VDU6HB9CDHA published oct 8, 2014 at 6:00 am (updated oct 7, 2014 at 10:51 pm) This is not a hoax . . . . seismic crews drop supplies via helicopter, then just show up and start blasting – without permission or even written notification; aerial frack war. In New York, there are no regulations for shooting seismic, no setbacks, nothing. When the landowner gathered up the seismic gear dropped by the helicopter, a Pennsylvania State Trooper, The Fracking Gastapo, came to get it back. Who else ? Photos Leigh Shields, who own Shields Nursery, shown here, said he tries to steer clear of the natural gas industry after his past experiences with the coal industry. PublicSource photo by Natasha Khan Leigh Shields and his […]

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DINO Cuomo Greenwashes Frack Study, Grows a Trunk

October 9, 2014
DINO Cuomo Greenwashes Frack Study, Grows a Trunk

First there was Mario, then Andrew, and now, behold: DINO Cuomo DINO Cuomo Greenwashes Frack Study  byMeteor BladesFollow Whose side is Andrew Cuomo on? No need to answer that. He’s  growing a trunk. As fast as he fracking can. Scott Waldman at Capital reports on maneuvering by Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration on a hydraulic fracking study it commissioned with the U.S. Geological Survey: The study, originally commissioned by the state in 2011, when the administration was reportedly considering approving fracking on a limited basis, was going to result in a number of politically inconvenient conclusions for Governor Andrew Cuomo, according to an early draft of the report by the U.S. Geological Survey obtained by Capital through a Freedom of Information Act request.A comparison of the original draft of the study on […]

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October 9, 2014

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month; it is also fundraising month for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. In what may be one of the most blinded by the shiney campaigns, the Komen Foundation has teamed up with Baker Hughes, one of the world’s largest fossil fuel services companies. Baker Hughes Expands Commitment to Susan G. Komen Company supports mission to end breast cancer forever HOUSTON, Oct. 2, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Baker Hughes Incorporated (NYSE: BHI) announced today that for the second consecutive year, it will contribute $100,000 to support Susan G. Komen®, the world’s leading breast cancer organization, in its efforts to end breast cancer forever. It’s ironic that Baker Hughes has painted drill bits “Pink” when those very drill bits are part of a process which has been linked […]

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Fracking GAStapo (Pa. State Police) Harass Fractavists in New York

October 8, 2014
Fracking GAStapo (Pa. State Police) Harass Fractavists in New York

Welcome to the Fracking Police State brought to you by the frackers. And your local law enforcement officers, the GAStapo. Pennsylvania State Police Harass New York Fractavists   “They’re using the state police to try to silence us.” By Adam Federman click to enlarge Shadbush Environmental Justice Collective protester – obviously a huge security risk.  Photo by Charlie Deitch Anti-fracking activists protesting a natural-gas conference in Philadelphia last fall were being monitored by a private security company that sent a photo of a demonstrator to the Pennsylvania State Police, according to an email obtained by Pittsburgh City Paper. A few months earlier, at another industry-led conference, state trooper Michael Hutson delivered a presentation on environmental extremism and acts of vandalism across Pennsylvania’s booming Marcellus Shale natural-gas reserves. He showed photographs of […]

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The Daily FrackBook – Oct. 8

October 8, 2014
The Daily FrackBook - Oct. 8

Feds give OK to expand gas storage next to Seneca Lake Edited fracking study shows Cuomo’s style Senator ‘concerned’ about edited fracking report Towns work to address hydrofracking Pennsylvania seeks record fine for EQT fracking fluid leak How Will Fracking Affect Your Homeowners Insurance? Fracking and the moment of truth on methane emissions Scarred Landscapes: Striking Aerial Photos of Fracking in North Dakota Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater Naomi Klein: UK fracking trespass law flouts democratic rights

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Fracking The Cure. Susan G. Komen Pinkwashes Fracking !

October 8, 2014
Fracking The Cure. Susan G. Komen Pinkwashes Fracking !

Susan G. Komen Foundation Pinkwashes Fracking Sandra Steingraber | October 8, 2014 8:37 am  What do you get when you cross a breast cancer charity with a frack job? The answer is the image below, which, as I am writing, is going epidemically viral. The Susan G. Komen Foundation is pretending to cure cancer by promoting carcinogenic frack flowback. And no, this is not a hoax. It’s just a sick fracking joke, courtesy of your friends at Susan G. Komen. Tell Susan G. Komen Don’t Frack With Our Health It’s hard to stop staring in utter baffled amazement. Is it some kind of … phallic cyborg? The opening scene of a yet another sequel to Tremors? (Kevin Bacon! Nevada! Subterranean, worm-like, cross-dressing graboid!) A sex toy from hell? In fact, it’s all […]

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Shale Shill Says Methane = Global Warming. Any Questions ?

October 7, 2014
Shale Shill Says Methane = Global Warming. Any Questions ? ‘Moment of Truth’ on Emissions OCT. 6, 2014 Joe Nocera   In March, the Obama administration issued a white paper as part of its Climate Action Plan entitled “Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions.” A big part of the strategy was built around cutting down on the methane emissions that result from oil and gas production, particularly the hydraulic fracturing method of extracting natural gas from the ground — a.k.a., fracking. In the white paper, the administration said that the Environmental Protection Agency would decide by the fall how best to go about it. Fall is now here. More to the point, the word is that the E.P.A. and the White House are in the process of deciding what tack to take in reducing methane emissions (though any announcement will […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 7

October 7, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 7

UAlbany professor finds elevated benzene near Albany rail yard State agencies submit comments to feds on improving oil train safety Global Frackdown: October 11 The 10 Worst Energy-Related Disasters Of Modern Times Reducing Methane Pollution from Fossil-Fuel Production on America’s Public Lands Report fuels fracking cynicism CO: City council works to reinstate fracking ban in Fort Collins FL: Documents reveal Halliburton fracking proposal at Collier-Hogan oil well, shed new light on drilling ExxonMobil Comes Clean On Fracking Risks — Not LA: The Most Ambitious Environmental Lawsuit Ever

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Fracking Polls: Most New Yorkers Don’t Want to Get Fracked

October 7, 2014
Fracking Polls: Most New Yorkers Don't Want to Get Fracked

And most Poles don’t want to be fracked neither.  Or have frack goo dumped on their roads, or toxic radioactive frack sludge pumped into their water treatment plant. Imagine that. Most New Yorkers Back Frack Ban Poll finds wide support for state moratorium on hydraulic fracturing By Brian Nearing Updated 6:20 am, Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Fracking poll results. () Albany Most New Yorkers support the state’s ongoing moratorium on natural gas hydrofracking, with people worried about potential damage to air and water widely outnumbering those who see added jobs and taxes as an economic boost, according to a poll released Monday by a prominent environmental group. Support for the moratorium, which will remain in place unless and until the state completes its six-year review of a potential environmental plan that […]

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Global Frackdown October 11th !

October 7, 2014
Global Frackdown October 11th !

Ready to Ban Fracking? Join the Global Frackdown. We created a little video to show you just how BIG the movement to ban fracking is! Check it out and don’t forget to join the Global Frackdown, coming up on October 11 Join The Global Frackdown: October 11! Everyday, more and more people are learning about the negative impacts of fracking, and yet more and more lives are destroyed by those impacts. No one’s health should suffer so that the fossil fuel industry can make a buck extracting as much oil and gas as it can. That’s why we’re calling for a ban on fracking — everywhere. Our momentum is building and it’s not going to stop until every city, town and village is frack-free, all around the world. On […]

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Scientist Blasts Obama Over Climate Change

October 7, 2014
Scientist Blasts Obama Over Climate Change

How to cook a small planet with fracked gas.  October 06, 2014, 11:00 am Climate Change, Obama, and Methane By Prof. Robert W. Howarth President Obama’s carbon plan announced this summer finally moves the United States to take much needed steps toward reducing emissions of carbon dioxide, but unfortunately the plan largely ignores the low-hanging fruit to slow the rate of global warming: reducing emissions of methane, another type of carbon. The president’s focus on carbon dioxide is perhaps no surprise, given the environmental community’s decades-long emphasis on this as the most important greenhouse gas. But rapid advancements in the scientific understanding of the role of methane as a driver of global warming strongly show the danger of tunnel vision on carbon dioxide. By once again failing to announce strong, […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 6

October 6, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 6

Oil-field health studies continue but answers are still lacking Colorado’s biggest drillers try new techniques to cut oil, gas impact McCommon: Will natural gas save our way of life? Testimony: Obsolete tests tainted shale analysis Cuomo administration edited and delayed key fracking study Rob Astorino to tour gas fields amid fracking debate  Taste of the Catskills to honor 2 anti-fracking activists Allegany Towns Seek To Ban Hydrofracking Proposed oil pipeline could pass through Rockland Albany: Lower city speed limit sought Crude booms, safety lags Pennsylvania told to release info on oil trains More oil trains heading to N.J. Companies in Bakken Shale Fight Limits on Oil Trains Bakken oil’s path revealed: Crude on freight trains passes through […]

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October 6, 2014

Governor Cuomo’s top lieutenants, including Eugene Leff, rewrote and edited key sections of a federal report on frack risks – including eliminating any mention of the risks from pipelines and underground storage. Imagine that. Oh, and they doctored the risks posed by methane migration from shale gas wells . . . saying that could be solved “with better completion practices.” Which ain’t necessarily so. The completion can be gold plated and the well bore will vent methane into drinking water under the hydrologic and geologic conditions found in New York. Everybody in the industry knows that. “Let the science” decide – after their reports are heavily edited by Cuomo’s frack shills. It is axiomatic that what they edited or minimized are in fact some of the most intractable environmental hazards of fracking. […]

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URGENT: Need people at Madison County Wednesday 10/8 FERC Pipeline hearing

October 5, 2014
URGENT: Need people at Madison County Wednesday 10/8 FERC Pipeline hearing

Video from gas compressor hearing here URGENT BULLETIN RAPID RESPONSE NEEDED To Proposed Gas Compressor Stations & Pipeline  Share this link: This Wed 10/8 — Georgetown Town Hall in Madison County NY BIG TURNOUT MOST HELPFUL There is a NYAF bulletin from The Sandra at the bottom of this page What: FERC hearing Docket CP14-497 Dominion New Market Project Upgrades to 6 facilities in 6 counties. Affects 200 miles of pipeline. WHEN: THIS Wednesday 10/8  7pm. WHERE: Georgetown Town Hall (Madison County NY) 995 State Route 26, Georgetown, NY 13072       Horseheads, Chemung County Dryden, Tompkins County Georgetown, Madison County Utica, Oneida County Ft. Plain, Montgomery County Schenectady, Schenectady County   Here is an APPROXIMATE map to see mileage and approx. facility locations More accurate […]

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Fracking Sell-Outs Kill Home Rule Vote in Colorado

October 5, 2014
Fracking Sell-Outs Kill Home Rule Vote in Colorado

Who killed the vote on fracking? Thursday, October 2,2014 Who killed the Colorado Home Rule Vote on Fracking? Why Colorado’s Home Rule Measures Were Killed by Democrats Who Sold Out the Grassroots By Joel Dyer, Matt Cortina & Elizabeth Miller Home Rule Gets Killed by Fracking Turncoats Joel Dyer, Matt Cortina & Elizabeth Miller, Boulder Weekly | October 3, 2014 10:09 am | Comments At first glance, determining who to blame for the fact that Colorado voters will not get their chance to decide for themselves who controls oil and gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing in their neighborhoods seems simple enough. OnMonday, Aug. 4, as the result of a political compromise with Colorado’s Democratic Governor, John Hickenlooper, U.S. Rep. Jared Polis (D-Boulder) agreed to withdraw his support for the citizen initiative process […]

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Don’t Frack With Scotland

October 4, 2014
Don't Frack With Scotland

My grandmother was a McKaskle, whose ancestors were from the Isle of Skye in the Hebrides. The McKaskles, or more properly MacAskill, are a sub clan or sept of the McLeods. They lived in the Cuillin Hills at one end of the island where the other Skye clans – the MacDonalds, MacKenzies and Nicholsons, pretty much left them alone.  “Mac” of course means “son of.” Askill is translated as a “ceremonial chalice” – which is euphemistic, because “askill” is literally “a skull.” The MacAskills were descendants of Norse raiders (ie. Vikings) who celebrated a victory by lopping off the heads of the defeated and having a victory swig of mead out of their hollowed-out skulls. A custom we outgrew – when Scotch whisky and drinking glasses were invented. In some of the […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 4

October 4, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 4

Texas Gas Drillers Agree With New York Attorney General To Report Risks Millions Of Tons Oil And Gas Waste: Hazardous Or Not? The sleeper issue of the 2016 Democratic primary Texas: Fracking Emission Carcinogens Found in Denton Playgrounds PA: Proposed Registry to Track, Respond to Fracking-Related Health Complaints Tensions Mount Between Homeowners, Natural Gas Pipeline Survey Crews in Michigan   A Push to Make ‘Fracking’ Sound Better NC: Tribe says no to fracking Unusual alliance on oil spill cleanup near Tioga McCommon: Will natural gas save our way of life? Behind the subdued reaction to an energy revolution OK: Dorman more definitve than Fallin on fracking-earthquake link

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Arab Grown Ups Bomb Islamic Teen Death Cult Over a Syrian Gas Pipeline Concession

October 4, 2014
Arab Grown Ups Bomb Islamic Teen Death Cult Over a Syrian Gas Pipeline Concession

The Islamic teenage death cult “ISIS” (think Columbine meets the Koran) has unwittingly given the Grown Up Arabs a pretext to enter the Syrian civil war directly on the side of their proxies that have been fighting to secure the Arab Sunni Gas Pipeline to Europe (as opposed to the Shiite Iranian Gas Pipeline to Europe). Yes, that’s what this fracking charade really boils down to – who gets the pipeline concession through Syria. The ISIS fauxdamentalists have given the Arabs the excuse they needed to send warplanes into Syria on the side of their own rebel proxies. Now the ISIS Brain Trust is threatening Turkey, where the Arab pipeline goes. So that brings the Turks down on them. Bravo ISIS. You just made yourselves the Sacrificial Goats in the Syrian Gas Pipeline […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 3

October 3, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 3

Study: Residents near crude plant faces health risks AG: Energy companies to disclose risks of fracking investments Our Opinion: Exporting Pennsylvania’s natural gas to the globe defies good sense Refiners say argument for oil exports is wrong A fight to control disposal of fracking waste  GRAPHIC – Fracking’s Waste Pit Emissions: The Big Unknown South Texas Drilling Country Saying No to Waste VIDEO – In Fracking’s Wake: Vast Open Pits of Chemical Sludge Trans Energy admits to pollution violations Ebola outbreak upsets Exxon drilling plans How the oil and gas boom is changing America As US debates oil train safety, local rules gather steam (+video)

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October 3, 2014

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Secretary E. Christopher Abruzzo and DEP Deputy Chief Counsel Glenn Parno both abruptly resigned on Thursday Oct. 3, 2014 amid the “P-Mail” scandal. Pennsylvania Attorney General, Kathleen Kane revealed the previous week that her office had discovered hundreds of pornographic emails sent or received hundreds of sexually explicit photos, videos, and messages from state e-mail accounts between 2008 and 2012. PA Governor Tom Corbett followed Kane’s revelation by requesting records of interoffice emails containing pornography. Corbett had said he wasn’t aware of the email exchange while he was Attorney General or Governor during that time period. An Office of Attorney General policy signed by then Attorney General Corbett in 2006 prohibits using office technology to view or store “any sexually suggestive, pornographic or obscene […]

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Fracking Ebola. Cults of Denial

October 2, 2014
Fracking Ebola. Cults of Denial

What does ebola have to do with fracking ? Not a hole fracking lot. Until you read the list of denials from state and federal officials. Then you see the trend – they are paid to deny that there’s a problem. They minimize, deny, dodge responsibility and above all – do not confront the problem in a forthright way. When it’s easier to lie about it. For awhile. The state and federal officials have been denying that the previously unnamed ebola carrier could have even potentially contaminated anyone. Now the investigative news reporters (like Ian Urbina at the New York Times did with fracking) have found who this 21st century Typhoid Mary is – Thomas Duncan from Liberia – and are finding out that he may have contaminated as many […]

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 2

October 2, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 2

Well Water Contamination Possible After Drilling Mishap Oil, gas industry boom leads to expansion of laws in Pennsylvania Study: More gas wells in area leads to more hospitalizations Open Pits Offer Cheap Disposal for Fracking Sludge, but Health Worries Mount Fracking in wintry areas linked to high ozone pollution Baker Hughes starts disclosing frac chemicals In FREC’s Approval of Gas Exports, Climate Effects Get Glossed Over Koch Brothers’ Political Activism Protects Their 50-Year Stake in Canadian Heavy Oils Ohio fracking waste issues go beyond chemical disclosure Oil and gas emissions can create ‘extreme’ ozone pollution, study finds Pennsylvania man faces sentencing for falsifying abandoned oil well plugging reports Cracks seen in fracking-disclosure report process

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The Daily Frack – Oct. 1

October 1, 2014
The Daily Frack - Oct. 1

EPA says greenhouse gas releases from wells, pipelines decline Fracking Emissions Fall; Texas Still King of GHGs Final hurdle cleared for Marcellus gas exports Gas export terminal approved by federal commission The Top 5 Chesapeake Royalty Litigation Trends to Watch Oil giant defends fracking Exxon issues report on managing fracking risks in response to shareholder pressure–Exxon-Fracking-Disclosure/ Senate Dems call for ‘strongest possible’ fracking regs Democrats to Obama: Get Tough on Oil Companies Drilling on Public Land Natural Gas(bag)

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 30

September 30, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 30

NY bills to curb fracking waste suggested Catskills Bureau Confidential: Mamakating fracking ban applies to byproducts, too Hawkins sees gubernatorial run propelling Green Party Fracking opponents to Cuomo: Come to Pennsylvania !  Polarization in New York state over fracking NY 23: Martha Robertson meets with editorial board Hydraulic Fracturing: Chemical Makers, Energy Companies Tell EPA Not to Mandate Fracking Fluid Disclosure A U-Turn for a Terminal Built in Texas to Import Natural Gas The Natural Gas Boom Could Accelerate Climate Change ‘Illegal’ Enbridge Tar Sands Pipeline Plan Alarms Minnesota Questions Mount About the Safety of Shipping North Dakota Crude Oil U.S. river freight system near breaking point as huge harvest looms DE: Students Unite to Stop Natural Gas […]

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Feds Promote Depletion of US Gas Reserves With East Coast’s Largest Climate Changer

September 30, 2014
Feds Promote Depletion of US Gas Reserves With East Coast's Largest Climate Changer

A two for one deal. Big time. The US has never been a big exporter of oil and gas. Exportation implies that a county is a net producer of hydrocarbons – both oil and gas, which is not the case with the US, we’re a net consumer. Traditionally, the Texas Railroad Commission would limit supply (pumping) of oil to conserve the resource. The notion that it would be over-produced and to be exported overseas, except to our allies in time of war, was never a consideration – because that simply squanders the resource and increases the price domestically.  It has always been national policy to conserve domestic supplies – hence the naval oil stockpile in California, which was privatized. Now the Feds can’t wait to ship gas overseas. Not a good […]

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FRACK GU 4 U – Bills to Ban Fracking Filth in New York

September 30, 2014
FRACK GU 4 U - Bills to Ban Fracking Filth in New York

Getting traction among people that do not want to have their roads slimed, water poisoned, or air gassed. Y0u know, people like you. NY Bills to Curb Fracking Waste  Steve Orr, Democrat & Chronicle 12 a.m. EDT September 30, 2014 The New York League of Conservation Voters and state Sen. Ted O’Brien, D-Irondequoit, announced a series of proposals Monday to rein in the handling and disposal of gas and oil drilling waste in New York. At a news conference, O’Brien and the league president, Marcia Bystryn, said legislation would be introduced in Albany that would bar the disposal of drilling waste in New York landfills and restrict the treatment of liquid waste from drilling in municipal wastewater plants. Another bill would require that drilling waste be treated as hazardous waste, […]

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No Shale Gas ? Ban Fracking Anyway

September 30, 2014
No Shale Gas ? Ban Fracking Anyway

It sends a message:  Your town does not want to be fracked, dumped on, poisoned or gassed. There may not be any natural gas worth drilling beneath the Town of Mamakating in eastern Sullivan County — if there’s any gas located there at all. And Gov. Andrew Cuomo may have put the natural-gas extraction method of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, on indefinite hold while the state studies its impact on health — and waits for the November election to be over. But that didn’t stop Mamakating from banning fracking — and related fracking activities — at a Town Board meeting a few weeks ago. That makes it the sixth Sullivan County town — along with Tusten, Lumberland, Bethel, Highland and Forestburgh — to do so. Mamakating Supervisor Bill Herrmann said […]

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 29

September 29, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 29

Polarization in New York state over fracking Dark side of the boom Fracking in the US: The story of one man’s oil well Pennyslvania DEP admits drilling probe error Investigations raise questions about oil workers’ pay “The roads were cracking, the crime rate was rising”: What happens when fracking takes over your town National Grid In Partnership With NYC Department Of Environmental Protection Begins Design And Construction Of The Newtown Creek Renewable Natural Gas Project  How Rising Interest Rates Could Spell the End of the U.S. Energy Boom

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Fracking Collateral Damage Conference

September 29, 2014
Fracking Collateral Damage Conference

Most New Yorkers won’t get fracked, they’ll just have frack slime slathered on their roads as de-icer, or have toxic radioactive frack sludge pumped into a local landfill or frack flowback dumped into a municipal water plant or have a shale oil bomb train blow up in their neighborhood or get gassed by a gas pipeline compressor station. Unless they do something about it. Because Cuomo won’t and Obama won’t and Hillary won’t. You do something about it. Or get slimed, bombed, poisoned or gassed. Conference on November 15th explains how you can avoid becoming a victim of fracking collateral damage. Conference on the collateral damage of fracking in New York, November 15th 9pm -5pm in Textor Hall, Ithaca College. Registration will be opening soon, and check our website […]

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Putting Lipstick on the Frac’ing Pig. Frackers Abandon “Frac’ing”

September 28, 2014
Putting Lipstick on the Frac'ing Pig. Frackers Abandon "Frac'ing"

Schlumberger popularized the term “hydraulic fracturing,” which they, being French, referred to as a “frac.” Catch is you cannot conjugate “frac” in English, since the past tense comes out as “fraced” (as in faced) and the gerund or present participle as “fracing” (like lacing). So the industry added an apostrophe to signify the missing ‘k” as in “frac’ing” or  added an extra “c” to make it “fraccing” and “fracced” – all by way of trying to avoid the phonetically correct English word “frack”  or “frak” which is a Battlestar Galactica euphemism for you-know-what . . . As in “your water has been fracced.” Or “we’re the fraccers and we’re going to fracc your neighborhood real good.” Gas Industry Abandons”Frac’ing” in New Ads Saturday, September 27, 2014 6:30 am          COOPERSTOWN — […]

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Chesapeake Faces Fracketeering Charges

September 27, 2014
Chesapeake Faces Fracketeering Charges

Chesapeake Energy Faces Fracketeering Charges in Michigan Trial BY JOSHUA SCHNEYER 1 OF 2. Chesapeake Energy Corporation’s 50 acre campus is seen in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, April 17, 2012. (Reuters) – Natural gas and oil producer Chesapeake Energy Corp(CHK.N) must face trial on charges of felony fracketeering and using false pretenses related to its land-leasing practices, a state judge has ruled. Cheboygan District Court Judge Maria Barton ruled on Monday that Oklahoma-based Chesapeake go to trial on one charge of fracketeering and 20 counts of using false pretenses to allegedly defraud private landowners in the state during an oil and gas leasing boom in 2010. Barton ruled after a hearing last month. No trial date has been set. State Attorney General Bill Schuette brought the charges against Chesapeake in June, […]

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The News Fracker – Sept. 27

September 27, 2014
The News Fracker - Sept. 27

Oil terminal comment period extended again PA: Three anti-fracking demonstrators plead guilty to blocking road to gas wells   Pennsylvania Releases Official File Detailing 250 Water Supplies Directly Polluted by Fracking   Texas: Fracking Campaign Ads Hit Denton Neighborhoods   Colorado Fracking Task Force Opens With Anti-Industry Tone   West Virginia opens bids on fracking under river   Why Fracking Ireland Is Different   Britain: Fracking trespass law changes move forward despite huge public opposition   UK Government Says Never Mind What People Want, Let’s Frack

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Living Death: The Real Costs of Fracking

September 26, 2014
Living Death: The Real Costs of Fracking

Living Death: The Real Costs of Fracking – review by Ellen Cantarow Living Death: The Real Costs of Fracking Thursday, 25 September 2014 00:00 By Ellen Cantarow, Truthout | Book Review (Image: Beacon Press)The Real Cost of Fracking by Michelle Bamberger and Robert Oswald paves the way for the high-volume hydraulic fracturing industry to be put on trial for its role in endangering the health of American families, animals, food and water systems.In 1997, my husband and I got three Siamese kittens. Two were a brother-sister pair born into the same litter. The third was a kitten so tiny that she fit easily into the palm of my hand and, when she reached our house, into the cut-glass fruit bowl where, for half a day, she retreated in bereavement. […]

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 26

September 26, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 26

  Propane storage urged in caverns   CSX launches mobile application for emergency responders   Richardson: Shale industry needs to adapt world view   Living Death: The Real Costs of Fracking   Worker Dies at Wyoming Natural Gas Facility   Hydraulic Fracturing Rules Delayed in Illinois   Treated Fracking Wastewater is Still Potentially Harmful   Ohio is cited in GAO report for fracking waste disposal   WVA: Couple claims fracking is destroying their land   Colorado oil and gas task force IDs legal, health issues as priorities   Mining for sand for fracking holds risks for communities, study says   Energy Cos. Face Fracking Regulation Patchwork, GAO Says   Scottish devolution: Extra powers ‘must cover fracking’

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September 26, 2014

It’s been said politics is dirty. More often than not “dirty politics” refers to government officials taking money from special interests and corporations. Pennsylvania leads the way, redefines DIRTY POLITICS and brings it to the electronic age.   PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane revealed PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Secretary E. Christopher Abruzzo and at least 8 other prominent state officials exchanged sexually explicit photos, videos, and messages from state e-mail accounts between 2008 and 2012. The “P-mails” (porn-mail) were discovered during Kane’s internal inquiry into how her predecessors handled Jerry Sandusky pedophile case. Governor Tom Corbett was one of the Attorney Generals handling the Sandusky investigation. The Sandusky criminal investigation began while Corbett was serving as attorney general and continued through 2010, the year Corbett made his run for […]

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The Daily Fracker – Sept. 25

September 25, 2014
The Daily Fracker - Sept. 25

Finger Lakes residents ask Schumer and Gillibrand to intervene in propane storage plan   If Democrats take majority, Senate would take up fracking bills   Colorado fracking panel meeting for first time   NC:  Tribe bans fracking   Ohio: ‘Crippling penalties’ urged for drillers hiding fracking chemical lists   Buckeye Partners Opening Port of Albany Terminal to Canadian Oil Sands Shipments   California Farmers File Suit Alleging Oil Companies’ Faulty Wastewater Injection Caused Crop Loss   Fracking Wastewater Could Encourage Formation Of Toxic Compounds During Drinking Water Disinfection     Look out below: Danger lurks underground from aging gas pipes   MN: Lawsuit threatens ‘ban’ on fracking   MN: Why so much oil from the fracking boom is moving by […]

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New Study: Increased Use of Natural Gas Will Cook Planet

September 25, 2014
New Study: Increased Use of Natural Gas Will Cook Planet

New scientific study states the obvious – the increased use of natural gas will simply exacerbate climate change. Any questionable reduction in CO 2  by switching from coal to gas is more than offset by displacing non-carbon energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro or nuclear energy. Burning more gas in power plants will simply cook the planet – and waste the gas reserves, whose  best use is for back-up power to wind, solar and hydro. Natural Gas a Bridge to Nowhere, Study Finds Anastasia Pantsios | September 25, 2014 10:31 am | Comments A study published today in the journal Environmental Research Letters found that switching from coal to natural gas would not significantly lower the greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change. The natural gas processed at this plant […]

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September 25, 2014

When a product or corporation takes a hit in public opinion, one of the steps that will be taken is to change their name or roll out a rebranding campaign. Led by their front group, the Marcellus Shale Coalition (MSC), frackers are rebranding fracking. Or to put it another way, they are putting a pretty red bow on a pile of poop. How much are they spending on this fracking rebranding campaign? They won’t say. It’s proprietary, hush hush, in the same fashion as the super-double secret ingredients in the chemicals used in fracking. With the blessings of the Heritage Foundation, a right wing think tank, the fracking ad campaign feature actors , including a little girl, saying “ Fracking’s a good word”, “Fracking Rocks” and “Fracking: Rock Solid for […]

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Climate Change For Dummies: Republican Congressmen

September 24, 2014
Climate Change For Dummies: Republican Congressmen

Over the weekend, some 400,000 Americans took to the streets of New York City to demand action on climate change, but as Jon Stewart pointed out on Monday night’s “Daily Show,” too many members of Congress continue to deny the science. Last week, the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology interrogated Presidential Science Advisor John Holdren — or, as Stewart called him, the hearing’s Sisyphus “charged with the impossible task of pushing a million pounds of idiot up a mountain.” Holdren faced questions about “global wobbling,” comments from a congressman who refuses to read scientific journals because he doesn’t believe them, and gems like this one: “I mean think about it, if your ice cube melts in your glass it doesn’t overflow, it’s displacement,” Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) said. […]

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AP Poll: Most Fracking Idiots Remain Skeptical of Climate Change

September 24, 2014
AP Poll: Most Fracking Idiots Remain Skeptical of Climate Change

Largest Climate March in History Does Not Convince Some Fracking Idiots 24 September 14 climate-change march that organizers claim was the largest on record is nevertheless unlikely to change the minds of idiots, a flash AP survey of America’s fracking idiots reveals. Despite bringing attention to a position that is embraced by more than ninety per cent of the world’s scientists, the People’s Climate March, which took place on Sunday in New York City, left a broad majority of the nation’s idiots unconvinced. “Look, if hundreds of thousands of people want to march about something, it’s a free country,” said Carol Foyler, a fracking idiot from Kenosha, Wisconsin. “But let me ask them something: if the climate is really getting warmer, why was it so cold up here last winter?” […]

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The Daily Fracker – Sept. 24

September 24, 2014
The Daily Fracker - Sept. 24

Cuomo says he won’t rush state health officials for fracking study   State Sen. and challenger exchange barbs on gun control, fracking   NY 21: In candid interview, Woolf acknowledges faults but vows to press on   View: On fracking, earthquakes and Indian Point   Fracking in North Dakota : Women in the drilling boomtowns   ND: Companies in Bakken Shale Fight Limits on Oil Trains   NC: County weighing in on proposed fracking regs   NC: Mountain road issues missing from fracking debate   Texas: Denton voters to consider state’s first ban on fracking   CA: Monterey County Supervisors hear facts on fracking   CO: Council to vote on appealing fracking ruling   A May 9 Crude Oil […]

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America’s Deadliest Form of Energy

September 24, 2014
America's Deadliest Form of Energy

Is not nuclear power. And it’s not coal. Much less solar or wind. Make a guess. It kills somebody an average of a couple of times a week. Give up ? It’s courtesy of the same folks that poisoned your water, gassed your air and cooked your planet. Aging Gas Pipes put Millions of Americans at Risk About every other day over the past decade, a gas leak in the United States has destroyed property, hurt someone or killed someone, a USA TODAY Network investigation finds. The most destructive blasts have killed at least 135 people, injured 600 and caused $2 billion in damages since 2004. Read StoryAre your gas pipes safe? Photos Video

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Texas Frack Ban

September 24, 2014
Texas Frack Ban

Dallas and otherTexas cities have land use restrictions on fracking. But there are no outright bans on it in Texas. Until now. . .  .maybe. Denton is an upscale college town on the fringe of the Barnett Shale. It needs to be fracked about as much as it needs to be nuked. Absent any meaningful protections from state regulators, a ban is a town’s best defense against getting overrun by shale industrialization. Good on Denton for leading the way. Denton Voters to Consider Texas First Frack Ban Andy Jacobsohn/Staff Photographer Rhonda Love of the Denton Drilling Awareness Group stands in front of a hydraulic fracturing site at Marsh Branch and Hampton roads. The group supports a ballot initiative that bans fracking in the city, which will vote on the issue […]

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Entire Climate March Video 400,000 Marchers in 4 Minutes

September 23, 2014
Entire Climate March Video 400,000 Marchers in 4 Minutes

400,000 people, 4 miles, going by a mile a minute . . . see anybody you know ? Look fast.  Bill Huston shot 4 hours of video from Columbus Circle and condensed it into a streaming montage of climate marchers. Bravo Bill

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Environmental Defense Frauds Say Methane “An Exit Ramp Off Carbon Death Train”

September 23, 2014
Environmental Defense Frauds Say Methane "An Exit Ramp Off Carbon Death Train"

Instead of a bridge to nowhere ?  New metaphor, same result: methane is a textbook way to cook a planet.  Methane use has to be curtailed drastically – and replaced with non-carbon sourced fuels. A net increase in carbon fuels is not an inspired way to cool a planet.

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 23

September 23, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 23

Low Oil Prices: Sign of a Debt Bubble Collapse, Leading to the End of Oil Supply? NJ: Princeton votes to ban fracking throughout town  Pennsylvania inspectors key to Marcellus regulation A day in the life of a longtime DEP inspector Public hearings are over, so now what for fracking in NC? EPA Administrator outlines plan for hydraulic fracturing study MacArthur Delves Deeper into Climate and Fracking Fossil Fuels Get Huge Master Limited Partnership Tax Breaks – “Green” Energy Shut Out Texas oil field work proving deadly for employees LA: DNR grants rare public hearing on fracking permit Australia: Victorian government bans fracking chemical  

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unHoly Oil Crusade: US Allies Enter 3rd Mideast Oil War

September 22, 2014
unHoly Oil Crusade: US Allies Enter 3rd Mideast Oil War

This time for gas. The US and its allies (France, the UAE, Saudi, etc.) are entering the gas pipeline war in Syria on the side of the loyal Sunni partisans that have been bankrolled by the gulf states gas pipeline consortium (see below) against the the rogue Sunni partisans (ISIS)  that had been initially bankrolled to fight for the same Sunni gas pipeline. But ISIS’s paymasters in Qatar have  lost control over them, because ISIS has stolen enough Syrian and Iraqi oil fields to sell $3Million a day on the black market to be self-supporting. While the Iraqi army drops their arms and runs away from them. Where is Saddam Hussein now that we need him ? This means that, since the enemy of my enemy is my friend, the US and its allies are now entering […]

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The World Daily Fractavist – Sept. 22

September 22, 2014
The World Daily Fractavist - Sept. 22

Drill down on hydrofracking Fracking’s environmental impacts scrutinized LETTER: ‘Shracking’ bid Learning from the Marcellus to drill the Utica Balancing gas pipeline expansion, environmental unease a problem in Pennsylvania Trial and error approach leaves Marcellus Shale wounds ; Drilling regulations come after damages Negative publicity does more damage to Marcellus Shale drilling companies than fines: Shale drillers try to keep problems under the radar Worried About Climate Change? Ban Fracking on Federal Lands Scotland: Here’s a taste of rewards for No – mass fracking Top Pittsburgh emergency response official talks about risks of crude oil trains

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Hillary Acton, fractavist paymaster, passes away

September 22, 2014
Hillary Acton, fractavist paymaster, passes away

One of the people that I have worked for for the last 7 years, Hillary Acton, who compensated me and other fractavists with shy smiles, gentle hugs and encouraging emails, has passed away. She will be missed. Hillary never missed a meeting or a gathering or a protest. Blues connoisseur, consummate sign maker, the original gentle soul. Take a real hard look at who we have been working for :                       “It seems right that the fracktivist community learned that we lost our Hilary Acton on the same day of the largest climate action march in history. She was the first person in the community to welcome me, and she was a constant inspiration – completely dedicated to justice in all its […]

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Frack Spill du Jour

September 22, 2014
Frack Spill du Jour

Comes from Washington County, Pa via my pal Bob Doonan, aka The Bob: “I got a text Friday night from a friend extremely concerned about a major spill not very far from everyone’s favorite county park: MINGO.       The Ebenezer Covered Bridge in Mingo Creek County Park   Ironically perhaps, one of the spill sites was close to Mingo Creek Presbyterian Church, a famous hub for those who fought the federal government over taxes during the Whiskey Rebellion. A brief history lesson:     The Whiskey Rebellion, or Whiskey Insurrection, was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791, during the presidency of George Washington. The rebellion was provoked by the imposition of an excise tax on distilled spirits. Although the tax applied to all distilled […]

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Climate Change – The Debate is OVER

September 22, 2014
Climate Change – The Debate is OVER

On Sunday, September 21, 2014 over 400,000 people assembled in New York City for the People’s Climate March. In the run up to the march, news stories estimated number of attendees around 100,000. Within a couple of days before the march, this number was upped to 200,000.  People came on buses, trains, subways, bikes and by foot on the morning of September 21.   We initially heard over 400 buses were expected; by the time we reached the starting point of the march we were hearing over 550 buses were arriving. As the day passed we heard CNN reported that it was impossible to estimate the size of the crowd. Other media conservatively stated tens of thousands.   The largest number has been estimated at over 400,000. How big was the march? […]

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September 21, 2014

300,000+ Demand Climate Action Now at Largest Climate March in World History Photos: Climate March, New York City, 9.21.14 Accompanied by drumbeats, wearing costumes and carrying signs, thousands of demonstrators filled the streets of Manhattan and other cities around the world on Sunday to urge policy makers to take action on climate change. The crowds of marchers, which included actors Mark Ruffalo and Evangeline Lilly, wound through midtown Manhattan, joined along the way by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, former Vice President Al Gore and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. The march was one of a series of events large and small held around the world — organizers said 40,000 marchers took part in an event in London, while a small gathering in Cairo featured 50-foot art […]

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Climate March – WWLD ?

September 20, 2014
Climate March - WWLD ?

What would Luke do ? Or Pete ? Or Woody ?  Or Phil Ochs ?  Outside of a Small Circle of Friends- Phil Ochs – Lyrics Video Outside of a Small Circle of Friends- Phil Ochs – Lyrics… View on YOU ARE HERE, will take place Saturday at 12:30 at the Graffiti Church, 205 East 7th Street (between Ave. B\&C). Details here: The biggest climate action in history starts in less than 24 hours. The centerpiece is a massive rally in New York City timed to coincide with the United Nations Climate Summit. At this meeting, leaders from around the globe could map out agreements and policies that will determine the future of our climate. More than 500 buses of protesters are heading to New York. 29 marching bands will provide the soundtrack. […]

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 20

September 20, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 20

Is the Shale Revolution a ‘Ponzi Scheme’ or the End of Peak Oil? Business Love for Cuomo Ends with Fracking: The Governor’s Position in the Middle Has Satisfied No One Cuomo foes pounce on fracking indecision Obama Urged to Plug Methane Leaks to Meet Climate Goal Chevron meets new, voluntary shale drilling rules Fracking’s woes told at forums The curious case of the smallmouth bass Marcellus shale conference moves from Philly to Pittsburgh PRESSURE BUILDING With 38% of Global Shale Gas Located in Regions of Water Stress, More Oversight of Fracking is Urgently Needed

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Shale Fracking Is a “Ponzi Scheme”…“This Decade’s Version of The Dotcom Bubble” … “A Lot In Common With the Subprime Mortgage”

September 20, 2014
Shale Fracking Is a “Ponzi Scheme”...“This Decade’s Version of The Dotcom Bubble” … “A Lot In Common With the Subprime Mortgage"

In 2011, the New York Times wrote: “Money is pouring in” from investors even though shale gas is “inherently unprofitable,” an analyst from PNC Wealth Management, an investment company,  wrote to a contractor in a February e-mail. “Reminds you of dot-coms.”   “The word in the world of independents is that the shale plays are just giant Ponzi schemes and the economics just do not work,” an analyst from IHS Drilling Data, an energy research company,  wrote in an e-mail on Aug. 28, 2009.   ***   “And now these corporate giants are having an Enron moment,” a retired geologist from a major oil and gas company  wrote in a February e-mail about other companies invested in shale gas.   ***   Deborah Rogers, a member of the advisory committee […]

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Daily Frack Job – Sept 19th

September 19, 2014
Daily Frack Job - Sept 19th

Cuomo: I Won’t Decide on Fracking Before the Election Anti-fracking protesters demonstrate outside Cuomo fundraiser Astorino pitches (and chides) Business Council Brooklyn panel to focus on effects of fracking Auburn reinstates ban on accepting gas drilling wastewater H-word by Collins has expats groaning Alex Beauchamp: How fracking contributes to climate change Al Gore: Fracking Won’t Solve Our Climate Crisis Alec Baldwin, passionate about green energy, speaks out against fracking Ohio: Lawmaker action with hydraulic fracturing PA families struggle with gas drilling pollution NM: Fighting the Fracking Barons Senate Bill Would Speed Permits for Pipelines Like Keystone XL BP Ask Texas Supreme Court for Ruling That Would Cut Spill Costs Companies Warn Investors Climate Change Threatens Their […]

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Cuomo Vows to Remain Undecided on Fracking

September 19, 2014
Cuomo Vows to Remain Undecided on Fracking

At least he’s consistently inconsistent Cuomo: I Won’t Decide on Fracking Before the Election By Jonathan Zhou, The Epoch Times | September 18, 2014 Last Updated: September 18, 2014 7:04 pm Anti-fracking activists protest across the street from the Plaza Hotel, where Cuomo was hosting a campaign event and luncheon in Midtown Manhattan, N.Y., on Monday, September 18, 2014. (Jonathan Zhou/Epoch Times) NEW YORK—Gov. Andrew Cuomo reiterated Thursday that he would not make a decision on fracking before the election, again rebuking activists who have repeatedly entreated the governor to ban fracking. “No, there won’t be,” Cuomo told reporters at a press event at the Plaza Hotel, on whether he would make a decision about extending the state’s moratorium on hydraulic fracturing before Nov. 7. New York instituted a nonstatutory ban […]

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No Frack Filth in Auburn, New York

September 19, 2014
No Frack Filth in Auburn, New York

Auburn, New York reaffirms its desire to not be slathered in frack goo Auburn Reinstates Frack Waste Ban Print Email 3 hours ago  •  Greg Mason | (0) Comments AUBURN | For the second time in four years, Auburn officials have banned the city’s waste water treatment plant from accepting water produced as a byproduct of natural gas drilling. Members of the Auburn City Council re-instituted the ban during Thursday night’s meeting by a 4-1 vote. The results were met with a round of applause from a handful of spectators at Auburn City Hall. Two people, one from Syracuse and another from Aurora, requested the ban’s approval during the public portion of Thursday’s meeting. A moratorium was originally instituted in 2011, prohibiting the city from accepting any water produced […]

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Shocking Discovery: Frack Disposal Wells Caused New Mexico Frackquakes

September 18, 2014
Shocking Discovery: Frack Disposal Wells Caused New Mexico Frackquakes

Yawn. It wasn’t the UFOs this time.  Which begs the question: When are the fracking frackers going to be held liable for all this ?    Induced Earthquake Sequence in the Raton Basin of Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado by Justin L. Rubinstein, William L. Ellsworth, Arthur McGarr, and Harley M. Benz Abstract We investigate the ongoing seismicity in the Raton Basin and find that the deep injection of wastewater from the coal-bed methane field is responsible for inducing the majority of the seismicity since 2001. Many lines of evidence indicate that this earthquake sequence was induced by wastewater injection. First, there was a marked increase in seismicity shortly after major fluid injection began in the Raton Basin in 1999. From 1972 through July 2001, there was one M […]

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deRange Resources Fined $4.5Million

September 18, 2014
deRange Resources Fined $4.5Million

For trashing water in Pennsylvania. Which is their specialty in Texas. . . DEP Fines Range Resources $4.15 Million for Violating Environmental Regulations Consent order and agreement will close five Washington County impoundments PITTSBURGH — The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) today announced it has signed a wide-ranging consent order and agreement with Range Resources for violations at six of its Washington County impoundments. The consent order requires the company to pay a $4.15 million fine, the largest against an oil and gas operator in the state’s shale drilling era, close five impoundments and upgrade two other impoundments to meet heightened “next generation” standards currently under development at DEP. “This action reaffirms the administration’s unwavering commitment to protecting Pennsylvania’s soil and water resources,” DEP Secretary E. Christopher Abruzzo said. “This […]

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 18

September 18, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 18

      If Natural Gas Wells Used In Fracking Are Contaminating Water, Why Isn’t Fracking To Blame? Chevron meets higher drilling standards Kinder Morgan signals flexibility on gas pipeline route in Berkshires, elsewhere Putting a cap on water loss Elizabeth mayor says state won’t ban fracking so towns, counties should Donegal Township families fight driller to get clean water Fracking Bans Enrage Coloradans Sitting on Energy Riches Mixed news on Colorado drilling boom Editorial: New report sheds light on fracking pollution What’s Pa. hiding on fracking contamination? Will China’s great fracking leap help it wean off coal?      

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NYC Climate March Weekend !

September 18, 2014
NYC Climate March Weekend !

  Click image for the MTA website Thursday September 18th Ban Fracking Rally outside “Women for Cuomo” event 11:30am – 1:00pm The Plaza Hotel Fifth Avenue at Central Park South Thursday September 18th 7pm-9pm voices from around the US and Latin America to speak about first hand accounts of impacts from hydraulic fracking. MayDay / PCM Arts Space 214 Starr Street Brooklyn, NY Friday September 19th 12:00pm – 5:45pm Join Rainforest Action Network and other activists like you for an afternoon of workshops on corporate campaigning, creative actions, and RAN’s campaigns to fight climate change. The Commons Brooklyn 388 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, New York 11217 Friday, September 19th 6:00pm – 9:30pm Happy Hour for Hellraisers The Commons 388 Atlantic Ave Brooklyn, NY 11217 Friday, September 19th & Sat 20th Tar Sands Bloc Art Build: “We won’t stop […]

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Fracking the Homeless in North Carolina

September 18, 2014
Fracking the Homeless in North Carolina

Frackers subsidize supporters to come to frack rallys – free bus rides, free T shirts, free pizzas – but now they are paying the homeless to pretend to be pro-fracking at hearings.  THAT’S FRACKED UP! Need a Fracking Supporter in North Carolina ? Pay a homeless person. By Eve Andrews 16 Sep 2014 5:32 PM    4 comments 115 shares SHARE In bizarre energy industry news of the day, the North Carolina Energy Coalition, a pro-fracking front group, brought in homeless men to stand in as fracking supporters at a state hearing on developing fracking operations in the state.The men were bussed 200 miles from Winston-Salem to Cullowhee, N.C., where the hearing took place, for the day.From Asheville’s Citizen-Times: “They were clueless,” said Bettie “Betsy” Ashby, a member of the Jackson […]

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 17

September 17, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 17

 Future of Fracking Will Influence November Election for Governor Who will monitor the environmental fallout from fracking? Town enacts moratorium on fracking-related activities Mark Ruffalo calls on Obama to ban fracking ahead of UN climate summit Experts Call on Obama to Ban Fracking in Lead Up to People’s Climate March ‘This Changes Everything’ Including the Anti-Fracking Movement 5 common worries when fracking comes to town   NJ: Fair Lawn to consider 3-year moratorium on fracking   Scientists Find ‘Direct Link’ Between Earthquakes And Process Used For Oil And Gas Drilling Gas Production Blamed for Rise in Colorado , New Mexico Earthquakes  Keystone XL Operator Seeks South Dakota Approval Meet the Frackers: Right-Wing Billionaire Brothers’ Biblical Ambitions How First Nations in […]

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100% Renewable the Old Fashioned Way: Hydro

September 17, 2014
100% Renewable the Old Fashioned Way: Hydro

Saw this story about another town – Burlington, Vt. – going 100% renewable. But not with solar or wind, but the old fashioned New England way – with water power, hydro. New York and Pennsylvania have more untapped hydro than any other states – in the valleys of the Mohawk, Hudson, Delaware and Susquehanna – enough to power the entire states. What’s lacking is the political will to tap those sources. There are no fat checks from hydro lobbyists. Burlington will be enjoying clean renewable energy long after the last shale well is fracked in Pennsylvania. And long after the last oil war is fought in the Mideast. Bravo Burlington. BURLINGTON, Vt. — Vermont’s largest city has a new success to add to its list of socially conscious achievements: 100 […]

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Essential Resources to Fight Fracking

September 16, 2014
Essential Resources to Fight Fracking

  Friends, if you want a series of booklets to give to legislators or anyone to help them understand the reason and necessity for a ban, Our criteria are that these sources should be Compelling stories, good science, good journalism Peer reviewed (if appropriate) and sourced/footnoted, mainstream sources Any one of these could stand-alone as the ONE source you could give someone. Extra credit for beautiful presentation. Available free online in PDF form. I recommend the following as the BEST of the Best! Some can be purchased as color, bound editions. 1: Food and Water Watch’s: The URGENT case for a ban on fracking: Summary of all the reasons why fracking is inherently toxic, cannot be regulated, and therefore must be banned. Extra credit for beautiful presentation. 2: PACWA’s […]

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Roof Top Solar Update – As Cheap As Grid in 11 States Already

September 16, 2014
Roof Top Solar Update - As Cheap As Grid in 11 States Already

MON SEP 15, 2014 AT 11:30 AM PDT Rooftop solar energy will reach or exceed grid parity in more than half of states by 2017, says UCS 109 Comments / 109 New Mike Jacobs, senior energy analyst of the Union of Concerned Scientist’s Climate and Energy Program, alerts us to the good news of solar energy grid parity in his article How Much Does Rooftop Solar Power Cost? Grid Parity Here or Coming in More Than Half of U.S. States.Even without considering state incentives, UCS estimates that with federal tax credits and financing, rooftop solar energy generation has already reached grid parity in 11 states, including many in the northeast, due to higher-than-average electricity rates. UCS estimates that with rapid declines in the cost of panels and installations, homes in […]

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 16

September 16, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 16

Thursday’s rally outside one of Governor Cuomo’s events in Manhattan . WHAT: Rally to Ban Fracking outside the “Women for Cuomo” fundraising event WHERE: The Plaza Hotel, 768 Fifth Avenue , Manhattan DATE: Thursday, September 18 TIME: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm   North country residents sound off on oil train traffic   DEC still taking comments on Albany oil train project   Talk in Beacon will look at fracking   Tell the EPA: Require Disclosure of Dangerous Fracking Chemicals   PA: Election 2014 Natural Gas Drilling   CO: Frustration Over Fracking Could Play Role In November Elections    Texas: Traffic deaths in the booming Permian Basin rose 50 percent   Could EPA’s Power Plant Proposal Fast-Track Natural Gas Pipeline Projects?   […]

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Texas Frack Regulators Claim Russians Behind Anti-Fracking Movement

September 16, 2014
Texas Frack Regulators Claim Russians Behind Anti-Fracking Movement

Calls on Exxon Chairman to “come clean about who put him up to protesting a frack water operation in his backyard. That stunt had KGB written all over it,” the irate bureaucrat fumed. “Who else would be behind that sort of psy-ops  tomfoolery but the Russians ?” Frack Regulators Target Russian “Outside Agitators” by JIM MALEWITZ, The Texas Tribune Sep 10, 2014   The Railroad Commission of Texas is talking an awful lot about Russia this summer.  Commissioner David Porter on Monday become the second of the state’s three oil and gas regulators to raise concerns that Russia, looking to bolster its share of the global natural gas market, is waging a misinformation campaign against hydraulic fracturing, or fracking — the method of blasting apart shale to free up oil and natural gas. Russia is […]

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The Fracking News – Monday PM Special Edition

September 15, 2014
The Fracking News - Monday PM Special Edition

New anti-fracking committee meets Tuesday in Penn Yan Texas drinking water tainted by natural gas operations, scientists find Drillers, But Not Fracking, Tied to Tainted Water, Study Shows Fracking or Drinking Water? That May Become the Choice President Obama has a huge gas problem Lawmakers Say State Needs More Disposal Well Field Inspectors Shaking from injection-induced earthquakes Bad news for fracked gas in Vermont Accident shuts down natural-gas pipeline off Louisiana coast Royalty Owners Haul Exxon Subsidiary XTO to Court Over Royalties Solar in Oil Drilling: Beat Them or Join Them?

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New Study Confirms Every Other Study: Shale Gas Wells Leak . . . Gas !

September 15, 2014
New Study Confirms Every Other Study: Shale Gas Wells Leak . . . Gas !

Right up the well bore itself – on the outside of the steel casing and on the outside of the cement sheath. Because the well bore is nothing but a enormous hole in the ground – that opens a pathway through every gas bearing formation that it encounters on the way to the target. And horizontal shale gas wells are ten times more likely to leak than vertical gas wells -because the well bore is that much wider and longer. What a surprise ! Who would have guessed ? Some of the usual hair-splitting about whether the gas came from the target shale formation – or another gas bearing strata. Who the frack cares which geological epoch it came from ? The well bores leak. Over time, all of them will […]

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What’s Your Choice, NY?

September 15, 2014
What's Your Choice, NY?

Here’s a quick summary of your present choices for Governor in NY:   1: The Fracker 2: The Fence Sitter 3: Howie REMEMBER: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different result. Choose wisely.  

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Zephyr to Cuomo: Frack You

September 15, 2014
Zephyr to Cuomo: Frack You Zephyr Mulling Cuomo Endorsement if he Opposes Fracking Zephyr says that the Governor will only get her Thumbs Up if he opposes fracking BY Ginger Adams Otis NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Friday, September 12, 2014, 11:49 PM Bryan Pace/for New York Daily News Zephyr Teachout might endorse Andrew Cuomo, if he decides to oppose fracking. Democratic gubernatorial challenger Zephyr Teachout didn’t succeed in unseating the incumbent in this week’s primary, but she still hopes to make an impact in the November election. The law professor who had hoped to become New York’s first female governor said Friday her endorsement in the general election will depend on several issues: fracking, school funding, and supporting other Democratic candidates. Teachout, 42, a Fordham professor, told the Associated Press Gov. Andrew Cuomo will only […]

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You Are Here, New York — 1 week until launch !

September 15, 2014
You Are Here, New York -- 1 week until launch !

| Isn’t it great that NY is frack free! … don’t be so sure about that… For nearly 2 years an ad hoc group of grassroots activists around the state have been working on mapping how shale gas drilling is already impacting NY despite the de facto moratorium. That project is called YOU ARE HERE ! We will be launching this project on Sept 20th, on Saturday just before the big People’s Climate March in NYC. Soon after that, we will be showing YOU the map. If you can make it to NYC, join this event. Otherwise, be sure to LIKE this Facebook page to get updates, or just stay tuned right here to NFW If you are going to be in NYC on the day before the People’s Climate March : […]

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Would the Real Fracker Please Stand Up

September 14, 2014
Would the Real Fracker Please Stand Up

New DoubleSpeak ad from a politician running like crazy-legs away from his pro-fracking record. New ad features incumbent Chris Gibson – who has been on the federal payroll his entire adult life, never created any jobs anywhere,  never funded any companies, but who moved back to his birthplace solely to run for Congress as a “tea party” Republican. Now poses in front of a picture of barn (where he never worked). As if he’s anti-fracking.  Contrasted with a picture of his opponent, local businessman Sean Eldridge, who actually invests to creates jobs in his local district – (including local companies in the food business that buy from farmers with red barns) in front of some pump jacks (which are used on conventional oil wells, not shale gas wells). Ostensibly because Eldridge owns […]

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Fracking Losers: Local Government

September 14, 2014
Fracking Losers: Local Government

From John Trallo – Q: Do you know why pipeline companies would rather install pipelines on private property as opposed to state or federal land?  A: Because they would have to pay annually to have a pipeline on state or federal land and they can get away with a pennies-on-the-dollar one-time payment on private land using the power of eminent domain as leverage. Q: Do you know why the US government is permitting more LNG export facilities and allowing US natural gas to be exported to China and South America where the price is four to five times the US price? A: Because the US government gets an excise tax on all exported oil and gas.   Q:  Why is Pennsylvania the only major oil & gas produa bribe is […]

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 13

September 13, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 13

  Andrew Cuomo’s problems with the left exposed in New York’s Democratic primary Will U.S. Oil Exports Grease The Path To Economic Growth? Large crowd turns thumbs down on fracking rules How The New York Times Overhyped The Benefits Of Fracking  EIA: Natural gas storage deficit to 5-year average is narrowing Statoil expanding project that captures flare gas in North Dakota A Bill to Regulate Oil Refineries Also Threatens Public Access Rights We Thought It Was Safe  Opponents slam Enbridge’s plans to expand flow of oil sands crude into U.S.   Coast Guard says it’s not prepared for Great Lakes oil spill  

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Stanford Frack Study

September 12, 2014
Stanford Frack Study Stanford Report, September 12, 2014 Stanford Study Assesses Environmental Costs of Fracking Rising supplies of natural gas could benefit the environment by replacing coal as a fuel for electricity, but hydraulic fracturing poses dangers for people living near the wells, a new analysis finds. We can do better, the authors say. By Mark Golden Robert Jackson Fracking operations at a well pad near a farm over the Marcellus shale formation in Pennsylvania. A strange thing happened on the way to dealing with climate change: Advances in hydraulic fracturing put trillions of dollars’ worth of previously unreachable oil and natural gas within humanity’s grasp. The environmental costs – and benefits – from “fracking,” which requires blasting huge amounts of water, sand and chemicals deep into underground rock formations, are the […]

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 12

September 12, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 12

Stanford-led study assesses the environmental costs and benefits of fracking Inside the Halls of Government, Gas Industry Makes its Pitch How Obama Became the Oil President Evidence mounting to suggest earthquakes are man made Fracking and Earthquakes: The Risk Is Clear. Who Pays Is Not Michigan landowners say they were cheated, energy company disagrees, court to decide Yale study shows potential link between health ailments, gas wells Fracking or drinking water? That may become the choice\ No drilling in Hartwick Pines, state decides New research: Gas development might impact forest birds

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Flowback Greenwash: Frackademics Peer Review Frackademics

September 12, 2014
Flowback Greenwash: Frackademics Peer Review Frackademics

Shale fracking is a textbook way to introduce contaminated water into the biosphere. Billions of gallons of it. Most of the contaminated water – residual frack fluid and frack flowback comes back to the surface, where it ends up contaminated surface water or is re-injected to cause frackquakes. Of the frack water left in the formation, a new paper addresses the likelihood of it getting back into the water supply. A new paper looks into the mechanisms for frack water to stay in the ground. But since most of the frack water comes back to the surface, focusing on the fluid left in the formation ignores the majority of the problem. It is an elaborate shell game, a distraction. The paper was authored by 400 Tcf Terry Engelder and Lawrence Cathies, […]

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 11

September 11, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 11

  Fracking workers exposed to dangerous amounts of benzene, study says Yale, Penn State studies offer conflicting views of fracking Why Energy Efficiency Is The Most Important Fuel We Didn’t Know We Had Crude Oil, Natural Gas Vulnerable As Supply Glut Concerns Persist Chomsky: U.S. Plunges the Cradle of Civilization into Disaster, While Its Oil-Based Empire Destroys the Earth’s Climate  Texas: When fracking and free speech collide Railroad Commissioner Targets a Russian Threat  VA: McAuliffe: No fracking in GW National Forest Goldman Sachs Warns Investors to Avoid Oil-By-Rail, While Investing in Oil-By-Rail CA: How Fracking is Affecting Real Californians’ Lives

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Amazing Discovery – Living in a Gas Field Can Make You Sick

September 11, 2014
Amazing Discovery - Living in a Gas Field Can Make You Sick

Doubles risk of lung cancer. Shazam ! This comes as no surprise to Wilma Subra. Or anyone that has lived within ear shot of frack field. No one choses to live in the midst of an oil or gas field. Traditionally, the only people that did were the pumpers  – the hands that looked after the wells. If their families lived with them, they got sick. It went with the job. They got paid to live in a gas field.  That was before shale fields started sprouting up in inhabited areas.  Then they got sick, and they did not work for the oil & gas operator. The frackers have known this is a problem from the outset – hence the Halliburton Loophole, the payoffs to politicians, Pennsylvania’s Act 13 to […]

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 10

September 10, 2014
The Daily Frack -  Sept. 10

    Yale study: Health problems found in people living near fracking wells People near ‘fracking’ wells report health woes Groundbreaking Study Finds Six Chemicals in Fracking Wastewater at Levels Unsafe to Drink How Hillary Clinton’s State Department Sold Fracking to the World  DEP releases updated details on water contamination near drilling sites    House hearing examines volatility of Bakken crude oil Lawmaker: Regulators’ Oil-Train Safety Push Could Be Climate-Change Policy in Disguise  Hydrofracking to be allowed in Washington County, Va.  Activists want Columbus to have environmental ‘bill of rights’  Former Obama Aide Summers Calls for End of Oil Export Ban  

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Cuomo’s Fracking Problem(s)

September 10, 2014
Cuomo's Fracking Problem(s)

Cuomo: No ‘emotional’ fracking decisions ALBANY —Moments after casting his primary ballot this morning, Governor Andrew Cuomo said he will not make an “emotional decision” on fracking. “You can have academics and scientists with research stand up and argue passionately pro, and you have them arguing passionately against, so it is a complex issue,” he told reporters. “But I want to do it on the science and not the politics.” Cuomo’s primary opponent, Fordham University law professor Zephyr Teachout, has said she would ban fracking on her first day as governor. Cuomo has put off making a decision on the state’s moratorium on fracking, which is now six years old, citing ongoing studies of the health impacts of fracking. Cuomo said anti-fracking protesters were the most prevalent protest group in […]

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Fractavist Landslide: Teachout/ Wu Win 30 Upstate Counties and 34% of Vote

September 10, 2014
Fractavist Landslide: Teachout/ Wu Win 30 Upstate Counties and 34% of Vote

Fractavists send Cuomo a message Don’t frack with Upstate. Here’s the map from the NYT.  It’s actually very telling – Cuomo won mostly the cities, plus western NY hence most of the votes.  But Teachout/Wu won all of the Hudson valley, the Adirondacks, Catskills and Finger Lakes by fractavist landslides  – and clearly won the hearts and minds of most of Upstate and Central and Finger Lakes NY.  If you go to the map on the NYT site and mouse over the Southern Tier, Central and Upstate counties that are blue you’ll see that Cuomo barely won in those regions –  very thin margins, especially when you count Credico’s progressive votes as well – in some instances Teachout + Credico were > 50%.  This map should send a very strong message that Upstate […]

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Frackbook Sept 8 Zephyr Frackout Voting Day

September 9, 2014
Frackbook Sept 8 Zephyr Frackout Voting Day

A loud insurrection on his left complicates N.Y. … He legalized same-sex marriage, signed some of the nation’s toughest gun-control laws and funded universal pre-kindergarten education. As Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo campaigns for reelection here, his record bears many hallmarks of a true progressive. But his opponent in Tuesday’s Democratic primary questions whether Cuomo belongs in the Democratic Party at all. She says the governor is more attuned to the wants of his millionaire Wall Street and real-estate-tycoon campaign donors than to the problems of inequality. Suffolk Closeup: Teachout speaks out … Zephyr Teachout’s Facebook page) Zephyr Teachout is challenging incumbent Andrew Cuomo in a primary this coming Tuesday to decide who will be the Democratic nominee for governor. She is an… The obscene Corbett communications you should car… … […]

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Fracking the Citizens United Decision

September 9, 2014
Fracking the Citizens United Decision

The Senate just voted to advance a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. For the first time in history, every single senator will be forced to say—on the record—whether or not they think money is speech. This is momentous. It’s a once-in-a-generation opportunity. It’s nothing short of amazing that Mitch McConnell and his fellow Republicans didn’t block this bill entirely—as they’ve done with nearly every other priority issue of most Americans, like the minimum wage and student debt. We’ve built enough grassroots pressure that they couldn’t squash this. McConnell is trying to make lemonade out of this—he claims that he welcomes the debate. But 80 percent of American oppose Citizens United. Even 72 percent of Republicans think the Supreme Court got it wrong. So now, it’s on. The Senate will debate money […]

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The Best Governor That Money Can Buy

September 8, 2014
The Best Governor That Money Can Buy

Is of course Corbett of Pennsylvania. But Cuomo is not far behind, as The Bruce points out  . . . June 2012 Cuomo floats the idea of permitting fracking in several Southern Tier counties July 2012 The governor suggests home rule bans and moratoria can be overturned if they interfere with fracking: “You could override local government, or you could say ‘Well we’re going to respect home rule if it coincident with the obvious and necessary ramp up period anyway.’” February 2013 The DEC fails to promulgate fracking regulations in time to meet a statutory deadline. October 2013 The DEC issues the industry’s draft regulations that would permit the construction of unspecified LNG facilities in NYS. January 2014 NSERDA issues a draft state Energy Plan that relies heavily on fracked […]

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Fracking News Sept 6 & 7

September 7, 2014
Fracking News Sept 6 & 7

DRBC under new leader Almost a month into his new job, the Delaware River Basin Commission’s top regulator says he’s still in the “listening and learning mode.” Steven Tambini left his role as vice president of operations… New gas pipeline in works for Luzerne A new route to transport natural gas from Northeastern Pennsylvania wells is in the pipeline. The Williams Companies’ Transco interstate natural gas pipeline, constructed in the 1950s, is undergoing… Water testing cannot explain dirty well water for… AUBURN TWP. — Nestled in an isolated rural Susquehanna County town, Kane has watched natural gas development unfurl into a boom since 2008. There are six well pads within walking distance from her doorstep where she lives with her longtime partner, Kenny Macialek, in the home he bought in […]

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Pennsyvlania Residents Challenge “Frack You” Zoning Variances

September 6, 2014
Pennsyvlania Residents Challenge "Frack You" Zoning Variances

More Pennsylvania residents are waking up to the fact that local land use laws are designed to keep residents from being fracked out of their houses. And that town boards cannot willy nilly grant variances to frackers to frack neighborhoods. Residents Challenge Frack Zoning Amendment by Emily Petsko Staff writer Published Sep 5, 2014 at 10:37 pm (Updated Sep 5, 2014 at 10:37 pm) Make text smaller Make text larger McDONALD – Six Robinson Township residents are challenging the validity of the township’s zoning amendment, passed last month, which opened up more areas to drilling companies. The challenge, filed Thursday with the township, will require Robinson’s zoning hearing board to review the validity of the amendment and make a determination. If the hearing board rules against the residents, they […]

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The Daily Frack – Sept. 5

September 5, 2014
The Daily Frack - Sept. 5

  Still too early to say OK to fracking. We find ourselves in no rush to join North Dakota, Texas, Pennsylvania and other states that have to deal with fracking’s uncertain effects on health, the economy and the environment. Oneonta Daily Star, New York. Editorial, 5 September 2014.   Drilling damages water in four Pulaski wells. Four private water supplies in Pennsylvania’s Pulaski Township are among 243 statewide, damaged by gas and oil drilling. New Castle Record, Pennsylvania. 5 September 2014.   5 things to know about gas boom and polluted water The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has released details on 243 cases in which regulators determined that oil and gas drilling polluted or diminished private water supplies. The…      Semirural neighborhood becomes Marcellus Shale zoning battleground. A semirural […]

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When the Going Gets Tough, the Frackos Turn Paranoid

September 5, 2014
When the Going Gets Tough, the Frackos Turn Paranoid

Having struck out on Home Rule at the Supremes, and at trial on their fracking publicity stunt against the NYS DEC, the New York Fracking Chickenhawks or just plain Disjointed Landowners Coalition are now trying to milk money out of dairy farmers so that they can pay some Shale Shysters to file yet another frivolous fracking publicity stunt lawsuit against . . . .well somebody – they’re a bit fuzzy on that part. Here’s the latest sales pitch – the entire grassroots anti-fracking movement in New York is master-minded and paid for a few “green billionaires” Or maybe the Russians. Or the Saudis. Or all of the above. So now the Disjointed Landowners (and their Sugar Daddies, the Koch Brothers) have to “fight back” – by first hitting dairy farmers up for more dough […]

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Teachout Reachout

September 4, 2014
Teachout Reachout

From Carole Marner : Video of Zephyr Teachout’s Oneonta presentation last week.  Note:  Teachout’s talk begins about 7 minutes into the video. you prefer to read what she has written, you can see the breadth of her knowledge and her interests in a series of  articles she has posted on Huffington Post since 2007., The New York Times’ reason for not endorsing her is “because she has not shown the breadth of interests and experience needed to govern a big and diverse state”, is proven false by the variety of topics in the Huffington Post articles, as is their reason for not endorsing Cuomo : “because he broke his most important promise”.  Actually, the Times’ editors then go on to give a damning list of reasons why Cuomo under […]

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The Daily Frack- Sept. 4

September 4, 2014
The Daily Frack- Sept. 4

Fracking views separate candidates for governor. Democratic candidate for governor Zephyr Teachout said Wednesday she would ban gas drilling because it threatens the environment. Republican Rob Astorino would promote it to boost jobs. Democratic Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, after three years of consideration, hasn’t made up his mind. New York Newsday, New York. 4 September 2014. Zephyr Teachout, Tim Wu slam de Blasio for endors… REUTERS’ – Avengers’ actor Mark Ruffalo (left) endorses New York State democratic governor candidate Zephyr Teachout (center) and lieutenant governor hopeful Tim Wu (right) during a… Residents beat gas company in Lycoming County zon… Some Lycoming County residents prevailed in a zoning fight with a gas company, one of the first such battles since the Supreme Court overthrew portions of the state’s oil and gas […]

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Second Rule of Frack Club: When the Fracking Wells Run Dry, Shut the Frack Up

September 4, 2014
Second Rule of Frack Club: When the Fracking Wells Run Dry, Shut the Frack Up

Shale is literally the bottom of the hydrocarbon barrel – the source rock for all conventional oil and gas reserves.  Once it’s tapped out, game over. Big time. Then things will get really interesting. If you don’t have a solar panel and electric car, you will. Or you’ll be riding shank’s mare. This is not a matter of if, simply a matter of when this inevitability happens. The last thing the frackers want us to think about is what happens when the wells go dry. That’s the Second Rule of Frack Club. Don’t talk about what happens when Frack Club is over. What if the TV Gas Blonde is wrong ? What if we don’t have “A hundred year supply of natural gas” (First series of ads) Or “Sixty years” (2nd series […]

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Utica “Found” Where It Was Supposed to Be . . . imagine that

September 3, 2014
Utica "Found" Where It Was Supposed to Be . . . imagine that

Saw the Shell announcement of successful Utica gas wells in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. Shown below is a geological map of the Utica in Pennsylvania, previously discussed here. The area in dark orange indicates productive dry gas  – into Tioga County (Pa) and Potter County (Pa). So Shell simply found Utican production where it was expected. Note this is not an “extension” or step out of Utican productivity, but a pocket of Utican productivity removed from the main field in SW Pa. Shell shot 3d seismic to target shoot these wild cat locations. The two Shell test wells were rather deep – 14,500 and 15,500 – and dry gas in good volumes, but lower volumes than the shallower Marcellus wells to the east. So Shell has apparently proven up the potential known from the […]

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Judge Bars Fracking in Residential Area

September 3, 2014
Judge Bars Fracking in Residential Area

A Pennsylvania judge has (rightly) decided that an industrial land use – fracking – is not compatible with residential zoning. The town granted the fracker the permit (effectively as a variance), but the judge ruled that such a use is incompatible with residential uses. Which it is.  That’s the whole point of residential zoning to keep the frackers out. The court ruled that the town had an obligation to follow procedures in granting the variance, but the town did not. Fracking is not immune to local land use laws in Pennsylvania as the Pennsylvania Supremes have clearly ruled. And those land use laws have to be applied fairly – not waived arbitrarily.  Judge Bars Fracking in Residential Area Judge bars natural gas well in residential area Posted: Sep 03, 2014 4:57 PM […]

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The Daily Fracker Sept 3, 2014

September 3, 2014
The Daily Fracker Sept 3, 2014

Shell Finds Stretch Utica Shale Boundary Many Mil… Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA)’s natural gas discoveries near the Pennsylvania-New York border indicate that the Utica shale formation extends hundreds of miles farther east than originally… Judge bars natural gas well in residential area HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) – A judge in northern Pennsylvania is throwing out a municipality’s decision to allow a natural gas well to be drilled in a residentially zoned area. The environmental group PennFuture said Wednesday the ruling was a test of a state Supreme Court decision that struck down a 2012 law restricting municipalities’ ability to control where companies may drill. PennFuture had sued on behalf of a nearby landowner. The Marcellus Shale well pad was to be as large as 300 feet by 350 feet, and located within […]

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How Cuomo the DINO Fracked the Democrats

September 3, 2014
How  Cuomo the DINO Fracked the Democrats

Cuomo supported the Republican’s control of the state senate, which cratered every fracking reform bill passed by the House.   With Republicans in tacit control of the State Senate – thanks to the DINOs – there has been no bills passed that address fracking – just what the lobbyists paid for.   Cuomo the DINO Sold Out the Senate Democrats    Sep. 2, 2014 Andrew Cuomo has always been careful to maintain a plausible-looking deniability when it comes to his role in keeping his own party out of power in the State Senate. Whenever he’s been asked about his involvement in the creation of the controlling Republican-Independent Democratic coalition, Cuomo has shrugged and suggested that it’s not the governor’s place to get involved in that sort of thing. “This is […]

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Daily Frack

September 2, 2014
Daily Frack

Critics say oil trains are polluting air Locals express concern about oil trains Oil train regulation passes in California VA: Oil train wrecks prompt scrutiny Democrats Magee, Hennessey square off for the 121st State Assembly nod Huge Reversal on Fracking In Pennsylvania Just What the Gulf of Mexico Needs: Deepwater Fracking Slated to Expand Drinking or fracking? Report finds top shale plays globally are in places with scarce water Environmentalists counter gas, oil industry fracking campaign in NC  St. Tammany Parish sues to prevent fracking; Cites concerns over aquifer White House reviews federal-land fracking rules WVa: Fracking Truck Hits Reno Home   Study to look at financial impact of gas boom ODNR investigating quake centered at Weathersfiel… Anti-fracking charter amendment to […]

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The Daily Frack – All the News That Fit to Frack

September 2, 2014
The Daily Frack - All the News That Fit to Frack

Sen. Liz Krueger: The evidence is in, so ban fracking   Astorino digs in on fracking WA: Coal trains kill Cold Trains: Fruit delivery service shuts down as rail congestion heats up     Crude rides Texas ‘ rails with little oversight Bakken crude oil production relies on rail shipments Tennessee: Court: Pipeline opponents were right Utah fracking fine highlights wastewater pond threat Canada: More trouble with tar sands: oil extraction leading to big forest loss in Alberta Nevada commission adopts fracking regulations CO: Engineers wage cold war to get more oil from shale Ireland: Local farmers urged to make pledge not to allow fracking to go ahead on their land Astorino Will Campaign With Former GOP Candidate … Marcellus Shale drillers under-reported […]

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Zephyr Frackout : Vote Tuesday September 9th

September 2, 2014
Zephyr Frackout : Vote Tuesday September 9th

Make September 9th Zephyr Frackout Day in New York – vote early and often to Keep the Frack Out of New York.  From my pal The Walter – In seven days, New Yorkers will vote in the Democratic Gubernatorial Primary.  The outcome of that election could very well determine the fate of Marcellus Shale fracking in our state.  That is why I write you today. I implore all Democrats to cast their votes next Tuesday for the candidate of their choice.  Equally importantly, I request that each and every Fractivist do everything in their power to maximize voter turn-out across New York on 9/9/14.  Each vote will be super important. Key Democratic Gubernatorial Candidates Have Diametrically Opposed Shale Fracking Positions Fractivists have an absolutely clear choice between the two key Gubernatorial candidates on the ballot.  Zephyr […]

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Fracketeer Libous Uses Campaign Donations to Pay Criminal Defense Lawyers

September 2, 2014
Fracketeer Libous Uses Campaign Donations to Pay Criminal Defense Lawyers

Donate to frack shill Tom Libous to pay his criminal defense attorneys. Call today. Operators are standing by. Who would donate to a fracketeer like Libous ? The frack lobby of course. They got this fracking goombah re-elected and now they are paying – legally under New York campaign finance law –  to keep him out of jail. Such a deal. Only in New York and Nigeria is this possible. This is the kind of fracking nonsense that Zephyr Teachout is working  to rid Albany of.  Attorney fees top $100k in 2014 for Sen. Tom Libous’ campaign 02 September 2014, 1:11 pm by Jon Campbell in Uncategorized – No Comments The second-ranking Republican in the state Senate has spent more than $100,000 in campaign funds on attorneys this year, according to his latest filing with […]

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Big Fracking Lie Version 2.0: “LNG exports will reduce global warming”

August 31, 2014
Big Fracking Lie Version 2.0: "LNG exports will reduce global warming"

LNG exports have been promoted as “helping the Ukraine.”  Joe Biden’s son is even cashing in on that scam, and Hillary already promotes LNG exports as part of her economic war on petro-terrorists.  And natural gas has been promoted as a way to “reduce global warming.”  Needless to say, all of this tendentious nonsense originates from companies seeking to maximize their profits – and is parroted by frackademics, lobbyists, politicians, and the press. None of it is true. In fact, much of  it is the inverse of the truth – a gaseous form of swiftboating: what is demonstrably ruinous for the environment is greenwashed into being good for the environment. The exportation of methane in the form of liquified natural gas (LNG) is unquestionably the worst use of the molecule – since […]

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New York’s Largest Fracking Chickenhawk Admits to Indecent Exposure

August 30, 2014
New York's Largest Fracking Chickenhawk Admits to Indecent Exposure

After the Showdown in the Bar with fractavist mayor Matt Ryan, Victor “Vic” Furman, the Joint Landowners Coalition spokesman, has admitted to indecent exposure caught on video tape at a peaceful anti fracking demonstration – that included children. Here’s the news coverage on Victor Furman, who is seeking a restraining order because he claims to be fearful of a man that he outweighs by 150 pounds. This immense fracking chickenhawk, the gashole buddy of frak flak Tom Shepstone, is what passes for an advocate of fracking in old New York. Read it and laugh: Direct link to video Raw video of the incident: Update on Arrest of Former Binghamton Mayor, Matt Ryan 8/29/2014 (Updated 6:38:03 PM) New information tonight about the arrest of former Binghamton Mayor Matt Ryan. Ryan spoke with […]

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The Zephyr’s Winds of Change Campaign !

August 29, 2014
The Zephyr's Winds of Change Campaign !

Meet Zephyr Teachout Democratic candidate for Governor of New York UPDATE: NEW DAY AND TIME Saturday, August 30  @ 6:30 pm Zephyr Teachout For Governor Website Foothills Performing Arts Center 24 Market Street, Oneonta, NY Meet and greet will follow program.  If you cannot attend, the event will be streamed live:

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The Big Fracking Lie Exposed. Again

August 29, 2014
The Big Fracking Lie Exposed. Again

The Big Fracking Lie is that shale gas industrialization has never ever once polluted water.  Ever. Anywhere. Honest. When we all know that every fracking shale well will pollute the atmosphere and compromise the water supply sooner or later. Just a matter of how much, how soon. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has, under duress, finally released their list of water sources contaminated by shale gas industrialization: Just the ones that they will admit to. Just the ones that someone actually reported. Link to the DEP list of contaminated water wells: And here courtesy of The Dory – The Josh even made a short film about how the fracker’s PR game plan mimics Big Tobacco – deny deny deny. Then deny some more. THE SKY IS PINK […]

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Fractavist Mayor Decks Fracking Chickenhawk in Bar

August 29, 2014
Fractavist Mayor Decks Fracking Chickenhawk in Bar

My pal Matt Ryan was Binghamton’s mayor when they passed a fracking ban. He is a courageous guy. Vic Furman, aka Frackman, a spokesman for the Joint Landowners Coalition of New York, is notorious for indecent exposure in public, harassing fractavist speakers, and drinking what he says is frack flowback at fractavist demonstrations. They ran into each other in a bar, and The Matt knocked the fracking chickenhawk on his butt. Go figure. Furman, who outweighs Ryan by over 150 pounds, is seeking a restraining order, claiming to be “fearful” of Ryan. Matt Ryan clearly should get a medal for performing a valuable public service. Bravo Matt. Run for Congress. Fracktavist Mayor in Bar Fight with Fracking Chickenhawk  Matt Ryan. (AP Photo/Mike Groll) Tweet Share on Facebook Share on Tumblr Print ALBANY—Former Binghamton mayor Matt Ryan, a fracking opponent, […]

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New York Times Endorses Cuomo’s Likely Successor

August 28, 2014
New York Times Endorses  Cuomo's Likely Successor

After Cuomo is indicted by the feds and resigns, the Lieutenant Governor will succeed him – the way Patterson did Spitzer. Might as well be Tim Wu, who the New York Times has just endorsed. You really, really want to vote for Tim Wu in the primary. If Teachout wins, he’s her Lieutenant Governor.  If Cuomo wins – and is forced from office – Tim is Cuomo’s successor.  Win /win situation with Tim Wu. EDITORIAL Timothy Wu for Lieutenant Governor By THE EDITORIAL BOARD AUGUST 27, 2014 The office of lieutenant governor in New York is a feeble one. The current occupant — Robert Duffy, a former mayor of Rochester — was handpicked by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2010 and spent the last four years promoting the governor’s agenda around the state. In […]

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Tobacco Shill Recycled as Frack Shill

August 27, 2014
Tobacco Shill Recycled as Frack Shill

Turns out the new chairman of the oxymoronic Sustainable Shale Shamstitute’s previous gig was as an apologist for Big Tobacco. Go figure. Why are we not surprised ? But their PR people greenwashed him and the press bought it. For awhile . . . Tobacco Shill Turns Frack Shill After Greenwashing August 27, 2014 12:00 AM By Kevin Connor Not long before Jared Cohon became the president of Carnegie Mellon, he advised a tobacco industry front group designed to manipulate public opinion about secondhand smoke. The nonprofit watchdog group I direct, the Public Accountability Initiative, reported this for the first time in a recent report on the Center for Sustainable Shale Development, which provides environmental certifications for fracking operations, and which Mr. Cohon chairs. Read the full report here. Our report […]

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Gastorino Sued in Federal Court

August 27, 2014
Gastorino Sued in Federal Court

Gastorino henceforth has a new name: Asstorino. For threatening to decapitate people over the phone. When he was being recorded. By the people he was threatening to decapitate. Some fracking goombah this fracking goombah turned out to be . . . Threatening decapitation, when journalists are being decapitated in Syria – for being journalists – is not a great way to endear oneself to the voters. Unless you’re a fracking gashole pandering to the gashole vote. Or the decapitator vote. Party Alleges Asstorino Threatened Decapitation The Westchester County Independence Party alleged today that their county executive wanted to do a lot of head-chopping. In a federal lawsuit filed today, the party claimed that Rob Astorino, the Republican Westchester county executive and candidate for governor, threatened to “decapitate” party leadership […]

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Wind of Change: The Zephyr Turns Primary into Plebiscite on Fracking

August 27, 2014
Wind of Change: The Zephyr Turns Primary into Plebiscite on Fracking

Zephyr Teachout has turned the New York gubernatorial primary into a plebiscite on fracking, on reform in Albany, on campaign finance, and on clean jobs in New York. Pretty much all the things that matter. Unless you’re a lobbyist. Or a party patronage drudge. Why is Zephyr the safe bet in the September 9th primary ?  She’s the positive candidate that represents real change and the most opportunity for New York. And because she’s the candidate least likely to be indicted by the feds. Vote early and often on September 9th. And come meet The Zephyr in Oneonta at Foothills on Saturday Sept 30th at 6:30.  Zephyr Teachout Today, Wed., Aug. 27, 2:45 pm Binghamton, 4:15 pm ElmiraFollowing the announcement of the Sierra Club’s endorsement of Zephyr Teachout, Teachout will meet with Sierra Club members in […]

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New York Times to Cuomo: Take a Fracking Hike

August 26, 2014
New York Times to Cuomo: Take a Fracking Hike

The New York Times has declined to endorse Cuomo in the Democratic Primary on September 9th. Since he is highly likely to get indicted either before or after the election. Which means he would resign and be succeeded by the Lieutenant Governor. Which is why the New York Times is endorsing Tim Wu for Lieutenant Governor – as the more able successor. A Withheld Endorsement for Governor The possibility of having a major party gubernatorial candidate who calls for a statewide ban on fracking and a move to 100% renewables becomes highly relevant to what we have all been working on for the past six years.In the last week or so Teachout has been endorsed by N.O.W., the Sierra Club and the Public Employees Federation, while the NYS Teachers Union […]

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Fracking the Frackers Anti Fracking

August 26, 2014
Fracking the Frackers Anti Fracking

Forbes has published the first of a two part series on “who’s behind the fractavist” movement – as if there has to be something “behind” what is clearly a grass-roots amorphous effort. The frackers and their spokesman have taken this tack from the outset- that someone or some organization – Gazprom, the Saudi royals, the Park Foundation – has to be “behind” anti fracking – that anti frackers are paid, that they are part of a conspiracy controlled from somewhere. This fractavist conspiracy approach has always amused me. Because if there is some group behind the anti-fracking movement, my paycheck is way way late. . . My comments on Forbes’s gaseous infomercial in bold: Fracking The Anti-Fracking Movement:   The Inside Story Of The Foundation Behind the Fractavists   […]

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Fracketeer vs Fracketeer

August 25, 2014
Fracketeer vs Fracketeer

Wherein one fracking goombah acccuses another fracking goombah of being a fracking goombah. Imagine that.  Meanwhile, Cuomo continues to dodge The Zephyr – who will instead use Gastorino as a fracking pinata in a debate. To warm up for her debate with Cuomo, in case that cowardly sack of flowback ever decides to crawl out of the bunker. And no, I am not making this up. Much: Gastorino Furious at Cuomo’s Fracketeer Ads Fracketeer Rob Gastorino, contending that Gov. Cuomo has unleashed “the dirtiest and lowest campaign probably in the history of New York, or at least since the last campaign’’ against him, will send “cease-and-desist letters” Monday to TV stations to halt new Cuomo ads accusing him of “fracketeering and fraud.” “The only way Cuomo knows how to play is […]

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Frack Shill: Wind Energy Causes Global Warming

August 23, 2014
Frack Shill: Wind Energy Causes Global Warming

According to Joe Barton, who is living proof of the hazards of electing Texas Aggies to Congress. . .  Joe Barton is s Republican Congressman from Texas, member of the Tea Party Caucus, and former chair of the House Committee on Energy and the Environment. He is the largest recipient of frack money  in Washington. In 2010 he made the following statement about wind energy:    “Wind is God’s way of balancing heat. Wind is the way you shift heat from areas where it’s hotter to areas where it’s cooler. That’s what wind is. Wouldn’t it be ironic if in the interest of global warming we mandated massive switches to wind energy, which is a finite resource, which slows the winds down, which causes the temperature to go up? Now, […]

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Gastorino Promises to Practice Safe Fracking

August 22, 2014
Gastorino Promises to Practice Safe Fracking

When fracking the Fracking Human Sacrifice Zone in New York. That’s his big job creation plan. And how does he propose to do that ? With genuine Frack Condoms, consisting of “safe regulations” – despite the fact that New York, like other states, has the best regulations the frackers could buy.

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Cuomo: New York is Open For Business. And So Am I

August 22, 2014
Cuomo:  New York is Open For Business. And So Am I

Master Card, Visa, Amex, a fat envelope, whatever you got.  Cuomo Part of Culture Of Corruption Q Poll: Cuomo Part of Corruption Problem A whopping 83 percent of New York voters think state government corruption is either a very or somewhat serious problem, and close to half (48 percent) believe Gov. Andrew Cuomo is contributing to the mess, according to a Quinnipiac poll released this morning. Forty-one percent of those polled said Cuomo is part of the solution to the swamp that has engulfed Albany. By David on August 20 2014 2:14 PM New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has not done a good job fighting corruption in the state, according to a new poll.REUTERS/Brendan McDermid A new poll released Wednesday morning shows that New Yorkers see Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo as part of a […]

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Teachout Reachout – Oneonta Foothills Center ! Saturday 30th

August 21, 2014
Teachout Reachout - Oneonta Foothills Center ! Saturday 30th

Meet Zephyr Teachout in Oneonta on August 30th at 6:30 at the Foothills Center.  Finally – a way to muck out the stalls in Albany. Come support real change in New York State.  Come support Zephyr Teachout for Governor – the best candidate that money can’t buy.  Cuomo is clearly the Politician of the 1% By the % For the %, and that conspicuously includes His Best Fracking Friends.  Cuomo never gave any fractavist, any scientist, any doctor the time of day on fracking – not Ingraffea, Josh, Sandra, Lou, not nobody. He only listens to money, that’s his political lingua franca  It is axiomatic that every party patronage drone will vote for Cuomo – if only to stay on the gravy train. So this has to go viral and voters that […]

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Environmental Defense Frauds Greenwashes Republican Candidates

August 21, 2014
Environmental Defense Frauds Greenwashes Republican Candidates

The Rent-a-Green Environmental Defense Frauds who brought us the Sustainable Shale Shamstitute, are now running industry funded green-washing campaign ads in favor pseudo pro-environmental Republicans, including Boehner Parrot Chris Gibson.  The EDF gets donations from the frackers, then run ads in favor of pro-fracking Congressman – that’s the quid pro quo of how green-washing works.  The gas industry buys the EDF’s endorsement of gas-friendly candidates, even Republicans. Now you know.   How the Environmental Defense Fund Greenwashes Republicans By Ben Adler 17 Aug 2014 5:04 PM As even a casual political observer knows, the era of the moderate Republican is over, especially in the House of Representatives. The Republican House has made a fetish of attacking the environment. It has passed innumerable bills to strip the EPA of its authority and funding and to handicap the regulatory process. […]

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Gastoriono: Political Frackoholic

August 21, 2014
Gastoriono: Political Frackoholic

Rob Astorino says fracking could create thousands of jobs in New York. And imaginary taxes. And imaginary votes.  From imaginary friends.  Astorino: Fracking New York Will Create Thousands of Jobs By Perry Russom Binghamton, NY (WBNG Binghamton) As election day for New York governor nears, the focus is on job creation. “We don’t have to settle for the myth that New York is great because right now it’s not,” said Rob Astorino, Republican candidate for governor. “We can start fracking New York right away.” The Westchester County Executive unveiled his jobs plan at Bob Carr 2.0 Printing and Mailing in Binghamton on Monday. “He seems to understand what the businesses in the community are really facing,” said Tom Pollak of Binghamton. “The need to frack our way to nirvana.” Astorino said […]

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The Best Governor that Money Can Buy

August 21, 2014
The Best Governor that Money Can Buy

Poll: Cuomo Is Part of Culture Of Corruption By David on August 20 2014 2:14 PM New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has not done a good job fighting corruption in the state, according to a new poll.REUTERS/Brendan McDermid A new poll released Wednesday morning shows that New Yorkers see Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo as part of a culture of corruption that voters believe is a serious problem. The poll comes weeks after federal prosecutors launched an investigation into Cuomo’s decision to shut down an anti-corruption panel — a move that critics say was designed to prevent the panel from scrutinizing his administration. The poll comes as three other governors pondering presidential campaigns are facing similar scrutiny from prosecutors. The survey of more than 1,000 New York voters by Quinnipiac University shows that although Cuomo […]

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Fracko Fan Letter

August 21, 2014
Fracko Fan Letter

Letter from a “Fan” to Wendy Lynne Lee    “Dear Miss. Lee, As a property owner and a proud American patriot I resent your constant opposition to the god-given rights of people to make money off the blessed bounty of natural gas that lies under our feet. My great- great grand-dad was amongst the first real Americans who came to this county to bring civilization and the ethic of hard work to an untamed wilderness. Before that this place was nothing – everybody knows that. My people built it into what it is today. As an outsider not born here, you probably would not understand that. I live on the same ground my hole life and know everything I ever needed to know without ever needing to go to far. […]

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Poles Frack Chevron

August 17, 2014
Poles Frack Chevron

First the NAZIs fracked Poland. Then the Russians. Then Pizza Frackers Chevron tried to. But the Poles fought back. And this time, they won. Bravo. Chevron was paying some crooks in the Polish government a pittance to frack the country – less than 5% royalty  – which is less than the severance tax in many states. Nothing for the farmers, no royalties, no jobs, no gas. Nothing but ruined water, roads and air. Meaning Chevron was going to rip the whole country off – with some free pizzas. As chronicled in the documentary, Drill Baby Drill ……………….. GOODBYE CHEVRON It was the longest local protest against shale gas exploration boreholes in the world. SHARE ON: POLITICAL CRITIQUE — AUGUST 11, 2014 On Monday, July 7th, 2014, at 4 AM, the employees of the […]

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Cuomo Hides in Bunker, Dodging Teachout and Bailiffs

August 16, 2014
Cuomo Hides in Bunker, Dodging Teachout and Bailiffs

Cuomo was last seen in New York state kissing babies on the 4th of July in Bed Stuy. Supposedly has taken a tanning bed into the bunker to keep some semblance of a tan. Will not surface for fear of being hit with a subpoena or challenged to a debate by Teachout. Unless it’s to sneak out to lock up the Bomb the Bejeezus out of the Palestinians Vote in Israel, one of his core constituents. Other than the odd overseas boondoggle and photo op, Cuomo’s re-election campaign has degenerated into staying in the bunker, dodging Teachout, dodging the press, dodging the fractavists, and not getting indicted before the election. Plus calling in every political marker that he and his daddy every had from the ward bosses, PACs, Wall Street, and other […]

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Rick Perry Indicted for Being a Fracking Doofus

August 16, 2014
Rick Perry Indicted for Being a Fracking Doofus

And several other high crimes and misdemeanors, one of which I forget. Of course, this could be a political stunt, you know, like voting to sue the Commander in Chief over something or other.  The Governorship of Texas is actually a largely ceremonial post – almost any fracking idiot can do it, and several have. Arguably, it’s the only qualification. Texas’ Perry Indicted for Coercion AUSTIN, Texas — Aug 15, 2014, 9:44 PM ET By PAUL J. WEBER and WILL WEISSERT Associated Press Governor Rick Perry speaks at the 2014 Red State Gathering, in Fort Worth, Texas on Aug. 8, 2014. He was indicted for abuse of power by an Austin grand jury on Aug. 15.     A grand jury indicted Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Friday for allegedly abusing the […]

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The Science Against Fracking

August 15, 2014
The Science Against Fracking

Why the Scientific Case Against Fracking Keeps Getting Stronger Anthony Ingraffea argues that fugitive methane emissions turn natural gas from a climate benefit into yet another strike against fossil fuels. —By Chris Mooney | Fri Aug. 15, 2014 6:00 AM EDT A Marcellus Shale gas drilling pad in Pennsylvania, with all the standard accompanying industrial hardware. Doug Duncan/US Geological Survey On the political right, it’s pretty popular these days to claim that the left exaggerates scientific worries about hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” In a recentNational Review article, for instance, a Hoover Institution researcher complains that 53 percent of Democrats in California support a fracking ban “despite the existence of little if any credible scientific evidence of fracking’s feared harms and overwhelming scientific evidence of its environmental benefits, including substantial reductions in both local and […]

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Cornell Prof. Believes in “Safe Fracking” and Unicorns

August 15, 2014
Cornell Prof. Believes in "Safe Fracking" and Unicorns

A Cornell prof., who is either a living validation or an abject repudiation of the tenure system, has come out in favor of lifting the de facto moratorium on shale gas drilling in New York. On its face, such a request ignores the fact that there are in fact no regulations in place for fracking in New York. No environmental safeguards, no severance tax, and no autonomous environmental agency to oversee the industry. Other than those little minor details, this frackademic says let the fracketeers frack away. Good to go.  This from a frackademic that is a certified global warming denier. Cook the planet with fracked gas, as another Cornell prof. explains precisely in a recent article and interview. Why the scientific case against fracking keeps getting stronger Anthony Ingraffea argues that fugitive methane emissions turn natural gas from […]

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Frack Club: Wall Street’s Great Shale Scam

August 14, 2014
Frack Club: Wall Street's Great Shale Scam

The First Rule of Frack Club on Wall Street is to not talk about Frack Club.  Here’s what goes on behind the curtain of conspiracy: U.S. energy independence, we’re told, is at our fingertips thanks to the so-called “shale revolution”. Offsetting declines in conventional oil and gas production, shale gas and tight oil (shale oil) are being heralded as the means by which the U.S. will become energy independent – a net exporter of natural gas and once again the world’s largest oil producing nation. But two new reports by Post Carbon Institute andEnergy Policy Forum show that the hype simply doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.  KEY FINDINGS, SHALE GAS High productivity shale gas plays are not ubiquitous: Just six plays account for 88% of total production. Individual well decline rates range from 80-95% after 36 months in the […]

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Why Vote For Teachout ?

August 13, 2014
Why Vote For Teachout ?

Why vote for Teachout ? To clean out the muck that is Albany. And because the Head Fracking Goombah will be indicted and won’t be able to serve out another term, You heard it here last. Zephyr Teachout: The modern Trust Buster A day with the Democratic candidate who’s challenging New York’s governor and much of the establishment by Pauline Eiferman   @paulineeiferman Zephyr Teachout meets with potential voters in Ithaca, New York, August 9, 2014. Les Stone for Al Jazeera America Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of profiles of people running for office in America who are unlikely to win, but who believe so strongly in their cause that they still try. The first profile, on Bruce Skarin’s efforts in Massachusetts, can be read here. The second, on […]

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North Carolina Frack Study: Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

August 13, 2014
North Carolina Frack Study: Don't Ask Don't Tell

North Carolina’s governor has decided he wants the state to get fracked. Whether it’s safe or not.  One thing we know for sure, the shale there is really shallow, so if they hit gas anywhere during the drilling or fracking – up she comes. Turning Tar Heels into Tar Balls. Duke Scientists’ Fracking Warnings Fall on Deaf Ears August 12, 2014 Updated 11 hours ago Robert Jackson and Avner Vengosh of Duke University’s esteemed Nicholas School are viewed by some in the oil and gas industry as enemies. At Duke, they’ve done studies with compelling evidence that shale gas extraction, fracking, causes drinking water problems in other states. The industry, which got North Carolina to lift its moratorium on fracking with drilling next year, has long made the case that drilling […]

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2nd Biggest Deficit Spenders in the World ?

August 12, 2014
2nd Biggest Deficit Spenders in the World ?

Behind of course, the Feds. Make a guess. Rhymes with “smackers”. The Deborah explains how the Shale Game keeps turning to the right with funny money: “The gap between cash from operations and major uses of cash has widened in recent years from a low of $18 billion in 2010 to $100 billion to $120 billion during the past three years.”  For you non-financial types out there, that means that the frackers are borrowing or selling junk stock in order to keep going.  EIA CORROBORATES THE WORK OF ENERGY POLICY FORUM Over a year ago, on 19 June, 2013, Energy Policy Forum (EPF) wrote a post exposing the explosion of capital expenditure by shale operators to drill and complete wells and the concomitant lack of free cash flow. Unless […]

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Sean Eldridge – The Real American Businessman in This Election

August 11, 2014
Sean Eldridge - The Real American Businessman in This Election

Update – New York Times endorses Sean Eldridge  “District 19, Hudson valley and the Catskills…Sean Eldridge offers a fresh voice and smart ideas. Mr. Eldridge has been an important force in New York politics for same-sex marriage and an energetic fighter for campaign finance reform. He is a strong supporter of reproductive rights and equal pay for women. And he wants to provide tax relief for middle-class families and small businesses. We recommend Mr. Eldridge in District 19.“   Had not followed the Eldridge v Gibson race, until I saw Gibson’s ad hominem attacks on Sean, then saw that Gibson voted to sue his former Commander in Chief.  Had he tried that while still in uniform, he’d be court-martialed. Colonel Gibson couldn’t actually understand the legal substance of the proposed lawsuit, because it was […]

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Vote for Teachout !

August 11, 2014
Vote for Teachout !

Now you actually will be able to. I would if I was a resident of New York, which I’m not.  Other than drag his feet before going into the bunker, Cuomo never bothered to meet with any fractavists – not Ingraffea, not The Sandra, not The Lou,  Nicole, not nobody. Plus the Head Goombah is little more than a fracking crook. So frack him and the limo he rode in in.  Do so at the Democratic primary by voting early and often – because I can’t . . . The Primary is September 9th. If you need an Absentee Ballot apply for it now!   Contact your County Board of Elections for details. More info here:  Please click here to be directed to Zephyr’s donation page.  Why vote for Teachout ? A lot […]

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Fracking ISIS : Send in the Drones

August 9, 2014
Fracking ISIS : Send in the Drones

Read the report in the New York Times about American’s “humanitarian” response to the latest civil war in the Mideast. This time taking sides with the good Shittes against some bad Sunni thugs named after an ancient Egyptian pagan goddess. All this as an overflow over a war in Syria over a gas pipeline concession. “DOHUK, Iraq — The United States launched a series of airstrikes against Sunni militants in northern Iraq on Friday, using Predator drones and Navy F-18 fighter jets to destroy rebel positions around the city of Erbil, the American military said Friday. The strikes were aimed at halting the advance of militants with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria toward Erbil, the Kurdish capital, which is home to a United States Consulate and thousands of Americans.” […]

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Fracking Farce Majeure Appeal Filed

August 8, 2014
Fracking Farce Majeure Appeal Filed

As part of the on-going implosion of the Law Farce of Tom West, an appeal has been filed on the farce majeure (which means ‘major farce’ in Latin) case, whereby oil and gas companies are claiming that their leases are still in effect because New York state’s de facto moratorium on fracking has kept them from fracking the living daylights out of the leases. There are just a few fundamental fracking factual problems with their arguments, to wit: 1. There is no moratorium on fracking in New York State. (Surprise !) The “moratorium” is only on fracks over a certain number of gallons. A well could be fracked below that amount with slick water, or with propane. Or with any amount of compressed air or nitrogen – all of which […]

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Shale Shyster Jumps Shark on Home Rule !

August 7, 2014
Shale Shyster Jumps Shark on Home Rule !

Chesapeake’s lobbyist in Albany, Tom West  has filed a motion with New York’s highest court, the Court of Appeals, to re-argue the Dryden Home Rule decision based on a lower court ruling in another state (Colorado).  This is beyond desperation, this is just pure political grand standing – with no basis in law, fact, or resemblance to what’s commonly agreed as reality. The Longmont, Colorado case which West relies on, was based on a 1992 Colorado Supreme Court ruling which predates shale fracking. It can be distinguished in many ways from the Dryden decision. The case itself is from a trial court in Colorado, which has no precedent in that state, much less in any other state – such as New York, and the ruling has been stayed in Colorado pending appeal to […]

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Oxymoronic “Sustainable Shale” Frack Front Group Implodes

August 6, 2014
Oxymoronic "Sustainable Shale" Frack Front Group Implodes

The oxymoronic Sustainable Shale fracking front group has lost the last of its “non aligned” sponsors. So it now has hired a Big Tobacco apologist as its new chair and an oil man as its new executive director. Imagine that. Who on earth would have predicted that this frackademic farce was just a frackacdemic farce ? Anatomy of a Frackademic Front Group Public Accountability.Org nails it. Big time. How the oil and gas industry runs the show at the Center for Sustainable Shale Development August 2014 Executive Summary Contents About PAI Executive Summary Key Findings Introduction Map 1: Oil & gas ties of the 2013 CSSD board and staff The Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation Map 2: Oil & gas ties of the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future Susan Packard LeGros […]

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Colorado Cave-In On Local Control ?

August 6, 2014
Colorado Cave-In On Local Control ?

Colorado appears to be caving in on local land use control of fracking. If there is no local control over fracking, anybody can get fracked. Step One in the Fracker’s playbook is to disarm local communities, because that is the last defense against getting fracked.  Fracking regulations are strongest at the local level and weakest at the national level: 1. The Feds do not regulate fracking because of the Halliburton Loophole 2. States do not adequately regulate fracking because state agencies are revolving doors to the industry. Once fracking begins in a state, the frackers can effectively buy control of the regulators. 3. That leaves municipalities alone to protect people, live stock and the environment via local land use ordinances. 4. Without #3, local control, see #1 and #2 above, […]

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Frackin’ Andy: Cuomo Goes Into the Bunker – #NYFrackingScandal

August 5, 2014
Frackin' Andy: Cuomo Goes Into the Bunker - #NYFrackingScandal

Taking his goombahs with him. Like Larry “The Hatchet” Schwartz, who fired Pete Grannis for saying the DEC was understaffed. So they cut one more DEC staffer – Grannis. Then sold the frackers access to Cuomo.  Particularly frackers that Schwartz had invested in. (What other kind is there for these goombahs ?) Now  Schwartz,  the Fracker’s Bag Man Numero Uno in Albany, has hired his own criminal defense attorney.  Imagine that. Seems like Schwartz had been teed up by the Moreland Commission. So he fired them. A fine fracking mess – that was not only predictable, but was predicted. Right here.  #NYFrackingScandal  And here – How Cuomo Sold New York to The Frackers   New York had been teed up to get fracked. And they almost got away with it. Cuomo’s Fracking Investment Scandal FOIL documents indicate that Larry Schwartz, Secretary to Governor Andrew […]

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Frackers Accuse Fractavists of Consorting With Russians

August 3, 2014
Frackers Accuse Fractavists of Consorting With Russians

While they consort with Russians. Imagine that. Meanwhile, my check from Gazprom has yet to arrive. Still. Frackers Accuses Texas Town of Consorting with Russia While they Consort with Russia by TXSHARON in DENTON The fracking industry and their supporters have accused the Frack Free Dentongrassroots organization that is seeking a ban on fracking in the Denton city limits of receiving money from Russia. …Texas Railroad Commission Chairman Barry Smitherman sent the Denton City Council a letter denouncing the ban. In the four-page letter, Smitherman suggests that Russia may be behind the local grass roots effort,… If you heard a woman’s mAnIciAL laughter this morning I confess it was mine. I’ve been too busy with local Texas issues lately to focus deeply on the happenings in Europe. This morning a friend pointed out that any sanctions the U.S. places on Russia […]

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After the Frack: Researching Fracking’s Impacts

August 3, 2014
After the Frack: Researching Fracking's Impacts

New report from Princeton points out fracking’s hazards to anyone that has never driven through a gas  field with their car windows down. Much less tried to live there.  One comment, the illustration shows a “burst casing” – the steel pipe – as a risk. Maybe so, but a minor one compared to the risk of gas channeling up the outside of the cement in the well bore, or the rusting away of the casing itself. Which is 100% inevitable. Fallout of Fracking Must Become a Top Research Priority Posted by The Watcher on August 02, 2014 in categories Pollution, Research Natural-gas production from shale rock has increased by more than 700 percent since 2007 in the United States alone. Yet scientists still do not fully understand the industry’s effects on nature and wildlife, according to a report […]

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Fracked Sick: Blockbuster New Book on Fracking’s Health Impacts

August 3, 2014
Fracked Sick: Blockbuster New Book on Fracking's Health Impacts

The fracketeers are indiscriminate in who they sicken – livestock, people, pets, the planet – as this new book by my pal Michelle Bamberger and Robert Oswald, with a forward by The Sandra spells out in The Real Cost of Fracking A Pharmacologist and a Veterinarian Pull Back the Curtain on the Human and Animal Health Effects of Facking Across the country, fracking—the extraction of natural gas by hydraulic fracturing—is being touted as the nation’s answer to energy independence and a fix for a flagging economy. Drilling companies assure us that the process is safe, politicians push through drilling legislation without a serious public-health debate, and those who speak out are marginalized, their silence purchased by gas companies and their warnings about the dangers of fracking stifled.  The Real Cost of Fracking pulls back […]

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How Fracksylvania Got Fracked

August 2, 2014
How Fracksylvania Got Fracked

By payoffs from the fracketeers to the Republican gate-keepers that control the state government. What did they get ? No severance tax, token enforcement of weak regulations, a “frack anywhere” law, gag order on doctors. Etc. First chart is who wrote bought the state for cents on the dollar. Second chart is who they bought – relatively cheaply – consider what they got in return. . . best Return on Investment they can get. More details from Marcellus Money Watch

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Canadian Gas Czar Claims that Gas Wells Don’t Leak . . . in Canada

August 2, 2014
Canadian Gas Czar Claims that Gas Wells Don't Leak . . . in Canada

Presumably because they’re so well behaved ? Or because of the cold, eh ?   Curiously, his statements echo similar pronouncements from regulators in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, Colorado, Washington, UK, and Nigeria. It’s as almost as if they’re reading from a script. Au contraire, ma graisse frackier. Not only do they leak as much as gas wells south of the border, but the horizontal ones leak four times more than the vertical ones. As this study from Canada shows.   Gaseous Czar Claims Canadian Gas Wells Don’t Leak  Cornell engineer takes issue with Coleman’s claim that BC is leak-free. By Andrew Nikiforuk, Today, ‘Leaky wells happen everywhere,’ retorts scientist in response to Natural Gas Minister Rich Coleman’s claims. One of North America’s top experts on well oil integrity and the mechanics of hydraulic […]

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Man Up to a Frack Takings Farce

July 31, 2014
Man Up to a Frack Takings Farce

After two strikes, Shale Shyster Scott Kurkoski is going for a complete fracking strike out- as soon as he can milk some more legal fees out of some clueless dairy farmers or the Koch Brothers. My advice to landowners and Koch Brother front groups: get out your check books and get those lawsuits filed. Why wait ? Avoid the rush. Here’s what you have going for you: 1. None of the prospective plaintiffs have ever bothered to actually file a HVHF drilling permit application. Don’t let that stop you, it’ s your right to file that’s at issue. Right ? 2. The main thing that is stopping you from fracking yourself silly is the temporary moratorium on one specific type of well, which you think is illegal – you even […]

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Fracking’s Red Queen Financing

July 31, 2014
Fracking's Red Queen Financing

Deborah Rogers has been predicting this for years – fracking finance is the Red Queen Effect writ large. The frackers have to frack more wells – with junk debt – to try to maintain the same levels of unprofitable production.  Or the music stops and they implode. Also known as the Greater Fool theory of finance. . . . How Fracking Is Sustained With Junk Debt  Posted on July 31, 2014 by Lambert Strether By Wolf Richter, a San Francisco based executive, entrepreneur, start up specialist, and author, with extensive international work experience. Originally published at Wolf Street. Fracking has caused an uproar in local communities and split some in two. It has brought environmentalists to a boil. It allegedly caused tap water to go up in flames. A documentary was made in its honor. It […]

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Leaky Gas Well ? Good Fracking Luck

July 30, 2014
Leaky Gas Well ? Good Fracking Luck

Once a shale gas well starts to leak, there’s nothing much you can do about it. Although the frackers may pretend otherwise. Because sooner or later most of them are going to leak outside of the steel casing (before it rusts away) and outside of the cement sheathing, which will shrink away from the well wall, then crack. The gas will just go around whatever you pump down the hole – leaking between the cement and the well wall. Make the  well wall bigger, pump more cement down, gas goes around it. Bigger hole, more cement. Repeat.  As they are finding out the hard way in Fracksylvania. Shale Gas Wells Leaking Methane for Years. By Brendan Gibbons Published: July 30, 2014 Five natural gas wells in Bradford County have leaked methane […]

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Safe Water in Unfracked New York

July 30, 2014
Safe Water in Unfracked New York

There is no better way to contaminate thousands of square miles of groundwater than via fracking. Horizontal shale wells are more than 4 (four) times as likely to vent methane into groundwater than conventional vertical wells, as the chart from this report shows: (In Canada, where this report is from, horizontal wells are referred to as “deviated” wells. Drilled by deviants, which is what frackers are called in Canada) A new report by a team of researchers has found that water in the proposed Frack Zone in New York is safe. Probably because it’s unfracked. And not polluted with frack filth. Yet. SCVF and GM refer to tests for methane leakage. So not surprisingly, when teams of researchers tested groundwater in New York, where there are no shale gas wells, they found […]

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Koch Sock Puppets Appeal Political Publicity Stunt

July 29, 2014
Koch Sock Puppets Appeal Political Publicity Stunt

On cue, the Disjointed Landowners of New York, whose legal fees are being subsidized by the Kochs, and the receiver for Norse Energy, the assets of which have been bought by a Koch vulture fund, are appealing their fracking publicity stunt against the state of New York – on behalf of their common benefactors, the Koch Brothers. Because none of the landowners bothered to actually read the ruling, and because the Koch Brothers are paying the lawyers, and because this is nothing more than a political publicity stunt, this has now morphed into Koch vs Cuomo. The filing was a stapled-together frackastrophe, sold to the landowners as a takings lawsuit, but filed as an SEQRA challenge – that read as a takings claim. The judge had no choice but to toss the misbegotten mess. Landowners […]

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Why Forced Pooling Should Not Apply to Fracking

July 29, 2014
Why Forced Pooling Should Not Apply to Fracking

Forced pooling – the compulsory integration of mineral rights owners into a well – does not technically or legally apply to shale gas wells – and therefore should not be applied to them by the state.   Trying to apply compulsory pooling to shale gas wells can only mean one thing: the privatization of eminent domain by the state on behalf of the frackers – who have paid for the privilege via bribes to the legislature and regulators. Forced pooling is intended to consolidate multiple vertical wells that drain a common pool of oil or gas into one shared well. This assumes that the pool is contained in rock that is porous and permeable enough (think an open cell  sponge or foam) to allow the gas or oil to move […]

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From the Dog House to the White House for Andy ?

July 26, 2014
From the Dog House to the White House for Andy ?

Not fracking likely. There never was much hope for this guy on the national scene – he was clearly just another victim of the Rick Perry Syndrome, whereby a local political celebrity is lead to believe they are Presidential timber by their own camp followers. Now there is no fracking chance, since the Rick Perry Syndrome assumes that the potential candidate is a knight in shining armor – even if they are just another political air-head like Rick Perry,  No such situation here. Cuomo is going to ride this into the ground  – ie. a job in the Hillary Administration. Paging Zephyr Teachout . . . A Situation Cuomo Can’t Control Anymore   By Blake Zeff 5:34 a.m. | Jul. 25, 2014 3follow this reporter The New York Times A-1 blockbuster that Andrew Cuomo’s team was […]

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How Chesapeake Scams Landowners

July 25, 2014
How Chesapeake Scams Landowners

Let me count the ways . . . Perhaps the most outrageous scam is when the frackers charge landowners (royalty owners) downstream, post production costs – the costs to get the gas to market. And no fracking scammer is better (worse ?) at this than Chinapeake Energy – America’s Biggest Fracking Gashole, who is hell bent on getting as much of America’s 100 Year Supply of Natural Gas to China as soon as fracking possible. The chart below highlights how much Chesapeake scams landowners for per mcf = about $1.25 on “transportation costs” alone, the blue bar at the bottom of the bar chart below. The average transport costs is about $.25 mcf from the Marcellus based on the latest frackers’ financial reports. But Chesapeake reports $1.50 mcf – because they are dunning […]

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Fracked Anywhere in Colorado ?

July 25, 2014
Fracked Anywhere in Colorado ?

The Longmont frack ban trial court’s decision was based on a 1992 court ruling  that predates shale fracking.  So this is a glaring example of where the case law and the legislation have not kept up with the technology. The Colorado law assumes that oil and gas is extracted from a “pool” of porous permeable rock – and that such a reservoir can be tapped underneath a neighboring political boundary. Such is not the case with fracking – the extent of the area tapped is a function of the length of the lateral – beyond which little or no gas is extracted. So the “pool extending beyond political boundaries” premise in the law does not apply.  A shale gas well in one town is not going to drain from under […]

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13 Counties Have Banned Frack Filth in New York

July 25, 2014
13 Counties Have Banned Frack Filth in New York

Like the original 13 colonies, these counties have taken the Green Tea Party approach and told the frackers to take their fracking filth elsewhere. Clinton County, named after the Revolutionary War Hero General Clinton, is the latest to pass the County IQ Test – which gives it honorary membership as a Texas county – where spreading frack filth on roads is illegal. Any municipality or county can simply refuse to spread frack filth on its roads – that is an executive decision. Any county or town that does not do so is putting its residents in harm’s way. Has your town or county banned frack goo from its roads ? What are you waiting for ? A frackastrophe ? Clinton County Passes Fracking Waste Ban By PAT BRADLEY Listen to the […]

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Forbes Denies the Climate Change Deniers

July 24, 2014
Forbes Denies the Climate Change Deniers

Forbes debunks the climate change debunkers . Next up – denying the methane global warming deniers . . . Erik ShermanContributor FOLLOW The Latest Climate Change Denial Fact Twisting A new report from libertarian think tank Heartland Institute claims that new government data debunks the concept of global climate change. However, an examination of the full data and some critical consideration shows that the organization, whether unintentionally or deliberately, has inaccurately characterized and misrepresented the information and what it shows. The issue of global climate change is a serious one, potentially affecting societies and economies in many ways. Some regions, like the Miami metropolitan area or the Pacific island nation of Kiribatihave begun to see significant impact from changes in weather patterns. Munich Re , a reinsurance company that offers risk coverage to other major […]

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Fracking Crooks – New York’s Rogue Gallery

July 23, 2014
Fracking Crooks - New York's Rogue Gallery

A few fat envelopes in New York have enabled fracking lobbyist  to buy anything that’s not nailed to the wall. The frackers wrote the state’s Compulsory Integration Law- the worst in the country, and the Legislature passed it unanimously. The frackers wrote the draft fracking regulations- and handed the draft to their accomplices in the Division of Mineral Resources.  The frackers have New York teed up to get fracked.  Starting with the governor. After losing in court, the frackers now plan to try to gut Home Rule in the Legislature – with a handful of fat envelopes in Albany.  Good fracking luck. The Many Faces of State Political Scandals In the past decade, more than 30 current or former state officeholders in New York have been convicted of crimes, sanctioned or otherwise accused of wrongdoing. […]

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How Frackwaste Makes Frackquakes

July 22, 2014
How Frackwaste Makes Frackquakes

Frack Waste + Disposal Wells = Frackquakes. Any questions ? Sue Heavenrich has the story:                       USGE-NEIC ComCat & Oklahoma Geological Survey; May 2, 2014 Five years ago, Oklahoma averaged just two magnitude 3 or greater earthquakes a year. Last year there were 109. As of early July, this year’s count is already over 230 – and that’s just the magnitude 3 and above, temblors big enough to knock dishes off shelves and crack foundations. There are hundreds more low magnitude quakes, say state geologists.   Why all the quakes? They’re due to increased injection of gas- and oil drilling waste fluids into disposal wells, says Cornell researcher Katie Keranen. She recently moved to Cornell from Oklahoma, where she’d […]

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Fracking Limbo : How Oil & Gas Wells Get Orphaned

July 21, 2014
Fracking Limbo : How Oil & Gas Wells Get Orphaned

The oldest trick in the fracking book is to list a well as “inactive” and then sell the lease. This removes the liability of plugging & abandoning (P&A) the well, and is what happens to the plurality of old wells. Some states allow wells to remain on the “inactive” list for years. But, as a practical matter, it only has to remain on the list long enough to be transferred to a shell entity that has no money to plug it. The well ends up as an orphan – abandoned – with no one to plug it. The only way to discourage this is for the initial operator to post a P&A bond to cover the cost, and that money cannot be redeemed until the well is P&A’d regardless of […]

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Texas Town Fights Frackers

July 21, 2014
Texas Town Fights Frackers

Denton, Texas is more than a suburb of Dallas and Fort Worth, it’s a metropolitan enclave, home to North Texas University, which has one of the finest music programs in the country and Texas Womens’ University. Not a town to frack with. Nor does fracking fit into this heavily suburbanized area. So Denton is proposing to ban it – and the frackers are fighting back with Koch-paid petition gatherers who tell people that their petition is “anti-fracking.” Tricky, eh ? Who do the frackers say is “behind” this local grass-roots effort to ban fracking ? Gazprom.  Of course !  That’s enough to make anyone vote for a ban. Call it the Anti-Lunacy Vote. As Texas Sharon points out here. Texas Frack Fight Saturday, July 19, 2014 Debunking the Fracking Propaganda about […]

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Fracking Whales

July 20, 2014
Fracking Whales

Not content with fracking trout, livestock or people, the Feds are now going after bigger game: whales. And dolphins and other marine mammals that use sound waves as sonar for navigation and communication. The Feds weapon of choice ? Sonic cannons used to shoot seismic in the ocean floor. And basically deafen whales and dolphins in the process. Yesterday, the Obama Administration released a “record of decision” that will allow seismic blasting in an area of the East Coast twice the size of California—the same dynamite-like blasts that are predicted to injure and possibly kill up to 138,200 marine mammals, as well as harm commercial and recreational fisheries, tourism and coastal recreation–putting more than 730,000 jobs in the blast zone at risk. There are two questions to answer: Why did […]

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Tell Gas Pipeline Survey Crews to Frack Off

July 20, 2014
Tell Gas Pipeline Survey Crews to Frack Off

There is a simple way to deal with gas pipeline projects – Lock the Gate. Don’t let the survey crews on your property. And if they threaten to condemn your property tell them: Just fracking try it.  On average, a landowner gets 78% more from having their property condemned than what they would get in a negotiated sale.  So appropriate thought-provoking opening gambits to their initial overtures are “Sit on it and spin drill bit.” “Eat frack gashole” or “Frack you Frack Head and the fracking horse you rode in on.” Or similar heart-felt sentiments. Be creative. Be clear. Be concise. Refrain from the use of profanity. Then slam the door in their face and try to keep from busting out laughing. After all, that wouldn’t be polite.    Officials Seek Maps for […]

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Colorado Fracking Confusion

July 20, 2014
Colorado Fracking Confusion

Control of the state legislature and Governor Frackenlooper was bought years ago by the frackers, so no help from that lot. Coloradans are faced with two  ballot initiatives on fracking – neither of which simply restores local control – one imposes a 2,000 foot setback from housing, the other is a Green Tea Party manifesto – either of which is better than what Colorado has now: Frack Anywhere. Call it the Casino Effect – once casinos are approved, they easily take over the legislative agenda. Same with frackers – once they have unilaterally disarmed local municipalities of zoning – they can buy enough key legislators to keep it that way.  Ergo, depending on the state legislature to give up a power the state has: Frack Anywhere, is not an inspired strategy […]

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How to Frack a California Tomato

July 20, 2014
How to Frack a California Tomato

Or grape, orange, almond, you name it. Irrigate it with frackwater. The frackers have been conducting an un-controlled experiment on California’s aquifers by injecting then with Mystery Fluids, frack flowback, frack filth and whatever waste products they can pump into the ground. California Halts Injection of Fracking Waste, Warning it May Be Contaminating Aquifers State’s drought has forced farmers to rely on groundwater, even as California aquifers have been intentionally polluted due to exemptions for oil industry. California officials have ordered an emergency shut-down of 11 oil and gas waste injection sites and a review more than 100 others in the state’s drought-wracked Central Valley out of fear that companies may have been pumping fracking fluids and other toxic waste into drinking water aquifers there.  The state’s Division of Oil and […]

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Fracking “Saltwater” Not Same as the Ocean

July 16, 2014
Fracking "Saltwater" Not Same as the Ocean

Unless the ocean is on Venus . . . In early July, a million gallons of salty drilling waste spilled from a pipeline onto a steep hillside in western North Dakota’s Fort Berthold Reservation. The waste—a byproduct of oil and gas production—has now reached a tributary of Lake Sakakawea, which provides drinking water to the reservation. The oil industry called the accident a “saltwater” spill. But the liquid that entered the lake bears little resemblance to what’s found in the ocean. The industry’s wastewater is five to eight times saltier than seawater, said Bill Kappel, a hydrogeologist emeritus at the U.S. Geological Survey. It’s salty enough to sting the human tongue, and contains heavy metals in concentrations that might not meet drinking water standards. The briny mix can also […]

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Planning to Get Fracked

July 15, 2014
Planning to Get Fracked

Inserting Fracking into Town Comprehensive Plans By Sue Heavenrich Last month, Candor Town Supervisor Bob Riggs told our town planning board to revise the town’s Comprehensive Plan. Because, as he stated to the local reporter, “… about two years ago we voted on [and passed] the resolution about natural gas development in the town and in my opinion if you read what we approved alongside the comprehensive plan, it’s in conflict. Those two things ought to be consistent.” His solution? If a mostly pro-drilling town board passes a resolution crafted by outsiders (Joint Landowners Coalition) and pushed by board members who have leased their land for gas drilling (conflict of interest), then of course the planning board should change the Comprehensive Plan to align with this “new reality”. At issue: the planning board didn’t write the Comprehensive […]

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July 14, 2014

Predictably, the Shale Shyster’s Publicity Stunt that was bankrolled by the Koch Brothers, got tossed on summary judgement. They claimed they had been damaged somehow (but no sum was specified) by an environmental review process – which they were not harmed by, environmentally, any more than anyone else. So they had no standing to challenge the review process based on environmental grounds. Their lawsuit was flawed from the outset since it was billed as a regulatory takings claim, even though it never had any substance as a takings. And they lacked standing on environmental grounds to bring an Article 78 challenge against an environmental regulation, because they did not address what was wrong with the proposed regs from an environmental standpoint. In fact, none the plaintiffs had ever bothered to comment on the dSGEIS review that […]

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Another Fracking Damage Award in Texas

July 13, 2014
Another Fracking Damage Award in Texas

Frack a well. Get sued. Lose in court. Pay damages. Welcome to Texas, pardner.  Where everyone knows that fracking is a dandy way to gas people. Texas Couple Wins Nuisance Suit Against Fracker Homeowners have won another lawsuit over problems related to a nearby natural gas drilling operation. On June 17, Marcus and Laura Marsden of Aledo were awarded $36,000 in damages by a Parker County jury that found Titan Operating created a nuisance with its gas wells near the couple’s home. The Marsdens sued Titan in 2012, claiming the producer failed to respect prior representations regarding where its drill pad would be placed on a neighboring property and how the company would handle traffic and other disruptions. In a 10-2 decision, the jury found that Titan created a temporary […]

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Rob Gastorino’s Shale Gas Clusterfrack

July 13, 2014
Rob Gastorino's Shale Gas Clusterfrack

The gaseous premise of the Rob Gastorino Campaign is that the Cuomo Administration is holding New York back from a fracking bonanza. They have made that pitch to fracking wannabes in Upstate. These wannabes continue to believe that when/if Cuomo approves fracking, they’re all going to get fracking rich. Pretty much regardless of where their property is. Which is the stuff that shale scams are made of – both political shale scams and shale shyster shale scams. Sometimes, both together, which results in a two-fer – a political shale gas clusterfrack. For instance, saw this breathless news flash from the Central New York Landowner’s Coalition: “Hi Friends of the Central NY Landowner’s Coalition.  It has been a while since we’ve connected.  We want to share with you an important recent offer […]

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New York Shale Gas Situation in 4 Maps

July 12, 2014
New York Shale  Gas Situation in 4 Maps

1. NY Bans/Moratoria (Edelstein) 2. NY “Frack Us First” resolutions (Edelstein) 3: Shale Gas potential in NY (Acton/Northrup/Allstadt/Brock) 4: Composite showing the NY Bans/Moratoria and the Pro-gas resolutions vs the towns where the greatest shale gas potential is:

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Compendium of Fracking Risks

July 12, 2014
Compendium of Fracking Risks

Executive Summary from the Compendium of Fracking Risks Three notable features: First, the compendium is top-heavy with data from recent sources. That’s because, as we discovered in our research, science is now beginning to catch up to the last decade’s surge in unconventional oil and gas extraction.  As stated in the introduction: “A growing body of peer-reviewed studies, accident reports, and investigative articles is now confirming specific, quantifiable evidence of harm and has revealed fundamental problems with the drilling and fracking. Industry studies as well as independent analyses indicate inherent engineering problems including well casing and cement impairments that cannot be prevented.” Indeed, more than half of the peer-reviewed papers in the medical and scientific literature on the health impacts of fracking have been published in the last 18 months. Second, the compendium […]

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Frackers Publish “How to Frack the Public in 5 Easy Steps”

July 10, 2014
Frackers Publish "How to Frack the Public in 5 Easy Steps"

Three years in the making, co-authored by head New York Frak Flak Karen “Mushrooms” Moreau, whose over-bearing bombast has has sold more towns on frack bans than the Slottjes, the frackers have issued their Rules of Deceit entitled “How to Frack the Public in 5 Easy Steps”  for land men, frak flaks, industry shills and their local accomplices. Subtitled “How to make good on the promise of pizzas” Despite their elaborate effort to make nice, when it comes down to it, the frackers simply want to disarm towns of local zoning.  They filed an amicus to that effect in Dryden – and the New York courts didn’t buy it. They are not for locals in any respect – their goal is to negate local control.  Which is why they introduce “frack anywhere” legislation. Frackers Release Fracking Community Engagement […]

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Arrested for Spreading Frack Filth in Texas

July 9, 2014
Arrested for Spreading Frack Filth in Texas

In New York and Fracksylvania, it’s legal to spread frack filth on roads as “de-icer” in the winter and “dust suppressant” in the summer. The towns and counties actually pay for the goo. If the frackers do that in Texas, they get fined, arrested and thrown in the pokey. For free. Texans may be a bunch of atavistic thugs descended from Oglethorpe’s Penal Colony, but we aren’t so fracking stupid as to willfully slather our roads with toxic radioactive frack goo. Texas Sheriff Wants Criminal Charges Filed in Fracking Pollution Case Hauling company dumped toxic frack waste over eight miles of road faces arrest.  A Texas waste hauling company that is already facing civil charges for a March accident that spread toxic drilling waste along a rural road could also be facing […]

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Don’t Fracking Sacrifice Anyone

July 9, 2014
Don't Fracking Sacrifice Anyone

Fracking Ban Must be Statewide to Ensure Safety for All By Eileen Hamlin, Commentary Published 6:01 pm, Tuesday, July 8, 2014 “The Times Union deserves praise for its recent editorial (‘For drillers, no means no’) in support of the recent New York State Court of Appeals ruling that municipalities do indeed have the right to ban fracking. But more importantly, the Times Union supported maintaining New York’s statewide moratorium given increasing scientific evidence showing harms of fracking and that fracking hurts property values. As a rural landowner in the Southern Tier — close enough to Pennsylvania that I often grimace from the sight and discomforting smell of flaring at frack sites across the state border — I am terribly alarmed by the gas industry’s suggestion that the Court of Appeals ruling could […]

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Fracking Optimist : “The Best of All Possible Worlds” ?

July 7, 2014
Fracking Optimist : "The Best of All Possible Worlds" ?

Wherein Times Union columnist Fred Lebrun channels Voltaire and applies the Candide Effect to the Supreme’s Home Ruling. Soon to be a revived as a musical  at a frack hole near you. With a chorus of diesel-powered generators and stage lighting by Flares R Us. “In a decision worthy of Independence Day week that delivered a solid cuff to the regal aspirations of the oil and gas industry in New York, the state’s highest court last week affirmed a locality’s right to ban hydrofracking. The little guy won. We all won, even the oil and gas guys, in an odd sort of way. On balance, it was the best possible outcome. (As a ruling it simply conforms New York towns to the same rights that other towns enjoy in every other state – except two […]

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Fracking Hangover

July 7, 2014
Fracking Hangover

When shale boom turns to shale bust.  Fracking Hangover in Shale Country Peter Elkind Euphoria—and drilling rigs—surged in Fort Worth when the natural gas boom began a decade ago. Many people (including the author of this article) enjoyed the benefits. But today the excitement has moved elsewhere, leaving behind lawsuits and bad feelings. In the great shale-drilling frenzy that spread fracking across America, Fort Worth, Texas—located at the center of the 5,000-square-mile Barnett Shale natural-gas field—was ground zero. The drilling boom has moved on now—first to Arkansas (Fayetteville Shale) and Louisiana (Haynesville Shale), then Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio (Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale). More recently, the excitement has centered on shale fields that produce crude oil, which is far more lucrative, such as the Bakken Shale in North Dakota and […]

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Green Tea Party Legal La La Land

July 6, 2014
Green Tea Party Legal La La Land

Shown below is yet another tea cup of cold water thrown on the New York Supreme’s ruling in support of Home Rule. The naysayers come from two camps – the ones that got beaten outright – the frackers- and the peripheral players who were never directly involved in the Home Rule fight in the first place – who, once that fight was won – had nothing but faint praise and philosophical warnings about the outcome; variously categorizing it as a “double edged sword”  (as opposed to a no-edge sword ?); or little more than a “green light” for Cuomo to frack the Southern Tier (which he has never been without). Guess what. The fight for Home Rule was just that – a fight for local determination – nothing less, and nothing more. […]

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The (Real) History of New York State Frack Bans

July 5, 2014
The (Real) History of New York State Frack Bans

The history of the frack ban movement has yet to be written – until now. (How’s that for a pretentious opening ?) The first New York frack ban ordinance was written by a retired Virginia judge. The first four New York frack bans were inspired by a white paper written by a Florida real estate developer. The first regional conference on frack bans was co-sponsored by a Belgium beer company (not Gazprom) The first petition for a town ban was written by a New Jersey real estate developer.  Here’s how the municipal frack ban movement really got started in New York, and by inspiration, nationwide. History is written by the winners, but history is made by the doers. The municipal frack ban movement started in New York, as told by the doers, […]

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Scientists Confirm (again) Frack Filth Causes Frackquakes

July 4, 2014
Scientists Confirm (again) Frack Filth Causes Frackquakes

Four of the highest-volume frack waste disposal wells in Oklahoma were capable of triggering  up to 20% of recent central U.S. earthquakes in a swarm covering nearly 775 square miles. Earthquakes are induced at distances over 30 km from the disposal wells. These distances are far beyond existing criteria of 5 km from the well for diagnosis of induced earthquakes. The area of increased pressure related to these wells continually expands, increasing the probability of encountering a larger fault and thus increasing the risk of triggering a higher-magnitude earthquake. Read more at: Full study here –… 1126/science.1255802 Study links Oklahoma earthquake swarm with fracking operations. Researchers say a large swarm of earthquakes in central Oklahoma was probably caused by activity at a few highly active disposal wells, where wastewater from drilling operations – including […]

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Fracking Sick

July 4, 2014
Fracking Sick

Letter of Dr. Jerome Paulson to PA-DEP on Fracking Impacts on Children From the Letter of June 30, 2014 to: E. Christopher Abruzzo, Secretary Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Rachel Carson State Office Building 400 Market Street. Harrisburg, PA 17101 I am writing in regard to decisions that your office will be making about unconventional natural gas extraction (UGE). Some of these decisions may relate specifically to children, such as decisions about setbacks between UGE sites and schools. Other decisions may relate to UGE in a broader sense. As a physician with significant expertise in environmental health*, I want to point out that there is no information in the medical or public health literature to indicate that UGE can be implemented with a minimum of risk to human health. In this very new area […]

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The Washington Post Discovers Frack Bans

July 3, 2014
The Washington Post Discovers Frack Bans

Better late than never. . . . How Two Small New York Towns Shook up the National Fight Over fracking BY STEVEN MUFSON July 2 The multibillion-dollar Anschutz Exploration Corp., which helped make its founder, Philip Anschutz, one of the richest men in America, filed a lawsuit three years ago against Dryden, a small town in Upstate New York.The issue: Dryden was sitting on top of some of the best shale gas prospects in the country, and Denver-based Anschutz had bought a substantial number of leases giving it the right to drill there. But in August of that year, Dryden — like many towns seeking to restrain the rush to drill for shale oil or gas — had banned the combination of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling known as fracking. It did this by adopting […]

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Stating the Obvious About Frack Bans

July 3, 2014
Stating the Obvious About Frack Bans

Peter Mantius has a gift for stating the obvious. While others are philosophizing the nuanced significance of the frack ban ruling, towns that have held off banning fracking are now – newly emboldened politically and legally – in the process of banning fracking.  How about that ? And while they are at it, as Mantius points out, banning the importation of frack waste in the bargain: Landmark Decision for Local Control Major Setback for Fracking Supporters By Peter Mantius, on July 3rd, 2014 Natural Resources News Service | Leave a comment ALBANY, N.Y. — Towns across New York State and as far away as Texas and Colorado may soon feel the aftershocks of a landmark decision June 30 by the highest court in New York that towns have the authority to ban drilling […]

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“OK, forget the fracking pizza, how about $50,000 instead ?”

July 3, 2014
"OK, forget the fracking pizza, how about $50,000 instead ?"

Unable to bride their way out of getting sued with pizzas anymore, the frackers are  now offering neighbors $50,000 to sign away their rights to sue them. Obviously, this must mean that the frackers expect to damage their neighbors at some multiple of $50,000, like $500,000 or $5,000,000. Or they would not be trying to buy off their neighbors in the first place. Would they ? Hey, at least it’s a step up from pizzas. That’s progress, right ? Here’s a better idea: Sue the frackers. Sue their landmen, their lawyers, their sub-contractors and the horses they rode in on. Sue them right out of the saddle.  Propublica gets the scoop on the frackers latest attempt at community relations.  Residents living close to this gas well pad in Washington County, Pennsylvania […]

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Why The Fracketeers Run Washington, Albany, Austin, Sacramento, etc.

July 2, 2014
Why The Fracketeers Run Washington, Albany, Austin, Sacramento, etc.

Money. On the one hand, lots of it, and on the other, just a relatively few fat envelopes from a relatively few donors to the right gatekeepers who become enriched by the donations.  Government for the rich by the rich. Legalized graft. On a grand scale.  A small percentage of large donors basically pull the strings in any state capital as well as the nation’s capital. Campaigns for the United States Congress are privately funded in America. Eighty- five percent of that funding comes from large contributions. Candidates and political parties target the especially large contributors in their fundraising efforts. But the number of such contributors is tiny: No more than .05% of the American population gives even the maximum amount to one candidate for Congress. The number giving $10,000 or […]

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Tom Libous Indicted by Feds for Fracketeering

July 2, 2014
Tom Libous Indicted by Feds for Fracketeering

As we have commented on many times, this sick frack Tom Libous has been the Frack Lobby’s Poster Boy in Albany. He never met a Fat Envelope he didn’t like.  Along with Skelos and Klein, Libouus killed every piece of fracking reform legislation in the Senate. Just like he was paid to do by the fracketeers in Oklahoma and Texas. These indictments are the tip of the fracking iceberg for Libous. He’s the only state senator in Albany with Amex and Master Card stickers on his lapels. With Libous in the doghouse, there’s going to be an opening for Fracking Bag Man in Albany. Apply in writing to Chesapeake Energy Governmental Relations. 1 Frackland Boulevard, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Don’t delay. Why let Karen “Mushrooms” Moreau hand out all the fat envelopes ? The Supremes uphold […]

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Frack Babies Reaction to Home Rule Ruling

July 1, 2014
Frack Babies Reaction to Home Rule Ruling

After getting a lecture in how to diagram a sentence by the NYS Supremes, the Shale Shysters now plan to shake down the Frack Babies for some more money for a Fracking Reparations Publicity Stunt.  In fact, they’ve already started. My advice to the Frack Babies and Fracking Chickenhawks is to throw as much money as you can at these Shale Shysters. After all, that’s what Shale Shysters are best at – milking dairy farmers: Since the Court of Appeals is the state’s highest court, the gas companies have no legal recourse left to them, as the case does not involve federal law, Scott Kurkoski, who represented Cooperstown Holstein Corp., said in a telephone interview. The situation could be changed if landowners brought a takings lawsuit against municipalities for stopping them from collecting earnings from […]

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Frack Bans – What Happens Now ?

July 1, 2014
Frack Bans - What Happens Now ?

So what happens now ? Any town that has held off banning fracking for fear of getting sued by the frackers just got a neon green light to proceed with a ban. If the town’s elected officials do not take steps to protect the town, they should be replaced at the next available opportunity. While they are at it, they should ban frack waste, since most New York towns are more liable to being dumped on than fracked. The frack lobbyists will try to introduce an ALEC “Frack Anywhere” bill in the legislature, gutting Home Rule as they have in Colorado. Given the political dynamics,  now that the IDC has reverted to being Democrats, that will die in committee, as well it should. So what then about a statewide ban […]

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Shale Gas Wells Leak Up to 10X More Than Conventional Gas Wells

June 30, 2014
Shale Gas Wells Leak Up to 10X More Than Conventional Gas Wells

Fracking Study Finds New Gas Wells Leak More By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer Published: Monday, June 30, 2014 at 4:33 p.m. WASHINGTON — In Pennsylvania’s gas drilling boom, newer and unconventional wells leak far more often than older and traditional ones, according to a study of state inspection reports for 41,000 wells. The results suggest that leaks of methane could be a problem for drilling across the nation, said study lead author Cornell University engineering professor Anthony Ingraffea. The Marcellus shale formation of plentiful but previously hard-to-extract trapped natural gas stretches over Pennsylvania, West Virginia and New York. The study was published Monday by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. A team of four scientists analyzed more than 75,000 state inspections of gas wells done in Pennsylvania since 2000. […]

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June 30, 2014

THE TOWNS OF MIDDLEFIELD AND DRYDEN WIN – FRACK BANS ARE SUSTAINED  New York State’s highest court, the Court of Appeals, has upheld the right of municipalities to apply their zoning ordinances to prohibt shale gas industrialization. After reviewing the Town of Dryden and Town of Middlefield trial court rulings, the Appellate Court’s unanimous affirmation of those decisions, and listening to the oral arguments, the Court of Appeals ruled 5 to 2 in favor of the towns, affirming that oil and gas industrialization is not exempt from land use ordinances.  Full decision shown here and here Which is now racing around the world . . . New York Top Court OKs Local Gas-Drilling Bans NY’s Court Says Towns Can Ban Fracking NY Towns Can Ban Fracking, State Court Rules Associate Judge Victoria Graffeo […]

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Why the EPA Power Plant Rules Don’t Include Methane

June 28, 2014
Why the EPA Power Plant Rules Don’t Include Methane

The Kate sets the record straight on why the EPA’s proposed power plant CO 2 emissions go easy on methane. Because power plant rules  per se don’t address methane. . . they address power plants. Not for nothing is she The Kate. “On June 2nd, EPA released highly publicized proposed new rules to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel-fired power plants. While many touted the rules as a crucial step in addressing the climate change crisis, others criticized them for not being aggressive enough. One particular question that has been raised is why the rules focus only on emissions of carbon dioxide and do not include methane – a much more potent greenhouse gas and one which is emitted in substantial amounts through the oil and gas production and distribution processes? […]

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Shale Chablis: Fine Varietal Wines and Bomb Trains Don’t Mix

June 28, 2014
Shale Chablis: Fine Varietal Wines and Bomb Trains Don't Mix

The frackers are planning a massive industrialized exploding gas cavern right next to the shores of Seneca Lake, which is the home of New York’s finest vineyards. Meaning there will be exploding shale Bomb Trains and tanker trucks 24/7/365 through the vineyards. Before the whole thing goes kaboom.  The Sandra explains why this is not an inspired use of prime vineyard lands: “The gas industry plan to import and store fracked gases (methane, butane, propane) in abandoned salt mines along the shores of Seneca Lake might sound incredulous, but it is real and it is gaining momentum. So is the fight against it. Seneca Lake is a source of drinking water for 100,000 people.  It’s also the Lake Trout capital of the world, and the vast amout of water that […]

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June 27, 2014

With much fanfare and political photo-ops, the media was flooded with stories about a new pro-natural gas “grassroots” group back in march 2014. The name of the group is United Shale Advocates (USA).   As was pointed out in GASROOTS – United Shale Advocates is far from being a grassroots organization. It’s gas-roots, or more to the point ASTROTURF. Astroturf groups are industry backed groups posing as “Grass”roots. In other words, just as Astroturf is fake grass, Astroturf groups are fake grassroots groups. More proof was found today in the form of a “Robo-email Blasts” urging members to write their legislators. They even tell the members what to write. Many gas-roots Astroturf groups, industry spokespeople, and supporters have accused Fracktivist groups of using Robo-email Blasts in the past. Somehow, when a […]

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Methane Tops as Global Warmer

June 27, 2014
Methane Tops as Global Warmer

Researchers no longer dispute the high gas leakage rates of aging gas fields, they just find it hard to believe that such leakage rates are the norm. That the high rates differ from the “best practices” rates of new wells. There is a very simple explanation for this: as wells age, they get sold. To avoid the plugging liability, many of them end up being sold to a shell company, who does not maintain them, just pumps them, shuts them in and abandons them – and skips out on the plugging liability. In the process, the well leaks. This process of sequentially deteriorating ownership leading to neglect and abandonment happens on many wells sooner or later. Everywhere in the world. New  York state has thousands of such abandoned wells.  Research […]

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Domestic Gas Users Oppose Gas Exports

June 27, 2014
Domestic Gas Users Oppose Gas Exports

For obvious reasons. The net effect of exporting gas is that it increases the price domestically – both on natural gas and on electricity generated from gas. Exporting gas does not grow the US nor does it enhance domestic energy security. Exporting gas doesn’t create jobs in the US – it eliminates manufacturing jobs at companies that use natural gas, who are less competitive with higher priced gas. Exporting domestic supplies of natural gas makes no sense whatsoever for US consumers or  US manufacturers. It only make sense to the frackers, the fracking lobbyists and the fat check boys in Congress.  APGA Opposes LNG Export Legislation On 25 June, The American Public Gas Association (APGA) expressed concern to Chairman Landrieu of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and Senator Udall in […]

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Global Denial: Who Pays to Deny Climate Change ?

June 27, 2014
Global Denial: Who Pays to Deny Climate Change ?

One of the best articles ever on the PR campaign to deny global warming. From the creators of Joe Camel. Robert WynneContributor FOLLOW I tackle the nuances of, and misconceptions about, public relations.full bio → Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. The Public Relations Debate About Global Warming Heats Up Comment Now Follow Comments  The denial of man-made global warming is one of the greatest PR campaigns in history.  With echoes of the industry-funded research from tobacco companies that denied links between smoking and lung cancer, the well-coordinated PR plan has delayed new regulations for coal and petroleum industries and influenced millions of Americans. In simple terms, man-made global warming can be described as “the increase in Earth’s average surface temperature due to rising levels of greenhouse gases,” […]

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Gov. Christie Vows to Block Frack Waste Ban Legislation at Toll Booths

June 26, 2014
Gov. Christie Vows to Block Frack Waste Ban Legislation at Toll Booths

Gov. Chrisite has vowed to block frack waste legislation by shutting down all toll booths leading into  the state capital.  “It worked before and it will work again,” the porcine pol chuckled to reporters. “New Jersey needs to take its fair share of this frack slop,” he belly-laughed, “Even though we (New Jersey) don’t have anything to frack.” New Jersey Lawmakers Send Frack Waste ban to Christie JUNE 26, 2014, 4:39 PM    LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014, 6:15 PM BY JAMES M. O’NEILL STAFF WRITER THE RECORD Print The state Assembly Thursday overwhelmingly passed a bill designed to ban the treatment and disposal of waste generated by hydraulic fracturing. The Senate had already approved the measure last month, which now faces a final hurdle – the signature of Governor […]

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New Study: Fracking Causes Air Pollution. Imagine That.

June 26, 2014
New Study: Fracking Causes Air Pollution. Imagine That.

Fracking operations are a textbook way to create air pollution. Everything on a drilling/ fracking site is run by diesel engines. The trucks, the electric generators, the motors that drive the pumps, and the drill rig itself – all start with diesel power – used either directly or to drive generators. There are no pollution control devices on those diesel motors – no catalytic converters, no urea capture systems – just straight black diesel exhaust. 24/7/365.  And then the drilling process produces gas which bubbles up in the drilling mud and is vented – not flared – to whomever is in the neighborhood.  On a windless night, all that pollution floats right into the neighborhood. Gassing you while you sleep. Air Pollution Spikes in Homes Near Fracking  Levels of particulate […]

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Fracksylvania’s Dumping Grounds: New York

June 24, 2014
Fracksylvania's Dumping Grounds: New York

Neither the waste haulers nor the  NY DEC can be trusted regarding frack waste. There is simply more frack waste coming out of Fracksylvania than the frackers know what to do with. Fracksylvania’s DEP does not track the filth beyond state lines, so once the truck is in New York, it’s home free.  The hauler will say that it is “salt water” that it is “brine” that it smells like roses.  The haulers get paid by the load, not by the hour, so it is in their best interest to simply make the stuff go bye-bye as expeditiously as possible. When it comes to fracking, the lead agency within the NY  DEC is the Division of Mineral Resources – which is literally a revolving door to fracking. The DMR is the […]

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Engineering Lies at Seneca Lake

June 24, 2014
Engineering Lies at Seneca Lake

  Fagan Engineers the Facts on LPG facility The truth-benders from the Texas oil patch who want to use old salt caverns next to Seneca Lake to store petroleum products can count on Dennis Fagan, chairman of the Schuyler County Commission.He runs interference for them, wielding company talking points to brush aside mounting dissent in Watkins Glen By Peter Mantius  Posted Jun. 23, 2014 @ 7:13 pm  The truth-benders from the Texas oil patch who want to use old salt caverns next to Seneca Lake to store petroleum products can count on Dennis Fagan, chairman of the Schuyler County Commission. He runs interference for them, wielding company talking points to brush aside mounting dissent in Watkins Glen. On June 9 Fagan rammed through the Schuyler commission his resolution supporting Houston-based […]

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Gassed in New York

June 23, 2014
Gassed in New York

One compressor station at a time. You don’t even need a fracker to get gassed. Welcome to Minisink, New York.  NEW YORK’S DEADLY FRACKING PROBLEM By Peter Rugh Jun 19 2014 341 Share on Tumblr 1 point on reddit Print A pipeline marker near the Minisink Compression Station Leanne and Robert Baum used to take their children sledding in the field across the road from their house in Minisink, New York. But these days, Leanne, who drives a school bus for a local Christian academy, and Robert, who runs a hardware store, say they’re afraid to even let their kids play in the front yard. The couple’s small township in Orange County has for decades supplied fresh organic and heirloom produce to the restaurants and farmers’ markets in New York City, 60 miles south. Now, it is the site […]

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FERC is a Rubber Stamp Machine

June 22, 2014
FERC is a Rubber Stamp Machine

From the Constitution Pipeline, or the Spectra, or the Minisink Compressor… If you’ve been following the activities of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, you’ll already have realized that FERC never met a pipeline they didn’t like. (This issue of FERC Bias recently came up during the Minisink trial.) So since we all know FERC’s a Rubber Stamp Machine, we decided to make a video about it. A cute video/song about a serious topic…

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Texas $3M Frack Damage Award Upheld

June 20, 2014
Texas $3M Frack Damage Award Upheld

The jury trials $3M damage award was upheld when the defendant, the fracker, argued that the plaintiffs, the frackees, were fracked by other frackers ! This is the infamous “ClusterFrack Defense” where the fracker does not deny that they fracked somebody, they just contend that other frackers were involved as well – ie. a clusterfrack – in an effort to shift the blame to multiple frackers. The judge didn’t buy it. The trial jury ruling stands. The frackers not only gassed the family but they gassed the state inspector that came to check up on their complaint.  Don’t delay, sue a fracker Texas style:  Sue them, sue their lawyers, and sue the horse they rode in on.  Judge Upholds Texas Frack Damage Verdict Full story from Inside Climate News here  BY DAVID […]

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Fracking Revolving Door Spins Out of Control

June 20, 2014
Fracking Revolving  Door Spins Out of Control

The Fracking Revolving Door spins out of control – and she was responsible for “Climate Change” ?  In which fracking direction ? Warmer or cooler ? Former Obama Energy Aide, Named to Board of Fracked Gas Exports Giant Heather Zichal, former Obama White House Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change, may soon walk out of the government-industry revolving door to become a member of the board of directors for fracked gas exports giant Cheniere, who nominated her to serve on the board. The announcement, made through Cheniere’s U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Form 8-K and its Schedule 14A, comes just as amajor class-action lawsuit was filed against the board of the company by stockholders. In reaction to the lawsuit, Cheniere has delayed its annual meeting. At that meeting, the company’s stockholders will vote on the Zichal nomination. […]

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Regulators Gagged in Fracksylvania

June 19, 2014
Regulators Gagged in Fracksylvania

Because the first rule of Frack Club is don’t talk about Frack Club. Particularly if you work for a state regulatory agency. That regulates fracking. BY KATIE COLANERI Two retirees from the Pennsylvania Department of Health say its employees were silenced on the issue of Marcellus Shale drilling. One veteran employee says she was instructed not to return phone calls from residents who expressed health concerns about natural gas development. “We were absolutely not allowed to talk to them,” said Tammi Stuck, who worked as a community health nurse in Fayette County for nearly 36 years. Another retired employee, Marshall P. Deasy III, confirmed that. Deasy, a former program specialist with the Bureau of Epidemiology, said the department also began requiring field staff to get permission to attend any meetings outside […]

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Fracking Bans Poll – Vote Now !

June 19, 2014
Fracking Bans Poll - Vote Now !

WSJ Poll: Should Towns Be Allowed to Ban Fracking ? Take the WSJ poll here – vote early and often – then leave a comment  A decision by the New York Court of Appeals on two challenges to local zoning is being closely watched by energy companies and more than  a hundred towns and cities that would be impacted by the ruling. Reporter Joseph de Avila writes: The two suits will determine whether New York municipalities can apply their land use ordinances to shale gas industrialization as they do in other states such as Texas, Oklahoma and California.   The New York Court of Appeals is weighing whether towns can use zoning regulations to ban high-volume, hydraulic fracturing, widely known as fracking. Its decision will have ramifications for the more than 170 towns and […]

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Gas Compressor Stations Don’t Make Great Neighbors

June 18, 2014
Gas Compressor Stations Don't Make Great Neighbors

Unless you have some marshmallows you want to roast.  Show below, and here is a partial list of US gas compressors and gas lines that have gone kablooey.  To put this carnage in perspective, more people are killed in gas related incidents in a month in the US than have been killed by the US nuclear power plant industry in its history. And that body count does not include the source of the gas – fracking. . . 1. Explosion at Susquehanna Gas Compressor Station BY JOSEPH KOHUT (STAFF WRITER) Published: May 16, 2013 NATURAL GAS FIRE BELIEVED AN ACCIDENT Possible explosion investigated A fire and possible explosion at a Susquehanna County gas compressor station late Tuesday night remain under investigation but is thought to be an accident, a state police fire marshal […]

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Frick & Frack Caught Dumping Frack Filth

June 18, 2014
Frick & Frack Caught Dumping Frack Filth

The name of the waste hauler is “Frick & Frack Transport” – I am not making this up.  Note that the authorities correctly identify why this illegal dumping happens so often – the waste haulers are paid by the load, not by the hour, so they have an incentive to simply make the flowback disappear, avoid the tipping fees and go get another load. Repeat. And that is exactly what they do. Dumper Caught “Red-Handed” By Sean Arithson Updated: June 18, 2014 Posted 6/17/14 (Tue)By John D. Taylor A Utah man allegedly caught “red-handed” dumping saltwater into a ditch south of Ambrose now faces a felony charge.According to Sheriff Lauren Throntveit, a St. George, Utah man was observed dumping his load into a ditch at the corner of 97th Street and […]

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EPA’s Methane Greenwash

June 17, 2014
EPA's Methane Greenwash

The EPA could regulate methane as a greenhouse gas – if it wanted to. It regulates CO 2 as a greenhouse gas and that regulatory authority has been upheld by the US Supreme Court. (Scalia dissented on behalf of the frackers and Clarence “I concur” Thomas went “ugh”)   The frackers say that methane emissions is not a problem. The new head of the Dept. of Energy, Ernie Moniz, aka “Easy Money” got his job by proving gas wells don’t leak. If so, they shouldn’t have a problem with some regulations. Right ? If the EPA does not regulate methane emissions, we will all get cooked by the fracker’s “best practices”  Here is the NRDC’s and Sierra Club’s take on why the EPA should regulate methane as a potent greenhouse gas. […]

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Seneca Lake Gas Bomb Political Corruption ?

June 16, 2014
Seneca Lake Gas Bomb Political Corruption ?

In a meeting jammed with 200 spectators, and with another 100 protesting outside, three county legislators broke ranks and voted against a resolution to support a proposal to store 88 million gallons of liquid propane gas in salt caverns three miles north of Watkins Glen on Seneca Lake’s eastern shore, which should make a dandy tourist attraction some day, like Mt Etna. . . The people who oppose the project — an industrial facility proposed by Crestwood of Houston, Texas, (formerly Inergy, a name synonymous with scandal, corporate duplicity and bad publicity) — were crestfallen that the pro-project resolution passed 5-3 along party lines (ie. Fracking Shills vs Responsible Govt.), doubly so when a second resolution opposing the project received just two votes. Three legislators (Michael Lausell, Jim Howell and Barbara […]

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Connecticut Passes State Fracking IQ Exam

June 15, 2014
Connecticut Passes State Fracking IQ Exam

And bans toxic radioactive imported frack filth from being splattered on state roads, dumped into landfills and pumped into water treatment plants. Frackers will have to look elsewhere to unload the stuff. To put this into political perspective – all of those methods of getting rid of frack waste are illegal in most Western states, including Texas. Where, in order to protect the non-existent trout population, we pump the toxic radioactive goo down disposal wells. Then sit down and hold on. That’s the trade-off with frackwaste: contaminate the land and water or induce frackquakes. Or ban it, as Connecticut just did.   Governor Malloy Signs Fracking Waste Moratorium into Law June 14th, 2014  Gov. Dannell P. Malloy signed Public Act 14-200 into law, which enacts a three year moratorium on […]

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Fracked Gas Could Surpass Coal In Global Warming By 2020

June 14, 2014
Fracked Gas Could Surpass Coal In Global Warming By 2020

Abandoned Oil Wells Spouting Significant Levels of Methane Princeton researcher Mary Kang measures leaks that risk groundwater, and increasingly the climate. “Stray gas can travel distances as great as 14 kilometres away and pop up in rivers and homes.”  So a “safe”set-back from the well pad starts at 15Km? Flaming faucets are just that tip of the melting iceberg. By Andrew Nikiforuk, Today, An illustration of stray gas migrating into groundwater and the atmosphere, far away from a leaky wellbore. Source: Alberta Energy Regulator. Canada’s 500,000 Leaky Energy Wells: ‘Threat to Public’ Badly sealed oil and gas wellbores leak emissions barely monitored, experts find. Canadian Fracking Lacks Credible Groundwater Monitoring: Expert Without proper science on the technique, industry will lose the public’s faith, contaminant scientist says. ‘Natural Gas Is a […]

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Princeton’s Leaking Gas Wells Study

June 14, 2014
Princeton's Leaking Gas Wells Study

Yet another study by Super Sleuth Mary Kang of Princeton confirms that gas wells leak – a lot. Note that the gas wells are venting both biogenic and thermogenic sources of gas – because they are really big deep holes in the ground before they are cased. And after they are abandoned, the cement sheathing shrinks, cracks and up comes the methane . . . Page 40: Field Measurements of Gas Leakage from Abandoned Wells A new field measurement program, led by Princeton senior graduate student Mary Kang, involves direct measurements of methane fluxes along old abandoned wells in northwestern Pennsylvania. Mary and others from Princeton made a total of four rounds of measurements in the last year, involving 19 abandoned wells. All 19 wells showed positive methane emissions to […]

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Ohio Changes Name to Kochio (rhymes with “Tokyo”)

June 14, 2014
Ohio Changes Name to Kochio (rhymes with "Tokyo")

Thereby making it official:  the state that is round on both ends and Hi in the middle is little more than a Koch Sock Puppet. Run by a bunch of fracketeeers. Here are some prime quotes, after Gov. Kasich signed a law that gutted the state’s commitment to energy efficiency and renewables: Before the signing the law, Gov. Kasich and his proxies had hailed the state’s clean energy initiatives. “Ohio ranks No. 1 in the nation for renewable and advanced energy, bringing in more renewable energy facilities than any other state,” according to Dick Munson, with the Environmental Defense Frauds. Really  ? No. 1 ? Ohio by no means “ranks No. 1 in the nation for renewable energy” Not even fracking close.  In fact it ranks 38th – as this report shows.  So much […]

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The Best Politicians That Money Can Buy

June 13, 2014
The Best Politicians That Money Can Buy

May be a toss up between Fracksylvania, New York and Nigeria. The tell is that neither Fracksylvania nor New York have a direct state tax on oil and gas production, whereas Nigeria does.  In lieu of a severance tax, the fracking lobbyist simply hand out fat envelopes. It’s cheaper that way, and they can still write it off as a business expense.  What that means is that fracking is a net loser for the state. The state gets no money to repair their roads and clean up the frack waste. Plus the revenue service gets to chase down the LLCs that own the wells that may/ may not pay state income tax. The cartoon is wrong. Fracksylvania has a dinky fee on wells, New York has nothing. But the logic […]

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EXXON Sneaks A Frack Permit Next to NYC Watershed

June 12, 2014
EXXON Sneaks A Frack Permit Next to NYC Watershed

Close enough to New York City’s watershed to gas it. This time via the side door, by avoiding the legislatively prescribed process on spacing unit permits, such as the one described here. There is an alternative method to get a HVHF app in the queue, via the fracker’s accomplices inside the DEC, the Division of Mineral Resources. Mike Bernard ferreted this fracking loophole out. It goes as follows: Driller submits permit application to drill in a specific place, and frack a specific  area: a proposed Spacing Unit. The Division of Mineral Resources (DMN) announces its Intent to Issue Permits if the Spacing Unit in the application conforms with the Spacing Law  ECL §23-0501(1)(b). These are issued from time-to-time, and about 50 are listed at The actual issuance of the permit requires the “completion of the SGEIS” according to […]

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Iraq’s 3rd Oil War: Road Rats Battle For Refineries

June 12, 2014
Iraq's 3rd Oil War: Road Rats Battle For Refineries

Turns out to be a post Bush /Cheney Clusterfrack lead by a group of hired thugs posing as (un)holy warriors who have targeted the oil fields of Syria and Northern Iraq. What a fracking surprise. History repeats itself, the second time as fracking farce. What’s a bit ironic about this crew, who dress in ski masks made in China by Taoists, fatigues made in the US by Baptists and carry rifles made in Russia by Orthodox Catholics – is that their mind-control ploy is fundamentalist Islam – which ostensibly eschews all non-Koranic technology – unless it is an Exxon oil refinery or a power plant made by Westinghouse. How theologically convenient. This is what comes of combining a hydrocarbon extraction mentality with religious fundamentalism – sort of the the Mid […]

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Who Wrote Obama’s Power Plant Proposals ? (Make a wild guess. . .)

June 10, 2014
Who Wrote Obama's Power Plant Proposals ? (Make a wild guess. . .)

June 10, 2014 Michael Berndtson I’m going to guess ICF International via Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) at least planted the seed that germinated into the idea of replacing coal with fracked gas.  The power plant rule is all about accelerating natural gas, very little about renewables. According to numbers in the EPA’s regulatory Impact Statement, it would promote almost ten times more new power generation from fracked gas than from renewables by 2020. David Doniger, a former EPA staffer, now directs the climate and clean air program at the Natural Resources Defense Council. The EPA rules issued Monday are largely modeled on a March 2013 blueprint from the NRDC, which Doniger helped to write: Closing the Power Plant Carbon Pollution Loophole: Smart Ways the Clean Air Act Can Clean Up America’s Biggest Climate Polluters NRDC acknowledge those assisting in writing the […]

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Colorado Fracking Frackdown

June 10, 2014
Colorado Fracking Frackdown

The Governor of Colorado gave the frackers carte blanche to frack everywhere.  With predictable results: Now many voters don’t want to be fracked anywhere.  All other Western red Repulican states – including Texas and Oklahoma – allow local communities the right to decide for themselves in the form of Home Rule, local land use controls. So should Colorado. After a few fat envelopes were passed around, Colorado municipalities were unilaterally disarmed; their historic land use control rights should be restored. Like they are in Texas. Battle Over Fracking in Colorado By JACK HEALYJUNE 9, 2014 Photo Oil-drilling equipment near a neighborhood in Mead, Colo. CreditMatthew Staver for The New York Times DENVER — An impassioned national debate over the oil-production technique known as fracking is edging toward the ballot box in Colorado, opening an […]

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June 10, 2014

Al Capone, head of the most profitable crime syndicate of the Prohibition Era and mastermind of the notorious 1929 “Valentine’s Day Massacre,” seemed above the law.   In 1931, Capone was convicted not of crimes related to bootlegging , extortion or murder, but rather for failing to pay income tax. Al Capone once complained about the bad reputation of his criminal enterprise: “Some call it bootlegging.  Some call it racketeering.  I call it a business.” On Friday, June 6, Brian Bolus and other members of his family were indicted on insurance fraud, theft and “related counts” connected with doing business. The Bolus businesses were also charge and include: Minuteman Environmental Services Inc., Minuteman Spill Response, Inc., Minuteman Towing Inc., Bolus Truck Parts and Towing Services Inc., Key Brockway Inc., Key Sales […]

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Renewables Cheaper Than Fracking !

June 9, 2014
Renewables Cheaper Than Fracking !

Even in Texas. New study of the cost of adding renewable power, show that in some states with abundant sunshine and wind, renewable power costs less than fossil fuels. And that is without any of the “intangible” costs of the health impacts, pollution, road damage and global warming caused by frackers. . . . . Costs For States to Go Renewable By John Upton States can boost renewable energy capacity at bargain-basement prices, a new study finds. Federal researchers examined the 29 states where renewable portfolio standards (RPS’s) have been in place for more than five years. They concluded that these standards, which require utilities to generate a certain percentage of power from clean sources, led to the development of 46,000 megawatts of renewable capacity up until 2012 — and that they raised electricity rates by an average […]

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Oxymoronic “Safe Setbacks” for Fracking

June 9, 2014
Oxymoronic "Safe Setbacks" for Fracking

When someone asked me what I thought the safe setback should be in New York, I answered, “The state line.” Setbacks do not address even half of the fracking problems –  greenhouse gases. frack truck convoys, toxic radioactive frackwaste, water pollution, etc. Here is an article about the proposed setbacks in Maryland. One comment – the setbacks in Texas are set by local zoning, with 1,500′ being the norm. But the hydrology in most of Texas is vastly different than the hydrology in Maryland, so the setbacks would need to be greater in Md. And the setback would need to be from the entire process – most setbacks, including the one proposed for New York is just from the well pad, not from the storage pits, compressors, tank batteries, truck yard, etc. […]

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Gas Lobby Wrote Obama’s Power Plant Proposal

June 8, 2014
Gas Lobby Wrote Obama's Power Plant Proposal

Methane, the most potent power plant greenhouse gas, is conspicuously absent from Obama’s power plant proposal. Because that’s the way the gas lobbyists wrote it.  In the proposals 645 pages, methane, ie. natural gas, is mentioned 5 times. Making this proposal one big Fracking Ad, and a prescription for cooking the planet with “clean burning natural gas” Because the First Rule of Frack Club is don’t talk about Frack Club. Or mention methane.  Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology  Statement on EPA Draft Plan Released June 2, 2014 on  “Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stationary Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units”  RIN 2060-AR33  by Robert W. Howarth, Ph.D. The David R. Atkinson Professor of Ecology & Environmental Biology  Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA June 7, 2014   I have […]

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Michigan AG Charges Biggest Fracker With Fracketeering

June 6, 2014
Michigan AG Charges Biggest Fracker With Fracketeering

What a surprise  Michigan AG Charges Chesapeake With Racketeering and Fraud Posted by jim weyland on June 5, 2014 at 12:36pm in Shale Related Topics View Discussions Michigan’s attorney general filed felony racketeering and fraud claims against Chesapeake Energy Corp. on Thursday, alleging the company canceled hundreds of private land leases under false pretenses following a short-lived oil and gas boom in the state in 2010. The charges, filed in Michigan state court in Cheboygan, allege Chesapeake, through its leasing agents, victimized private landowners in northern Michigan by falsely claiming mortgages on their properties were a legitimate basis for the lease cancellations. Landowners were previously told the mortgages were not a problem, the state alleged. “I will defend and protect the taxpayers of Michigan in the face of fraudulent business practices,” Michigan Attorney General […]

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Evidence Proves Fracking Gasses Water

June 6, 2014
Evidence Proves Fracking Gasses Water

As previously noted, the issue of which formation the gas comes from is irrelevant if the gas well gasses groundwater. Studies in Canada showed that the gas is most likely to come from shallow formations -above the target zone. If there are a lot of wells in the area, knowing where the gas came from can be used to tie it to a particular well – in the case of Parker County, Texas, that would be a Range Resource well that tapped the Barnett Shale. Scientists believe the gas comes from the shale formation, and can prove it, as this news report indicates. Scientists: Tests Prove Fracking to Blame print Email this article MORE by BRETT SHIPP WFAA Posted on June 5, 2014 at 11:34 PM Related: EPA: Flammable Parker County water […]

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Canadians Scientists Discover That Old Gas Wells Leak. A Lot. Forfrackingever.

June 5, 2014
Canadians Scientists Discover That Old Gas Wells Leak. A Lot. Forfrackingever.

The steel casing and cement sheathing in an oil and gas well are designed to last for as long as the productive life of the well. About twenty years for a conventional well. About ten for a shale well. Long before that many of them leak, and sometime after the end of their productive life, they will all leak. Because ferrous metals are not immortal.  Particularly when awash in brine. A team of researchers from the University of Waterloo have concluded the obvious: all those old wells are conduits to pollution into aquifers and methane into the atmosphere. Canada’s 500,000 Leaky Energy Wells: ‘Threat to Public (Planet)’ Badly sealed oil and gas wellbores leak emissions  that are barely monitored, experts find. By Andrew Nikiforuk A new University of Waterloo report warns […]

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North Carolina Officially Dumbest Fracking State

June 5, 2014
North Carolina Officially Dumbest Fracking State

By adopting a law that criminalizes disclosure of frack chemicals – which other states, such as Texas and Wyoming, require the fracker to disclose, and that Halliburton already makes available, the chemical components of which are publicly available from other sources, including state and national directories: California Proposition 65 – All components listed MA Right-to-Know Law  – One or more components listed. NJ Right-to-Know Law – One or more components listed. PA Right-to-Know Law – One or more components listed. Canadian Regulations -Canadian DSL Inventory All components listed on inventory. As a practical matter, anyone outside of the state of North Carolina with a chemistry set could publish a list of the chemical composition and distribute it in defiance of this pea-brained law. Evidently the frack shills of North Carolina […]

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New York Court of Appeals Dryden Middlefield Home Rule Videos !

June 3, 2014
New York Court of Appeals Dryden Middlefield Home Rule Videos !

Home Rule, a municipality’s legal right to apply its zoning laws to oil and gas wells, was defended Tuesday in New York State’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. The judges grilled both sides, but left the distinct impression that, if the Legislature wants to specifically preclude a municipality from applying land use laws to oil and gas drilling, the Legislature will need to expressly prohibit it. Because the statute in question clearly does not.  The trial courts and the state appellate court, a total of eight justices, including the judges in Avon and Binghamton that referred to Dryden, have found that zoning bans did not “seek to regulate the details or procedure of” gas drillers, but “simply establishes permissible and prohibited uses of land” within towns. Conspicuous in their absence: The DEC. The plaintiffs are contending […]

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Colorado Frackquake !

June 3, 2014
Colorado Frackquake !

A 3.4-magnitude earthquake struck northern Colorado Saturday night, and environmentalists weren’t surprised to learn that the epicenter was near a fracking site. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the earthquake struck about 9:35 p.m. It was felt in five towns, NBC 9reported, with Greeley being the nearest. There were no reports of damage, but anti-fracking activists say there is not a lot of math to add up in this incident. The USGS site refers to eastern Colorado as nearly “aseismic” and states that earthquakes are rare in the state, overall. However, The Tribune reported that the earthquake took place less than two miles away from two oil and gas wastewater injection wells that the state has not inspected in nearly two years. Greeley is also in Weld County, where there are more than 24,000 wells. Graphic credit: […]

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Home Rule Frackdown at the New York Supremes Today !

June 3, 2014
Home Rule Frackdown at the New York Supremes Today !

Let Towns, Cities Decide on Fracking Note who is not going to be with the plaintiffs in Albany today: the DEC. The plaintiffs are contending that the state, the Department of Environmental Conservation, has the right to pre-empt local land use laws. But the DEC does not agree – they could have joined this action against the towns of Dryden and Middlefield as co-plaintiffs, intervenors or with an amicus brief – but refrained from doing so. The reason why is simple: the towns are right. They are not “regulating” the activity, they are prohibiting it. Big difference. That even the DEC understands.  By Scott M. Stringer and Julie Huntsman, Commentary Published 5:38 pm, Monday, June 2, 2014 Today, the New York State Court of Appealswill hear arguments in a case that poses […]

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Obama Replaces Fossil Fuelishness With Even More Fossil Fuelishness

June 2, 2014
Obama Replaces Fossil Fuelishness With Even More Fossil Fuelishness

Read this news story about the EPA’s proposed limits on carbon emissions and the Fossil Fools’ fuelish response.  What the proposal does not do is cut methane emissions, so while CO2 might drop, if natural gas is substituted the impact on global warming stays the same. We get cooked with gas instead of coal. Whoopee. Obama’s proposal could have been written by the gas lobby, and probably was. This has not gone unnoticed by the press.  “Converting to natural gas plants, which is what this latest rule is likely to do, will actually aggravate climate change, not make things better,” said Robert Howarth.  There is a rather obvious way to cut carbon pollution without replacing it with methane pollution, and Europe is doing just that. The German Renewable Energy Grid uses coal fired power […]

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How To Tell Where The Shale Gas Is Not

June 1, 2014
How To Tell Where The Shale Gas Is Not

Look for lapsed leases. Preferably from shale gas exploration companies. Preferably in areas where they should have re-leased. If there actually was any shale gas potential there. Saw this missive from a lawyer that takes a lawyerly approach to geology. Which makes about as much sense as taking a geological approach to the law: “I finished making a list of the leases Cabot recorded in the Delaware County Clerk’s office between December 1988 and April 1989. There are 158 of them and most are in the following towns: Delhi  35 leases Meredith  30 leases Kortright  24 leases Davenport  21 leases Hamden  15 leases Franklin  11 leases There were also a few leases in Bovina, Middletown, Stamford, and Walton. Otego and Oneonta were mentioned because the property crossed the border. So we […]

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“Sustainable Shale” Shamstitute Proving Unsustainable

June 1, 2014
"Sustainable Shale" Shamstitute Proving Unsustainable

The oxymoronic“Center for Sustainable Shale” shamstitute just lost its two biggest founding funders. Perhaps because it finally dawned on them that : A. Shale gas is by no means “sustainable” except as a fracking PR hoax. B. The Shamstitute was a PR front for the frackers C. There are better places to donate foundation funds than to PR hoaxes. (Unless you’re a fracker) D. All of the above The Heinz Foundation and William Penn Foundation pulled out, leaving pizza purveyors Chevron, shale sob story Shell, equally clueless Williams, and the Rent-a-NGO Environmental Defense Frauds to try to perpetuate the Sustainable Shale Sham. Who will be the last Shale Shill Standing ? This shale shamstitute continues its death spiral as it loses legitimate environmental support – leaving it with just support from frackers, which […]

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50,000 Comments on The Best Energy Plan

May 31, 2014
50,000 Comments on The Best Energy Plan

That the frackers could buy.  Environmentalists Deliver 50,000 Comments Photos: Jessica Azulay of Alliance for a Green Economy, left, and Keith Schue of Sustainable Otsego unload boxes of comments at the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority offices on Friday, May 30, 2014, in Albany, N.Y. The comments, filed on the deadline for responding to the draft state energy plan issued in January, urge New York officials to reject additional natural gas drilling as any sort of environmental solution, calling instead for a much stronger push for renewable and cleaner solar and wind power. (AP Photo/Mike Groll) ALBANY, New York — Environmental activists delivered more than 50,000 comments to the Cuomo administration on Friday, urging officials to recast the state’s energy plan with specific strategies for burning less fossil […]

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Milking Dairy Farmers For Fracking Publicity Stunts

May 31, 2014
Milking Dairy Farmers For Fracking Publicity Stunts

There’s a cottage industry of Shale Shysters and Fracking Chicken Hawks that continue to milk landowners of donations – in hopes of getting fracked some decade soon. And then there are the frack-sniffing news letters, like Marcellus Drilled for Dummies. Here is their take on the Dryden /Middlefield Home Rule showdown at the Supremes in Albany next week: What we have in our favor: Four of the seven judges that will hear the case next Tuesday are appointees by (sic) former Republican Gov. George Pataki. That doesn’t mean it’s a shoo-in, but it does mean we’ll get a fair hearing. Implying that the eight (8) justices – some of whom are Republicans-  that have already heard these cases did not give it a “fair hearing” ? Or that Home Rule – which is […]

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America’s Most Unhealthy Energy Source ?

May 30, 2014
America's Most Unhealthy Energy Source ?

It ain’t coal. It ain’t solar. Or nuclear. Or wind. It’s Fracking. Do the math on the body count. How does it sicken you and kill you ? Let me count the ways. There is another fracking injury daily, a worker gets blown up, a homeowner is sickened, livestock dies, a bomb train wipes out a a town – literally another Frackastrophe – every fracking day.  More fatalities, accidents and contaminations than all the other energy sources put together. “But it burns real clean.” So it does, when a worker is incinerated at a well site or a resident is gassed with radon in their home. As Uncle Joe Stalin used to say, “One death is a tragedy. Ten thousand deaths is a statistic” Fracking has now entered the “statistics” class of health […]

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Fracking Does Not (necessarily) Gas Water. Frackers (invariably) Do.

May 29, 2014
Fracking Does Not (necessarily) Gas Water. Frackers (invariably) Do.

Have been saying this for years – shale gas industrialization mobilizes gas from shallow formations – in this case, the Strawn – via the large open well bore, and the gaps in the completed well bore – long before any gas leaks out of the fracked lateral.   So when the press reports that “no gas came from fracking” they might be right – the gas came from the well bore tapping shallow deposits on the way to the shale. Did “fracking” put the gas in the water ?  Maybe, maybe not. Did the frackers ? Absolutely – they drilled the big hole that released the shallow gas deposits. So who’s responsible for gassing the groundwater ? The frackers. How do they weasel out of it ? By claiming that […]

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FastFrack Derailed in Illinois !

May 29, 2014
FastFrack Derailed in Illinois !

Frackers Attempted End Run Fails in Illinois May 28, 2014 Michael Berndtson Illinois Senate Bill SB0649 – “FastFrack” which would have neutered Illinois already compromised fracking regulations and created a fracking sacrifice zone is dead.  For now. (Like Dracula). The bill proposed a bypass around existing oil and gas well fracking legislation. Specifically, permitting drillers to begin drilling and fracking in the New Albany shale of southern Illinois immediately upon its passage.   SB0649 was proposed by John Bradley (D. Marion) and sponsored by representatives Michael Madigan (House) and William Haine (Senate). According to Chicago Tribune, the bill was killed because there wasn’t going to be enough votes. From the Tribune article: Legislators said the bill doesn’t have enough votes to pass. When  they found out that the votes weren’t there, the frackers didn’t support […]

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Buying Wind Power From the Grid

May 28, 2014
Buying Wind Power From the Grid

Don’t have room for a 500 foot wind tower in your back yard ? Buy wind power from the grid. It’s easy in most states – you just sign up with the local utility. In some states, you can opt-in for solar power from the grid. Here’s how it’s done in New York : Choosing ConEdison Solutions WIND Power is one of the easiest ways for New Yorkers to reduce the environmental impact of their energy consumption. WIND Power contains 100% NewWind Energy, a product of Community Energy, Inc. By choosing to purchase renewable energy, you are doing something positive for our air, health and environment. The cost for WIND Power is two and a half (2.5) cents more per kilowatt-hour than standard power. For the average New York City […]

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New York State Has the Best Energy Plan

May 28, 2014
New York State Has the Best Energy Plan

That the frackers could buy.  Just read it. The plan’s long term vision is based on vying with the Chinese and Ukrainians for the last flatulence of fracked gas out of Fracksylvania. Blonde Toxic Avenger The Nicole and Uberfrakenwonk The Keith have gone through the plan and made a few comments, copy here.  Take a look and get your group to sign on by contacting Ellen Pope at Otsego 2000 before Friday’s deadline. Don’t delay. Frack the Plan today.

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Radioactive Frack Sludge On Way to Shale Shill’s House

May 28, 2014
Radioactive Frack Sludge On Way to Shale Shill's House

After saying that he “did not see a problem with frack waste” a waste hauler has arranged to dump a load of toxic radioactive frack goo at State Senator Grisanti’s house –  evidently on the front lawn. If you know a shale shill or bought politician you’d like to send some frack goo to, contact Range Resources and give them the address. Delivery is free.  As is one large pizza and a Coke.  More Drilling Sites Found with Radioactive Frack Sludge May 27, 2014 11:34 PM By Don Hopey / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Range Resources has confirmed that Marcellus Shale drilling sludge with radioactivity content too high for normal landfill disposal is stored at two more of its drilling pads in Washington County. Waste containing higher radioactivity levels is being temporarily held by […]

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Hamptons Shoot for 100% Renewable by 2020

May 27, 2014
Hamptons Shoot for 100% Renewable by 2020

This is achievable – a town, like any business or home owner can achieve majority if not 100% renewable energy by simply contracting with local renewable energy suppliers – wind farrms, etc. and installing solar photovoltaics – particularly if it is in area that has abundant wind resources and/ or significant insolation. And has access to utilities that deliver power from renewable sources. If your power supplier does not offer renewable energy – get a new utility.  In Texas, you can opt-in for wind and/ or solar generated power from any one of several power companies. Does your state/ utility offer that option ?  East Hampton Town First in NY State to Set 100 Percent Renewable Energy GoalsTown Board Votes Unanimously to Meet 100 percent of Community’s Electricity Needs with Renewable […]

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Illinois Teed Up to Get Fracked

May 27, 2014
Illinois Teed Up to Get Fracked

Illinois Fracking Fiasco in the Works May 27, 2014 Michael Berndtson From United States Geological Survey – Illinois Basin Yesterday, Memorial Day, in commemoration of our nation’s fallen and Chinese manufactured United States flag salesmen, and Illinois House panel voted 7 to 4 to work around the regulator process to get fracking on the New Albany shale. A more tempered write up can be found here. Our nations oil and gas lobbyist, mouth breathing downstater politicians, and petroleum engineers from Oklahoma didn’t even pay for the subsurface investigation to find the sweet spot for fracking the New Albany shale. Our federal tax dollars seemed to have paid for a US Geological Survey (USGS) to do that. The wonderfully written geological ramblings can be found in this report, New Albany Shale. I’m guessing oil […]

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Frackers Go Broke

May 27, 2014
Frackers Go Broke

May 27, 2014 7:23 AM ET Shakeout Threatens Shale Patch as Frackers Go Broke By Asjylyn Loder The U.S. shale patch is facing a shakeout as drillers struggle to keep pace with the relentless spending needed to get oil and gas out of the ground. Shale debt has almost doubled over the last four years while revenue has gained just 5.6 percent, according to a Bloomberg News analysis of 61 shale drillers. A dozen of those wildcatters are spending at least 10 percent of their sales on interest compared with Exxon Mobil Corp.’s 0.1 percent. “The list of companies that are financially stressed is considerable,” said Benjamin Dell, managing partner of Kimmeridge Energy, a New York-based alternative asset manager focused on energy. “Not everyone is going to survive. We’ve seen […]

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Illegal Frack Filth Dumping in New York ?

May 27, 2014
Illegal Frack Filth Dumping in New York ?

Shown below is a photo of what might be a frack waste truck on Route 8, New Berlin, NY marked as “Environmental Services, Lcc.”   If you see suspicious looking (frack waste ?) trucks, can email your photos to: <> Call 800-847-7332. Date, Time, Place and any other information obtained. Get a photo and plate number if possible and follow them to the dump site.  

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May 27, 2014

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) recently spent some money producing a 7-minute video entitled “Regulating the Natural Gas Industry in Pennsylvania”. Published on May 7, 2014, DEP staff share their personal experiences conducting the important work of DEP’s Oil and Gas Program across Pennsylvania. Note: Per the video on YouTube – “Comments are disabled for the video . “ What does that say about DEP wanting to hear from the public? It begins with April Weiland, Water Quality Specialist Supervisor for DEP. She states that she “loves helping the INDUSTRY as well as the environment, but there’s a misnomer out there when you say you WORK FOR OIL & GAS…” In the first minute Weiland inadvertently confirms what we suspect – DEP works for the fossil fuel industry.  Some […]

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Jacobson’s 100% Solution: Wishfully Renewable Thinking ?

May 26, 2014
Jacobson's 100% Solution: Wishfully Renewable Thinking ?

Update: Note that the flaw in the published paper that caught my eye – the reliance of Concentrated Solar Power systems for 10% of New York’s power – has been removed from the plan, which remains a work in progress.  I am a strong proponent of renewable power systems and I applaud the authors for this thought-provoking effort. None of us have to wait, we can start using renewables today – simply by opting-in for wind power from the grid, and in some states, like Texas, solar power from the grid. I own an electric boat, a hybrid car, an electric bike and we power our Dallas house with wind energy from the grid. So I waded through the Jacobson Plan for 100% Renewables in New York, copy here, with high hopes. Renewable […]

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Home Rule Goes to the New York Supremes Next Week Webcast !

May 26, 2014
Home Rule Goes to the New York Supremes Next Week Webcast !

Oral argument in the Middlefield and Dryden Home Rule cases are scheduled for next week June 3 at 2PM in Albany at the State Court of Appeals. Should be on the court’s live webcast here.  Details of the webcast system here. The arguments are live-streamed from the Court’s website:  The videotapes also are archived on the site, if you want to view them later.  In addition, the Court posts all of the briefs on the web, and you can find them using docket number APL-2013-00245 (for the Dryden case). A lot of briefs have been filed in these landmark cases, made all the more interesting in that one of the plaintiffs, Norse Energy, no longer exists, and the other plaintiff, a local dairy farmer Cooperstown Holstein, was brought in by the original plaintiff, an out of state […]

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Vote For Colorado Local Control !

May 25, 2014
Vote For Colorado Local Control !

It helps if state law recognizes that Home Rule, local land use control, applies to drilling. Most states, including the big oil states of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and New Mexico recognize home rule. If it does, municipalities can then decide how badly they want to get fracked. Or not fracked at all.  Which is the issue going to referendum in Colorado – which has now cleared its last legal challenge (from the frackers) to get on the ballot in November. Bravo ! (While you are voting, might get rid of that fracking shill, Gov. Hickenfracker.) Colorado municipalities had the right to apply land use ordinances to drilling until the legislature removed those rights at the best of the oil and gas lobby. Those rights need to be restored either by the legislature or […]

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How To Ban / Not To Ban Fracking

May 25, 2014
How To Ban / Not To Ban Fracking

There are two ways to ban fracking at the local level: the right way (that will hold up in court) and the wrong way (that may not).  The right way is via zoning and land use controls, aka Home Rule or local control. That is how New York towns have banned fracking – via their land use plans and zoning ordinances, with a legal strategy perfected by Goldman Environmental Prize winner Helen Slottje.  These ordinances were enacted in accordance with state law and should hold up in court. The first such ban in New York was the Town of Otsego which just celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the ban with a surprise visit from President Obama. Where a blanket prohibition of industrial uses may be impractical, a municipality or county may restrict drilling […]

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Fracking is a Great Way to Kill Trout !

May 24, 2014
Fracking is a Great Way to Kill Trout !

By killing off their food supply. Mayflies. New report shows that even when diluted to 2%, frack waste will kill mayflies. And caddis flies. Royal Coachmen, wooly boogers, fresh water shrimp, crawdads, nymphs, you name it. Whatever creepy crawly things are down there in the river hiding under the rocks. Add that to the Health Impact Study: “Highly diluted frack waste kills mayflies more effectively than carbolic acid. Its effect on humans is unknown because we cannot get any humanoid volunteers to choke down the stuff without retching.” Have too many trout in your area ? White fish ? Bass ? Walleye ? Ducks ? Salmon ? Frack the place and dump the frack waste on roads. Problem solved. Or you could ban fracking. And frack waste dumping. That would work too. Your choice.  […]

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Texas Jury Decides Fracking is a Nuisance

May 24, 2014
Texas Jury Decides Fracking is a Nuisance

At best. What a surprise.  A Texas jury just awarded damages to a homeowner that sued a fracker for being a nuisance. Even Texans think that fracking is a fracking nuisance. Heck, even the CEO of Exxon thinks it’s a nuisance. So yes, most jurors will agree: fracking is indeed one of the biggest fracking nuisances ever invented. Don’t just lie down and get fracked. Sue the frackers, sue their officers, their attorney, and their families. And hold a press conference when you do. It will be therapeutic. Jury Says Fracking is a Nuisance by TERESA WOODARD WFAA Posted on May 23, 2014 at 10:27 PM FORT WORTH — Sam and Jane Crowder have lived in the same home for 41 years of their 49-year marriage. It’s on Madrid Lane, in southwest Fort […]

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Frack Ban Birthday is Fracking Famous !

May 23, 2014
Frack Ban Birthday is Fracking Famous !

Thanks to a surprise guest appearance by the President of the United States,  the 3rd anniversary of Cooperstown’s frack ban was a fanfracking success ! Videos by Bill Huston of Cooperstown Frack Ban Anniversary speakers here on YouTube. Wall Street Journal: Fracking Protesters Greet Obama in Cooperstown The Hill: Obama faces fracking protesters in NY WRVO: Obama’s visit brings protesters on both sides of fracking Journal News: Obama visit draws fracking, SAFE Act protesters to Cooperstown Time Warner Cable: Fracking opponents in Cooperstown: Drilling will ruin economy of tourism–drilling-will-ruin-economy-of-tourism/#sthash.MT1GOZYv.dpuf USA Today: In Cooperstown, Obama touts international tourist plan Washington Post: Obama visits Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown to promote U.S. tourism Poughkeepsie Journal (also ran in other Gannett papers): Obama touts tourism plan at Baseball Hall of Fame Associated […]

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Frack Spin Doc Goes to Work Spinning for Feds

May 23, 2014
Frack Spin Doc Goes to Work Spinning for Feds

Just days after EIA has downgraded estimates of the reserves of the Monterey Shale basin in California by 96%, The Steve reveals that John Krohn, former spokesman for fracking front group Energy in Depth, a creation of some of the biggest oil/gas companies on the planet, has become the EIA’s new spokesman. EIA, of course to most people, is a “neutral cruncher” of numbers/statistics on energy – based on data they are given by the industry.  Krohn appears to have been hired in January, a time after which EIA has put out a couple key monthly production reports that way overestimate reserves, one of which Krohn wrote a blog post about for EID and then was echoed the next day and quoted from by his former Energy in Depth colleague. […]

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Fracking Ruins Tourism

May 23, 2014
Fracking Ruins Tourism

Fracking Opponents in Cooperstown: Fracking Would Ruin Tourism COOPERSTOWN, N.Y. — Among the many people gathered in Cooperstown, was a group of hydrofracking protestors. Dozens of people gathered to talk about the dangers of the controversial form of drilling. Demonstrators believe it could harm the environment, drilling supporters believe there could be a big economic benefit. Protestors at the Baseball Hall of Fame even referenced the sport’s iconic movie “Field of Dreams” to make their point. “Instead of saying if you build it they will come, what people are talking about today is if you frack it they won’t come. The president is coming here to talk about promoting tourism, and you can’t have fracking and tourism in the same region. It will ruin the economy of tourism and ruin […]

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WSJ: Frack Protesters Welcome Obama To Birthplace of Frack Bans

May 22, 2014
WSJ: Frack Protesters Welcome Obama To Birthplace of Frack Bans

WSJ: Hundreds of Fracking Protesters Greet Obama in Cooperstown. Because his advance team evidently did not know that the Village would be celebrating the 3rd anniversary of its frack ban – the first one in America. Not only did the Village of Cooperstown support the ban, but so did the Hall of Fame.  So rather than enter the Hall of Fame via the front door where awnings had been set up for his arrival, he snuck in via a service dock in a back alley. This did not go unnoticed by the Wall Street Journal. ARTICLE NATALIE ANDREWS President Barack Obama visited the Baseball Hall of Fame on Thursday as crowds chanted outside, but these weren’t fans cheering on America’s pastime. Or Obama. Instead, they were protesters chanted “End fracking now!” And while baseball and oil […]

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Obama (inadvertently) Celebrates Birthday of Frack Bans !

May 22, 2014
Obama (inadvertently) Celebrates Birthday of Frack Bans !

Obama came to Cooperstown to help us celebrate the third anniversary of the first Frack Ban in the United States. Thanks Prez. His advance people evidently overlooked that he was speaking at the birthplace of frack bans – on the 3rd anniversary of the ban – and that the Hall of Fame, where he was speaking, had publicly supported the ban – as had every other major local group.  Great turnout today, about 300 fractavists compared to about 5 frackers thanks to the organizational skills of Julia Walsh, Renee Vogelsang, Wes Gillingham, Isaac Siberman Gorn and John Armstrong. Organic rancher Chris Harmon was particularly eloquent about how most people don’t like the taste of flowback in their steaks. Nicole Dillingham put the frack ban movement in perspective : “It’s spreading all over […]

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After the Fracking Hype is Over

May 22, 2014
After the Fracking Hype is Over

Tom Wilber sums matters up regarding New York’s shale’s prospects : not so fracking hot anymore. NY Shale Prospects Dim Six Years after Leasing Frenzy New York’s Marcellus Shale gas reserves, once thought to be world class, continue to lose their luster along with the gumption to develop them.Shale gas proponents, once giddy with anticipation during the leasing boom of 2008, know now what they didn’t know then: legal hurdles to overcome state and local roadblocks look more formidable if not insurmountable with each passing court case and hearing, and the resource looks less and less worth the effort under today’s economics.Given the inherent uncertainty in mineral exploration, much of the impetus behind it boils down to a mindset. While even some of the most ambitious extraction endeavors go […]

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Frackdown in Cooperstown !

May 21, 2014
Frackdown in Cooperstown !

Obama is going to duck into the Fracking Bunker at the Hall of Fame. But not until he gets an ear-full from fractavists in Cooperstown  Rally against fracking outside of President Obama’s appearance in Cooperstown tomorrow (Thursday, May 22). It’s important to have a big presence there!  We have some updates about timing, location and other logistics that we wanted to share.  TIMING: Our best information is that the president is expected some time mid-afternoon. As such, we’re convening our rally at 12:30 PM. We may well be there until around 4:00/4:30 PM.  LOCATION: We are still deciphering the best location based on secret service security and potential last minute location changes. We advise you to go to one of the parking lots mentioned below and we will have volunteers at the parking areas who will direct you […]

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Incredible Shrinking Monterey Shale – Downgraded by 96%

May 21, 2014
Incredible Shrinking Monterey Shale - Downgraded by 96%

Following the downgrade of the Marcellus in New York by 90%, the Monterey Shale Scam just took a 95% haircut.  Imagine that. An over-hyped shale play that’s been royally over-hyped by shale shills. What a concept. More incredible shrinking shale. The EIA has cut its original estimate of recoverable shale oil reserves in California’s much-hyped Monterey shale play by 96%, the L.A. Times’ Louis Sahagun reported late Tuesday.  The agency now says there are just 600 million barrels of recoverable crude. Previously the agency had said there were up to 13.7 billion recoverable barrels.  Sahagun quotes EIA analyst John Staub: From the information we’ve been able to gather, we’ve not seen evidence that oil extraction in this area is very productive using techniques like fracking…Our oil production estimates combined with a dearth […]

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Santa Cruz County Bans Fracking !

May 20, 2014
Santa Cruz County Bans  Fracking !

Santa Cruz, home of the monster surf wave Mavericks and the surfing museum in the lighthouse – has just banned fracking. Bravo, they not only pass the California Surfer Cool test, they also pass the County Municipal IQ Test. Counties have land use controls in some Western states. And some are beginning to address fracking via their land use ordinances, notably Santa Fe, New Mexico. California counties are beginning to wake up to the fact that getting fracked to ship gas to China may not be such a great use of the land. Or water. Or air. And to think, all this started in Cooperstown, birthplace of baseball. And frack bans. Santa Cruz is the first California county to ban fracking May 20 (Reuters) – Santa Cruz on Tuesday became the first California county to […]

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What’s Not to Like About Fracking ?

May 20, 2014
What's Not to Like About Fracking ?

Exploding Bomb Trains. Scraping Radium 226 off your windshield. Getting run off the road by frack truck convoys. Cooking the planet with natural gas. A couple of major Frackastrophes every fracking day. What’s not to like about fracking ? Evidently a whole fracking lot according to a new pro-fracking poll from the Wall Street Journal. 

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Obama to Visit Birthplace of Frack Bans !

May 18, 2014
Obama to Visit Birthplace of Frack Bans !

And baseball. President Obama will be speaking at the Baseball Hall of Fame on Thursday.  Cooperstown  will give him a warm fractavist welcome – check out the rally page here. Obama has been speaking out of both sides of his mouth on global warming and fracking. On the one hand, he sends Joe Biden to promote fracking the Ukraine, which landed Joe’s son a job to frack the Ukraine. And on the other, he sponsors a report on the impacts of global warming that predicts an apocalyptic scenario whereby large sections of Lower Manhattan, including the subways and Battery Park, could actually be inundated by storm surges from storms of epic proportions-(imagine that) – as the new fossil fuelish normal. Which is it Mr. President ? You can’t frack your way to Global Cooling. Now […]

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Ohio Begs Frackers for 2.5% Severance Tax

May 16, 2014
Ohio Begs Frackers for 2.5% Severance Tax

The Fat Envelope Boys in the Ohio legislature are begging the frackers for a measly 2.5% gas production severance tax. Whining that anything more might drive the frackers back to Texas. Where they pay a 7.4% gas production tax. And the Ohio shale shills are offering a tax holiday on the first $10 million in revenue, so that the frackers can recoup their investment tax free. Since the average shale well costs $5 million, that means the frackers double their money before they pay any tax. Then they pay 1/3 what they pay in Texas.  Such a fracking deal. Only in Ohio . . . the state that’s round at both ends and fracked in the middle. And the severance tax rate in New York ? Zero.  New York is the […]

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Gastorino Flop Flips on Fracking

May 15, 2014
Gastorino Flop Flips on Fracking

Opposed Fracking Before He Was For It By Scott Waldman 5:00 a.m. | May. 14, 2014 follow this reporter ALBANY—Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino has made his support of hydraulic fracturing a cornerstone of his campaign against Gov. Andrew Cuomo. But back in 2012, in his role as Westchester County executive, Astorino quietly signed legislation prohibiting fracking waste from being treated in the county or used to de-ice its roadways. The ban, which Astorino signed in December 2012, prohibits the sale, application and disposal of the material, and is applies to all wastewater treatment plants and roads. County legislators viewed presentations on the risks of fracking waste products and heard from industry representatives during debate over the bill. They eventually approved the measure unanimously, by a 17-0 vote on December 10, 2012, with an […]

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Frackers’ Final Solution: Gas The Opposition

May 15, 2014
Frackers' Final Solution: Gas The Opposition

The frackers have hit upon a cost-effective way to eliminate opposition to fracking: gas them with radon while they sleep.  The Marcellus shale is particularly rich in radon gas, the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer after Big Tobacco. As new pipelines are built to connect the shale fields to New York City, the radon will start to arrive  in Midtown Manhattan at near full radioactive strength. Unlike wet gas producing regions, the Marcellus dry gas operations do not strip the radon from the gas. So the radon that comes out of the ground goes into the pipe.  The new pipelines are big, tightly sealed and powered by massive compressor stations – so the transit time to Times Square is quick and efficient. Unfortunately, once in New York City, the […]

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New York May Imitate Texas and Ban Frack Waste

May 14, 2014
New York May Imitate Texas and Ban Frack Waste

New York State Senators think that the state should imitate Texas and ban imported toxic radioactive frack filth from being splattered on roads and dumped into water treatment plants. Under the premise that if Rick Perry thinks that’s a bad idea, it must really be a bad idea. So they’ve introduced legislation to ban shale gas industrial wastes from being dumped in New York. Senate Pushes For Frackwaste Ban  Why wait on the senate ? Pretend like you’re in Texas. Ban shale field filth from your town and county roads. Lots of towns and counties already have. Or learn how to scrape radium 226 off your windshield. Senator: Frack Filth an Unmitigated Disaster Created: 05/13/2014 6:41 PM  By: Dan Levy ALBANY – In Albany on Tuesday, a state […]

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Joe Biden’s Son to Frack Ukraine

May 13, 2014

After Joe went to the Ukraine to promote fracking, his son has signed onto the board of the largest local gas producer. How convenient.  And no, I’m not making this up. A family that fracks together stays together. The son of the US vice-president has been chosen to take charge of energy firm Burisma’s legal unit – a decision based purely on merit, of course . . .  Hunter Biden, with his father, US vice-president Joe Biden. Photograph: Charles Dharapak/Associated Press Name: Hunter Biden. Age: 44. Appearance: Chip off the old block. His names rings a bell. Is he related to someone famous? He’s the son of Joe Biden, the US vice president. What is he, sort of a wayward, ne’er-do-well playboy type? Not really. He’s a graduate of Yale Law School and a former senior […]

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Gastorino Jumps Fracking Shark: “Binghamton Could be the Dallas of New York”

May 13, 2014
Gastorino Jumps Fracking Shark: "Binghamton Could be the Dallas of New York"

What an amusing, hallucinatory thought.  Somebody might point out to this gas-bag that the real Dallas, the one in Texas, has a de facto ban on fracking – with a minimum 1,500 foot setback from buildings, which pretty much precludes siting a well pad in the city limits. Has your town done like Dallas and banned fracking ? What are you waiting for ? Be like Dallas and ban it. Where even the frackers don’t want to get fracked. . . Gastorino: Binghamton Could be ‘Dallas of New York’ By Kelly Fay Staff Writer May 12, 2014 Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino is facing flack from the Southern Tier’s leading anti-fracking group after touting the potential benefits of the controversial drilling process last week during a visit to the […]

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New Jersey No Longer the Official Cess Pool of the East Coast

May 12, 2014
New Jersey No Longer the Official Cess Pool of the East Coast

The New Jersey State Senate just banned frackwaste from the state. Which means that Fracksylvania is now the new official Cess Pool of the East Coast.   Bravo New Jersey. You have passed the State IQ Test, the one question of which is : “Would it be a real good idea to take millions of gallons of toxic radioactive ooze from the shale fields and smear it on our roads, dump it into our dumps and water treatment plants ?”    I went to grad school near New Jersey, in Filthadelphia. One of our daughters went to grad school at Rutgers. So we know that there are some lovely parts of the state – Princeton, Lawrenceville, Cape May. The state legislature has done right by the state. The notion that […]

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Legalized Marijuana Worth More Than Fracking to New York

May 12, 2014
Legalized Marijuana Worth More Than Fracking to New York

By a  fracking mile. So is tourism. Because, unlike fracking, which is tax-exempt in New York, legalized sales of marijuana would reap millions for the state immediately, every month. There is no economic contest here, so far as the state is concerned, legalizing marijuana makes millions, permitting fracking makes the state nothing. It would cost the state  in road damage, spill remediation and environmental degradation. No contest on this one. Millions vs nothing. Marijuana is sustainable, organic and has medicinal benefits. Fracking is not sustainable, wholly inorganic and is hazardous to human health and the environment. Which one will Cuomo permit ?  Legal Hemp Worth More Than Fracking to New York With Colorado and Washington starting to tax and regulate recreational weed sales, and medical marijuana legal in 18 other states, we can […]

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The Assassin — coming Monday

May 11, 2014
The Assassin -- coming Monday

Who is “The Assassin”, a foreign agent who’s been brought in to Spin Shale in Pennsylvania, who makes ordinary Public Relations Hit Men look like they’re Catholic Workers? Come back to the “No Fracking Way” blog on Monday to find out…

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Don’t Frack With Cajuns !

May 11, 2014
Don't Frack With Cajuns !

They might frack you back. My partners in the oil rig business were Cajuns. One of them was a linebacker for the Miami Dolphins. The other was the Texas state rowing champ. They are not people to be trifled with. Or fracked. As the frackers are finding out these days in Louisiana. Louisiana Residents Gear Up for Fracking Fight Just Outside New Orleans Sunday, 11 May 2014 09:45By Julie Dermansky, DeSmogBlog | Report St. Tammany Councilman Jake Groby before a council meeting. (Photo: ©2014 Julie Dermansky) In mid-April, word started spreading like wildfire among Louisiana residents: Helis Oil& Gas LLC wants to drill a well in search of oil and gas on a 960-acre tract of land about 30 miles from New Orleans, in the Mandeville area. Helis plans to use hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to extract oil […]

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If Fracking is Allowed, What Will Happen in New York ?

May 11, 2014
If Fracking is Allowed, What Will Happen in New York ?

The Front Lines of Fracking is a Buffalo News special report that looks at the potential for fracking in New York’s Southern Tier and the benefits and pitfalls that come with it. The three-part series examines how fracking is changing communities in neighboring states and how residents are trying to adapt. Part One (May 11): Fracking has been a boon for Pennsylvania , but its economic benefits aren’t as big as claimed. While the gas rush appears to be receding, fracking has led to a boom in four Pennsylvania counties, bringing jobs, wealth –- and concern If New York relents, will it be worthwhile? Part Two (coming May 18): Despite many anecdotal concerns about environmental and health risks, the science is inconclusive. Part Three (coming May 19): The fracking industry transformed Youngstown , Ohio, almost overnight. […]

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Fracking Britain

May 11, 2014
Fracking Britain

An expose of how the UK government is setting Britain up for a proper fracking. By first ignoring any reports, including peer-reviewed science, that have identified fracking’s faults. I went to school in England and co-founded a public company there on the AIM market. Fracking should work just fine provided it’s done where there are no shallow water wells, dairy herds, rolling hills, significant rainfall, no population centers nearby, and no indication of any seismic activity. Plus easy road access to Idaho to get rid of the frack waste.  And an indigenous population that has a naturally high tolerance for radium 226, benzene, and arsenic. Should work like a charm. A day at the beach at Blackpool. Whitewashing the Health Impacts of Shale Gas by Paul Mobbs,  | May 7, 2014 […]

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Fractavist Hijacks Fracking Parade

May 10, 2014
Fractavist Hijacks Fracking Parade

By getting in front of a pro-fracking parade of orange shirted union thugs. Who were paid for by the frackers, the same way the frackers paid off the Fracksylvania politicians to keep from having to pay a state severance tax. Which was the subject of the fractavist’s banner. Way to go Gene. Fractavist Hilariously Hijacks Entire Fracking Parade by Jake Sternberger   Gene Stilp, who is well-known for his zany brand of political media-magnetism, is at it again. Today, he hilariously hijacked an entire 2,000 person parade put on by supporters of the Marcellus shale industry. Just as the pro-fracking marchers were closing in on the State Capitol Building, Stilp emerged from the sidelines and unveiled a massive sign, reading “TAX THE FRACKERS BEHIND ME.” Stilp is running against Republican State Representative Sue […]

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Carpet Bombed With Frackquake Swarms

May 10, 2014
Carpet Bombed With Frackquake Swarms

The frackers have a new weapon in their war against the environment, people, houses, what have you:  carpet bombing large areas with frackquake swarms.  So that’s what they do – induce frackquakes by injecting millions of gallons of slick water residue down disposal wells. Then drive away and let the frackquakes commence. Are they fined for this ?  Nope. Not even a fracking pizza. Because fracking means you never have to say you’re sorry. Below is a link to a 30 second animation of recent OK injection quakes by the USGS. Earthquakes are occurring in a belt running NNW/SSE through the center of the state, unlike historic quakes that were distributed throughout the state. Through this area there is porous sandstones (for frack waste storage) deep but not too […]

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Frack Oil Bomb Train Bound For Albany Stopped !

May 10, 2014
Frack Oil Bomb Train Bound For Albany Stopped !

A tanker train overloaded with fracked oil that was on track to explode in downtown Albany, New York was derailed in Colorado. The citizens of New York, Governor Cuomo, and Senator Schumer wish to tank the good people of Colorado for thwarting what could have been a frackastrophe in New York. Fracked Oil Bomb Train Derails on Way to New York May 9, 2014 – 8:35 PM The train, loaded in Windsor with Niobrara crude bound for New York, derailed around 8 a.m. according to Union Pacific Spokesman Mark Davis. (AP Photo/The Greeley Tribune, Joshua Polson) LASALLE, Colo. (AP) — Crews from Union Pacific Railroad worked to clear a six-car oil train derailment Friday in northern Colorado. State and local emergency officials determined that one car of the 100-car train was leaking after […]

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Shale Gas Radioactivity

May 10, 2014
Shale Gas Radioactivity

From The Rachel – a compendium of articles and reports on radioactivity in shale gas and shale gas drilling waste.  The most radioactive waste material are the drill cuttings from the horizontal (shale) section of a well. Since the shale is the most radioactive sedimentary layer, the horizontal section basically mines radioactive material. Disposing of radioactive drill cuttings can be particularly problematic. At a conventional well – where the cuttings are not from radioactive shale – drill cuttings are often buried at the drill site. Radioactive drill cuttings can be mixed with flowback and injected down an EPA Class II disposal well. Or the drill cuttings can be mixed with soil in “land farming” – the dilution solution. Probably the worst option would be to put radioactive drill cuttings in ordinary […]

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GOP Frackhead Calls Home Rule Advocate a “Terrorist”

May 10, 2014
GOP Frackhead Calls Home Rule Advocate a "Terrorist"

Because the Home Rule advocate,  a Colorado Congressman, is supporting local control – a town’s right to zone frackers out – in an upcoming ballot initiative.  JEFFERSONIAN DEOMCRACY AS TERROR” GOP Leader Calls Home Rule Advocate a Terrorist By John Upton Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) thinks local communities should be able to decide how fracking is regulated in their areas, and whether it’s allowed at all. He’s among the backers of some initiatives proposed for the November ballot that could increase local control over oil and gas drilling. And the chair of the Colorado Republican Committee, Ryan Call, says that makes Polis a terrorist. Here’s a screen grab that took of a Twitter exchange before Call deleted the offensive tweet: Another Republican, state Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg, picked up the theme, saying, “Polis’ jihad against responsible energy development is reckless.” The Boulder Daily Camera reports that Call […]

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What Cigarettes and Fracking Have in Common: Lung Cancer

May 9, 2014
What Cigarettes and Fracking Have in Common: Lung Cancer

Radon, the second leading cause of lung cancer, is a constituent of natural gas.  Shale fracked gas is loaded with radon.  There’s no better source. The closer you are to the wellhead, the higher the radioactivity. If you work in a shale field, gas processing plant or compressor station with a vent, chances are you are breathing radon. If you are within 200 miles of a gas field, the radon will still be fully potent by the time it gets to your house.  Which explains why the frackers and the tobacco lobby use the same PR firm. And the same legal ploy of deny, deny, deny. Fracking Critics Push for Health Study A group of health professionals opposed to hydraulic fracturing penned a letter Wednesday to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, calling on him […]

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Two Frackquakes a Day. In One County

May 9, 2014
Two Frackquakes a Day. In One County

For the first time in recorded history, Parker County, Texas, in the heart of the Barnett Shale, is experiencing an average of 2 frackquakes a day, according to a new study.  Sarah Jane Parker, Comanche chief Quanah Parker’s mother, was from that area of Texas. You might never have heard of her, but Natalie Wood portrayed her in The Searchers.  It’s a place of sandstone hills, cactus, scenic views and now, frackquakes. About 2 a day on average. Welcome to Frackland. Where the frackers pay the politicians to get away with murder. Of various magnitudes. RENO (CBSDFW.COM) – There have been more than 300 earthquakes reported in Parker County since December, according to just-published research conducted by an earthquake study team. In preliminary findings released Wednesday, the team reported that the […]

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Fracker’s Boy In Albany Challenged for Seat in State Senate

May 8, 2014
Fracker's Boy In Albany Challenged for Seat in State Senate

When it came time for the frackers to buy Pennsylvania, I knew who wrote the checks in Texas and I knew who carried the checks to the Fracksylvania politicians.  When it came time to frack New York, the frackers were a bit more circumspect – they bought some Democrats. They paid enough to turn them into DINOs. Exhibit A is Jeff Klein, the DINO King in Albany.This did not go unnoticed, so he’s earned himself a challenger in the Democratic primary. May the best Democrat win. N.Y. / REGION Cooperation With G.O.P. Puts DINO Senator in a Primary By JESSE McKINLEY MAY 4, 2014 G. Oliver KoppellCreditOzier Muhammad/The New York Times Continue reading the main story ALBANY — G. Oliver Koppell has spent four decades in politics, serving in the State Assembly, […]

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Williams Co Has Gomer Pyle Moment

May 8, 2014
Williams Co Has Gomer Pyle Moment

  The rapid expansion of drilling and fracking fossil fuel wells in the Marcellus Shale region brings with it the midstream and main transmission infrastructure. These include gathering lines which take the fossil fuel from the well head to midstream pipelines and facilities. Each well, and there may be more than one on each well pad, has its own gathering line. Midstream and main transmission lines may include compression stations, glycol dehydration plants, metering stations and regulator plants in addition to pipelines. SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE Recently, the Williams Company, the 4th largest pipeline operator in the US, experienced 3 accidents in rapid succession between Feb-Apr 2014. As reported by Bloomberg news “Williams Reviews Safety After Fire, Explosions at Gas Plants“, May 1, 2014: “Certainly, this has come as a big […]

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Got Fracking Slime ?

May 7, 2014
Got Fracking Slime ?

On  your road, in your creek, on your car ? Check out Fractracker’s updated map of where the frackers are dumping toxic radioactive goo on roads. Why are they dumping in New York ? Because it’s too far to truck the filth to Idafrackho. And the disposal wells in Ohio are full up. So the fix is in between the politicians and the frack waste haulers to dump it in New York. There is a rather straightforward solution to this . . . ban the stuff. No dumping on the road, not in the landfill, not in the water treatment plant. If your politicians haven’t already done so, get yourself some new politicians. More FOIL’d documentation on gas brine-spreading on NYS’s roads. New information has just been added to the map for Genesee, […]

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May 7, 2014

Fracking TV show from UK. This week starring The Vera

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Spill Baby Spill : The Year to Date in Frackastrophes

May 6, 2014
Spill Baby Spill : The Year to Date in Frackastrophes

A partial list . . . more fracking nonsense coming your way down a railroad track, highway or river real soon.   Charge your video camera, get a YouTube account and put a tort lawyer on speed dial.  Or just ban it. That works too. The next time some gas bag says, “Fracking can be done safely,” or some such drivel, show them this list: April 2014 04/11/2014 April 30-A CSX train carrying fracked crude oil derails and bursts into flames in downtown Lynchburg, VA, spilling oil into the James River and forcing hundreds to evacuate. April 30- Two oil workers die and nine others are injured in an explosion at a RKI Exploration and Production well site in West Texas. Loving County Sheriff Billy Hopper says the workers were operating a rig that separates […]

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Globally Warmed By Fossil Fuelishness

May 6, 2014
Globally Warmed By Fossil Fuelishness

Do something now. Or Lower Manhattan is likely to get flooded ! Republican’s rebuttal: “If it is not mentioned in Deuteronomy, it’s probably a fairy tale. Like the sewing machine.” I looked in Deuteronomy. And Leviticus. The Koran. No mention of “greenhouses gases.” So it must be a lefty hoax. U.S. Climate Has Already Changed, Study Finds, Citing Heat and Floods U.S. Climate Has Already Changed, Citing Heat and Floods Continue reading the main story   By Kevin Liptak, Jethro Mullen and Tom Cohen, CNN updated 6:19 PM EDT, Tue May 6, 2014 Your video will begin momentarily. STORY HIGHLIGHTS NEW: President Obama says climate change happening now A new government report outlines how climate change already affects the country Administration officials “fanning out” across the country to publicize the report Republicans criticize proposed […]

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Fracking the Soil

May 6, 2014
Fracking the Soil

Literally – destroying top soil, one frack at a time. The Denver Post has the story on how Colorado’s soil it getting fracked.  ENVIRONMENT Colorado’s Fracking is “Death Sentence” for Soil By Bruce Finley The Denver Post POSTED:   05/04/2014 12:01:00 AM MDT31 COMMENTS| UPDATED:   A DAY AGO   A pair of nesting bald eagles watch night fall last month within sight of an oil pump in Weld County, the heart of Colorado’s oil and gas boom. (Karl Gehring, The Denver Post) Colorado’s intensifying oil and gas boom is taking a toll on soil — 200 gallons spilled per day seeping into once-fertile ground — that experts say could be ruinous. The state’s approach has been to try to compel companies to excavate and haul the worst muck to landfills. But with support […]

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Frack Chuck Schmucker

May 6, 2014
Frack Chuck Schmucker

Before he fracks you. They evidently put too much pancake makeup on Schumer, it baked under the studio lights, and his brain shrank to the size of a bagel hole. There’s no other plausible explanation. Other than a fat envelope. He goes on a national talk show and says he’s OK with fracking New York  Because he says the majority of New Yorkers are for getting totally fracked. According to the Schumer Poll.  “Senator Schumer claims that most Democrats support fracking, but national and state polling show a plurality of Americans and New Yorkers – and a majority of Democrats and many Republicans – oppose increased fracking,” said Julia Walsh of Frack Action in a statement. “The more people learn about fracking and the science the more they reject it.” Fracking […]

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Fracked Off the Road

May 6, 2014
Fracked Off the Road

By frack trucks convoys that speed to and from frack sites 24/7/365.  Until they kill somebody Deadly Side Effect of Fracking: Fatal Road Accidents Associated Press                          CLARKSBURG, W.Va. (AP) — Booming production of oil and natural gas has exacted a little-known price on some of the nation’s roads, contributing to a spike in traffic fatalities in states where many streets and highways are choked with large trucks and heavy drilling equipment. An Associated Press analysis of traffic deaths and U.S. census data in six drilling states shows that in some places, fatalities have more than quadrupled since 2004 — a period when most American roads have become much safer even as the population has grown. “We are just so swamped,” said Sheriff Dwayne Villanueva of Karnes County, Texas, where authorities […]

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Frackquake Warning Issued For Oklahoma

May 6, 2014
Frackquake Warning Issued For Oklahoma

This is the first earthquake warning ever issued east of the Rockies. And the first for a frackquake. For Oklahoma, where the corn is as high as an elephant’s eye, and the frackquakes hit like thunderbolts. Rare Earthquake Warning Issued for Oklahoma By By Becky Oskin, Senior Writer 17 hours ago .View gallery Oklahoma earthquakes magnitude-3 and greater since 1978. Mile for mile, there are almost as many earthquakes rattling Oklahoma as California this year. This major increase in seismic shaking led to a rare earthquake warning today (May 5) from the U.S. Geological Survey and the Oklahoma Geological Survey. In a joint statement, the agencies said the risk of a damaging earthquake — one larger than magnitude 5.0 — has significantly increased in central Oklahoma. Geologists don’t know when or where the state’s next big […]

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Moratorium on Frack Filth in Connecticut

May 5, 2014
Moratorium on Frack Filth in Connecticut

Until 2017 or until scientist find a way to make radium 226 harmless for the next 2,000 years or so.  Whichever comes sooner. Or just go to Plan B and put it on a Bomb Train to Idafrackingho, the birthplace of Sarah Palin, where they apparently will take any sort of fracking filth, no questions asked. HARTFORD, Conn. — HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) – Connecticut lawmakers have reached a bipartisan compromise on how to handle the possibility of waste from fracking coming to Connecticut. The Senate on Monday was debating the proposal, which creates a moratorium on the waste being stored of disposed of in the state until the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection adopts regulations on the matter. DEEP has until July 1, 2017, to submit proposed regulations to the legislature’s […]

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Suffolk County Bans Imported Toxic Radioactive Fracksylvania Frack Filth

May 5, 2014
Suffolk County Bans Imported Toxic Radioactive Fracksylvania Frack Filth

Thereby passing the Fracking IQ Test.  Bravo to Patti Wood, Ellen Weiniger,  Marge Schab and their crews.  Has your county passed the Fracking IQ Test ? Your town ? Your state ? A spokesman for the Hydraulic Fracking Association of Pennsylvania had this brief comment on the news, “If we cant’ dump frack waste in the Hamptons, where the frack are we supposed to dump it ?  Where indeed. Unanimous Vote to Keep Toxic, Radioactive Waste Out of  Wastewater Facilities, Landfills, and Off Roads   (Riverhead, NY) The Suffolk County Legislature has voted unanimously to ban toxic, radioactive gas drilling waste from wastewater treatment plants and landfills, and from use on roads for de-icing or to control dust anywhere in the county. Suffolk County is part of a growing list of counties enacting laws […]

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Don’t Dump Frack Filth In Massachusetts

May 5, 2014
Don't Dump Frack Filth In Massachusetts

First town in Massachusetts tell the frackers to take their fracking filth somewhere else.  Like Idafrackho.  May 4, 2014  — Pelham, Massachusetts,  today became the first community in the state to vote unanimously at their annual town meeting to establish a new bylaw prohibiting the storage, use, or dispersal in town or on its roads of any waste products from the process of hydraulic fracturing for gas and oil. “This is a very significant moment for increasing awareness of the overlooked and profound problems of waste management related to drilling for this fossil fuel”, said Michael Hussin, a spokesperson for “Neighbor to Neighbor”, the group of Pelham citizens who brought the bylaw to the town.  “Once people were informed of the consequences for their community they wanted to protect their resources.” […]

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Fracking Produces More Radioactive Waste than Nuclear Power Plants

May 4, 2014
Fracking Produces More Radioactive Waste than Nuclear Power Plants

Fracking puts more hazardous radioactive material into the environment than all the US nuclear power plants combined. About a Fukushima worth a month. That plus the fatalities from fracking, gas compressor explosions, and gas line blasts make fracked gas by far the deadliest form of energy in the US. A bigger body count in a month than nuclear energy in 50 years. More fatalities in a quarter than coal in a year. The feds can’t regulate it and the state regulators get the fat envelopes to look the other way. So a lot of fracking’s radioactive legacy just gets dumped. In a river, road, landfill, or abandoned barn near you. So much for “Clean Energy.” Has your town or county banned frack waste ? What are you waiting on ? A […]

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Using Municipal Zoning Laws To Fight Fracking In California

May 4, 2014
Using Municipal Zoning Laws To Fight Fracking In California

Legal experts discuss options available to California communities that want to limit or ban fracking and other methods of oil and gas development, in a teleconference hosted by Earthjustice. TELECONFERENCE SPEAKERS Deborah Goldberg, Earthjustice: Deborah Goldberg is Managing Attorney of theNortheast Office of Earthjustice, the nation’s premier nonprofit environmental law organization. Earthjustice is defending the Town of Dryden in an oil and gas industry lawsuit challenging the community’s fracking ban. Helen Slottje, Community Environmental Defense Council: Helen Slottje is co-founder of Community Environmental Defense Council which has worked with communities all over New York State to pass local fracking bans. More than 170 communities in New York now have local bans or moratoriums on the books, thanks in large part to the work of CEDC. In April 2014, she was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize for her […]

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The Town That Fought Fracking

May 4, 2014
The Town That Fought Fracking

The Dryden, New York story An upstate New York town is fighting to preserve its way of life in a lawsuit pitting a small town’s rights against an out-of-state oil and gas company’s wishes. More than a hundred towns in New York have enacted local bans or moratoriums on gas drilling, including the controversial process known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” in which drillers blast millions of gallons of chemically treated water into the ground to extract gas from hard-to-reach deposits deep in the earth. Among those municipalities is the Town of Dryden—which is now being sued. In September of 2011, the privately-held Anschutz Exploration Corporation, owned by Forbes-ranked Phillip Anshutz (net worth: $7.5 billion), sued the Town of Dryden (population: 14,500) in a bid to force the town to accept […]

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Fracked To Death

May 4, 2014
Fracked To Death

From Ellen Cantarow for Salon  Fracking Ourselves to Death in Pennsylvania For the “downwinders,” big energy means big pollution ELLEN CANTAROW, TOM DISPATCH TOPICS: TOM DISPATCH, FRACKING, BUSINESS, ENERGY, PENNSYLVANIA, BUSINESS NEWS, NEWS This piece originally appeared on TomDispatch. More than 70 years ago, a chemical attack was launched against Washington State and Nevada. It poisoned people, animals, everything that grew, breathed air, and drank water. The Marshall Islands were also struck. This formerly pristine Pacific atoll was branded “the most contaminated place in the world.” As their cancers developed, the victims of atomic testing and nuclear weapons development got a name: downwinders. What marked their tragedy was the darkness in which they were kept about what was being done to them. Proof of harm fell to them, not to the U.S. government agencies responsible. Now, a new […]

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Fracking Fraud: The TV Gas Blonde

May 3, 2014
Fracking Fraud: The TV Gas Blonde

Brooke Alexander: Fraudulent Friendly Fracking Posted by Chad R. MacDonald on Saturday, May 3, 2014 · 1 Comment The “Energy Tomorrow” Bad Gas Propaganda  The spokeswoman for the frackers is an ex FOX news bunny who played a con-artist in the soap operas. Of course. Look on the sunny side. She’s easier on the eye that  old drunkard Tommy Lee Jones, the celebrity spokesman for . . . . Chesapeake.   Before she became that pretty blonde woman in all those vague TV spots, Brooke Alexander was best known as a con artist character on “As the World Turns.” Fitting, that the American Petroleum Institute (API) would hire someone with such experience to soft sell fracking. API is the lobby corporation for Big Oil, and they represent Exxon, Chevron and BP, among others. Remember what BP did? Does the Exxon […]

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When USA Means “United (Frack) Shills of America”: The Marcellus Shale Coalition’s Big Gas Parade, May 6th 2014, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

May 3, 2014
When USA Means "United (Frack) Shills of America": The Marcellus Shale Coalition's Big Gas Parade, May 6th 2014, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Originally posted at The Wrench: THE WRENCH: When USA Means “United (Frack) Shills of America”: The Marcellus Shale Coalition’s Big Gas Parade, May 6th 2014, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania I remember a time–not all that long ago– when the Marcellus Shale Coalition promoted itself as a largely neutral coalition of interests connected to the the Marcellus Shale formation under the farms and forests of Pennsylvania and New York. When I look back on that brief moment –when we didn’t quite yet surmise the tsunami coming (we could call it BG–Before the Gas), I now realize just how naive we were with respect to the motives of MSC and their well-funded advertising agency analogues. Now we live in the AG–After the Gas–and even the most cursory gander at MSC’s sponsoring corporations makes quite […]

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Frackers Vow to Buy Governorship for Gastorino

May 3, 2014
Frackers Vow to Buy Governorship for Gastorino

According to none other than that august institution, The New York Post.  Gastornino’s plans for New Yorkers in a nutshell:  Frack the family planning clinics with semi-automatic weapons. Just like his guru, Rick “Pretty Boy” Perry. If I wanted to be surrounded by frackers with semi-automatic weapons, I’d move to Texas. Frackers Ready to Contribute Millions to Gastorino Republican challenger Rob Astorino, badly trailing Gov. Cuomo in campaign cash, expects “a whole lot of money’’ in windfall Super PAC funding from across the nation as a result of last week’s federal court ruling in Manhattan, GOP insiders say. Some of the funding is expected to come from wealthy frackers furious at Cuomo’s nearly 3¹/₂-year delay in making a decision on “fracking’’ for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale region of […]

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Fracking Game Changer ? Or Just Fossil Fuelish ?

May 3, 2014
Fracking Game Changer ? Or Just Fossil Fuelish ?

A major fossil fuel industry group announces a bold new initiative on climate change – with a very catchy slogan. Could this be the watershed event in the debate over climate change ? Where the frackers finally come to terms with their role in the cooking of the planet – and are forthright about it ? The Keith found these exclusive candid interviews on video:

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The Science of Frack Quakers

May 2, 2014
The Science of Frack Quakers

Scientists Warn of Frackquake Risk From Fracking Operations Tremors induced by wastewater disposal are larger and harder to predict than previously thought. PUBLISHED MAY 2, 2014 Underground disposal of wastewater from fracking may pose a much greater risk of causing dangerous earthquakes than previously believed, particularly in areas of the U.S. Southwest and Midwest where earthquake faults have not been mapped extensively, seismology researchers said at a conference Thursday. Worse yet, scientists are not yet able to predict which wastewater injection sites are likely to pose risks to buildings or critical structures such as power plants, and do not yet know what operators might do to mitigate the hazard. And new research indicates that the disposal wells are capable of affecting earthquake faults that are miles away from them. The warning comes […]

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Time For Scalia To Retire and Go Hunting with Cheney

May 2, 2014
Time For Scalia To Retire and Go Hunting with Cheney

And take his rubber stamp Clarence “High Tech Lynching” Thomas with him.   Seems like Scalia re-wrote his own judicial history on the recent EPA coal pollution ruling. Scalia Screws Up on EPA Ruling. Big Time. by pollwatcher The Obama administration won a rare Supreme Court victory regarding the rights of the EPA to regulate pollution from coal plants. Instead of the usual 5-4 decision against anything the Obama Administration wants, this decision was a 6-2 decision.  And you get 1 guess as to who the 2 opposed were.  Yep, Scalia and Thomas. Well, the minority dissent opinion was written by Scalia, and according to this report from TPM Scalia really screwed up the opinion. “This is not the first time EPA has sought to convert the Clean Air Act into a mandate for cost-effective […]

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What Could Possibly Go Fracking Wrong ?

May 1, 2014
What Could Possibly Go Fracking Wrong ?

Trucking a few billion gallons of imported frack filth right next to a reservoir that supplies water to millions of New Yorkers ?  Frackers have picked a route right next to the Cannonsville Reservoir in the Catskills for frack waste conveys. Right past where Exxon has it’s shale gas well applicatioin – next to a trout stream. Coming to a spill – then a glass of water in Midtown Manhattan – real soon. And New Yorkers thought they wouldn’t get fracked. They won’t. They’ll just get dumped on. Surprise. With enough toxins to botch a lethal injection in Ohio, Texas or Oklahoma.  Here are the details on how Fracksylvania Frack Filth will be shipped through the Catskills. 

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No Toxic Radioactive Frack Goo On These Roads

May 1, 2014
No Toxic Radioactive Frack Goo On These Roads

Thanks very much. The Karen has been mapping county and town ordinances that prohibit spreading frack goo on roads. Now that counties and towns are banning dumping frack filth into municipal water plants, she’s going to start mapping that too. Bravo The Karen. Go here to see the full data set, go to “Layers” to show the frack waste bans shown in camo green below – and coming soon – the bans on dumping Genuine Imported Fracksylvania Frack Filth into water treatment plants. Have your elected officials not banned frack goo yet ? If not, get some new elected officials. Or get fracking slimed. There is no “economic upside” to splattering encrusted frack goo on your car. There is no benefit to dumping radioactive drill cuttings into the local landfill – unless of […]

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Gassed by Fracked Gas

May 1, 2014
Gassed by Fracked Gas

Turns out that  “America’s clean burning abundant 100 year supply natural gas” is also a great way to gas people with carcinogenic benzene.  Which provides work. For oncologists. Benzene is a “byproduct” of oil and gas production.  Like other “byproducts” such as radon, it is normally vented at the drilling site with the raw gas or vented at the gas processing plant – after it is separated from the methane, propane, butane and ethane.  It’s invisible, but the venting can be seen with an infrared camera. Once in the air, it’s inhaled and shows up in people’s blood. Gassed with gas.  Data Shows High Carcinogen Levels In Fracked Air May 1, 2014 8:13 AM Related Tags: Benzene, chemicals, denton, Drilling Awareness Group, environment, Fracking, tceq Jason Allen  Read More DENTON (CBSDFW.COM) – Air samples taken near a […]

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Oiligarchs Behind Anti Home Rule Ads

May 1, 2014
Oiligarchs Behind Anti Home Rule Ads

Imagine that. OilyGarchs opposed to jeffersonian democracy – local Home Rule. Since state governments are so much easier to buy. As are phony grass roots ads. Wealthy Behind Fake Anti-Fracking Ads The Job Creators Network of corporate CEOs created an online ad that directs users to pro-fracking content. April 29, 2014  |      The online version of the Post Independent, the local daily newspaper in heavily-drilled Garfield County, Colorado, is prominently displaying black-and-white banner ads that read, “Blowing the Lid off Fracking Colorado.”Readers are led to believe the ads are anti-fracking, but click on them and you’re taken to a pro-fracking website,, that boasts about all the wonderful jobs and economic benefits that drilling and fracking create.  Members of Job Creators Network include the wealthy CEOs of major companies like Home Depot, […]

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Oil Spills & Pipeline Explosions “Good For Local Economies”

May 1, 2014
Oil Spills & Pipeline Explosions "Good For Local Economies"

By providing high paying union jobs for repairs, EMS and undertakers. At least so claims a pipeline company whose pipelines occasionally burst or go boom in the night. The largest U.S. pipeline operator, Kinder Morgan in applying for a permit to build the Canadian, Trans Mountain Expansion Project has stated in writing that infrastructure disasters can be good for the economy… because, a lot of people and companies are usually employed cleaning up the aftermath. Tell that to the dead. In a section of the application dedicated to the risks and effects associated with oil tanker traffic and the possibility of oil spills, Kinder Morgan finds that “spills can have both positive and negative effects.” In particular, “spill response and clean-up creates business and employment opportunities for affected communities, regions, and clean-up service providers.” While it is true that […]

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Shale Oil Bomb Train Explodes in Virginia

April 30, 2014
Shale Oil Bomb Train Explodes in Virginia

Because it wasn’t just hauling “oil” was it ? It was loaded beyond the pressure break point with fracked oil – full of VOCs, including propane, butane, ethane and benzene.  But you knew that right ?   Platts confirmed CSX Corporation’s train that exploded in Lynchburg, Virginia was carrying sweet crude obtained viahydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) in North Dakota’s Bakken Shale basin. CSXCEO Michael Ward has also confirmed this to Bloomberg. “Trade sources said the train was carrying Bakken crude from North Dakota and was headed to Plains All American’s terminal in Yorktown,”Platts explained. “The Yorktown facility can unload 130,000 b/d of crude and is located on the site of Plains oil product terminal.” In January the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration issued a Safety Alert concluding Bakken crude is more flammable than heavier oils. Hence the term “bomb trains.” At least 50,000 gallons of […]

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New York’s Energy Plan, the “N” Word and Global Cooling

April 30, 2014
New York's Energy Plan, the "N" Word and Global Cooling

No, not that “N” word, the other “N” word. Nuclear. As in energy. The draft New York Energy Plan is a bit vague about it. On the one hand it calls for phasing nuclear out, it also shows an increase in power from nuclear. The fact is that, nuclear is the only non-greenhouse power source that can handle base load electrical demands, and in some areas with low insolation (sun power) and low wind or hydro potential, is the default source for carbon-free energy. Best make it work, or standby to get cooked. Without nuclear in the mix, gas will continue to cook the planet – until the supplies are exhausted – and the damage is done. Literally a bridge fuel to hades.  The hydrocarbon industry – gas, oil and […]

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Fracked, Dumped And Abandoned in Ohio

April 30, 2014
Fracked, Dumped And Abandoned in Ohio

BP, Antero,  EQT, Halcon are all pulling out of the Ohio Utica shale. Which Deborah Rogers predicted two years ago. What’s Ohio to do now for frackquakes and toxic frack dumping ? Here’s a summary of how Ohio was teed up by the frackers for a good fracking – first they paid the state off to eliminate Home Rule protections for towns, then they sent in the landmen to dupe the landowners.  If that sounds familiar, the frackers pulled the same stunt in Fracksylvania (worked) and tried it in New York (not so much). Yet. BP Pulls Out of Ohio’s Utica Shale One of the World’s Largest Oil Companies is Calling it Quits in Ohio’s Utica shale. BP announced today that it is pulling out of the region after disappointing results from test wells in Trumbull […]

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The Great Frack Filth Divide

April 30, 2014
The Great Frack Filth Divide

Wherein upscale counties and towns that do not want frackwaste strewn on their roadsides, such as Southampton, ban it. And downscale counties and towns, such as Auburn, beg for more – frack filth that is. As a “growth generator.” For carcinomas. While the state legislature looks the other way.  (That’s what the fat envelopes are for.) And what about where the frackers are from ? What do those towns do ? Make a guess.  Has your town or county passed The Municipal Frack Filth IQ Test ? If not, get some new politicians. Because getting encrusted toxic radioactive frack goo off your car is a real pain. Plus strontium 90, barium, and arsenic pretty much crater the taste and bioavailability of Long Island Lemonade. Home » Southampton Outlaws Hydrofracking Waste Southampton Outlaws Hydrofracking Waste Two years […]

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Grisanti: “New York Will Take All The Fracking Filth That Fracksylvania Can Dish Out !”

April 29, 2014
Grisanti: "New York Will Take All The Fracking Filth That Fracksylvania Can Dish Out !"

Or until Casella stops handing him the fat envelopes. Whichever comes first . . . ALBANY, NY-  A bill sponsored by Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk (S.5123A) to ban the disposal of hazardous fracking waste in NY was defeated in the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee by a 6-7 vote, along party lines.  Among the republican “NO” votes were Senators LaValle, Grisanti, Marcellino, Little, Young, Maziarz and O’Mara.  Committee Chairman Grisanti declared before the vote that “I’m not actually sure that this is actually taking place “in spite of the fact that in In 2013 alone, 70,000 tons of radioactive drill cuttings entered New York landfills and over 288,000 gallons of fracking waste were spread on New York roadways or entered water treatment facilities – all from Pennsylvanian fracking operations. (see example of detailed […]

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Fracking’s Personal Tragedies: Shalefield Stories

April 29, 2014
Fracking's Personal Tragedies: Shalefield Stories Fracking’s Personal Tragedies By Heather Leibowitz and Tony Avella, Commentary Published 4:36 pm, Monday, April 28, 2014 As Gov. Andrew Cuomo continues to weigh whether to allow hydraulic fracturing in New York, it is important to remember fracking’s dangerous past. About a year ago, an Ohio operator was caught after dumping an estimated 250,000 gallons of fracking wastewater into the Mahoning River. Since then, scarcely a month has gone by without some new fracking incident adding to the toll of damage done. Fracking fluids flowed into Colorado’s rivers and communities during flooding last fall. Then, researchers in Pennsylvania found high levels of radioactive material in the sediment of a creek where fracking waste is discharged from a treatment plant. Across the country, fracking is contaminating drinking water, making nearby families sick with […]

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April 28, 2014

BREAKING NEWS:  Helen Holden Slottje Wins Goldman Environmental Prize 2014 Local Fractivist Wins World’s Largest Environmental Prize  Helen Slottje, co-founder of the legal dynamic duo Team Slottje has just been named recipient of the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize for 2014. Way to go Helen. Bravo Team Slottje.  “A former corporate lawyer who is blocking fracking in the state of New York after discovering a legal loophole enabling individual towns to fight fracking through zoning laws. Her efforts have helped to stall the hydraulic fracking process, leading large corporations to ask the court to force the Cuomo administration to decide if large-scale fracking can continue in New York. These corporations argue that the repeated delays in the decision making process are grounds for a judge to intervene.” More Photos Mary Rose Ramos For […]

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Walter Hang’s Letter to Cuomo: No More Frack Filth in Water Plants

April 27, 2014
Walter Hang's Letter to Cuomo: No More Frack Filth in Water Plants

Dumping Frack Waste In Water Treatment Plants April 22, 2014 Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo Governor of New York State New York State Capitol Albany, NY 12224 Greetings: I write respectfully to request that you take immediate action to safeguard New York’s environment from the Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) inadequate regulation of natural gas drilling wastewater dumping hazards. This highly polluted wastewater contains a wide range of metals, organic chemicals and radionuclides that are toxic and persistent. As you will recall, I wrote on April 7, 2011 to request that you: “investigate potential environmental and public health impacts associated with approximately 20 million gallons of natural gas drilling wastewater reportedly accepted by the Auburn, Canandaigua and Cayuga Heights Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs).” I noted that: “This matter warrants your […]

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Koch Brothers v New York DEC

April 26, 2014
Koch Brothers v New York DEC

The frackers say that 6 years is long enough to revise New York’s fracking regulations. Which begs the question, “How long does it usually take the DEC to revise its fracking regulations ?” The last time they tried it took seventeen (17) years. Because the frackers didn’t want any updated regulations. Ironic, huh ? This is the Disjointed Landowners’ account of the hearing in the Koch Brothers Funded Action against the New York DEC for, ostensibly, delaying the rule making process to permit shale wells. My comments in bold: “The following is a broad overview and a layman’s account of the court action. The plaintiff parties (our side) brought an Article 78 action against the executive branch. Roughly, an Article 78 asks the responsible party in government to obey the law. […]

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Koch Vulture Fund Takes On Fracking Publicity Stunt

April 26, 2014
Koch Vulture Fund Takes On Fracking Publicity Stunt

Energy Assets Sold To Perpetuate Publicity Stunt Lawsuit Norse’s 2 leases in Dryden were not sold in order to try to preserve Norse’s standing in the lawsuit against the Town of Dryden. The rest of the assets went to a hedge fund, not a gas company, to try to continue the publicity stunt against the State of  New York. Judge Hears From Vulture Fund On Fracking Publicity Stunt April 25, 2014 A bankruptcy court in New York said Friday that an entity called “Any Acquisition LLC” has submitted the highest bid, $2.65 million, to purchase most of the assets of two subsidiaries of Norway’s Norse Energy Corp. ASA. According to documents filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of New York, “Any Acquisition” was the highest of three bidders […]

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New York State’s Energy Non Plan

April 25, 2014
New York State's Energy Non Plan

On January 7, Governor Cuomo’s Energy Planning Board released a draft of its long-awaited New York State Energy Plan. Despite bold words about clean energy and efficiency, pictures of solar farms, and quotes by historic figures like Edison and Einstein, the document lacks specific commitments necessary to lead New York to a sustainable future. Worse still, forecasts and policies in the plan actually promote the widespread expansion of natural gas produced from fracking and fail to set meaningful targets for the reduction of climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions. Comments can be submitted online or by mail, however all must be received by May 30, 2014. Info on commenting here – Submit comments online at   The document is not a plan. Instead it relies heavily on forecasts made in the absence of planning. Major advances have occurred in solar […]

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Vulture Capital Fund Buys Frack Zombie Norse For $15 An Acre

April 25, 2014
Vulture Capital Fund Buys Frack Zombie Norse For $15 An Acre

A New York vulture capital fund has bought Norse Energy’s assets, including all of its leases and production for what works out to less than $15 an acre. Norse was the Rent-a-Plaintiff in Rent-A-Plaintiff v Dryden, and is one of the straw man plaintiffs in Fracking Publicity Stunt Paid for by Koch Brothers vs New York State.  Neither suit claims monetary damages.  Norse has no completed horizontal shale well permit applications in the queue at the DEC, it’s only application is short of the required spacing unit area. So the vulture fund bought the rights to drill some vertical gas wells, thereby establishing what mineral leases are actually worth in Chenango County. Not a hole fracking lot. This of course means that the corporate welfare queen plaintiff in Corporate Welfare Queen vs […]

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Bridge Fuel To A Cooked Planet

April 24, 2014
Bridge Fuel To A Cooked Planet

 One leaky well at a time. NYT Dot Earth blogmeister Andrew Revkin dives deep where other journalists get the bends. Since shale is the source rock of trapped gas formations above, most shale well bores literally open holes in those gas deposits on their way to the shale. When that happens, the gas vents up the well bore in the drilling mud – where it is separated and vented. Voila ! A font of methane is released to help cook the planet. The Andrew makes much of hitting coal bed methane, but that is only one of the gas pockets a deep shale gas well could encounter . . on its way to the gas. Any old gas pocket will do. And all gas wells  vent methane as they are being […]

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Municipal Water Plant Unable to Treat Frack Filth

April 24, 2014
Municipal Water Plant Unable to Treat Frack Filth

As if that comes as a surprise. The Town of Auburn, New York paid an engineering firm a lot of money to tell them the obvious: you can’t dump millions of gallons of toxic, radioactive frack filth into your water treatment plant and hope to get Saratoga Sparkling Water out the other end. Local shale shills are going to have to figure out another way to cash in on fracking – like turn the Town Park into a Man Camp, or dump toxic radioactive drill cuttings onto the Village Green. Get creative frack suckers !  Auburn Wastewater Report Flunks Frackwaste AUBURN, N.Y. — An engineering firm hired by Auburn to clear the way for the city to accept wastewater from gas drilling has concluded the city’s wastewater treatment plant can’t […]

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Businesses for Home Rule

April 24, 2014
Businesses for Home Rule

Advocates Seek to Join Frack Ban Lawsuit Both sides of the natural gas drilling debate are lining up to become party to a potentially precedent-setting case that will determine whether municipal government has the authority to ban hydrofracking, as scores of towns throughout the state have done over the past three years. A group of 26 companies and organizations  — including Brewery Ommegang in Middlefield and the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York  — are asking the state Court of Appeals to grant them “friend of the court” status and have their position argued in support of the home rule authority of towns. The interested parties want to step into the twin pending cases — involving challenges to drilling bans enacted in 2011 by Middlefield and the Tompkins County town of […]

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Biden Shills for Shale in Ukraine. Hillary Shale Shills Bulgaria

April 23, 2014
Biden Shills for Shale in Ukraine. Hillary Shale Shills Bulgaria

Newly minted Shale Stooge Joe Biden went to the Ukraine to shill for shale. Catch is the ousted Ukrainian president was just run out of his job for selling Ukraine’s shale reserves to Chevron and Shell. He cashed the signing bonus and took off – for Russia.  So what’s the new idea Joe ?  Sell the shale to Exxon instead ?  To Chesapeake ? Maybe one of his aides should have clued Joe in on all this .  . .  The Steve has the scoop As does Mother Jones Vice President Joe Biden Promotes Fracking On Ukraine Trip During his two-day visit this week to Kiev, Ukraine, Vice President Joe Biden unfurled President Barack Obama’s “U.S.Crisis Support Package for Ukraine.” A key part of the package involves promoting the deployment […]

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Fracking Bullshit: Government Overstates Shale Production

April 23, 2014
Fracking Bullshit: Government Overstates Shale Production

A hole fracking lot. By not just cooking the books, but making up production that never existed. Who do you think is responsible for that ? The Energy Information Agency famously publishes whatever numbers the frackers send them. Go figure. Frack in/ frack out. EIA Seriously Exaggerates Shale Gas Production  Posted Apr 21, 2014 by David Hughes “Natural gas output from US’ Marcellus edges closer to 15 Bcf/d: EIA” declared the headline in Platts that attracted my attention, since the latest data on the Marcellus shale gas play of PA and WV indicated production was less than 12 bcf/d. This headline was based on the latest issue of the EIA’s new monthly Drilling Productivity Report published April 14. Reading further, the article claimed that the Haynesville shale play “peaked at about 10 Bcf/d in 2012”, when […]

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800+ Elected Officials Urge Gov. Cuomo to Continue Fracking Moratorium

April 23, 2014
800+ Elected Officials Urge Gov. Cuomo to Continue Fracking Moratorium

Elected Officials to Protect New York  April 23, 2014  Over the past few months, Elected Officials to Protect New York—a group of more than 800 local elected officials from all 62 New York State counties—have passed resolutions in municipalities across the state urging renewed caution on fracking and touting municipal support for the growing opportunities presented by renewable energy for New York State. A group of elected officials held a press conference in Albany yesterday to release the resolutions and speak to the concerns and great opportunities before the state. Municipalities that have already passed the resolution are the City of Albany, Town of Brighton, Village of Cooperstown, Town of Danby, Town of Otsego, Town of New Paltz, Town of Rochester, City of Syracuse, Tompkins County and Town of Ulysses, with more under way. “Albany is thrilled […]

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Industry Insider Speaks Out Against Fracking

April 23, 2014
Industry Insider Speaks Out Against Fracking

Former Mobil Oil Exec Urges Brakes on Gas Fracking Former executive says the drilling cannot be done safely By Brian Nearing Published 7:01 pm, Tuesday, April 22, 2014 Albany As a retired high-ranking oil company executive, one might expect Louis Allstadt to sing the praises of opening up New York to natural gas hydraulic fracturing. But Allstadt, who worked 31 years for Mobil Oil, stood among elected officials from several upstate communities Tuesday to urge the state not to allow hydrofracking, and instead encourage development of more renewable energy. “Making fracking safe is simply not possible, not with the current technology, or with the inadequate regulations being proposed,” said Allstadt, retired executive vice president of Mobil. He spoke during a news conference called by Elected Officials to Protect New York, a group which represents more […]

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Fracking Trial Update

April 23, 2014
Fracking Trial Update

UPDATE: $3 million awarded by jury to fracking victims by TXSHARON on APRIL 22, 2014 in ARUBA A jury just awarded Bob and Lisa Parr $3 million dollars in their fracking lawsuit against Aruba Petroleum. They said this was the first fracking case to go to trial. I’m trying to verify that. Bob and Lisa Parr were neighbors to Tim and Christine Ruggiero in Wise County. I was there, in the Ruggiero kitchen, the day Lisa discovered that her timeline of doctor’s visits matched–exactly–Christine’s timeline of releases from the Aruba gas wells on her property. Like Tim and Christine, Bob and Lisa shared all their information with me and I developed it into a case study for presentation to the EPA at Research Triangle Park and later to Gina McCarthy before she was EPA Administrator. The […]

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Texas Jury Awards $3 Million For Fracking Damages

April 22, 2014
Texas Jury Awards $3 Million For Fracking Damages

That’s a lot of fracking pizzas. The Frackers use the same PR firm as Big Tobacco, and play the same game: deny, deny, deny. Until they get tagged. By a jury.  For damages. Imagine that. The frackers will appeal and they might win/ lose. And the damage claims will grow. And the frackers will deny, and the juries won’t buy the lies. And then one day, the appellate control will uphold the big damage awards, and the frackers will be up frack creek. Let the big damage award lawsuits commence.  Sue them in Texas, there’s no fracking secret what a fracking mess a fracking shale well is down here. Where Rex Tillerson lives. Where even the frackers don’t want to get fracked. A jury in Dallas, TX today awarded $2.925 million to plaintiffs Bob and Lisa Parr, who sued Barnett […]

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Petroleum Geologist on New York’s Shale Potential

April 22, 2014
Petroleum Geologist on New York's Shale Potential

Pennsylvania has already produced more Marcellus shale gas than New York has in reserves. And the Utica shale ? What of it ? No potential in New York State. One of the authors of a new reserve estimate for New York shale appeared on Capital Pressroom. After dispensing with the hyperbolic guesstimates of the Marcellus in New York, there was one last question:  Arbetter:  One last quick question for you Art: have you taken into consideration the viability of any other shale formation like the Utica Shale? Berman:  In New York, the Utica Shale doesn’t really effect our consideration. … The Utica Shale is in Ohio, and a little of it comes over into New York, into western New York.  But it is really not a factor in most of New […]

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Kerry’s Shale Gas Bluff

April 22, 2014
Kerry's Shale Gas Bluff

The White House and State Department have engaged in brazen lying to EU governments regarding the ability of the US to supply more than enough natural gas to replace Russian gas deliveries. Recent statements by US President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry about supplying Europe with gas are patently false.  Europe’s best alternative supply of gas is from the Mideast – via Syria. US LNG exports would go to Asia or South America, where they’d fetch twice what they would in Europe.  Everybody in the industry knows that Kerry is bluffing about shipping fracked US shale gas to Europe. It’s just political rhetoric to justify permitting LNG terminals to ship gas to Asia and South America. Imagine that.  After his recent meeting with EU leaders Obama issued the incredible […]

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Banning Frack Filth in New York

April 22, 2014
Banning Frack Filth in New York

From being splattered on roads, dumped into water treatment plants, or used to irradiate landfills – for the next 2,000 years or so – is an idea whose time has come. Has your town or county banned frackwaste ? If not, get some new politicians. State Lawmakers Push to Ban Fracking Waste in NYS By Richard Moody Staff Writer April 21, 2014 In conjunction with Earth Day this week, state legislators are pushing to pass legislation to reduce the presence of fracking waste in New York. Hydraulic fracturing, a controversial natural gas extraction process which shoots a combination of water, sand and chemicals to break up shale rock, has been illegal in New York for five years due to a de facto moratorium. However, the storage and transportation of waste […]

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New York Shale Gets (another) Major Downgrade

April 21, 2014
New York Shale Gets (another) Major Downgrade

The League of Women Voters of New York have commissioned their own study on New York’s shale gas potential – this time from the industry.  The results are a fraction – about 5% – of what the DEC had lead the public to believe was New York’s shale potential. Full report here: One of the authors will be on Capital Pressroom : Arthur Berman and Elisabeth Radow on Capitol Pressroom, Tuesday April 22 at 11:30 to discuss report on economically recoverable Marcellus shale natural gas in New York. The League of Women Voter of New York State has contracted with Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc. to perform an evaluation of potential economically recoverable Marcellus shale natural gas in New York. The resulting report: Resource Assessment of Potentially Producible Natural Gas Volumes […]

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The Tip of the Fracking Iceberg

April 21, 2014
The Tip of the Fracking Iceberg

“Fracking” – the drilling, completion and fracking of shale oil and gas wells, contaminates billions of gallons of fresh water, permanently. The Bill has put together a map showing the Tip of the Fracking Water Contamination Iceberg in part of Fracksylvania – the known, reported cases of water contamination by fracking – which is just a fraction of the actual, unknown, unreported and yet-t0-surface instances of contamination – from the billions of gallons of frack water injected into the ground, and the billions to come back up  – infused with radium, barium, arsenic and methane. The contamination process starts before the well is drilled – with run off. As the well is drilled, thousands of gallons are used to make drilling mud to cool the bit and bring radioactive drill cuttings to […]

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Fracking on Trial

April 21, 2014
Fracking on Trial

Fracking goes on trial where it all began – in Texas. Dallas News |  First fracking trial begins in Dallas By: Melissa Cutler – bio | email The first fracking trial in the U.S. is taking place in downtown Dallas. It involves a lawsuit filed by a North Texas family living on the Barnett Shale, and this first of its kind case is being watched closely around the country. Robert Parr took the stand Wednesday, making history in a downtown Dallas courtroom. He described the home he built 15 miles west of Denton –- the home that he once called sacred ground. Now, he says it’s an unholy mess. “We can’t drink our well water,” said Parr in 2011 when FOX 4 interviewed him. “We can’t breathe the air without getting sick.” […]

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Fracking Neighborhoods & Schools

April 20, 2014
Fracking Neighborhoods & Schools

Not enough pizzas to go around for the damage caused by fracking near houses and schools. This is in Colorado, where the frackers paid off the Governor to let them frack anywhere – even next to schools. These Aerials Are Exhibit A why frackers have bought off the state government in Ohio and Colorado. They could never get this close to a subdivision or a grade school in a town with local control.  Noise, truck traffic and air pollution 24/7/365. Then the tank batteries vent poison – invisibly, unless caught on an infrared camera. So that some fracker can ship gas to China.  

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April 20, 2014

First the frackers disarmed the towns – by paying the legislatures to overturn Home Rule – local zoning controls applied to oil and gas wells – in 2004, before they moved in to dupe landowners on leases. The frackers got what they paid for – the right to frack anywhere, even residential neighborhoods. The politicians got the fat envelopes. John Russo has the story of how one state got bought, then totally fracked. happens when the Chamber of Commerce, labor leaders, and government officials, most of whom live outside the city, are pitted against a small yet influential group of community and university activists? That’s what’s going on right now in a debate over a ballot initiative that would prevent gas extraction by hydraulic fracturing — fracking — in Youngstown, […]

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Another County Bans Frackwaste

April 19, 2014
Another County Bans Frackwaste

Shale gas industrialization creates billions of gallons of contaminated water, much more than the frackers know what to do with. Frackwaste is disposed of by contractors – tank truckers who contract with the frackers to get rid of the stuff. Since the truckers are paid by the load, they speed to and from the frack sites,killing people. And to avoid tipping fees at frackwaste dumps,they simply spill their loads on the roads. Given the 24/7/365 nature of the activity, there is no way to adequately monitor or police it, as this new investigative report by Bloomberg news service reports. Of course, in some states, they just pump it down a disposal well. What could possibly go wrong with that ? Source: North Dakota Dept of Health via Bloomberg On Feb. 28, North Dakota […]

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Triple Fracking Reports

April 17, 2014
Triple Fracking Reports

On why fracking is the 21st Century way to sicken people, cook the planet, and dump toxic fracking waste anywhere the frackers can get away with it.  Hey Connecticut, how much of this fracking garbage do you want ? Got plenty ! Don’t fracking miss out.  Third Report in Three Days Shows Scale of Fracking Perils ‘We can conclude that this process has not been shown to be safe’ – Jacob Chamberlain, in a rare moment of understatement. March 2013 Annapolis, Maryland rally against fracking (Flickr / Maryland Sierra Club / Creative Commons license)The fracking industry is having a bad week. In the third asssessment in as many days focused on the pollution created by the booming industry, a group of researchers said Wednesday that the controversial oil and gas drilling […]

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Import Frack Waste Into Connecticut ?

April 17, 2014
Import Frack Waste Into Connecticut ?

You’ve got to be fracking kidding. No fracking way. So says the newspapers and so say I. Connecticut needs not one drop of imported frack filth from Fracksylvania. As long as the survivalist wingnuts  of Idafracko will accept toxic radioactive frackwaste –  no questions asked, from anywhere, even Fracksylvania – let the frackers truck it there. And leave Connecticut the frack alone. Any Conn. politician that thinks that importing toxic radioactive goo from Fracksylania could be a “growth industry” for the state should be voted out of office at the next available opportunity. State Must Ban Fracking Waste MCCLATCHY-TRIBUNE Editorial, The Hartford Courant 5:01 pm, April 15, 2014 There are few governmental responsibilities as profound as protecting the air and water that sustain life. When there is a question about air […]

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Royally Fracking Ripped Off

April 17, 2014
Royally Fracking Ripped Off

By frackers. Who fracking else ? Chesapeake, Range, you name it  – they make as much money fracking landowners as shale. Where do you think all those creative accountants and lawyers went when ENRON imploded ? Into fracking. Royalty Rip-off Around the country, landowners are suing Chesapeake and other drillers for massive deductions from royalty checks. Posted April 16, 2014 by PETER GORMAN in News Donald Feusner used to be a dairy farmer. His 370 acres of land in northeast Pennsylvania border New York state in a gloriously lush area. In 2011, when his farm was no longer profitable, he sold off his herd and retired to what he thought would be the life of a gentleman farmer, living off the proceeds of the gas wells Chesapeake Energy had drilled […]

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It’s Official: The USA Is An Oiligarchy !

April 15, 2014
It's Official: The USA Is An Oiligarchy !

Princeton says so. So it must be true. Government of the Fat Cats, by the Fat Cats, for the Fat Cats shall not perish from this earth. Just what the frackers ordered. The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence. Our results provide substantial support for theories of Economic Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism. Scientific Study Says We’re an Oligarchy  by pajoly A new study appearing at Princeton’s website will be grim vindication of what we already know: the United States of America is no longer […]

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Fracking Bust

April 15, 2014
Fracking Bust

Shell bought billions of junk shale leases in Pennsylvania from a local promoter – fracked up the place right proper and basically went bust there. Leaving in as much haste as they came. Leaving behind higher unemployment, more crime, and more homeless than when they arrived.  Damaged roads. Contaminated soil and water. A complete fracking bust. Thanks gasholes. Thanks a hole fracking lot. April 14, 2014 Study: Shale drilling created a ‘boom and bust’ By CHERYL R. CLARKE, Williamsport Sun-Gazette The impacts of shale drilling in Tioga County, both positive and negative, were part of a series of findings presented Thursday in a conference call discussion. The Multi-State Shale Research Collaborative brought together independent, nonpartisan research organizations in New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia to monitor economic trends and community […]

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Shale Gas Worse Than Coal at Global Warming

April 14, 2014
Shale Gas Worse Than Coal at Global Warming

100 to 1000 more than the EPA estimates, according to this new peer reviewed study, copy here: Because  methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO 2 And the release of methane during drilling, during fracking, during venting, via methane migration of aging well bores, during transportation via old leaky gas lines – all cause more global warming than coal ever could. Imagine that. Methane emissions began as soon as the well is drilled – when the drilling is going on, there is no casing, so any shallow gas formations that are encountered – including coal bed methane, are vented up the well bore into the atmosphere. The gas is entrained in the drilling mud and separated via a “de-gasser” at the rig, which in turn is simply vented, not […]

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Oxymoronic Award Winner: “Sustainable Shale”

April 14, 2014
Oxymoronic Award Winner: "Sustainable Shale"

The head fracking shill of the “Sustainable Shale” PR front- funded by the frackers for the benefit of the frackers –  is going to try to explain himself – and  how scraping the bottom of the hydrocarbon barrel is “sustainable” in any shape form, fashion or tortured syntax whatsoever. Classic Orwellian Doublespeak- Evidently they didn’t teach “1984” at engineering school. Should be a hoot. Tex sez check it out. ‘Sustainable Shale’ Chair Speaks Out of Both Sides of His Mouth April 15 at Cornell By Blaine Friedlander Jared Cohon, board chair for the “Center for Sustainable Shale Development” will share insight into incorporating  diverse, impassioned opinions to frame effective policy in his talk, “Working Together on Shale Gas Policy and Practice,” Tuesday, April 15, at 4:30 p.m., in 155 Olin […]

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Pre-Appoval Required for Frackquakes !

April 14, 2014
Pre-Appoval Required for Frackquakes !

So that there will  be no more “unplanned” surprise Frackquakes. And the frackers can order the pizzas in advance. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) announced on Friday that recent earthquakes in northeastern Ohio were likely caused by hydraulic fracturing—or fracking. Earthquake epicenters and past seismic events in Ohio. Graphic courtesy of ODNR A series of earthquakes up to magnitude 3.0 struck on March 1o-11 in Mahoning County near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border. A nearby Utica oil well was being fracked at the time of the quakes, leading ODNR shut down the operation until a possible link could be investigated further. This is now the fourth documented case of induced seismicity linked to fracking, and the latest in a series of earthquakes in Ohio caused by oil and gas production activities. The earlier quakes resulted from disposal of waste water into […]

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Help Catch Fracking Scofflaws

April 13, 2014
Help Catch Fracking Scofflaws

Help fix Frank Finan’s infrared camera so  that he can go on taking videos of toxic gas venting that the frackers say don’t exist – unless they are caught on Frank’s infrared camera. Why do the frackers claim to not be venting ? Because before they put the gas into a line, they  have to get rid of the bad stuff – the radon, benzene, toluene, etc. which gases people nearby.  Some of it won’t burn, so it’s easier to just vent it – and hope that Frank is not around. Texas Sharon has written extensively on the use of IR cameras to catch fracking scofflaws (is there any other kind ?) Here’s an appeal from The Calvin: Frank Finan, who was featured Gasland Part 2 for spending a significant amount of […]

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Fracking and Mortgages Don’t Mix

April 13, 2014
Fracking and Mortgages Don't Mix

Just ask Exxon’s CEO. As lawyer Elizabeth Radow points out in  a new article that addresses all aspects of the risks of having a shale gas well anywhere close to a house. Any house.

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Fracking Air Quality With Regulatory Assistance

April 12, 2014
Fracking Air Quality With Regulatory Assistance

NPR has done their second report on South Texas fracking yesterday, and they highlighted the way the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is working in collusion with the industry.  By installing only 5 permanent air quality monitors – and none in the most industrialized area – the Texas regulators are protecting the frackers from their victims. Imagine that. Report Offers Grim Predictions for Fracked Air Quality  What might the oil- and gas-rich Eagle Ford Shale region of South Texas look like in 2018? A newly-released but largely-unnoticed study commissioned by the state of Texas makes some striking projections. Center for Public Integrity, Inside Climate News, Weather Channel. 12 April 2014. South Texas Fracking Makes Pollution ‘Toxic Soup.’ While the South Texas oil boom has meant a flood of cash and people […]

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Exxon CEO & Vlad The Impaler : Best Gashole Buddies

April 11, 2014
Exxon CEO & Vlad The Impaler : Best Gashole Buddies

Now add in Halliburton’s deal with Gazprom, and Tillerson’s ‘bromance’ with Putin. While we’re ‘saving’ the Ukraine, Russia will be fracking our country. Literally. With the help of a few amoral, unAmerican frackers. One of whom, Halliburton, is not even based in America anymore. Will Exxon’s ‘Bromance’ With The Kremlin Help Keep Putin In Check? 3/20/2014 ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson has a good relationship with Vladimir Putin. If you do a Google image search for the two men, you’ll see a dozen shots of them together, looking in each others’ eyes, smiling, laughing, shaking hands. They have a lot in common. Both men run autocratic, secretive, oil-based, global operations. And they like each other enough that they’ve joined forces in perhaps the biggest joint venture in the global oil industry. At a time when Putin has […]

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How to Cook a Planet With Gas – On Prime Time TV

April 11, 2014
How to Cook a Planet With Gas - On Prime Time TV

Just because it’s not mentioned in Deuteronomy, the Koran of the I Ching doesn’t mean that the science ain’t there on planet cooking. With gas. Check it out on SHOWTIME this Sunday. Doctors Urge Viewers to Watch Climate Series with Friends and Family Doctors and mental health professionals are urging viewers to watch the upcoming SHOWTIME series, Years of Living Dangerously, with friends and family when it premieres Sunday, April 13th. They suggest people watch the series, which explores climate change and its global impacts through narratives anchored by well-known celebrities and thought-leaders, together at thousands of house parties scheduled across the nation that Sunday. Mounting evidence shows that people who experience climate change impacts — be that through surviving an extreme weather event, enduring an ongoing drought or watching these events unfold on […]

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Cuomo Taps The Sandra For Top Doc

April 10, 2014
Cuomo Taps The Sandra For Top Doc

REUTERS Albany, April 1st + 9 In what might be described as an unbelievable turn of events, Governor Cuomo has tapped famed fractavist Dr. Sandra Steingraber, as the state’s top health official, naming her to the head of the Department of Health, on the heels of the resignation of Dr. Shah, for failing to go out of his way to harass pregnancy termination service providers sufficiently. And for actually taking a methodical approach to study the health impacts of fracking. Said the plucky pol from Queens,”It’s time we put the people’s health ahead of corporate profits. That’s why I’m naming Dr. Steingraber, or as I like to call her, The Sandra, to be my top health official. She knows her stuff, she will make a great witness in that fracking frivolous lawsuit, […]

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Fracking Fake Utilities – No Eminent Domain For Gas Gathering System

April 10, 2014
Fracking Fake Utilities - No Eminent Domain For Gas Gathering System

A fracker tried to pretend that their gas gathering system was a “utility” and get the power of eminent domain to condemn right of way. Silly fracker. This is the oldest trick in the fracking book – trying to get utility status for a private gathering / delivery system. Small operators try it, as do large operators – the Keystone XL Pipeline has been denied public utility status in Nebraska and Texas because it’s not a state regulated public utility. Court Blocks Use of Eminent Domain on Pipeline York County landowners affected by the same proposed Marcellus Shale pipeline that would run through Clay and West Cocalico townships in Lancaster County have won a court battle blocking Sunoco Logistics from condemning their land. In a March 25 ruling in York County […]

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Chevron To Regulators: “No Fracking Pizzas For You !”

April 10, 2014
Chevron To Regulators: "No Fracking Pizzas For You !"

After blowing up one worker, injuring others and buying pizzas for the whole town, Chevron closed the well site to inspectors. Chevron Blocked Inspectors After Fatal Well Fire Katie Colaneri/ StateImpact Pennsylvania A fire broke out on a Chevron natural gas well pad in Dunkard Township, Greene County, Pa. on Feb. 11. When a Chevron natural gas well exploded in Greene County, killing a worker, the company blocked personnel with the state Department of Environmental Protection from accessing the site for nearly two days. The DEP acquiesced, despite its regulatory authority. Now, that issue is one of nine violations the DEP outlined in a letter to Chevron last month. The fire started early on Feb. 11 and continued to burn for five days. When a DEP emergency crew first arrived on the scene in […]

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Who Pulled Rank on the US Army Corps of Engineers?

April 9, 2014
Who Pulled Rank on the US Army Corps of Engineers?

Here’s a strange one. On April 7th, the last day to file a comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the so-called “Constitution Pipeline”, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) filed this comment: The USACE is a party to this proceeding because they have jurisdiction for any pipeline which impacts “waters of the United States”. Don’t try to read it the document above… it’s status was quickly changed to “Privileged”. Meaning: SECRET. But not before we saved a copy! Read it here: A day later, they filed this comment: So if you compare both letters, line by line, you will see they are identical. Except for one paragraph at the end: In addition, the New York, Baltimore, and Buffalo District Corps of Engineers (Districts) are […]

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Texas Fracking Ban ?

April 9, 2014
Texas Fracking Ban ?

In Texas, even the frackers don’t want to get fracked. Denton is a college town – North Texas State, Texas Women’s University, a bedroom community for DFW and a commercial center. Not a great  place to frack a gas well (where is ?)- particularly since it is on the fringe of the Barnett Shale. So the town is evolving from a moratorium to prohibitions on fracking, which, if properly  worded, is lawful under Texas law as part of a town’s zoning law. Likewise, a regulatory takings claim against the city  for down-zoning property would not succeed unless the owner already had a drilling permit (as was the case in Morgantown, West Virginia) since drilling and making money on a shale gas well is an entirely speculative matter, and the zoning ordinance would not […]

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Califracknia Town Tells Occidental Frackers To Beat It

April 8, 2014
Califracknia Town Tells Occidental Frackers To Beat It

Right outside of town. Exercising their right to Local Control/ Home Rule over fracking. Passing the Municipal IQ Test. They suspected that Occidental, whose speciality is fracking almond groves, might frack them too. Carson City did not want to be occidentally fracked, so they banned the practice.  Carson City officials were confused. Their Southern California city had been drilled for oil since the 1920s, depleting much of the easily accessible oil available, yet Occidental Petroleum was asking for permission to sink an additional 200 wells for a large-scale oil and gas development. At the same time, the company was relocating to Texas and creating a separate arm for California operations, a classic tactic used by large corporations to shield themselves from lawsuits. What was Occidental up to? The plan initially […]

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Frack Trucker Kills Boy on Bike. Same Frackers Videod Dumping . . .

April 8, 2014
Frack Trucker Kills Boy on Bike. Same Frackers Videod Dumping . . .

That’s right, the same frack truck company – 3 Star Daylighting –  that was caught on a video earlier this week dumping frackwaste on a Fort Worth freeway – ran over a boy last August while driving to a Chesapeake frack site. The frack truck driver said he didn’t know he hit the boy. Right. Boy’s name was Deston Bibbs. Add him to the List of the Harmed. How much of this fracking nonsense do you want in your town ?  Frack Trucker Kills 14 Year Old Boy in Ft Worth View photos BY BILL MILLER FORT WORTH — Investigators believe a fracking wastewater truck fatally struck a teenage bike rider in far south Fort Worth in April and have concluded there is no evidence that the driver knew what happened, police reported this […]

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Industry Pays Pipeline Safety Regulators

April 8, 2014
Industry Pays Pipeline Safety Regulators

To not regulate. Almost 100% of national pipeline regulations are paid for by the pipeline industry –  who get what they paid for. Pipeline Safety Regulatory Process Is ‘Dying’ With ‘few tools to work with,’ PHMSA’s Jeffrey Wiese says he is creating a YouTube channel to persuade industry to voluntarily improve safety. By Marcus Stern and Sebastian Jones Jeffrey Wiese, the nation’s top oil and gas pipeline safety official, recently strode to a dais beneath crystal chandeliers at a New Orleans hotel to let his audience in on an open secret: the regulatory process he oversees is “kind of dying.” Wiese told several hundred oil and gas pipeline compliance officers that his agency, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration [2] (PHMSA), has “very few tools to work with” in enforcing safety rules even […]

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April 8, 2014

While following the latest “GAS”roots organization, United Shale Advocates (USA), which was created by the Marcellus Shale Coalition (MSC), a quite by former President George W. Bush came to mind.  He mangled an old saying: “There’s an old saying in Tennessee – I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee – that says, fool me once, shame on – shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again.” Mark Twain put it a different way: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”.  The MSC/USA project is a poster child for fooling people over and over and over again.   MSC/USA project is touted as being “grassroots”.  It’s not, it’s GASroots.   See: GASROOTS – United Shale Advocates for more on this. DRILL BABIES […]

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Constitution Pipeline Has/ Has No Starting Compressor ?

April 7, 2014
Constitution Pipeline Has/ Has No Starting Compressor ?

The Constitution Pipeline sponsors sometimes claim that the pipeline has no starting compressor – the initial compressor station to get gas going up to pressure and into the line – while at the same time admitting that the Williams Central Station is being built as the starting station. Why the duplicity – other than the fact they are frackers ? Because if they include the Williams Central as the starting compressor of the pipeline, the environmental impact of the pipeline goes off the charts. Some highlights: FERC as lead agency implementing the National Environmental Policy Act is supposed to look at all direct impacts, as well as cumulative impacts.Problem is, they only look at the environmental impacts of the pipeline itself.  So impacts of, say, all the fracking and compressor […]

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Oklahoma Frackquake Capital of the World !

April 7, 2014
Oklahoma Frackquake Capital of the World !

Hooray ! Order more pizzas ! What’s Causing the Huge Spike in Frackquakes in Oklahoma? In this map of earthquakes recorded by the US Geological Survey in the past thirty days (each quake is marked by a dot on the map), Oklahoma is a clear hot spot. (USGS) A dramatic uptick in earthquakes has been shaking central Oklahoma this year, continuing a recent trend of unusually high earthquake activity in the state and leading scientists to speculate about a possible link to oil and gas production there. The US Geological Survey found that from 1975 to 2008, central Oklahoma experienced one to three 3.0-magnitude earthquakes a year, compared with an average of forty per year from 2009 to 2013. And it looks like that number is going to get bigger. […]

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Colorado Local Control = New York Home Rule

April 7, 2014
Colorado Local Control = New York Home Rule

Local control, ie. applying zoning laws to shale gas industrialization is the law of the land in most states.  But not Colorado, where a ballot initiative seeks to restore the power of land use ordinances to where they matters the most – towns and cities – not to oil and gas bureaucrats in Denver – whose career goal is to go through the revolving door into the oil and gas business. Imagine that.  Coloradans for Local Control launched a 30 second TV ad today promoting the proposed ballot measure that would give citizens the ability to regulated where fracking is allowed – or banned – in their communities. By voting for Local Control, Coloradans will have the same sort of rights as people do in Texas. You know, where the frackers are from. Or the […]

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FERC Hearing New Milford Pa

April 6, 2014
FERC Hearing New Milford Pa

Wherein, yet another useless shale gas pipeline  to China is debated.  This time without any fights or gratuitous butt-flashing. List of some darn good speakers shown below the video. April 3, 2014. Blue Ridge High School, New Milford, Pa. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) public hearing on the proposed Constitution pipeline. Camera: Bill Huston, Heriberto Rodríguez, edited by Cris McConkey. Index: 00:00:12 Michael Snow]Local Union Steward, Binghamton, NY 00:03:24 Kevin Heatltey, Testoration Ecologist 00:07:48 Wendy Lynne Lee, Professor at Bloomsburg University 00:12:12 Dave Laidacker, Dansville, Pa. 00:16:49 Bambi Hanson, Nurse 00:20:31 Bret Jenn, Councilor, Great Bend Borough 00:24:57 Tammy Manning 00:27:28 Matt Manning 00:31:26 Ray Kemble, Dimock, Pa 00:33:22 Rebecca Roter. lives near Willians Central Compressor Station 00:37:39 Barbara Clifford, Breathe Easy, Susquehanna County 00:40:52 Frank Finan, Susquehanna County 00:41:47 […]

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Regulators Establish “Best practices” For Frackquakes

April 6, 2014
Regulators Establish "Best practices" For Frackquakes

What a fracking relief. State regulators have gotten together to establish “best practices” for monitoring frackquakes. Just in the knick of time, now that California is poised to displace earthquake upstarts Texas, Arkansas, Ohio, and Oklahoma as the Frackquake Capital of the World. Professor Francis Frakayuma, head of Cal Berkeley’s Seismology Department commented, “We’ve been working with Governor Brown’s energy task force, and I think we’ve been able to demonstrate that this state will be number one again as soon as he green-lights full scale fracking.” Dr. Frakayuma took a drag from his medicinal marijuana and continued,”These other states, Texas, Ohio, etc., are basically seismically inert, so they’ve only been able to generate what we know in the trade as micro-seismic events, basically baby earthquakes, nano-quakes. ” He exhaled and […]

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Frackquakes Make Oklahoma Earthquake Champ

April 6, 2014
Frackquakes Make Oklahoma Earthquake Champ

Oklahoma, which had previously been seismically inert for the last million years or so, now outranks California as the state with the most earthquakes. California is looking  to regain her crown  by permitting fracking frackquakes. Frackquakes Rock Oklahoma in Record Seismic Activity By Carey Gillam18 hours ago Related Stories (Reuters) – Earthquakes rattled residents in Oklahoma on Saturday, the latest in a series that have put the state on track for record quake activity this year, which some seismologists say may be tied to oil and gas exploration, known colloquially as “frackquakes.” One earthquake recorded at 3.8 magnitude by the U.S. Geological Survey rocked houses in several communities around central Oklahoma at 7:42 a.m. local time. Another about two hours earlier in the same part of the state, north of Oklahoma City, […]

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Disposing of Frack Waste in Ft. Worth (on the cheap)

April 5, 2014
Disposing of Frack Waste in Ft. Worth (on the cheap)

This video was recorded today in Fort Worth, Texas. These cigar shaped tank trucks are used to haul frack flowback and are commonly known as “dragon trucks” after the manufacturer. Frack waste haulers are on the low end of the fracking pyramid – they have billions of gallons of frack flowback to get rid of and they are paid by the load, so they are inclined to speed and cut corners. They also have to pay a tipping fee to the disposal well owner to take their load. This fella seems to have forgotten to close the valve on his load of 130 BBLs (5,460 gallons) of frack waste. Or maybe he left it open on purpose? You know, trucking to those disposal wells is so expensive, and there’s just so […]

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Don’t Frack Trout

April 5, 2014
Don't Frack Trout

Or put a useless shale gas pipeline from Fracksylvania To China across, around or under trout streams in the Catskills. Accordingly, Trout Unlimited as filed a motion to intervene in the proposed approval of the Constitution Pipeline – aka the Gas Pipe From Dimock To China. Maybe Trout Unlimited might weigh in on Exxon’s proposal to frack a trout stream. NEW YORK STATE COUNCIL OF TROUT UNLIMITED                                                                  PETITION TO INTERVENE: PROJECT CP13-499 (PF 12-9) CONSTITUTION PIPELINE COMPANY, LLC  Ms. Kimberly Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street NE Washington DC 20426 Pursuant to Rule 214 of the Rules, Practices and Procedures (18 CFR Section 385.314) and in accordance with the Regulations set forth in the Natural Gas Act 18 CFR 157.10, the New York State Council of […]

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The Nicole Flunks FERC’s dEIS

April 4, 2014
The Nicole Flunks FERC's dEIS

The Nicole and The Keith have written FERC a nice long letter, detailing the failings of FERC’s environmental greenwashing of the proposed Shale Gas Pipeline From Dimock To China. Copy here. For instance: “C. Referenced Analyses Are Grossly Incomplete and Premature. Virtually no aspect of the draft EIS is complete. The deficiencies are pervasive and substantial. Taken together they deprive the public of a meaningful opportunity to comment on the proposed plans and fail to impose enforceable mitigation measures prior to permitting. Significant omissions that FERC admits are not addressed in the DEIS include, but are not limited to, the following:  Geotechnical feasibility studies for trenchless crossings at 9 out of 12 locations have not been completed (DEIS, p. 5-1);  Water wells and springs within 150 feet of the project are […]

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Cornhuskers Tell Frackers: Come And Try To Fracking Take It

April 4, 2014
Cornhuskers Tell Frackers: Come And Try To Fracking Take It

This warms my heart – the good people of Nebraska telling a bunch of fracking Cannucks to come and try to take their property – if they can. The Cornhuskers know that the threat of condemnation is hollow. That they’d just get more money if the Cannucks tried to condemn them. So the Cannucks keep raising their “final offers”. But  the Cornhuskers won’t sell out. God bless the Cornhuskers. Canadian Pipeline Company Threatens Nebraska Landowners BY KATIE VALENTINE ON APRIL 3, 2014 AT 1:19 PM  3,078Share This  329Tweet This    Those opposing the Keystone XL pipeline hold up banners during the U.S. State Department’s sole public hearing in Grand Island, Neb., Thursday, April 18, 2013, to allow citizens to make their views known.CREDIT: AP PHOTO/NATI HARNIK TransCanada has doubled down on Nebraska landowners refusing to […]

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Pipelines, ROW, Eminent Domain and Condemnation

April 4, 2014
Pipelines, ROW, Eminent Domain and Condemnation

I read a circular from the “Pipeline Safety Coalition” about how to sell ROW to pipeline companies. Their advice  reads like the Landman’s Handbook on how to negotiate the sale/ purchase of Right of Way (ROW). An excerpt is given below. Simply put, a negotiated sale is less advantageous than a condemnation. But they do not advise landowners to opt for condemnation. Their most recent missive is entitled “Avoiding Eminent Domain.” Au contraire. From a negotiating standpoint, it is almost always better to force the pipeline company to condemn the property.  Indeed, from a negotiating standpoint, the seller is not apt to get the best price unless they are demonstrably indifferent to a condemnation proceeding. They should make that abundantly clear to the landman in order to extract the best written offer they can, […]

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GASROOTS – United Shale Advocates

April 4, 2014
GASROOTS - United Shale Advocates

Last month the Marcellus Shale Coalition (MSC), a fossil fuel funded lobbying organization, launched a “grassroots” advocacy program. “The goal of United Shale Advocates (USA) is to give a voice and a platform to those who support shale development in Pennsylvania but who are not directly involved in the industry”, said Steve Forde, vice president of communications and outreach for the Pittsburgh-based Marcellus Shale Coalition. What does that mean?  It means we have yet another fossil fuel funded public relations campaign masquerading as grassroots. The term “grassroots” implies that the creation of the movement and the group happens at the local level, as many volunteers in the community give their time, energy and resources to work on an issue which concerns them.  A true grassroots organization does not typically have […]

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Gassing the Electorate in Pennsylvania

April 3, 2014
Gassing the Electorate in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, opponents of gas drilling say regulators are slow and unprepared in responding to air quality complaints. by Naveena Sadasivam, ProPublica There are more than 6,000 active gas wells in Pennsylvania. And every week, those drilling sites generate scores of complaints from the state’s residents, including many about terrible odors and contaminated water. (Photo: William Avery Hudson/cc/flickr)How the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection handles those complaints has worsened the already raw and angry divide between fearful residents and the state regulators charged with overseeing the burgeoning gas drilling industry. For instance, the agency’s own manual for dealing with complaints is explicit about what to do if someone reports concerns about a noxious odor, but is not at that very moment experiencing the smell: “DO NOT REGISTER THE COMPLAINT.” When a resident […]

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How Many Fracking Thugs Can You Get Into a FERC Hearing ?

April 3, 2014
How Many Fracking Thugs Can You Get Into a FERC Hearing ?

Intrepid videographer Bill Huston went to find out; here’s his account of his encounter with Frack Fascists at FERC’s sham hearings on yet another shale gas pipeline to China: “So for me it all started in the parking lot. As I was walking in shlepping all my gear, Bryant Latourette (Oxford Land Group, co-founder JLCNY) said hi to me, then said, “Hey Bill, aren’t you afraid of getting beaten up?” Wow. I was stunned. What a strange thing to say, I thought, so I put my things down, turned on my camera and got a quick interview w/him, about why I should be afraid. So the intimidation began (for me) 1 hour before the meeting. Lots of orange union guys, like the last 2 hearings.At least 2 cops were present through most of […]

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Pipeline Packs Local Hearings With Fracking Fascists

April 3, 2014
Pipeline Packs Local Hearings With Fracking Fascists

Here’s The Stuart’s take on how the FERC pipeline hearings are dominated by Rent a Thugs – guys in orange tee shirts (so the bus drivers could recognize them ?) that were bussed in by the pipeline company to pose as locals – at the local hearings. So that they could shout down and bully pipeline opponents. On cue.  REPORT for FERC’s CONSTITUTION PIPELINE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT PUBLIC HEARING at AFTON 04 02 2014 This was the third night in a row for the FERC team, and they looked tired but determined.  Williams again bussed in union workers from Rome and Newburgh to pack the room and dominate the speakers list.  Judging from their comments, most of which we’d already heard in Oneonta on the previous evening, none of […]

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Cabot Makes Vera Scroggins a Star !

April 2, 2014
Cabot Makes Vera Scroggins a Star !

It’s fracking gasholes like Cabot that make celebrities out of fractavists. Cabot v. Scroggins: March 24, 2014 Part 2– Press Conference at Craig Stevens’ House PART–2:  Vera and her lawyers held an afternoon telephone press conference in Craig Stevens’ home after the Court hearing on the morning of Monday, March 24, 2014 in Montrose, Pennsylvania.  The hearing and telephone press conference was about the scope of the injunction, or Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), that the energy company, Cabot, asked for and received back in October, 2013 against Vera Scroggins.  Her lawyers include:  Scott Michelman of Public Citizen’s Public Citizen Litigation Group and Vic Walczak, the Legal Director of Pennsylvania’s American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).  A legal summary is given by Scott and is followed by about 25 Q & […]

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How Not to Stop a Pipeline

April 2, 2014
How Not to Stop a Pipeline

Telling people that there is beaucoup shale gas to be tapped along the proposed route is music to FERC’s ears. Not an inspired strategy. Here’s a more direct way: 1. Don’t sell them the Right of Way (ROW) 2. Refuse to sell ROW to the pipeline company, forcing a condemnation 3. See 1 & 2 above.   Forcing a condemnation nets the landowner 80% more than a negotiated sale. Or the pipeline company goes somewhere else. Or the project is abandoned. There is no “upside” to having a high pressure gas transmission line running through your property. There is a developing series of judgements against pipeline companies sued by landowners for lower the value of their entire property – not just the Right-of-Way – because of the presence of the pipeline. • Crosstex DC Gathering […]

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A Brief History of The Frack Ban Movement

April 2, 2014
A Brief History of The Frack Ban Movement

Maybe not so brief, but a great compendium of anti-fracking work by towns, cities, states, countries and an Infallible Jesuit. List of New York fracking bans and moratoriums.

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Fracking the Unborn

April 2, 2014
Fracking the Unborn

Turns out that fetuses are not immune to the hazards of fracking Colorado Investigates a Spike in Fetal Abnormalities Near Natural Gas Drilling Site A prevalence of anomalies such as low birth weight and congenital heart defects are found within a 10 mile radius of a concentration of wells. April 1, 2014    The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has  called in an epidemiologist to investigate a recent spike in fetal abnormalities in Garfield County on Colorado’s western slope. Stacey Gavrell, Director of Community Relations for Valley View Hospital in Glenwood Springs, said area prenatal care providers reported the increase in fetal abnormalities to the hospital, which then notified CDPHE. So far neither the hospital nor the state have released information about the numbers of cases reported, over what span […]

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Fracking Home Rule Oral Arguments

April 1, 2014
Fracking Home Rule Oral Arguments

Have been set for the Town of Middlefield in its defense of Home Rule as it applies to fracking. Which 8 New York justices say it does. Oral argument of the appeal before the State Court of Appeals has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 3 at 2:00 in Albany John J. Henry, Esq. | Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP Home Rule And Fracking in New York New York State has enshrined in its Constitution the principle of ‘home rule’ — the right of local communities to determine their community character through control over land use decisions.  Communities that prize their rural character and pristine natural resources have enacted safeguards against the onslaught of industrial shale gas extraction, which threatens to devastate the landscape and waters and upend the quiet, rural character of their towns.  The […]

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Marcellus End Times ?

April 1, 2014
Marcellus End Times ?

By about 2020. If one assumes hyperbolic price increases. Note that at $12mcf, gas would be 3X the cost of coal per million Btu. Above $6mcf, there is no economic incentive to switch from coal. Might as well go with wind or solar as replace one fossil fuel with another. Moshe Ben-Reuven Long/short equity Profile| Send Message| Follow (26) Marcellus Shale: Through A Glass, Darkly Mar. 31, 2014 12:06 PM ET  |  48 comments |  Includes: APC, BOIL, CHK, COG, DGAZ, GAZ, KOLD, NAGS, RRC, SWN, UGAZ, UNG, UNL, XOM Disclosure: I am long XOM, APC, CVX, APA, RDS.A. (More…) Summary Marcellus shale dry-gas production rates and well number evolution are analyzed to understand overall productivity. A precise linear dependence between production rate and well numbers is demonstrated. Marcellus proved reserves, along with production rate, allow projection of life span, which is shown far less than the 100 years, closer to 10 […]

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Breaking: Cuomo Issues Statement on Fracking !

April 1, 2014
Breaking: Cuomo Issues Statement on Fracking !

Reuters April 1st,  Albany Governor Cuomo today released a statement that many suspect is tied to the likelihood of a Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential run, which indicates he is setting his sights on a second term as governor. Recent polls suggest that, despite a steep drop among Latino voters, the governor would beat his Republican rival 68% to 25%. Many believe the governor will make a bid for the 2020 presidential race, assuming that Hilary does not run for a second term. Given that, Cuomo today stated,* “Hydraulic fracturing will not go forward in New York State as long as I am chief executive, which I intend to be, through at least 2018.” Cuomo added, “The recent threat of a lawsuit from a landowner’s coalition has been effectively squashed by Attorney […]

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March 31, 2014

Fracking makes kids sick. As well as adults, animals, things like that. So says new research. Even in Texas. “Planning for Fracking on the Barnett Shale: Urban Air Pollution, Improving Health Based Regulation, and the Role of Local Governments” Fracking Cancer Clusters By Robert Wilonsky 3:08 pm on March 31, 2014 | Permalink A natural gas drilling site in Flower Mound (Kye R. Lee/Staff photographer) Four years ago state health officials dismissed concerns that there was a “cancer cluster” in Flower Mound caused by a carcinogen that’s coughed up by natural-gas drilling sites. Not so fast, says Rachael Rawlins, a lecturer at the University of Texas, who issued a study last week that says increased occurrences of childhood lymphoma are quite possibly the result of hydraulic fracturing and the release of benzene after all. The news caught […]

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Is New York’s Shale Worthless ?

March 31, 2014
Is New York's Shale Worthless ?

Probably not entirely. But certainly not worth risking. When the people doing the fracking are a bunch of frackers . . . Is New York’s Shale Worthless? On January 16th, 2014, the New York Society for Ethical Culture and a host of local electeds, plus community and environmental groups presented a panel of experts who had examined the well data coming out of Pennsylvania, and compared it to the geology. How deep was the shale? How thick? And how much gas did it produce? And how would that data predict New York State’s own potential for shale gas production? What they found was on a continuum with reports previously done by Deborah Rogers and Art Berman: That a very small portion of the shale play produced well (a “sweet spot”) but the majority […]

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After Peak Oil: Fossil Fuel End Times

March 31, 2014
After Peak Oil: Fossil Fuel End Times

Shale oil and gas are the bottom of the hydrocarbon barrel. Once they’re gone, game over. And no, the world will not be able to frack its way to nirvana. Global Market Oil Crash  Photograph: Arnulf Husmo/Getty Images In a new book, former oil geologist and government adviser on renewable energy, Dr. Jeremy Leggett, identifies five “global systemic risks directly connected to energy” which, he says, together “threaten capital markets and hence the global economy” in a way that could trigger a global crash sometime between 2015 and 2020. According to Leggett, a wide range of experts and insiders “from diverse sectors spanning academia, industry, the military and the oil industry itself, including until recently the International Energy Agency or, at least, key individuals or factions therein” are expecting an […]

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The Daily Show on the Benefits of Fracking

March 30, 2014
The Daily Show on the Benefits of Fracking

And the solution to fracking problems – pizzas.

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State to Frack Babies: Frack Off

March 29, 2014
State to Frack Babies: Frack Off

The State of New York has responded to a landowner’s suit by telling them – in no uncertain legal terms – to take a fracking hike. The landowners claim that the state is taking too long to conduct its environmental and health review of fracking, but they are at a complete loss as to say how long such a study should take. They claim they have waited too long to drill a shale gas well on their property – when none of them has ever had a valid well permit application in the queue at the DEC.  It’s ironic that they are calling for the state to update its regulations, when the gas industry has opposed any update in the state’s environmental regulations for decades. When it came to time to […]

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Even Frackers Get the Blues

March 27, 2014
Even Frackers Get the Blues

After they’ve royally fracked up the place looking for a profitable gashole.  Oil and gas majors now cutting back in U.S. shale gas fields Yesterday Chesapeake Energy, the second largest U.S. based oil and gas company, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to sell off its oilfield services unit which does the majority of the company’s oil and gas exploration, hydraulic fracking and drilling.  Stung with high costs and mired in more than $20 billion in debt on its U.S. shale operations, the company continues to sell off billions in its assets base as it struggles to right itself.  Its actions follow a developing trend of cutbacks, spin- offs, divestures and write downs for oil and gas majors operating in U.S. shale formations.  In the last 10 days, British Petroleum, […]

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Shell’s Marcellus Shale Sob Story

March 27, 2014
Shell's Marcellus Shale Sob Story

Shell drastically overpaid for a bunch of fracking junk leases in the Marcellus. For billions. Not unlike Williams Exploration. Both of them evidently did not know that total potential gas volume is a function of the shale’s thickness . . and thick Marcellus shale just ain’t there in Tioga County, Pa. A simple matter that even a retired aerospace systems engineer could have explained to them. Shell Oil Fading in the Pennsylvania Marcellus A new analysis of the second half 2013 Pennsylvania Marcellus shale oil and gas production shows the vast majority of Royal Dutch Shell’s 630 wells are under performing compared to its peers. In northeast Tioga County, Shell’s wells are producing at less than half the rate of its area competitors.  Its more bad news for Shell as its new CEO Ben Van Beurden announced on […]

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Cabot Martyrs The Vera, Stock Takes Dive

March 26, 2014
Cabot Martyrs The Vera, Stock Takes Dive

My pal The Vera has been made a Fracking Martyr for taking tours to Cabots’ drilling sites via open gates, signing in as a guest, saying hello to the crew and then taking pictures and videos – including one of a fracker’s buttcrack. For exposing the naked truth about fracking, Cabot got a restraining order to not only keep Vera away from the fracking sites, but bans her from all their leased land – which extend over thousands of acres in her home town. Accordingly, press coverage of the case has been massive. See The Vera’s interviews at the foot of this post.  The Vera becomes a Fracking Martyr and Cabot’s stock takes a hit. Thanks Cabutt. Go Vera ! Le Monde (France): Fox40 (Binghamton): WNEP (Scranton): PennLive (Patriot News, Central […]

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Winter Propane Shortage — Engineered Industry Gamble Which Cost Lives

March 19, 2014
Winter Propane Shortage -- Engineered Industry Gamble Which Cost Lives

Debbie Dogskin is dead. She was found in her Fort Yates, North Dakota, mobile home frozen to death with an empty propane tank. [1] [2] What was the cause of the propane shortage which caused prices to rise and supplies to dwindle in the northern midwest and the northeast this winter? Short answer: It was an engineered gamble by industry seeking to maximize profits. There were really four factors which contributed to the shortage this winter. 2: Abnormally wet corn harvest required extra propane to dry 3: Abnormally cold winter increased demand 4: Lack of local storage in the places with the greatest demand. But what was the number 1 reason? The Enterprise TEPPCO line (which ships refined liquids, NGLs, mostly or all propane in winter) was a looped line […]

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Shale Oil Bomb Trains: What the Frackers Won’t Admit

March 18, 2014
Shale Oil Bomb Trains: What the Frackers Won't Admit

Heading west to make a big impact out on the coast. From The Bill: “DOT-111’s tankers are vented and have a pressure valve. There are many types of these rail cars, but the type designed for gasoline vents at 75 psi. It does not have a *vent stack*, like you see on large propane tanks, which might increase safety issues” – since when the vented gas catches fire, it heats the tank, further accelerating the escape of gas. If one car explodes, that will heat up the other cars, and they domino. Welcome to fracking hell. Shale Oil Bomb Trains: What the Frackers Won’t Admit Oil tank cars at the Columbia Pacific Bio-Refinery, a terminal on the Columbia River outside Clatskanie that has processed more than 300 million gallons of crude since […]

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GASNOST: Exxon NIMBY Inks Deal With Putin

March 17, 2014
GASNOST: Exxon NIMBY Inks Deal With Putin

Steve Horn’s take on GASNOST. The Steve questions why a “corporate person” Exxon, would lobby for an LNG export terminal – ostensibly to ship gas to Europe to break Russia’s hegemony there – while at the same time ink a deal to explore for gas in Russia which will be shipped to Europe. Why indeed ! For openers, the LNG would not go to Europe, as explained here – it would go to South America and Asia. where it’s worth 2x what it’s worth in Europe.  The threat to Russia’s gaseous hegemony in Europe is not LNG from the US, but pipelines from the Mideast; like the ones they’re fighting a war over in Syria.  Oh, and Exxon is not a “person”. They’re a bunch of frackers, run by a fracking NIMBY. […]

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Exploding Shale Oil Bomb Trains

March 17, 2014
Exploding Shale Oil Bomb Trains

Are loaded with something a lot more explosive than crude oil. Like propane. Which is why they explode. Bakken oil is full of natural gas liquids – propane, ethane and butane – which make dandy explosives. Rather than strip the liquids out of the oil and flare them, the unscrupulous frackers (isn’t that redundant ?) simply leave the liquids in – to be sold by weight as part of the shipment. Then the volatiles heat up, expand, vent from the tank car – or the tank car leaks – the escaping gas catches fire, heats the tank and it explodes in a BLEVE explosion. One car dominoes after another. As if they were loaded with propane and butane. Which they are.  Propane a Factor in Exploding Shale Oil Trains Producers are supposed to strip […]

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Fracking a Propane Shortage

March 17, 2014
Fracking a Propane Shortage

By reversing the direction of pipelines, exporting propane overseas and other fracking high-jinxs. U.S. Propane Shortage- The Shape of Things to Come By Elizabeth Douglass, InsideClimate News Field of propane tanks. Propane companies proceeded with exports and pipeline changes that left propane American consumers vulnerable during this winter’s deep freeze. Credit: Eliza Snow/Getty As the nation charges toward energy independence, many Americans learned an important lesson this winter: Just because the country is awash in domestic fuel doesn’t mean it will be there when they need it most. From December into February, when winter temperatures plummeted to record lows across much of the country, residents in the Midwest and Northeast struggled to stay warm amid propane shortages and price spikes. Propane, also known as autogas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), […]

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Radioactive Frack Water & Illicit Frack Rubbers

March 16, 2014
Radioactive Frack Water & Illicit Frack Rubbers

Frack waste is evidently a lot “hotter” than the regulators have been telling us. The most common methodology of testing frack flowback for radioactivity understates the level of radiation by over 90%.  Which may account for the low standards in Fracksylvania for spreading fracking flowback on roads: “It’s OK to use flowback as de-icer as long as it doesn’t glow.” That might give it away. The frackers take the radioactive frack water filters, known as “frack rubbers,” which become highly radioactive, and dump them wherever they can. Like abandoned filling stations. Open trailers. Trout streams. Idaho. Places like that. 150 such illegal dumps have been found in North Dakota. They keep turning up anywhere the frackers  can hide them. Analytical Test Could Underestimate Radioactivity In Fracking Wastewater When energy companies extract natural gas from shale using […]

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Chesapeake Loses Royalty Fraud Suit

March 15, 2014
Chesapeake Loses Royalty Fraud Suit

In a big way, in terms of the legal precedent. They crooked an old friend of mine in Fort Worth, Martha Hyder, who doesn’t take kindly to be crooked by a bunch of fracking Okies in a classic case of royalty fraud –  shortchanging royalty payments.So she sued the biggest bunch of frackers in the US of A and won in a San Antonio appellate court room. The Late Great Molly Ivins’s newspaper, the Fort Worth Star Telegram, has the scoop. Molly would be mighty proud of Martha.  Royalty fraud happens to the even the most savvy oil people. Genuine hydrocarbon rocket scientists. Like me. I was crooked along with a bunch of professionals by a real scam artiste. But when I figured it out,  I didn’t call my congressman or write letters to the editor. […]

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Leases Held For Fracking Ever

March 13, 2014
Leases Held For Fracking Ever

For doing fracking nothing. For fracking free. Out of Ohio, the most totally fracked state in the Union, comes the unusual court ruling that filing a drilling permit on a lease constitutes “operations” for purpose of holding the lease. In the good ole days – 10 years ago –  in the Old Country (Texas) – you actually had to drill a well to hold a lease. If the well hit, the lease was “held by production” (HBP). If it did not, the lease expired. Now, drilling a well to hold a lease seems just a quaint old fashioned notion. And landowners can be tied up by operators that do nothing. But hold the lease. For free. Welcome to the fracked new world of fracking.  Fleased has the scoop: Leases held forever? On […]

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How Chesapeake Fracks Landowners

March 13, 2014
How Chesapeake Fracks Landowners

One royalty check at a time. Docking royalty checks with post-production costs is the oldest trick in the fracking book. A guy crooked me on some royalty payments, but I sued, called the cops and sent the guy to the state penitentiary – where my cousin, the asst. warden, made sure he was treated real nice. Chessie played the royalty fraud game for billions. Here’s the key excerpt from the full report of how Chesapeake bilked thousands of landowners, including the City of Forth Worth, the Bass Brothers, and a whole lot of farmers by overcharging them on post-production costs that Chesapeake tacked on to pay back its financial backers – that bought Chessie’s gathering system. If you are a landowner got crooked, you can sue Chesapeake for the over-charge. Get in line.  “At the end […]

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Fracking Induced Seismic Events: Ohio Frackquakes

March 12, 2014
Fracking Induced Seismic Events: Ohio Frackquakes

Shown below are excerpts from a letter about the recent seismic events in Ohio from Dr. Ray Beiersdorfer, a geology professor at Youngstown State University, published online in its entirety here: Fracking Induced Seismic Events Induced Seismic Events Related to Hydraulic Fracturing of Shale There have been five shallow earthquakes in close proximity to a shale gas fracking site in northeast Ohio very close to the Pennsylvania border (  The first was a M 3 earthquake on Monday March 10th at 2:26 am. It was located east of Poland, OH between Hwy 224 and the Carbon-Limestone Landfill (owned by Republic Services.)  The initial quake was followed by three aftershocks of M 2.4, 2.2 and 2.6 during the next ten hours. The most recent one M 2.1 occurred the following day at 3:01 […]

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Ohio’s First Frackquakes

March 10, 2014
Ohio's First Frackquakes

Happened the other night. And another one the next day.  Not from an active frackwaste disposal well – which is the new Ohio normal – but from fracking a shale gas well. You know, the kind of frackquake that the frackers said was “impossible.” This is strike 4 in the list of incidents that have proven that fracks can cause earthquakes – Blackpool, England, Horn River, BC, the Texas “micro-quakes” and the research of Schlumberger.  Congratulations Ohio. Glue your crockery to the shelves, and choose your fracking pizza.  Since local authorities don’t take kindly to frackers scaring the frack out of people (even in Ohio), they have shut the frackers down at the frackquake site. So much for the impossibility of fracking causing earthquakes. Never happens. Except when it does. Here’s an excerpt from an email I received from a geology […]

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Chesapeake Sues New York !

March 9, 2014
Chesapeake Sues New York !

Chesapeake Instigates Legal Action Against New York Department of Environmental Conservation Reuters April 1, 2014 Albany Chesapeake Energy of Oklahoma, announced today through its lobbyist The Law Firm of Tom West, that it had found a surrogate plaintiff, Norse Energy, to file suit against the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Commissioner Joe Martens, Governor Cuomo and Dr. Nirav Shah of the Department of Health. As The Law Firm of Tom West spokesperson Tom West explained, “Norse Energy has graciously offered to stand-in for my client in this matter.” When pressed why Chesapeake had found a company in bankruptcy to press the matter, Mr. West responded, “My client believes that a bankrupt Norwegian wildcatter more fairly represents the state of fracking in New York.” By their plaintiffs you will know […]

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USGS Confirms Frackquakes

March 8, 2014
USGS Confirms Frackquakes

Guess that makes it official. Note that this refers to earthquakes induced by frackwaste disposal wells. Not frackquakes that are induced directly by fracks, which have been observed in Blackpool, England, Horn River, BC, near DFW Airport, and this week, in Ohio. USGS Confirms Fracking Caused 5.7 Quake in Oklahoma By Scott Kaufman Friday, March 7, 2014 14:12 EST  The United States Geological Survey (USGS) issued a press release yesterday indicating that the magnitude 5.7 earthquake that struck Prague, Oklahoma in 2011 was “unintentionally human-induced.”  The USGS claims that the magnitude 5.0 earthquake triggered by waste-water injection the previous day “trigger[ed] a cascade of earthquakes, including a larger one, [which] has important implications for reducing the seismic risk from waste-water injection.” The decade-long explosion of energy-producing facilities in the central United States has, according to a recent article in […]

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Health Consultants Slam Fracking

March 8, 2014
Health Consultants Slam Fracking

Which may be why Governor Cuomo is taking his time approving it. State Consultant Slams Fracking State Consultant Slams Fracking  By Scott Waldman 5:00 a.m. | Mar. 7, 2014 follow this reporter ALBANY—A consultant hired by the state Health Department to assist in a review of the health effects of fracking recently published a study that concluded “substantial concerns and major uncertainties”should be resolved before it is expanded nationally. Governor Andrew Cuomo has indicated that his final, long-awaited decision on whether to permit fracking will depend on the department’s findings.  John Adgate, of the Colorado School of Public Health, surveyed a number of recent health-related studies of fracking and published his findings last month in the Environmental Science & Technology journal. He is one of three consultants hired by state health commissioner Nirav Shah in 2012 to […]

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The “Produced Water” De-icing Charade

March 7, 2014
The "Produced Water" De-icing Charade

This article gets most of it right – oil and gas waste is slathered on roads – mainly because the frackers can’t figure out any other way to get rid of it –  but perpetuates a big myth: that there is some distinction between frack flowback and “produced water/ produced brine”. Actually there is no good way to tell where the frack flowback stops coming out of the well and when the produced water starts. So trying to make this distinction – particularly from a shale gas well – is a fool’s errand: it simply becomes an excuse, a subterfuge to put toxic radioactive shale gas waste on roads. Because the local county road supervisor has no way of determining whether the stuff is flowback or produced water, much less what […]

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Peak Shale: The Last Petro Train

March 7, 2014
Peak Shale: The Last Petro Train

And no, there’s not another train coming down the track. Great interview with shale guru Art Berman. Shale, the Last Oil and Gas Train: Interview with Arthur Berman By James Stafford | Wed, 05 March 2014 23:20 How much faith can we put in our ability to decipher all the numbers out there telling us the US is closing in on its cornering of the global oil market? There’s another side to the story of the relentless US shale boom, one that says that some of the numbers are misunderstood, while others are simply preposterous. The truth of the matter is that the industry has to make such a big deal out of shale because it’s all that’s left. There are some good things happening behind the fairy tale numbers, though—it’s […]

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Fracking Lobbyists Declare Phony Gas War On Russia

March 6, 2014
Fracking Lobbyists Declare Phony Gas War On Russia

At least on TV. And K Street. In order to fast track some LNG permits. So frackers can ship fracked gas to South America and China. The frack lobby and their accomplices in Congress have launched a full scale PR campaign by threatening Russia with a gas trade war in Europe. As part of that initiative, a newly created State Department group is promoting the fast-tracking of LNG export terminals, using the Ukrainian troubles as a pretext. By overplaying the Gas Card, Russia lost control of all of Eastern Europe – including Ukraine. Ukrainians don’t like to be blackmailed into submission by a bunch of Russians, who they fought in WW II – with the Nazis.   But now the US is going to overplay the Frack Card ? Makes perfect fracking sense, […]

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Shale Bubble

March 5, 2014
Shale Bubble

New website pulls it all together – – Simply put, the shale is the source rock for all oil and gas. Once you start tapping shale, you are literally tapping the bottom of the hydrocarbon barrel. This is not something to celebrate. This is a wake up call if ever there was a wake up call. This is like cutting down peach trees to get the peaches. To any person with their wits about them, that indicates that closing time for fossil fuels is approaching. This time, for keeps. Check it out : is the joint effort of Post Carbon Institute,Energy Policy Forum, and Earthworks, with the goal of providing critical analysis — using industry and government data — to counter the false claims that domestic supplies of shale gas and shale oil (tight oil) […]

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Ukraine’s Shale Gas War

March 4, 2014
Ukraine's Shale Gas War

Turns out the 1st Shale Gas War of the 21st Century is the conflict in Ukraine. Makes the oil wars in Kuwait, Iraq and Libya seem so old-fashioned.  This Ukraine gas conflict was presaged by and is connected to Syria’s Gas Pipeline War. The last straw was when the ousted president Yanukovich sold Ukraine’s shale to the pizza men at Chevron, then took his signing bonus – courtesy of a bag man operation of local geologists – and decamped from his really tacky palace and private zoo to the safety of Cousin Vlad’s place in Mother Russia. Putin’s intervention is not about protecting “ethnic Russians.” Putin doesn’t give a damn about protecting ethnic Russians in Russia. Much less what happens to Ukrainians. This is all about shale gas, drilling rights in the Black Sea gas pipelines. […]

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Amicus Briefs Filed in REXXON Tillerson v Frack Water Tower

March 4, 2014
Amicus Briefs Filed in REXXON Tillerson v Frack Water Tower

Various groups have filed amicus curie briefs in REXXON Tillerson v Frack Water Tower – both against the frack water tower, and for the frack water tower. Here is a list of what’s been filed in the state court thus far: Texas Municipal League – usually files briefs on behalf of its members (towns) in favor of Home Rule.  Brief titled : “On Behalf of a Municipality’s Right to Apply Land Use Laws to Oil and Gas Infrastructure  Not Otherwise Regulated by a Public Utility Commission” – the water tower owner has argued that local zoning laws do not apply since it is a public utility, that it owns the land, that the land was zoned for a water tower, and that the height of the tower is an engineering matter: “let […]

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Frack Front Group Renames Itself as Publicity Stunt

March 4, 2014
Frack Front Group Renames Itself as Publicity Stunt

And it works. They get some publicity.  The 2011 Truth in Advertising Winner  “Clean Growth Now” industry front group – which launched with a publicity stunt three years ago, and then went dormant over a year ago, has renamed itself “The Southern Tier Residents for Economic Independence”  This was 2011’s headline:                Which reads a lot like yesterday’s headline announcing the same group members, same group spokesman: The group’s new alias is dutifully reported by the same fact-checkerless reporters (that dutifully reported the original launch of Clean Growth Now) as a new pro fracking group – that just happens to be made up of the same groups as the old pro fracking group, that died due to lack of interest over a year ago.  And, guess what, the same spokesmen are saying […]

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US House Greenlights Eminent Domain for Keystone Pipeline

March 4, 2014
US House Greenlights Eminent Domain for Keystone Pipeline

The US House has voted to block the use of eminent domain for private interests – with one huge loophole exception – the Keystone XL Pipeline. The bill is intended to block the use of eminent domain for private development – most notoriously for sports stadiums that are financed with industrial revenue bonds and built for one team who can use the power of eminent domain to condemn land for the site. But there’s a catch: the exemption for a private Canadian pipeline company. . . Eminent Domain Authority – Passage – Vote Passed (353-65, 12 Not Voting) The House passed a bill Wednesday that would withhold federal economic development funds, for two fiscal years, from states and localities that seize property for private economic development using eminent domain. The bill would also allow landowners to sue if […]

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Califracknia !

March 2, 2014
Califracknia !

Without importing water, most of California south of Ventura would look a whole lot like a desert -right down to the water’s edge. If you don’t think so, take a drive south of Tijuana some time to Ensenada. There but for the Colorado River goes California. So ruining good water, depleting aquifers and removing it completely from the water cycle by contaminating it permanently via fracking is probably not a great idea, even for Governor Moonbeam. Unless you like the taste of frack waste in your fruits, nuts, wine and veggies. California is facing the worst drought in decades, and Governor Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency—but at the same time, he’s pushing ahead with a plan to expand fracking in our state. Fracking uses massive amounts of water to […]

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Connecticut to Become Frack Waste DisposAll for Fracksylvania

March 2, 2014
Connecticut to Become Frack Waste DisposAll for Fracksylvania

In a bid to compete with the good folks in Idafrackho for Fracksylvania’s seemingly limitless supply of toxic radioactive frack filth, and apparently unable to sustain its economy with insurance companies, hedge funds, antiques dealers, growing cigar wrapper tobacco, building ships, gun manufacturers, or providing 2nd homes to New Yorker’s, Connecticut’s governor touts the importation of toxic radioactive frack waste as the state’s economic salvation.  There are some folks in Connecticut that think this might not be such an inspired idea – that it might even be worse than a frack water tower in your back yard.  CT Gov. Malloy and CT Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection (formerly Dept. of Environmental Protection) are interested in regulating frack filth as hazardous waste and allowing the fracking waste into CT, so that the frackers won’t have […]

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Methane Leaks Are 50 % Higher Than EPA Estimates

March 2, 2014
Methane Leaks Are 50 % Higher Than EPA Estimates

Methane Leaks Higher than Previous Estimates >A new study finds that methane leaks from the production and transportation of gas could be 50 percent higher than EPA estimates. It also warns that switching vehicles from traditional gasoline and diesel to natural gas will do nothing to slow climate change. “Methane Leaks from North American Natural Gas Systems” is a policy paper – a collaborative effort by sixteen academics who reviewed and synthesized data from 200 papers published in the past two decades. The lead author is Adam Brandt, an assistant professor of energy resources engineering at Stanford University. In comments to the press, he explained that official agencies such as the EPA are underestimating leakage of natural gas into the atmosphere. Brandt reminded people that leaked methane is a greenhouse […]

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Gastorino: Gas Trick Pony

March 1, 2014
Gastorino: Gas Trick Pony

If Robert Astorino is going to distinguish himself politically from Cuomo, he has to have some wedge issues. In most Republican states, the playbook is clear: bash gays, illegal aliens, gun laws, and Obama. Gastorino is not going after gays or gun laws. Or even Obama. He’s left with making up a wedge issue: hyping shale gas – that’s not even there. He has to make it seem like New York is missing out on some mythological fracking bonanza.  Thousands of jobs and billions in revenue are his hollow campaign promise. (Most) members of the press are not going to challenge Gastorino on how many fracking jobs New York won’t have. Gastorino can make up any fracking number he likes. Until he’s called out on it. Then he can quote the fracking fairy tales in the […]

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March 1, 2014

I was at a meeting in my local area about the Industrial Liquid Waste Plant proposal.   This plant will accept liquid waste from the gaslands surrounding our county and “clean” it to be used for more fracking.  (See:Lake Township Toxic Industrial Drilling Waste Presentation 2-19-2014) As you can imagine, residents who live on and around the proposed site are not happy.   This post isn’t about the pros and cons of the plant. This post is about what one gentleman said at the meeting. Let’s call him Ralph.   Ralph stood and proclaimed he isn’t a tree hugger, but did say he owns a home surrounded by few acres of land which is wooded, and he has no intention of doing any type of development because he likes the trees.   I guess […]

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Celebrity NIMBY Fractavist Sues to Protects His Horses

February 27, 2014
Celebrity NIMBY Fractavist Sues to Protects His Horses

To put this in perspective – while folks in Fracksylvania have their wells poisoned, folks in South Texas have their air gassed, and folks in New York have gas compressors stations plopped down in the middle of their neighborhood, Rex Tillerson, this fracking NIMBY cry-baby –  is bent out of shape over a fracking water tower – next to his horse barn – not his house. His house is nowhere near the frack water tower. It’s just in the same town. . . . The Dory has the aerial proof of how NIMBY Fractavist Rex is suing to block the erection of a frack water tower behind his horse barn. Which should earn him the accolades of the SPCA, and the American Quarter Horse Association – as well as the Environmental Defense Frauds.

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Fracking Health Impacts: The Frack Health Impact Bullseye

February 27, 2014
Fracking Health Impacts: The Frack Health Impact Bullseye

Frack health impacts are hard to study in a comprehensive manner. Particularly when doctors are under a gag order to not talk about them and regulators are paid to look the other way. As this new peer reviewed study found out. No wonder Dr. Shah is taking his time. See where you are in the Frack Health Impact Bullseye. Then estimate how many pizzas you’d get. Report Finds Little Study of Public Health Effects of Fracking A new study has underscored just how little is known about the health consequences of the natural gas boom that began a decade ago, when advances in high-volume hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and directional drilling allowed companies to tap shale deposits across the United States. “Despite broad public concern, no comprehensive population-based studies of the public […]

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NOT IN MY FRACK YARD: Lou Allstadt on MSNBC Thurs 8 PM EST

February 26, 2014
NOT IN MY FRACK YARD: Lou Allstadt on MSNBC Thurs 8 PM EST

Chris Hayes has been covering Exxon CEO’s battle against a frack water tower in his back yard.  Retired Mobil Oil executive Lou Allstadt will be on Chris’s show to put this fracking hypocrisy into a broader perspective. Watch Lou discuss his letter to Rex Tillerson on MSNBC Thursday night 8 PM EST.  Video here – MSNBC On EXXON CEO’S Not In My Frack Yard Lawsuit EcoWatch | Last week, as reported on EcoWatch the Wall Street Journal broke a story about ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson joining a lawsuit that cites the consequences of fracking operations as reason to block the construction of a 160-foot water tower next to his Texas home. The tower would supply water to nearby fracking operations and the plaintiffs argue the project could lead to increased noise and traffic at the drilling site. MSNBC’s All In With Chris Hayes went in-depth on the […]

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Lou Allstadt’s Letter to Rex Tillerson: “Welcome to the 21st Century”

February 26, 2014
Lou Allstadt's Letter to Rex Tillerson: "Welcome to the 21st Century"

Retired Mobil Oil executive Lou Allstadt has written an open letter to Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson, copy here and below. Watch Lou discuss his message with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Thursday 8 PM. Open Letter to Rex Tillerson Chairman, ExxonMobil Dear Rex, We have never met, but I worked for your company for six months immediately after the ExxonMobil merger, the implementation of which I coordinated from the Mobil side. That was after thirty years with Mobil Oil Corporation, where just prior to the merger I had been an Executive Vice President and Operating Officer for Exploration and Producing in the U.S., Canada and Latin America. I now live in upstate New York. For the past five years, I have been actively trying to keep your company and the rest of the industry […]

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February 25, 2014

After blood on the tracks from shale oil tank train explosions, the Department of Transportation has concluded that shipping tankers full of explosive shale oil through neighborhoods, and past school houses may not have been such a hot idea after all. No matter what the frackers wanted. . .  Now that we know what’s ready to blow up in those tank cars. In your town, or next to your river. Now all they have to do is fix the thousands of miles of decrepit rail lines and bridges. So that the new reinforced tank cars full of inspected oil traveling at 10 mph don’t fall off and explode. Anyway. DOT Issues Emergency Order Requiring Stricter Standards to Transport Crude Oil by Rail DOT Issues Emergency Order Requiring Stricter Standards to Transport Crude Oil by […]

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Fracking Job Hype

February 25, 2014
Fracking Job Hype

Fracking jobs tend to be overstated. By frackers. And the politicians that take the fat envelopes from frackers. As this new report confirms. State Inflates Fracking-Related Job Numbers Report shows decline in gas-drilling jobs and overstates the number of workers supporting natural gas industry. By Steve Esack, Call Harrisburg Bureau12:03 p.m. EST, February 24, 2014 HARRISBURG — As executive director of the Wellsboro Area Chamber of Commerce, Julie VanNess was front and center when energy companies descended on Tioga County to secure drilling leases on pristine land around Routes 6 and 660 through Pennsylvania’s Grand Canyon. A tax on fracking would have raised millions New York State Mulls Limited Fracking In Southern Tier Pa. gas well explosion injures one worker; another missing The gas companies have pulled back resources amid what had […]

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Why Shale Oil Trains Explode

February 24, 2014
Why Shale Oil Trains Explode

Catastrophically. In your neighborhood. Next to your kid’s school. Even when they aren’t moving. Because those crude oil tank cars were never built to haul shale oil. Simple explanation: the shale oil tanker is chock full of volatile compounds –  including propane, butane, ethane, and the carcinogen benzene, toluene, xylene, and hexane –  more than double the amounts found in conventional crude oil.  And when those volatile chemicals heat up on a warm day, they vaporize. And when they vaporize, they leak. And when they leak, they can ignite, and when they ignite they burn, super-heating the volatiles in the tank, which can burst, setting off a chain reaction all along the line. Then it’s pizza time for the hole fracking town.  The Wall Street Journal report explains the situation: Crude oil from […]

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Fracked For Generations

February 24, 2014
Fracked For Generations

All oil and gas wells leak sooner or later. Every fracking one of them. Just a matter of time. The cement surrounding the metal pipe shrinks away from the pipe and the ground allowing gas and gunk to channel up the water column inside the well bore. And then the metal pipe rusts. Every fracking one of them. So really just a matter of which generation takes the hit. Here’s a story of how a whole town got fracked – and there’s not much they can do about. After the frack. If your water is contaminated, hooking everyone up to a municipal water supply will solve all the problems, right? Not so fast…. It started with rust. In the toilet. On the shower stall. Helen Ricker saw the orange stains and […]

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Killed by Fracking

February 24, 2014
Killed by Fracking

Getting killed or maimed on a rig is all too common. There is almost no inspections of rig safety onshore – the work is considered temporary, and OSHA does not inspect rig sites much. There are no state standards for fracking – no licenses, no tests, no certifications. Nor are there any standards for the equipment. So people get killed and injured. And the survivors get pizza coupons. Probe Questions Oil Field Safety Monday, February 24, 2014  HOUSTON (AP) — Injury claims, government data and public records of oil field accidents since the start of the onshore drilling and fracking boom in 2007 show the federal government failed to implement safety standards and procedures, according to a Houston Chronicle investigation. The examination also shows a lack of government inspections and […]

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Home Rule for Colorado

February 24, 2014
Home Rule for Colorado

Local communities should have a say in whether or not to frack. Home Rule applies to shale gas industrialization in almost every state. As it should. Even the chairman of Exxon agrees with that. There are no amount of pizzas that a town can come up with to offset the downsides of fracking after the frack – the town must protect itself proactively with its land use ordinances. It must exercise Home Rule over fracking.  There is a ballot initiative in the works to give Colorado municipalities the ability to apply zoning laws to shale gas industrialization- like municipalities do in most other oil and gas states, including Texas. DENVER– Colorado residents energized by successful movements over the last two years to ban or temporarily halt oil-and-gas fracking in cities on the northern Front Range submitted […]

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Spain Discovers a Fossil Free Future

February 23, 2014
Spain Discovers a Fossil Free Future

First they discovered America (OK, Columbus was Italian, but he was working for the Spaniards). Then they circled the globe (OK Magellan sailed for Portugal but he was born in Spain). Now the intrepid Spaniards have led the way again – and discovered a future without fossil fuels. (OK, they still use coal and gas, but increasingly only for peak power loads). Bravo Espana !  Un abrazo fuerte ! Almost 60%  of the electrical power in Spain was generated without fossil fuels last year. Most of it, 20.9%, from wind farms. And a whopping 14.4% from hydro, double last year. This is a country that has coal mines, but coal accounted for only 14.6% of power generation, and gas fired plants, only 9.6%. Since gas and coal are in increasingly […]

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Frack Busters’ Methodology Confirmed

February 22, 2014
Frack Busters' Methodology Confirmed

By researchers at Princeton University and by the University of Texas. A similar peer reviewed study funded by Shell Oil and the Sloan Foundation will be ready on the Marcellus this year. What they confirmed is that the productivity of some shale plays are predictable with relatively simple scaling models – like the Acton Model – which classifies shale potential in tiers based primarily on thickness and depth – from the sweet spot to where the shale becomes uneconomic at almost any price. A concept that anyone that has seen a Frack Busters show would be familiar with. Thickness  of the shale, specifically the target Union Springs section, is the key variable in the NE Marcellus. The only geological joker in the deck is thermal over-maturity. Look for the researchers’ work on […]

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Fractavist Rex: Exxon CEO Turns Fractavist

February 22, 2014
Fractavist Rex: Exxon CEO Turns Fractavist

I was there: Exxon’s Rex Tillerson and the Fracking Water Tower by Texas Sharon on FEBRUARY 22, 2014 in XTO I was there in Bartonville, Texas with NeoNIMBYs Rex Tillerson and Dick Armey. The first time Rex Tillerson and Dick Armey addressed the Town of Bartonville aboutthe water tower who’s toxic emissions and activities would trespass onto their property causing health problems, loss of enjoyment of property, water contamination and diminished property value, I was there. It was a night I will never forget and this is how I remember it. The water tower was first up on the agenda and Rex–as I remember it–was the first speaker on the subject. The speech he made at this town council meeting was very different from the highly publicized, threatening speech he made at the more recent town council meeting. This speech was […]

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Out of Pizzas, Chevron Shuts Down All Fracking in Pa.

February 22, 2014
Out of Pizzas, Chevron Shuts Down All Fracking in Pa.

Fresh out of fracking pizzas, Chevron is unable to continue blowing up shale wells. “Executives are negotiating with Lloyds of London and Pizza Hut to resume operations.” Send Chevron a message- Order your Fracking Pizza from Chevron’s CEO on Monday, 2/24. I have had two workers killed on my properties, one of them was crushed to death by a pump jack.  A kid that grew up on the ranch next to ours was on the Deepwater Horizon when the big rig went down. So handing out pizzas after such a catastrophe is indeed rich ground for satire, but what strikes me as not so funny is the picture of the dead worker and his fiancee. That’s where the laughter stops. And the lawsuits begin. They obviously lost control over this well – […]

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Exxon CEO Supports Home Rule in His Back Yard

February 21, 2014
Exxon CEO Supports Home Rule in His Back Yard

Turns out that Mega Fracker Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobil CEO, is a staunch supporter of Home Rule – local zoning ordinances, when they would keep a frack water supply tower away from his house – which is located in a town that had a moratorium on fracking. So he is suing  in support of Home Rule in order to keep the frack water supply tower (and the frack water trucks) away from his house. His co-plaintiff in the lawsuit to block the frack water tower is the eponymous Dick Armey, Tea Party lobbyist and Cheney side-kick. Neo NIMBY Rex Tillerson has attacked fractavists, including Josh Fox, as NIMBYs – that use local zoning ordinances to prohibit fracking and fracking infrastructure. Such as compressors. And frack water towers. Fellow NeoNIMBY Dick Armey has been the Koch brother’s […]

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Worker Killed at Chevron Shale Gas Well Fire

February 20, 2014
Worker Killed at Chevron Shale Gas Well Fire Remains Found at Chevron Gas Fire Site Worker has been missing since blast February 19, 2014 11:40 PM Ian McKee and Danielle Desposito, Mr. McKee’s fiancee. By Molly Born and Sean D. Hamill / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette At a somber news conference Wednesday, state police and officials from two well companies acknowledged what the colleagues, friends and family of a missing contractor had feared for eight days: that he likely died during an explosion at a well in Greene County that he was working on last week. State police said during a search earlier Wednesday they recovered what appear to be the remains of Ian McKee, 27, a Cameron International field service technician. Bones were found between a charred crane and a tank on the well pad, roughly where Mr. […]

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The Sandra Debates a Frackette

February 20, 2014
The Sandra Debates a Frackette

The Sandra goes head to head with what passes for a fracker in New York state: John Holko, the kind of frackette that gives real frackers a bad name. On Monday, February 24th at 7:00 PM, renowned biologist and author Sandra Steingraber will debate a gas industry spokesperson in Binghamton. Sandra is a long-time environmental health expert and advocate, and for years has shown through careful research why fracking must be banned.  Holko is a kind of one man rolling fracking disaster: Threatens to build a disposal well, Challenges Home Rule and loses, sues DEC and loses, turns off his wells to spite town, nods off in Frack Busters show, etc. Exhibit B 29 for banning fracking in your town/ state/ country/ planet.  Please join us at the debate to learn from and […]

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Cornhusker Judge Tells Keystone to Frack Off

February 20, 2014
Cornhusker Judge Tells Keystone to Frack Off

This ruling twins one in Texas : A Canadian owned pipeline shipping Canadian Tar Balls to a export terminal on the Gulf of Mexico does not have the right of eminent domain in Nebraska.  Or Texas. No matter how much the frackers paid the fracking governor. You have a pipeline issue ? Tell the frackers to Come and Try to Fracking Take It Nebraska Judge Strikes Down Law Allowing Keystone XL route Video: A Nebraska judge on Wednesday overturned the Nebraska law that had allowed the Keystone XL Pipeline pipeline to proceed through the state. By Lenny Bernstein, Published: February 19 E-mail the writer A Nebraska judge Wednesday struck down a state law that allowed Gov. Dave Heineman to approve the route of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, a decision that could significantly delay the $5.3 […]

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New York’s Energy Crossroads -Tom Wilber

February 20, 2014
New York's Energy Crossroads -Tom Wilber

Moratorium or Not, NY Begins to Feel Fracking’s Impact While New York’s governor Andrew Cuomo has officially tabled a decision over the politically explosive issue of fracking until sometime after elections, his state’s energy dilemma continues to simmer.For worse or better, the Empire State will continue to feel impacts of the fracking boom for the next decade or more. The question is how big those impacts will be. The answer, to a large degree, rests with the governor, who can direct policy encouraging or discouraging both production and consumption of natural gas, and/or alternatives.Even with no decision to allow shale gas wells to be permitted within the state, fracked natural gas and oil are flowing into or passing through New York at an accelerated rate as the on-shore drilling boom continues […]

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Senate Panel on New York Fracking Prospects

February 20, 2014
Senate Panel on New York Fracking Prospects

NY Fracking Benefits Are Overstated By Matthew Dondiego Assistant Editor February 10, 2014 Whether to permit or ban hydrofracking in New York has become one of the most polarizing issues in the state, with proponents insisting that horizontal gas drilling will provide an economic boost to the state’s Southern Tier Region. However, testifying before members of the Senate during a hearing on the economic realities of green lighting fracking, a panel of experts argued the economic impact that hydrofracking would have on the state is vastly overstated. The panel — which included Brian Brock; a retired geologist; Jerry Atcon, a former systems engineer; Chip Northrup, an private energy investor, and Louis Allstadt, former executive vice president of Mobil Oil — explained New York simply does not have enough gas reserves […]

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Guv Wannabe Rob Gastorino in Bingo !

February 19, 2014
Guv Wannabe Rob Gastorino in Bingo !

Be there for gubernatorial wannabe Rob “What Me Worry About Fracking” Gastorino on February 28th ! Remember, “gastorino” means “gas from a little bull” in Italian. Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino has been actively touting the oil and gas industry’s lies and propaganda about fracking all across New York State and in the media.On Friday, February 28, Rob Astorino is holding a fundraiser in Binghamton and it’s an important opportunity for us to rally outside of it to break through his misinformation and lies about fracking with the science and facts. Astorino would like to sacrifice those of us in the Southern Tier to fracking, blatantly disregarding the science showing that fracking would poison our water and harm the health of our families.As he gets more and more attention, we can’t let Astorino go unchallenged with […]

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Moniz Urges Cuomo to Approve Fracking and Buy Pizzas

February 19, 2014
Moniz Urges Cuomo to Approve Fracking and Buy Pizzas

A whole lot of fracking pizzas. Just in case. Moniz’s claim to fame as a Frackademic was the MIT study that found that new shale gas wells – a week old – do not leak methane. Old wells do. DOH. For that he became Energy Secretary in the Obama cabinet – the Uber Frak Flak. So now he’s peddling pizzas in New York. A coalition of New York’s environmental groups sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz on Tuesday, after an interview with Capital in which he praised the job-creating potential of hydraulic fracturing. “Think of all the free pizzas,” he chortled in a kind of gnomish professorial way. Moniz cited Pennsylvania’s experience with fracking as “fracking amazing,” saying drilling had “enormous fracking economic benefits for the state” that could possibly […]

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New York’s Energy Plan: Much Gas, Few Teeth, No Vision

February 19, 2014
New York's Energy Plan: Much Gas, Few Teeth, No Vision

New York has scheduled hearings on its proposed energy plan which contains a whole lot of gas, and not much else. The hearing locations and times are shown here. There are more responsible ways for New York to address its energy future – other than parrot some gaseous propaganda. New York could meet much of its electrical generation needs from hydropower and wind – but the politicians lack the will and foresight to tap that resource; easier to take the fat envelopes from the gas lobby.  A better route to the future is available:,   Meanwhile most of New York is teed up to get fracking dumped on. How energetic is that ? What:  “NY’s ENERGY PLAN: Scaling up Renewable Energy or Business as Usual?” When:  Wednesday, March 5, 6:30 – 8:30 pm […]

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The Case For Baseline Water Testing

February 19, 2014
The Case For Baseline Water Testing

Has just been made. Shale gas wells are a textbook way to contaminate water wells with increased turbidity – from drilling the well bore – and with gas – from the well bore venting methane from shallow gas deposits. In NE Pennsylvania, the odds of one or the other happening is simply a function of how close your water well is the shale gas well. The only thing you can do about is to sue the frackers. And to win your case, you have to have a certified lab report of your water quality before drilling commences. Only catch – when your well goes bad, you’re likely to be compensated in pizzas . . . An arbitrator ordered Chesapeake Appalachia LLC to pay a Bradford County woman nearly $60,000 for […]

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FRACK WATER TREATMENT-Luzerne County Council Meeting

February 19, 2014
FRACK WATER TREATMENT-Luzerne County Council Meeting

For those unable to attend the Luzerne County Council meeting on Tuesday February 18, 2014.  About  15 people submitted public comment about the Frack Water treatment plant. CLICK HERE TO watch a video recording of the meeting Public Comments start at the 1:27:00 mark  

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Fracked Breathless in Texas

February 18, 2014
Fracked Breathless in Texas

New series focuses on fracking air pollution and catastrophic draw-down of aquifers in South Texas. Emphysema, birth defects, depleted aquifers – all so that some fracker can ship some fracking shale gas to China. How many fracking pizzas is that worth ? By Jim Morris, Lisa Song and David Hasemyer KARNES CITY, Texas — When Lynn Buehring leaves her doctor’s office in San Antonio she makes sure her inhaler is on the seat beside her, then steers her red GMC pickup truck southeast on U.S. 181, toward her home on the South Texas prairie. About 40 miles down the road, between Poth and Falls City, drilling rigs, crude oil storage tanks and flares trailing black smoke appear amid the mesquite, live oak and pecan trees. Depending on the speed and direction of the wind, […]

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The Chevron Promise: If our fracking well explodes, the pizza is on us !

February 17, 2014
The Chevron Promise: If our fracking well explodes, the pizza is on us !

In more ways than one. After starting a shale gas fire that killed one worker, injured another and was too fracking hot to put out, Chevron’s “community outreach” staff left pizza coupons at about 100 houses around the blast site – as they went through the town to inform people that the fatal well fire had been finally put out after 6 days  – but that it might re-ignite. Seems like a real neighborly gesture, until you realize that the frackers probably paid for the pizzas by docking people’s royalty checks for “community relations.” Chevron fracking explosion brings free pizza to rural Pennsylvanians. Because pizza means never having to say you’re sorry. . .  Chevron has plans to take this program international; in Poland, blast victims will be compensated in kielbasas. In Lithuania, locals will be mollified with borscht coupons. In Ecuador, tamales. Get […]

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New York’s Energy Future

February 17, 2014
New York's Energy Future

New York is to be commended for having an energy plan at all. But the one proposed was written largely by the gas lobby. The problem with that is: A. There isn’t much shale gas in New York Which means that B. New York would have to import shale gas, which like propane, is subject to price spikes and supply interruptions C.  Is a textbook way to cook the planet. And is no better than coal D. Which is more cost-effective than natural gas below $6 mcf – and will be for decades So might be better to start focusing on more sustainable forms of energy, like hydro, solar, wind, and fusion Draft New York State Energy Plan Hearings Over the next three weeks there will six public hearings across the state, and we […]

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Crude Awakening: “Urban Renewal” With Exploding Shale Oil Trains

February 17, 2014
Crude Awakening: "Urban Renewal" With Exploding Shale Oil Trains

Got a blighted section of a city you want to get rid off ? Bring in some Shale Oil Trains and wait for one of them to explode. This site and video explain why shale oil trains are more likely to explode than regular crude oil trains. Some crude tankers were not intended to carry the kind of volatile compounds that can make up shale oil. This phenomena of exploding tanks is known as BLEVE – “boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion” – as shown in the video below. If venting gases catch fire, the fire heats the VOCs inside the tank and the tank ruptures catastrophically. Shale oil tankers explode because they may contain a significant percentage of flammable volatile chemicals (VOCs). That’s why they won’t tell you what’s in them, or even where […]

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February 16, 2014

Originally posted at: THE WRENCH: WHEN THE GAS INDUSTRY USES THE STATE POLICE AND THE FBI JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE TO SILENCE A CITIZEN: INTELLIGENCE OFFICER AT MY DOOR, 2.14.14. I was brushing my teeth, and getting kidney meds into my cat, Switch, when I heard my three dogs going nuts downstairs. I jostled down the stairs, wiping toothpaste off my face to attend to the rapping, and the doggies. There was a man at the door. I thought it was a Jehovah Witness, so I was wondering whether to make coffee. I arrived at the door, signaled to the fellow–who I could now see was holding out a badge–that I needed to get my dogs outside. ‘Barky, not bitey,” I believe I said. The man’s name is MIKE HUTSON, […]

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Fracker Sues Dallas Over Fracking Nothing

February 16, 2014
Fracker Sues Dallas Over Fracking Nothing

To let it frack some park land based on a letter-of-intent signed by one city employee who had no authorization to enter into a lease with the fracker.  And is no longer a city employee. Catch is, the frackers never received any drilling permits, they never got any zoning approval, and, since that area is on the fringe of the Barnett, they would have hit a dry hole. So chalk this up as yet another frivolous fracking lawsuit – courtesy of some shale shysters. Fracker Sues City of Dallas Over Right to Drill Dry Holes 2.13.14 | 11:43 amFort Worth-based Trinity East Energy is suing the City of Dallas for breach of a letter agreement related to the City Council’s denial of natural gas drilling permits. The lawsuit references one letter […]

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Photos From Fracking Hell

February 16, 2014
Photos From Fracking Hell

Photos Follow Families Destroyed by Fracking PUBLISHED: 13:01 EST, 15 February 2014 | UPDATED: 16:04 EST, 15 February 2014 A group of photographers have spent the last several years documenting the effects of the natural gas industry on several rural communities in the Appalachian Mountains that have an abundance of natural gas deep below the surface of the earth. The team of photographers – Noah Addis, Nina Berman, Brian Cohen, Scott Goldsmith, Lynn Johnson and Martha Rial – focus primarily on hydraulic-fracturing, a controversial method of extracting gas from below the earth’s surface by breaking rocks deep underground and creating small fractures from which it is possible to extract the gas. The project is called The Marcellus Shale Documentary. It began in 2011 and is named for the Marcellus Formation – a large mass of sedimentary rock underneath the Appalachian Mountains that stretches […]

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February 16, 2014

We all need to take a moment and decide what is really important in our lives. Are we going to allow our children’s and grandchildren’s water supplies and environment to be damaged?  NO! Are we going to let others control OUR futures?  NO! Is it time we took on this task ourselves?  Yes, it is time to take action! Luzerne County is about to be hit AGAIN by the negative effects of the natural gas industry. An application for a permit for a Frack Water Treatment Plant has been submitted to the County for Meeker Outlet Road (the old Harveys Lake Gun Club property), in Lake Township. As a result, three or important and irreplaceable water sources will be at risk. Frack water is known to contain toxic, carcinogenic chemicals, […]

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The Halliburton Loophole … has a loophole.

February 15, 2014
The Halliburton Loophole ... has a loophole.

Many of us have believed the EPA was stripped of their authority to regulate fracking in 2005. Turns out: this is not true! I have discovered, The Halliburton Loophole, has a loophole! This is Good News! Bottom Line: The EPA does have the authority to prescribe requirements which “interferes with or impedes“ the underground injection of fluids pursuant to hydraulic fracturing…  === (now here’s the key phrase:) === … if such requirements are essential to assure that underground sources of drinking water will not be endangered by such injection. In other words: The EPA has the authority to BAN FRACKING Tomorrow! or Today. ding! ding! ding! Please read that again until the enormity of that sinks in. Now I do agree — If you read Section 322 “Hydraulic Fracturing” of […]

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Ohio Frack Regulators Front For Frackers

February 15, 2014
Ohio Frack Regulators Front For Frackers

Go figure. As part of their regulatory oversight of fracking, Ohio’s regulators drew up a game plan to attack fractavists.  On behalf of the frackers. That they were supposed to regulate. Welcome of the State of Oh Frakio – State made plan to promote fracking while regulating it . . .–Counter–eco-left–drilling-opposition.html?isap=1&nav=5072 By Darrel Rowland The Columbus Dispatch • Saturday February 15, 2014 7:55 AM The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the agency assigned to regulate oil-and-gas drilling in Ohio, developed a wide-ranging public-relations campaign in August 2012 to sell Ohioans on fracking in some state parks and forests. The 10-page memo recognized that the public-relations initiative “could blur public perception of ODNR’s regulatory role in oil and gas,” which would require “precise messaging and coordination” to counteract. Here’s a copy: ODNR Fracking […]

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Frackers Fracking Landowners

February 14, 2014
Frackers Fracking Landowners

Pennsylvania landowners that thought they were going to be the next Beverly Fracking Hillbillies held a rally demanding that frackers stop fracking them – by deducting indecipherable “post production” costs – for “marketing” “transportation” “road repair” and “political contributions”  from their royalty checks – which leaves them nothing. Like their neighbors – who just get fracked – no checks.  This is what frackers do to landowners, they even do it in Texas, where they get sued for it. And in Arkansas, where they joke about it. In New York, the Shale Shysters tell the landowners they will protect them, but some Shysters are in cahoots with the frackers. So they milk the landowners to pay for fracking publicity stunts instead. Governor, Senator ask state AG to investigate Chesapeake Energy Landowners Rally for Money from Frackers February 14, […]

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How To Turn Your Town Dump Into a Nuclear Frack Waste Repository

February 14, 2014
How To Turn Your Town Dump Into a Nuclear Frack Waste Repository

For the next 1,500 years or so. Learn how from the experts. Fracksylvania needs a place to dump on and Idafrackho is a long fracking drive. Your town or county may not actually have the esteemed privilege of being royally fracked by Chesapeake, but you can still do your fair share as Americans to get this fracking gas to China as profitably as possible: you can turn your town into a Nuclear Frack Dump – provide a lasting home for toxic radioactive goo that might otherwise go homeless – or, god forbid, end up forlorn in Idafrackingho. Learn how you too can become a Frack Waste Patriot, go to the debate in Elmira on the 26th. Frack Filth – Fracksylvania’s Gift to New York and Ohio. The gift that keeps on […]

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How Home Rule Applies to Frackers

February 14, 2014
How Home Rule Applies to Frackers

This summer New York’s high court will decide whether Home Rule applies to fracking gasholes.  Attorneys Deborah Goldberg and Joe Heath will discuss the issues surrounding fracking bans and moratoriums at a free public program sponsored by the League of Women Voters at the Southern Tier Independence Center, Binghamton, NY. on February 18th. Deborah Goldberg is the managing attorney in the New York City office of EarthJustice. She is the lead attorney defending the Town of Dryden in a case before the seven-member Court of Appeals. And she has been working on legal issues associated with shale gas drilling since 2008. Joe Heath is a Syracuse-based environmental attorney and general counsel for the Onondaga Nation. He has been active on shale gas issues since 2009 and worked with many towns […]

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Frackers Giving Away Frack Goo !

February 13, 2014
Frackers Giving Away Frack Goo !

To any town or county that wants to coat their roads with a 100 year supply of fracking flowback. Then the locals can figure out how to get the stuff off their cars, trucks, trees, grass, streams, their kids. For the next 1,500 years or so. Think of all the money your town or county will save on de-icing ! Act fast, only a few trillion gallons left. . . . Or your town and county can tell the frackers to take their fracking filth somewhere else, Like some New York towns and counties are already doing. Is your town or county coating your roads with a secret blend of radium 226, strontium 90, arsenic, barium, and diesel fuel ? If your town or county elected officials have not taken steps to protect you […]

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Constitution Pipeline Frackdown !

February 13, 2014
Constitution Pipeline Frackdown !

Hearings have been scheduled on the proposed unConstitutional and increasingly Irrelevant Williams Pipeline  at 7 pm on the dates / locations shown below. These hearings address the proposed draft environmental impacts of the proposed pipeline, here. Would encourage you to go, and would not fail to mention that the proponents of the pipeline – which will cause significant environmental damage and condemn miles of ROW – are unable to demonstrate that the gas field it serves – the Northeast Pennsylvania Marcellus – is in need of additional transmission capacity – now that it is in decline.  Moreover, the exploration and production sister company of one of the pipeline’s owners, WPX, is already cutting back operations in the field the pipeline taps.  If in fact production from the field was increasing, there might […]

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February 13, 2014

What’s it going to take to wake people up?  This is a question that many fractivists ask.   Typically the answer  has been when there is a huge incident. In the past I’ve agreed with that.   However, I no longer feel that something horrific has to happen.     We’ve seen the horrors.  We’ve read about people and communities who have suffered, are suffering from any number of horrific events.    Instead of taking action to prevent it from happening again, we see corporate interests and elected officials promoting the exact opposite. Why? Money.  Lots and lots of money. A 2011 article praises the how well Bradford County, PA is doing with the natural gas industry:   “Chesapeake’s footprint in Bradford County is substantial: it has permits to drill in a third of the […]

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Williams : Fracking Bozos of the Marcellus

February 12, 2014
Williams : Fracking Bozos of the Marcellus

Every oil and gas play has its pioneers – generally the wildcatters that discover the field – and its bozos, the me-too johnny-come-latelys that define where the field ends. The Marcellus has a large cast of bozos in New York – Norse Energy, Gastem, various fracking riffraff. Pennsylvania has its own share of bozos – Hess, Newfield, and Williams Exploration – who is single handedly defining that the NE Pa. Marcellus has plateaued if not peaked. These are the fracking gasholes that want to buy up ROW in New York state to build the Constitution Pipeline to supply a field that they can’t find any fracking gas in. If these gasholes show up at your place looking to buy right of way and threatening you with condemnation, tell them Come and fracking try […]

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And then the frackers explode . . .

February 11, 2014
And then the frackers explode . . .

Forgot to mention that as part of the “fracking health” study. Shale Gas Frack Fires are too hot for local firefighters to do anything about it.  As firefighters discovered at a recent shale gas well explosion in Pennsylvania that killed one worker and injured another while they were hooking it up to a gathering system. If the shale gas well is near a school, house, daycare center or tanker train full of Canadian Tar Balls, best run. Fast. Welcome to Fracking Hell pilgrim. The proposed setback of a well pad from a house in New York is 500 feet.  Look at the photo and tell me what part of 500′ is close enough for your house. In Dallas, it’s 1,500 feet. The proposed set back of everything else – a compressor, tank battery, de-gasser or a […]

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Frackquake Booms

February 10, 2014
Frackquake Booms

Turns out that Frackquakes are louder than the old fashioned kind.  The kind people never had before fracking. NPR (National Petroleum Radio) has the story: Frackquakes Make The Earth Slip And Go Boom by MOSE BUCHELE February 09, 201410:47 AM fromKUT Listen to the Story Weekend Edition Sunday Playlist Download Transcript i Infrastructure used for oil and gas may be making more earthquakes. In Texas, there 10 times the number of earthquakes now than a few years ago. Mark Rogers/AP There’s been a surge in earthquakes in the U.S. over the last few years. In Texas, there are 10 times the number of earthquakes now than just a few years ago. Scientists say it’s likely linked to the boom in oil and gas activity, meaning that people who never felt the […]

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New York Shale Gas Putting Green

February 10, 2014
New York Shale Gas Putting Green

Shown below is close up of a map of the likely economic extent of the Marcellus shale in New York, the so-called “fairway” or more appropriately the “putting green.”  We reviewed these break-even numbers, shown in $ mcf, but we (ie. me) neglected to include the transportation costs in the financial model. So we (ie. Jerry) is re-running the financial model to include transportation costs. We’ve had many people ask us if their town could get fracked. The short answer is that unless the land in the town has been leased by Chesapeake or Exxon, probably not.  If Chesapeake has leased the land, the area may get fracked by the biggest bunch of crooks since Enron. The long answer is that unless the breakeven price of gas in your area is […]

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Shahvian Dissembling

February 9, 2014
Shahvian Dissembling

Dr. Nirav Shah – NY Department of Health Commissioner – giving testimony on his department’s work on the oxymoronic “fracking health” study. Shah is adept at saying nothing in as many words as possible. He has great potential as a politician. He affirmed that the study was “internally transparent” which means they were lying to themselves first before they lie to us. The consultants hired to conduct the study were cashiered almost a year ago. Shah’s department has been sued to divulge the status of the study – the court approved a stipulated agreement between the parties that the DOH would produce more documents in exchange for the plaintiffs (Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association SLPWA) filing a new FOIL request.  See Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association ( ).  The president of SLPWA is […]

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Fracking Reparations Publicity Stunt

February 8, 2014
Fracking Reparations Publicity Stunt

The Disjointed Landowners are scraping together funds to pay some Shale Shyster to file a Fracking Reparations Publicity Stunt against the  State of New York.  One that is bankrolled by the Koch Brothers. A publicity stunt that, in the case of most landowners, is over something that is just not there : profitable shale gas under their land. On behalf of the few landowners that actually have any shale gas potential. And the gas industry. And the Shale Shysters. The plain fact is that unless Chesapeake or Exxon have leased the land and filed for a HVHF well permit application on it, there’s  probably no shale gas worth fooling with there. Threatening to sue the agency that issues drilling permits might be a bit counterproductive if you have a drilling permit application in the queue. They […]

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Export Gas And Freeze

February 8, 2014
Export Gas And Freeze

That’s the trade-off with natural gas. When the frackers export it, somebody in America is going to go without. Propane exports have more than doubled, so presto, there’s not enough propane available in America. Like gas, there is not enough propane stored at any time, so when there’s a cold snap, the price spikes and deliveries plummet. Then you freeze. In the ’80’s I was the co-owner of a company that converted vehicles to run on propane and CNG, called “Propane Propulsion, Inc. ” The catch is that the availability and price of propane and CNG is highly unpredictable – as many American’s have learned this winter. It’s simply an undependable source of energy. This propane shortage exposes natural gas for what it really is:  The Bridge Fuel to the Freezer. Depend on […]

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No Additional Gas, No Constitution Pipeline ?

February 7, 2014
No Additional Gas, No Constitution Pipeline ?

Pretty simple equation. Adding pipeline capacity is predicated on increasing or sustained production, not decreasing production.  If there is not sufficient surplus gas to justify a new pipeline, there is not much justification to build another pipeline. Likewise, if there is sufficient existing right of way (ROW) – alongside a railroad line, existing gas transmission line, highway or utility line, there is not much justification to acquire additional right of way for a new line. But let’s focus on the gas supply issue first – early indications are that the NE Pennsylvania gas fields may have already hit a plateau in production. See the chart below showing a net decrease in overall production (the red line) See the article here: Has the NE Pa. Marcellus peaked ?  If so, then there is […]

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Nuclear Frack Dump Planned for New York

February 7, 2014
Nuclear Frack Dump Planned for New York

New York is one of the few places where you can  1. ) Dump Frack Goo onto roads as de-icer, 2) Dump frack flowback into municipal water plants and 3) Dump radioactive drill cuttings into municipal land fills – without having to pay-off any local officials to look the other way – because the state regulators have already been paid off.  Such a deal. A frackers dream come true. New York has basically rolled out the red carpet to take frack waste that other states reject. Saves trucking the mess to Idafrackho. Next up on the Turn New York Into Fracksylvania’s Dumping Ground Agenda is the plan to turn the Chemung County Municipal Landfill into a nuclear frack waste dump, as reported here: By Derrick Ek Posted Jan. 30, 2014 […]

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February 7, 2014

The Olympics in Sochi, Russia have begun.   In the past the news stories have focused on the Olympians, and speculation around who will win the gold in a given event.   However, in the past few days the focus seems to be not on Gold Medals, but rather the yellow gold color of the water. One reporter wrote “…the water that poured through the faucet was dark yellow. It was the color of apple juice or a performance enhancing drug test specimen. The shower left what looked like fish food flakes coating the tub.” Water in the Gaslands of the United States have been described as milky white, looking like ice tea, coffee colored, or black as well has having some sort of sandy grit or other substances in it.  Additionally, […]

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Two Ways to Get Flaming Water

February 6, 2014
Two Ways to Get  Flaming Water

Drill a water well deep enough to hit a shallow gas bearing formation – such as the Strawn in the Ft Worth Basin – that has evidently happened on some water wells, supposedly like this one, appropriately labeled.Why anyone would dill a water well into a gas formation is a matter one should take up with one’s water well driller. Drill a shale gas well through a shallow gas bearing formation (like the Strawn in the Fort Worth Basin)  on its way to the target shale formation (like the Barnett in the Fort Worth Basin) – and when the  shale gas well bore leaks – it will ventilate gas up the bore hole into groundwater, which gets into water wells, which flame out. This is a matter one must take up […]

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Frack Water Is Permanently Removed From Water Cycle

February 6, 2014
Frack Water Is Permanently Removed From Water Cycle

Unlike most water uses – residences, farming, golf courses – water used for fracking is often permanently contaminated – and has to be removed from the water cycle – and injected down a disposal well. So fracking takes water completely out of the water cycle equation. Forever. Billions of gallons – often in areas where it is most needed  – for other uses. Fracking colliding with other water uses during drought BY JENNIFER HILLER : FEBRUARY 5, 2014 : Updated: February 5, 2014 11:26pm SAN ANTONIO — Hydraulic fracturing is competing for water in some of the driest regions of the U.S., including the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas, according to a research paper released Wednesday by the nonprofit Ceres group. The report said the Eagle Ford had the highest water use of any […]

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February 6, 2014

You may or may not have seen this “meme” floating around on the internet.   It’s easy to point to ONE person as the “villain”. Regardless of whether you believe or not that former Vice-President and Former Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney is at the root of fracking, it’s a distraction. While some people see Cheney as being all powerful, he’s just one person involved.   There are others needing to be watched more closely. You might have heard of them – The Koch Brothers. Koch Industries is the 2nd largest privately owned company in the United States with annual revenues of about $115 billion.   To ensure annual revenues continue to grow, the Koch Brothers have gone on a spending and funding spree over the past few years. Their interests range from climate […]

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Hamptons Don’t Want Frack Goo On Roads. Imagine That

February 5, 2014
Hamptons Don't Want Frack Goo On Roads. Imagine That

Residents Protest Frack Filth on Long Island Published: February 4, 2014 6:20 PM What makes them think they are so special that they want to keep frack goo off their snobby roads and haughty Lamborgenies ? What makes them snub frack trash in their water treatment plants when they all drink Perrier and San Peligroso ? If the frackers can’t dump this filth in the Hamptons, where the frack are they supposed to dump it ? Idafrackingho ? What do these  snooty Hamptonian snobs not understand about their role in getting this fracking shale gas to China ? Get with the program 1%ers ! Man up and take your fair share of the fracking filth coming out of Fracksylvania. After all, that’s what your state representatives have in mind for the rest of […]

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Cornell Fracking Debate Video !

February 5, 2014
Cornell Fracking Debate Video !

You be the judge – video from The Vera. The frackers spouted the usual gaseous platitudes – including the benefits of converting buses to run on CNG in Bangladesh ?  (am not making that up), while the Fractavist A Team talked about the negative impacts of what is proposed in New York – a fracking dumping ground for Fracksylvania.

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Senate Forum on the Economic Realities of Fracking in New York

February 5, 2014
Senate Forum on the Economic Realities of Fracking in New York

The Frack Myth Busters  presented our views of New York’s shale gas prospects to the Senators, including Sen Latimer, Krueger, Avella and Tkaczyk. There was an audience of about 50, including reporters, a few fracking lobbyists, DEC staff, and fractavists – Clare Donahue, Julia Walsh, John Armstrong, Clark Rhodes, etc.  Lou’s summary of our presentation’s conclusions are here: Excerpts from Sen. Avella’s Forum  The stars of the show were Yvonne Taylor, Beth Radow and Jannette Barth = who addressed the negative economic impacts of fracking on mortgages, other industries, road costs, health care and agriculture. Jannette suggested that a separate hearing be held to address the collateral damage of fracking – the infrastructure, frack slop on roads, etc. Best idea of the day.  See Fracking Job Estimates There was a third panel […]

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Gas Industry Demands DEC Finish Regs. That Were Kept Unfinished At Industry’s Behest

February 5, 2014
Gas Industry Demands DEC Finish Regs. That Were Kept Unfinished  At Industry's Behest

For forty (40) fracking years. The Koch Brothers’s Fracking Front Group, the (Rocky) “Mountain States Legal Foundation” is not just bankrolling the Fracking Reparations Publicity Stunt against the State of New York, they are writing the threatening demand letters  – from Lakewood, Colorado. Catch is they are about 40 years late to be complaining about the DEC’s failure to update it regulations. Since that’s how long the industry has been lobbying New York to keep those regulations from being updated and promulgated. If this strikes you as more than a bit ironic, you’d be right. The Koch Brothers are now demanding the DEC finish the SGEIS, when the gas industry has successfully worked with the Division of Mineral Resources to keep the updates unfinished since 1972. As Brian Brock has explained, with […]

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February 5, 2014

It’s about 4 am on an early snowy Wednesday morning.  Seems like a good time to think, and think again about a few issues. West Virginia Chemical Spill Originally, the amount of 4-methylcyclohexane methanol (MCHM) which leaked into the Elk River was reported around 2,500 – 5,000 gallons.  This was increased to around 7,000 gallons a day or later, and then increased again to around 10,000 gallons.    We have also learned a second chemical; PPH (a mix of polyglycol ethers) was also part of the leak. Not much is known about the health risks of these chemicals and officials keep telling the people in the area it’s ok to drink the water even as reports of licorice smelling and discolored water still flows from faucets. Freedom Industries leak forced a […]

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Frack Martyr The Vera Gets Interviewed

February 4, 2014
Frack Martyr The Vera Gets Interviewed

Cabot Energy and Tom Shepstone have made a Fracking Martyr out of The Vera.  Thanks gasholes. ‘Most of us eventually get gagged by the industry’: Restrained activist exposes fracking business Published time: February 03, 2014 12:15 With fracking becoming more popular in the US as an ‘alternative’ energy source, an increasing number of people are raising concerns about ecological and health risks. RT spoke to an activist who was ordered by a court to stay away from fracking sites. Director of anti-fracking group ‘Citizens for Clean Water’, Vera Scroggins, an outspoken critic of fracking, last week was legally barred last week from visiting a grand total of 312.5 square miles of land in Pennsylvania. A court order issued by a local judge forbids her from entering any properties owned or leased by one […]

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Frack Babies Threaten Fracking Reparations PR Stunt

February 4, 2014
Frack Babies Threaten Fracking Reparations PR Stunt

Again. And again. With a fracking zombie as a lead plaintiff, and backing from the Koch Brothers. Of course. Property Owners Threaten Fracking Reparations Publicity Stunt  By Gerald B. Silverman 2014-02-03T15:55:47Z – Comments Email Print Save Bloomberg BNA – A coalition of property owners announced Jan. 31 that it will sue New York state over its delay in issuing a long-awaited environmental impact statement on hydraulic fracturing unless the state provides a reasonable timeline by Feb. 13 for finalizing the process. The lawsuit would be the second of its kind to compel the Department of Environmental Conservation to issue a supplemental generic environmental impact statement (SGEIS) on fracking. In the first instance, the bankruptcy trustee of Norse Energy Corp. USA filed suit in December 2013 in state Supreme Court in Albany County. The Joint Landowners Coalition […]

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DOH’s Shah Cites Fracking Health Risks !

February 3, 2014
DOH's Shah Cites Fracking Health Risks !

Finally, Sort Of . . . 03 February 2014, New York’s chief health regulator gave more than three hours of testimony Monday at a legislative budget hearing, where he faced questions on fracking, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s medical marijuana plan, the state’s implementation of the Affordable Care Act and delays in paying early intervention providers. But when he met with reporters afterward, the focus was on a single topic: Shah’s fracking review. Shah, when pressed by reporters, steadfastly declined to release any of his work and declined to get into much detail about the review. But he did offer a few scientific studies that he has been analyzing, including a study detailed in the Los Angeles Times that found hormone-disrupting chemicals at fracking sites in Colorado.  See more on those studies here. When […]

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Fracking Radioactive

February 3, 2014
Fracking Radioactive

A great summary of the radioactive risks of fracking – the world’s second most hazardous form of radioactive energy. Environ Health Perspect; DOI:10.1289/ehp.122-A50 Radionuclides in Fracking Wastewater Valerie J. Brown, based in Oregon, has written for EHP since 1996. In 2009 she won a Society of Environmental Journalists’ Outstanding Explanatory Reporting award for her writing on epigenetics. About This Article open  PDF Version (2.9 MB) A lined impoundment receives waste at a fracking site in Dimock, Pennsylvania. © J. Henry Fair                                         Naturally occurring radionuclides are widely distributed in the earth’s crust, so it’s no surprise that mineral and hydrocarbon extraction processes, conventional and unconventional alike, often produce some radioactive waste.1 Radioactive drilling waste […]

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Binghamton University Frack Busters Video

February 3, 2014
Binghamton University Frack Busters  Video

New York Shale gas potential – at Binghamton University in Vestal, New York, from The Vera. Tomorrow, Senate Hearing about all the shale gas that is not in New York. Watch for more Frack Busters Shows coming to a town near you. Check out NYC Show Q&A here.

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Frack Busters Questions & Answers

February 3, 2014
Frack Busters Questions & Answers

Great questions from the audience at the New York City shale gas show.  Great video by Team Owen. Check it out. Then come to the Senate Forum on the (un)Economics of Shale Gas in New York, Tuesday, Feb 4th, Hearing Room A at noon. Smart questions by an attentive audience close out this series of presentations on New York State’s shale gas potential.  Watch the whole thing — it is riveting. But if you want to skip to a particular topic of interest, here are the links: Does Gov. Cuomo know this? If there is no profit to be made, why is the Industry pushing to frack New York? Would NYS wells be profitable at global natural gas prices? Are companies pursuing fracking to maintain share prices? […]

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Fracking Babies: Increased Rate of Birth Defects near Gas Wells

February 3, 2014
Fracking Babies: Increased Rate of Birth Defects near Gas Wells

New Study Shows Increased Rate of Birth Defects near Gas Wells by Sue Heavenrich Yesterday, the Joint Landowners Coalition of NYthreatened to sue the stateif DEC doesn’t hurry up and release the SGEIS to allow drilling – and fracking – in New York. This was in response to DEC chief Joseph Martens’ comment a couple days earlier that the state had no plans to issue permits for fracking. DEC is waiting for Dr. Shah to complete the health impact review. While the delay irks some landowners, many others appreciate the extra time, as new findings continue to come in regarding water, air and health impacts related to gas drilling. On the same day the landowners emailed and Fed-Exxed their demands to permit fracking, Colorado researchers released their findings that show that babies born near […]

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Peak Oil Meet Peak Shale

February 2, 2014
Peak Oil Meet Peak Shale

Remember “Peak Oil ” ?  Welcome to Peak Shale.  Already . . . Just like Art Berman predicted. Imagine that.  And the Fracking BS peaked longed before production did. Marcellus Shale Sees Large Production Declines Jan. 23, 2014 6:20 PM ET | The EIA monthly tight oil drilling productivity report forecasts a very large jump in Marcellus shale gas legacy production decline month-on-month of 49 MMcf/d for February. It is a huge increase in the trend, which in the previous three monthly EIA reports only came out to a 10MMcf/d increase in decline rates on average. This is a very important development given that currently, if we are to take shale gas production from all other fields combined, production is in slight decline mode. It is hard to tell exactly by what magnitude the […]

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February 1, 2014

Environment America Research & Policy Center joined residents living on the frontlines of fracking who recounted their stories of illness, water contamination, and damage to their livelihoods due to dirty drilling operations in a new book called Shalefield Stories. “Behind the alarming numbers the outline fracking’s environmental impacts, there are real people whose lives have been gravely impacted by these polluting practices,” said John Rumpler, Senior Attorney for Environment America Research & Policy Center. “These are their stories, and we would be wise to heed their words of warning on fracking.” Shalefield Stories was compiled by individual residents in Pennsylvania, who arranged for Environment America Research & Policy Center to release it across the country today.   These are the stories of those who are “living the drill” and how their […]

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Geological Studies Challenge New York Fracking Prospects

February 1, 2014
Geological Studies Challenge New York Fracking Prospects

Over 125 at Binghamton University, with 40+ turned away because the hall was too small. Many frackers showed up, despite their leader’s call for a boycott of the show. Next  – on to the Senate Hearing Room A at noon in Albany on  Tuesday. Geological Studies Challenge New York Fracking Prospects By Michelle Costanza February 1, 2014Updated Feb 1, 2014 at 12:06 AM EST Vestal, NY (WBNG Binghamton) A public presentation gathered more than 100 people Friday night to take a look at a different approach to the hydraulic fracturing discussion.The quest for productive natural gas drilling may not be as viable as originally believed, according to some fracking experts. WBNG E-News – Sign Up For Our Newsletter! “There just isn’t enough gas in New York to create a […]

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NYS DOH Has To Cough Up Files On Frack Health Study

January 31, 2014
NYS DOH Has To Cough Up Files On Frack Health Study

That may or may not actually be a study.  But the political simulacrum of one. We shall soon see. Congrats to The Rachel and The Yvonne and the Seneca Lake Crew for staying on this. Go watch Dr. Shah tap dance his way around this at the hearings in Albany on Monday morning. Then stick around for the Senate Forum on the unEconomics of Shale Gas on Tuesday, Hearing Room A at noon. Tom Wilber has the scope here:   Friday, January 31, 2014 Veil may be pulled from NY’s review of fracking in 2014 State has 45 days to begin releasing files on health review Developments on the status of New York and shale gas unfolded on two fronts this week.The first was widely reported: Joseph Martens, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s, environmental chief, […]

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Got Frack Slime On Your Road ? Your Car ?

January 31, 2014
Got Frack Slime On Your Road ?  Your Car ?

Some New York towns and counties are rolling out the red carpet to import frack flowback in from Fracksylvania. Here’s the latest interactive map of where that filth can be spread. As previously noted here, spreading frack waste on roads is illegal in most states, including Texas. But in New York, which has the best politicians that money can buy, the frackers sell it to the county and town road districts -as ‘de-icer’ and ‘dust suppressant’ so they can slop the greasy mess onto local roads for you to navigate. Over time, you’ll have a slimey build-up of radium 226, arsenic, barium, strontium 90, diesel fuel, drilling mud and who-knows-what in your ditches, in your streams, your groundwater,  on your car, your truck, your cat, your blood cells. Things like that. All […]

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Koch Frack Front Bankrolls NY Fracking Reparations PR Stunt !

January 31, 2014
Koch Frack Front Bankrolls NY Fracking Reparations PR Stunt !

A Koch Brothers frack front group, the “Mountain States Legal Foundation” founded by none other than James “Frack the Environment” Watt (see more on Mountains States, Koch and Watt below)  is bankrolling the JLCNY’s Fracking Reparations publicity stunt against the State of New York.  Imagine that. And the JLCNY claimed to not take money from the gas industry, (who their members would have to negotiate leases with), when they have now degenerated into being nothing more than a front for the gas lobby.  No wonder they don’t want their members to see the Frackbusters Show. It might just put the geological hurt on their Fracking Reparations Claims. (It’s kinda hard to claim you lost something you never had) Right before the filing date. What timing. The JLCNY’s Head Chickenhawk has morphed into a Koch Fracking Sock Puppet .       […]

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January 31, 2014

Are, after all, corporate people too. Like you and me. Tom Tomorrow explains it all.

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Fracking Chickenhawk Urges Followers to Duck Frackbusters !

January 30, 2014
Fracking Chickenhawk Urges Followers to  Duck Frackbusters !

Another boycott ? At least this time it’s from the frackers. Usually I just spoof the Disjointed Landowners, but this time, they spoof themselves by calling on their members to duck the Frackbusters’ Forum this Friday in their own home town ! What the frack are they so afraid of ? The fracking truth about their prospects of leasing any mineral rights any time this decade ?  Go check out what this Paid Fracking Chickenhawk does not want his dues paying supporters to see.  It might put the geological kibosh on their notion of getting Fracking Reparations from the State of New York.  Everything in bold is mine, the rest is direct from the Head Chickenhawk hisself – who is now bankrolled by a Frack Industry Front Group. Dear Friends, Coalition Leaders, Landowners, and […]

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January 30, 2014

Rule Number 1 – if some fracker tries to buy your land for a pipeline right of way (ROW) and threatens you with an eminent domain condemnation, tell them: “Come and take it.” Force them to have to condemn it. Have blogged about this before and the word has gotten out : You’re better off forcing a condemnation than selling or leasing an easement. Make the frackers have to take it away from you. Don’t sell out cheap, if at all. This is a 2012 University of Texas study that shows that, on average, a landowner gets 78% more from having their property condemned than what they get in a negotiated sale: pdf of the study – print out and give to your neighbors in harm’s way of the planned […]

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A Lame Fracking Website; Now Criminal Impersonation? Broome Co. Exec Debbie Preston is on a roll!

January 30, 2014
A Lame Fracking Website; Now Criminal Impersonation? Broome Co. Exec Debbie Preston is on a roll!

Debbie’s First Blunder of the week: Broome County Exec unveils a new “comprehensive” One Stop Shop for Gas Drilling Info in Broome County: Coupla problems: Comprehensive? Hah. It’s nearly content-free. They spent $6,000 of taxpayer money and a year developing it! But there’s no mention of any negative impacts. Probably just an oversight? Just a few links to industry sources, pro-fracking landowner groups, etc. As websites go, it’s pitiful. Oh and one other small detail: There’s no economic shale gas in the whole state: (as you’ll find out in Vestal on Friday: ) But the best part is this quote: Preston says, “This is not a push to promote safe natural gas drilling in New York state.” Which is either a Freudian slip or a bit of […]

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Fractavist Barred From Area 10X The Size of Manhattan

January 29, 2014
Fractavist Barred From Area 10X The Size of Manhattan

A local quack judge bars Vera Scroggins from just about her entire home county. To protect a “corporate person” Cabot Energy. Who had hired security guards to follow her around. Even though she had not caused a disturbance, and had signed in when visiting frack sites. Cabot then hired local frak flak Tom Shepstone  to act as its official spokesman.  He explained that “she had upset too many people to be tolerated.” Go Vera ! When it comes to fracking, stay intolerant. Anti-fracking activist barred from 312.5 square miles of Pennsylvania By Suzanne Goldenberg Vera Scroggins, an outspoken opponent of fracking, is legally barred from the new county hospital. Also off-limits, unless Scroggins wants to risk fines and arrest, are the Chinese restaurant where she takes her grandchildren, the supermarkets and drug […]

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Rename the Hudson River

January 29, 2014
Rename the Hudson River

Or at least a big part of it. For our champion Pete Seeger. Who was no friend of fracking. Here’s the plan: Hudson River Pete Seeger Naming Campaign No individual had has much to do with the cleaning up of the Hudson River as Pete Seeger. A stretch of the River should bear his and Toshi Seeger’s names. I think this makes a lot of sense. First of all, I think naming a river after a car was not a good idea. So why not someone that actually did the river some good ? And did the rest of us a great service for so many years – and so many years to come. Let’s do this for Pete.

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Roof Caves In On Proposed Gas Storage MegaBomb

January 29, 2014
Roof Caves In On Proposed Gas Storage MegaBomb

Literally. Before the frackers could pump it up and set it off.  Peter Mantius gets the scoop, natch. The proposed Seneca Lake Gas MegaBomb is now officially another Bayou Corne Sinkhole waiting to happen. Way to go Inergy. Congrats FERC ! When the roof caves in, half the lake can then do a Bayou Corne and go down the drain. It might then become as big a tourist attraction as The Great Wink Sinkhole, aka the “Atlantis of West Texas” :   DCBureau reports that Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is ignoring an aircraft carrier-sized roof collapse in a cavern set to hold pressurized natural gas. The storage company formally denied it ever knew about the roof failure, and FERC never checked. By Peter Mantius, on January 29th, 2014 Natural Resources News Service | Leave a […]

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No Shale Gas In NY = No Shale Gas Permits In NY

January 29, 2014
No Shale Gas In NY = No Shale Gas Permits In NY

Not this fracking year, not next fracking year, and for most of New York, not fracking never.  Because there’s not enough shale gas in New York to fill an LNG tanker. Come to Vestal on Friday and the Shale Mythbusters will explain why there is no fracking rush to frack New York. ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — State Environmental Commissioner Joe Martens says his agency has “absolutely no plans” to issue permits for shale gas drilling and fracking in the 2014-15 fiscal year. Click here: NY commissioner: No plans for fracking permits | Several lawmakers asked Martens at a legislative budget hearing Wednesday if Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s $137.2 billion budget allocates any money for regulating high-volume hydraulic fracturing, which has been on hold since an environmental review was launched in 2008. Martens replied, “None whatsoever.”Asked by reporters […]

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Fracking Bust in New York

January 29, 2014
Fracking Bust in New York

Before any boom. New York became the World Capital of Fracking Hot Air. Before any shale gas wells were drilled.  Allison Rose Levy nails it . Check out the Mythbusters in Vestal on Friday. Or the Senate Forum on the 4th. AlterNet / By Alison Rose Levy  COMMENT NOW! Why the Shale Gas Rush Will Be an Economic Bust for New Yorkers A team of professionals has analyzed whether or not fracking would be good for New York’s economic health. COMMENT NOW!COMMENT NOW! Email Print January 23, 2014  If nothing else, the recent chemical spill in West Virginia reveals the extent to which elected officials go along with powerful industries at serious cost to public health and the environment. As can be seen in the abject 40-year failure to regulate toxic chemicals like the one contaminating […]

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Exploding Canadian Tarballs

January 28, 2014
Exploding Canadian Tarballs

Canadian tar balls coming to a rail line near you ? Tar Sands Seen Flowing to Northeast States New report says that by 2020, as much as 18 percent of the motor fuels in the region might come from Canada’s dirtier crude, up from nearly zero today. By John H. Cushman Jr., InsideClimate News Jan 28, 2014 In contrast to regions such as the upper Midwest, the U.S. Northeast’s fuel supply has been nearly free of tar sands crude. That may change in coming years if pipeline expansions sought by Canada’s industry proceed, an environmental group is warning. An increase in the consumption of gasoline made from tar sands, with its bigger carbon footprint, “would move the region backwards in its efforts to fight climate change,” said a report by […]

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Shale Wells Produce More Contaminated Water. Period. Surprise.

January 28, 2014
Shale Wells Produce More Contaminated Water. Period. Surprise.

About 10 to 100 times more waste water per well than vertical wells, depending on where the wells are. A vertical gas well in Pennsylvania produces a lot more water than gas wells in major gas fields in Algeria, Qatar, or the Hugoton in Texas and Oklahoma. So that’s not news. But when a new study came out stating that Pennsylvania vertical gas wells produce more waste water per unit of gas produced than a Marcellus shale gas well, the frackers thought that was hot news. When the only thing that really matters is the total amount of polluted water produced. The reason why a vertical Pennsylvania gas well produces a lot of water per unit of gas is because they don’t produce very much gas – and they are […]

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Got Fracking Insurance ?

January 28, 2014
Got Fracking Insurance ?

Want frackers to pay up for poisoning your water ? Tell them to sue their insurance carrier to cover it. That’s what an Ohio fracker is doing after their liability insurance carrier balked at paying a claim made by a homeowner that got fracked. Beth Radow is going to address the impacts of fracking on homeowners’ mortgages and insurance coverage at the Senate forum on the economic impacts of fracking at Albany on Feb 4th. An overview of fracking insurance issues is here. Nutshell: frack damages may not be covered by the fracker’s liability insurance. If you get fracked, you need to get a lawyer, pronto. Case Before Ohio Court May Impact Future Coverage for Fracking Liability By Stephanie K. Jones | January 27, 2014The oil drilling technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, […]

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Cornell Super Frackdown 2 !

January 27, 2014
Cornell Super Frackdown 2 !

The Fractavist A Team vs Some Token Frackers – at Cornell on the 4th. Ingraffea, Steingraber and Hang vs  Cabot Energy SpokesFlak Tom Shepstone, a local shale shyster, and a token apologist geologist. Bring your own popcorn. Air horns will positively not be allowed inside the auditorium. Remember – it is impolite  jeer when the frack shills are speaking – wait until they complete their sentences so that everyone can hear what the frack you are jeering about.

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Frackquakes – The Scourge That Binds

January 27, 2014
Frackquakes - The Scourge That Binds

Wherever you have fracking, you get frackquakes. Maybe not in the same place, but wherever the frackers have to get rid of billions of gallons of toxic, radioactive slime by pumping it down a disposal well. And hope it stays put.  Texas Sharon has the story. ENERGY, FRACKING, FRACKING WASTEWATER, TEXAS Frackquakes: Public Opposition Builds Earth Island Journal | January 27, 2014 By Sharon Wilson and Alan Septoff The earthquakes you may have heard about—the 30 tremblers that have struck north central Texas since Nov. 1 and have damaged many homes. The quakes are most likely being caused by underground disposal wells used to get rid of wastewater generated during fracking operations. “Frackquakes,” some are calling them. A massive oil field in Texas. The state has always been the heart of the U.S. oil industry, embracing oil and gas development […]

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The Sandra vs Fracking Pinata

January 25, 2014
The Sandra vs Fracking Pinata

Fracker John Holko vs Fractavist The Sandra. Should be fun. For some. No blindfold required. Defend It, Inc. and the Binghamton University Political Science Department cordially invite you to a You Defend It Debate. The issue: Hydraulic Fracturing in New York Monday, February 24 7:00 PM at Chamber Hall, Binghamton University Debaters: Dr. Sandra Steingraber Ecologist; Author; Founder of New Yorkers Against Fracking vs John Holko President, Lenape Resources; Officer at Independent Oil and Gas Association of New York (IOGA) Where to begin ? IOGA’s John Holko has gone out of his way to give frackers a bad name in New York: 1. Sued a town over a fracking publicity stunt after voluntarily shutting off his gas wells to the town 2. Sued the DEC as a fracking publicity stunt […]

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New York City Shale Show Videos !

January 24, 2014
New York City Shale Show Videos !

“New York State Shale Gas Potential” at Ethical Culture videos  by Owen Crowley are now online here.  Thanks again to our great sponsors. Mythbusters in Binghamton on the 31st. Will the frackers come out of hiding for that ? No.  See you in Albany on the 4th. WARNING TO FRACK DREAM BELIEVERS : THESE VIDEOS WILL BURST YOUR FRACKING NY SHALE GAS BUBBLE.  Professor Ingraffea’s introduction Chip Northrup’s Overview Brian Brock’s assessment of the geological variables of New York’s shale gas potential Jerry Acton shows how production data from Pennsylvania can be used to extrapolate New York’s shale gas potential Lou Allstadt gives an industry perspective of New York’s shale gas potential

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Broome County Frackbusters Show !

January 23, 2014
Broome County Frackbusters Show !

Come find out the facts of the matter in Vestal on January 31st. Bring a skeptic and a Frack Dream Believer. Broome County is not just one of the parts of Upstate that has any shale gas potential, but it may be the only part of New York with any shale gas potential. Catch is that not all of Broome County is created equal, shale-wise. And the potential is effectively gone before you get to the county line. Chenango County ? Ask Norse. Chemung ? Sullivan ? Schoharie ? No fracking way.  Delaware County ? Not unless you can hit the river with a rock. Tioga County ? Maybe with a Napalm Clusterfrack. . . Videos from NYC Shale Mythbusters show here – where we explain why there’s more hot air in New York than shale gas.  […]

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State Senate Forum on Fracking Economics Feb 4th

January 23, 2014
State Senate Forum on Fracking Economics Feb 4th

New York Senate forum to address the likely economic impacts of fracking in New York. The DEC has based its economic impact analysis on reserve estimates that were a bit overstated. They took those reserve estimates and used them to project what that would mean in terms of jobs and taxes in New York. And those projections became part of the dSGEIS and the fracking folklore about what fracking would do for Upstate. New York became the World Capital of Shale Hype. No one in the industry actually believed it, they just paid their PR crews to broadcast it.     Senator Avella is hosting a forum in Albany to delve into how the DEC overstated reserves by 100X, who was responsible for overstating reserves, and who took those estimates and […]

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Chesapeake Bails from New York

January 23, 2014
Chesapeake Bails from New York

Before they even got a chance to frack it. Chesapeake is obeying a court order (surprise)  and releasing the New York leases that they had been trying to hold by the arcane legal ploy known as “Farce Majeure” which is latin for a “major farce“. If you have a zombie Chesapeake lease encumbering your property, you now have to go to the court house to get it removed – or it will cloud your title. Contact Joe Heath at Fleased and he will explain how to clear it. Chesapeake Releases New York Leases Chesapeake will be releasing expired leases. Pursuant to the agreement between Chesapeake and the Attorney General, Chesapeake abandoned its claim of force majeure as of December 31, 2013. We will continue to keep Fleased members up to date regarding […]

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PENNSYLVANIA ACT 13: the Gift to the Fossil Fuel Industry

January 23, 2014
PENNSYLVANIA ACT 13:  the Gift to the Fossil Fuel Industry

ACT 13 was signed into law by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett on February 14, 2012. An Act amending Title 58 (Oil and Gas) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for an unconventional gas well fee and for transfers from the Oil and Gas Lease Fund; providing for distribution of fees and transfers; establishing the Natural Gas Energy Development Program; consolidating the Oil and Gas Act with modifications and additions relating to definitions, well permits, permit objections, comments by municipalities and storage operators, well location restrictions, well site restoration, protection of water supplies, notification to public drinking water systems, containment for unconventional wells, transportation records regarding wastewater fluids, corrosion control requirements, gathering lines, well control emergency response, hydraulic fracturing chemical discharge requirements, bonding, air containment emissions, public nuisances, enforcement orders, well […]

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Fracking Washington

January 22, 2014
Fracking Washington

After Cheney worked so hard to get the frackers exempted from the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.  Now the little frackers are going to spoil their exemptions by polluting DC’s drinking water, which would provoke Obama to protect his own kids and re-instate federal regulations on fracking. File this under the heading : Really Fracking Dumb: Public Meeting Monday, January 27, 2014, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the auditorium at Arlington Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St., three blocks from the Ballston Metro station Major D.C. area water providers, local governments and conservation organizations have warned that an impending U.S. Forest Service decision on whether to allow fracking and horizontal drilling for natural gas in the George Washington National Forest could threaten a range of resources – including the headwaters of […]

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Fracking Art

January 22, 2014
Fracking Art

  OP-ED Fracking Away Our Air, Water and Land By Ruth Hardinger New York, NY, USA and Barbara Arrindell Beach Lake, PA, USA January 21, 2014 Artists Barbara Arrindell and Ruth Hardinger of Damascus Citizens for Sustainability argue that natural gas is not a “bridge fuel” to less hazardous energy sources, but a grave danger to communal resources and the global climate, in this op-ed presented in partnership with Marfa Dialogues/NY. Email Print Christy Rupp, Exploit/Exhale, 2010. Included in the Cooper Union exhibition “Emissions: Images from the Mixing Layer” as part of Marfa Dialogues/NY. The gas and oil industry would like to craft a wholesome image of natural gas as a clean resource and a “nonfossil” fuel. Neither of these characterizations is accurate. Yes, gas does burn with a nice blue flame at the end user’s stove. […]

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Think Fracking Will Crater Your Property Value ? Try Frackquakes

January 20, 2014
Think Fracking Will Crater Your Property Value ? Try Frackquakes

Where none existed for the last 3 or 4,000 years before.  Azle Residents Take Their Earthquake Concerns To Austin January 20, 2014 6:32 PM View Comments Related Tags: Azle, David Porter, earthquakes, Earthworks, Fracking, injection eells, Milton Rister, parker county,Texas Railroad Commission, TRC   AZLE (CBSDFW.COM) – Dozens of Azle residents are planning a trip to the state capitol to send a message to the Texas Railroad Commission. Organizers have named the bus trip “Shake the Ground in Austin,” and they expect at least 50 people to show up for the regularly scheduled Texas Railroad Commission meeting Tuesday morning. Some Azle residents believe there is a link between local fracking injection wells and a series of recent earthquakes.  In a one-month span, about 30 minor earthquakes hit the area. The Texas Railroad Commission regulates oil and gas operations.  Earlier this […]

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Years of Living Dangerously !

January 20, 2014
Years of Living Dangerously !

As we cook the planet with un-natural gas. Coming to Showtime this April. Check out the trailer . . .good stuff Years of Living Dangerously – TV Series Official Site – Showtime 

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Not Fracking Worth It

January 20, 2014
Not Fracking Worth It

For those that missed the NYC and Oneonta presentations on “Shale Gas Potential in New York”, a highlight was hearing Lou Allstadt, retired VP for Mobil Oil Corporation clearly call for a statewide ban on fracking.

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“Waive Baby Waive” Pa. DEP Proves Case For Home Rule.

January 20, 2014
"Waive Baby Waive" Pa. DEP Proves Case For Home Rule.

The Pennsylvania DEP never bothered to enforce the regulations they said were supposed to replace local zoning ordinances. Regulations are only as good as enforcement. And in Fracksylvania, enforcement is non-existent, because that’s what the frackers paid for. No wonder the Pennsylvania Supremes struck down the law = it was simply a “frack anywhere” ploy. Imagine that. DEP always granted Marcellus drillers’ requests to avoid Act 13′s stream buffers JANUARY 16, 2014 | 9:36 PM BY MARIE CUSICK The state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) says it has never denied a request by a Marcellus shale driller to circumvent the stream setback requirements in Act 13. Parts of the 2012 oil and gas law were struck down by the state Supreme Court last month, including the stream and wetland setback requirements. The court […]

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Manhattan Shale Show Pics and Reviews

January 20, 2014
Manhattan Shale Show Pics and Reviews

Great show. About 350 in attendance. Good questions. Erik posted photos to flicker. Videos coming soon. Clare Donohue (Troy’s kid sister, Phil’s niece, Mark’s cousin)  made it happen. Vestal on the 31st. Albany on the 4th. New York Shale Gas Potential: How Does it Compare to Pennsylvania – a set on Flickr Also some reviews, and consider all the ones that said “impressive!” consolidated. “Loved the multiple perspective/integrated approach from the speakers.  Filled in a lot of blanks; confirmed and clarified so much.  And hearing from former industry guys was powerful.” “Brian Brock’s and Jerry Acton’s presentations add so much to the pool of information. This was a great way to get us energized for the fight ahead this year.” Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer wrote: “Congrats on the excellent turnout, and the […]

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January 20, 2014

“…a rush to action without being clear of the consequences….” ETHICS OF FRACKING explores the issue of fossil fuel drilling though different professional and religious backgrounds. It also takes a look at the deceiving advertising the gas industry heavily relies on.  In addition to the environmental damages, there is the social impact which is changing communities in drastic ways. Ethics of Fracking questions the “cost benefit”.  It asks who is benefiting and at what price.  These are questions which haven’t been asked of our local, state and federal legislators.    These are questions which must be asked and answered. Scott Cannon produced this film, and has been well known for his Marcellus Shale Reality Tour series.  Cannon is a member of the Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition of Luzerne County, PA. It […]

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Fracking Reforms

January 18, 2014
Fracking Reforms

Are way over due in New York. Starting with the state’s Ya’ll Come Open Door Policy to frack waste trucked in from Pennsylvania. Here’s a start, prohibit water treatment plants from pretending they can clean up fracking flowback. A bill has been introduced to do just that.  As worded, it singles out wastes from high volume fracks – shale gas wells – but any resourceful fracker could find a way around that and say that it’s from a vertical well. That and a $100 bill would get the load right into a municipal water plant. Then into a trout stream near you. NYS Bill Update: Number: NY [R] AB 8463 – Updated (New 01/17/2014) Sponsor: Rosenthal Title: AN ACT relating to wastewater treatment; and providing for the repeal of such provisions […]

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Mayflower, Arkansas to be Renamed “Tarville”

January 18, 2014
Mayflower, Arkansas to be Renamed "Tarville"

Permanent supply of DILBIT in every basement. No smoking outside or inside. Children born there to be known as “Tar Babies’  Houses to be sold as Tar Boxes. How’d you like a Tar Pipeline to China in your ‘hood ?  After all, it’s your patriotic duty as Americans to get this Canadian goo to China as cheaply as possible.   MAYFLOWER, AR — Before the 3,500 gallons spilled from a ruptured oil pipeline here, the Northwoods subdivision was considered one of the nicest neighborhoods in Mayflower.Nearly 10 months later, home after home sits empty, leaving just a few residents left in some areas to hang on.”People think it’s like know nobody lives here, but we’re still here on the corner,” said Michele Ward, one of the few left on N […]

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January 18, 2014

The leaking chemical tanks owned by Freedom Industries in Charleston, WV left 300,000 people, schools, public facilities and businesses without water for well over a week.   The chemical, 4-methylcyclohexane methanol (MCHM) is used to clean coal by the coal industry.   An estimated 7,500 gallons leaked flowed into the Elk River from a hole in a storage tank and holes in containment barriers. Some residents of the 9-county DON’T USE THE WATER ban have been given to go ahead that the water is now safe.   It is being reported that even after authorities have deemed the water safe, hospitals are seeing dozens of people seeking medical aid for nausea and vomiting in the “safe to drink” zones. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging pregnant women who live in […]

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Tobacco Lobby Weighs In Against Home Rule

January 16, 2014
Tobacco Lobby Weighs In Against Home Rule

The“Washington Legal Foundation”is a Rent-a-Shill for the tobacco industry,  fracking, you name it . . .  Have now decided that they are opposed to Home Rule in New York. Foundation asks New York court to invalidate fracking bans By BOB DOWNING Published: January 15, 2014 A press release received today from the Washington Legal Foundation: WLF ASKS N.Y. HIGH COURT TO INVALIDATE MUNICIPAL ZONING BANS ON FRACKING Norse Energy Corp. USA v. Town of Dryden New York Court of Appeals ALBANY, NY—The Washington Legal Foundation (WLF) today asked the New York Court of Appeals to overturn a decision that threatens to allow N.Y. municipalities to ban oil and gas exploration locally, even though the state legislature has expressly preempted all oil and gas regulation. In a brief filed in Norse Energy Corp., USA v. Town of […]

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Frack Zombie Publicity Stunt Lingers On

January 16, 2014
Frack Zombie Publicity Stunt Lingers On

Note that the putative plaintiffs in this fracking publicity stunt are a non-existent Norwegian penny stock scam now joined by an investor in that bankrupt Norwegian penny stock scam. Represented by Chesapeake’s lobbyist in Albany . . . . reprising his role as Shale Shyster. 15 January 2014, 4:03 pm State gets hearing on fracking lawsuit pushed back to March  By Jon Campbell A hearing on a lawsuit that seeks to force a decision on shale-gas drilling in New York has been pushed back to March after the state Attorney General’s Office successfully asked for a delay. State Supreme Court Justice George Ceresia late last week ruled in favor of the state’s request, delaying an in-court hearing on the suit until March 7. It had been scheduled for Jan. 24. Last month, Albany-based oil-and-gas […]

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Cuomo Protest at Harvard Club

January 16, 2014
Cuomo Protest at Harvard Club

Was a screaming success – over 100 protestors made it clear: Don’t Frack New York.  Short clip here – IMG_2256 More to come from Alex Beauchamp and Eric Weltman at Food & Water Watch Hope to see you tonight at Ethical Culture at 64 th & /Central Park West and at Foothills Center in Oneonta tomorrow night.

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January 16, 2014

Leave it to US House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) to school us on regulations with regards to the chemical spill in that left over 300,000 people without water for several days.  For this he received the BONEHEAD AWARD of the week. According to a Huffington Post article Boehner wants to know why the plant hasn’t been inspected since 1991. Boehner stated at a press conference: “The issue is this: We have enough regulations on the books.  And what the administration ought to be doing is actually doing their jobs. Why wasn’t this plant inspected since 1991?” “I am entirely confident that there are ample regulations already on the books to protect the health and safety of the American people,” he added. “Somebody ought to be held accountable here. What we […]

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January 16, 2014

In more ways than one . . . Researchers Find Explosive Leaks in District’s Gas Lines (Robert B. Jackson) – Methane at 10 percent (100,000 ppm) gas concentration measured in a telecommunications manhole in Washington, D.C. Researchers found nearly 5,893 natural gas leaks from the city’s aging pipe system. CAPTION Share to Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Add to PersonalPost Share via Email Print Article More By Lenny Bernstein, Updated: Thursday, January 16, 6:00 AM E-mail the writer Researchers who conducted a street-by-street survey of the District found nearly 6,000 natural gas leaks from the city’s aging pipe system, including 12 in manholes where methane had collected to potentially explosive levels, according to a study published Thursday. The team, after warning Washington Gas about those 12 locations, retested them four months later and discovered […]

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Fracking the Law

January 15, 2014
Fracking the Law

Juris Imprudence invalidates the last month of a moratorium That the judge did not think was a moratorium. And that was approved by 75% of the town council. . . . Sidney Lawsuit Update Protective Law enacted by the Town of Sidney This case involved a protective law enacted by the Town of Sidney in February of 2013. That law prohibited, within Town boundaries, natural gas extraction activities, underground storage of natural gas, and disposal of natural gas extraction and production waste streams. The Law was styled as a moratorium and in any event expires by its explicit terms in February, 2014. The Lawsuit Challenging the Town’s Law Very briefly, this suit asserted various challenges to enactment of the subject law, including that (as a moratorium) the Town had not complied with the […]

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Incoming Binghamton Mayor Rich David Takes Credit for Sunsets

January 15, 2014
Incoming Binghamton Mayor Rich David Takes Credit for Sunsets

Many local media are reporting that incoming Binghamton Mayor Rich David cancelled the appeal of the court decision which overturned the Binghamton moratorium on a technicality. e.g., BINGHAMTON — Within 10 days of taking over City Hall, Mayor Rich David dropped the appeal of a court decision striking down the moratorium on oil and gas drilling in Binghamton.  — “Binghamton withdraws fracking-ban appeal“, Binghamton Press and Sun Bulletin. 1/15/14 Only thing is, the Binghamton moratorium expired on December 31, 2013. So basically, Rich David is trying to impress his pro-drilling friends at the Greater Binghamton Chamber, who put him in office, by claiming credit for cancelling an appeal which is moot. He might as well take credit for the sun setting. (No Rich, it was going to do that […]

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Is New York Shale Worthless ?

January 15, 2014
Is New York Shale Worthless ?

Is New York’s shale worthless? Pennsylvania’s gas wells produce best where the shale is deepest and thickest. But New York’s shale is thin and shallow. Does this mean a future of wildcat drillers and low royalties combined with damage from frack waste, compressor stations, and pipelines (or as one analyst put it, “a hangover without the night on the town”)? Below the event description, we discuss these questions and some of the reactions this controversial theory has triggered. TODAY @10am: Radio Preview with Dr. Ingraffea Listen live online at 10am to host Alison Rose Levy of Connect the Dots in conversation with event moderator, Professor Anthony Ingraffea of Cornell University. Thursday night in NYC; Friday night in Oneonta New York Shale Gas Potential: How Does It Compare to Pennsylvania? A forum moderated by Professor Anthony Ingraffea, […]

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New York’s Energy Future

January 14, 2014
New York's Energy Future

Is not shale gas.  You heard that here last. It can’t be. There isn’t enough shale gas in New York to fill an LNG tanker.  Will explain why in New York City on Thursday and at Oneonta on Friday.  New York’s energy future is in renewables. And which renewable has the most untapped potential in New York ? Are you sitting down ? Hydro. The New York State Energy Planning Board has approved and released a long-term and long-delayed state energy plan that includes, among other matters, various initiatives designed to spur investment in and development of renewable and alternative energy.  Most notably, the plan establishes a $1 billion Green Bank that will utilize private sector investment in renewables, calls for a reduction in carbon emissions of 50% by 2030 and requires […]

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January 14, 2014

This is a summary of what we know so far. Reports of a Chemical Leak into Elk River from storage tanks owned and operated by Freedom Industries on Thursday Jan. 7, 2013.  A state of emergency was declared in 9 counties, and approximately 300,000 residents and businesses were told not to use the water except for flushing toilets. The leaking tank is one of 13 owned by Freedom Industries, Inc. at their Etowah River Terminal.  According to their website, there are 13 tanks capable of holding up a combined total of 4,000,000 gallons. Etowah River Terminal is a liquid bulk storage and distribution facility servicing the Port of Charleston, West Virginia. The terminal is located approximately 1 mile upriver from intake facilities for the West Virginia division of American Water […]

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Frackers Spent Over $64 Million in Albany

January 13, 2014
Frackers Spent Over $64 Million in Albany

Trying to buy the Governor and the legislature in a state that has hardly any fracking gas. Come to the Shale Gas Mythbusters Show this week at Ethical Culture 2 W. 64th on Thursday night or Foothill Center in Oneonta on Friday night and we will explain why the Frackers have lobbied in New York way out of proportion to the state’s shale gas potential. Wanna guess why ?  NEW YORK, NY (01/13/2014)(readMedia)– Today, Common Cause/NY released “Deep Drilling, Deep Pockets in New York State,” a new comprehensive analysis of lobbying and campaign contributions by pro-fracking interests as well as anti-fracking environmental and civic groups, covering the period from 2007 to July 2013. While New Yorkers await a decision from Governor Cuomo, the controversy and political spending around the issue continues to […]

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Cuomo in Manhattan !

January 13, 2014
Cuomo in Manhattan !

This Thursday morning at the Harvard Club 27 W. 44th Governor Cuomo is coming to Manhattan, and we need to be there in force to tell him to ban fracking now!  We just started the year with a huge rally outside Governor Cuomo’s State of the State address. Now, Governor Cuomo is heading to Manhattan, and we need you there to show him that we won’t accept a single fracked well in New York. Join us this Thursday morning 8 to 9 !

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Shale Gas Mythbusters @ Oneonta

January 12, 2014
Shale Gas Mythbusters @ Oneonta

This Friday night at Foothills Center – pre-show music by the Gravel Yard Band. Be there or be fracked. 

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January 12, 2014

Original posted at: THE WRENCH: CADAVER COSMETICS: WHEN THE NATURAL GAS INDUSTRY GETS TO BE CALLED A “GOOD SAMARITAN,” NOTHING MEANS ANYTHING, AND ANYTHING MEANS “WHATEVER THE FRACKERS WANT”– PENNSYLVANIA SENATE BILL 411 I have mostly stopped wondering what lengths the natural gas industry is willing to go to insure they meet their objectives: fracking as much gas as they can possibly get out of the ground, getting it into pipeline, shunting it to export depot, and then off to the global markets as fast as they can–and before we in the “sacrifice zones” really comprehend the full extent to which we have become an extraction colony gas factory for folks who already have made more money from fossil fuel “development” than “god”–yet not so much money that they don’t want […]

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Shale Gas Mythbusters Coming to Central Park !

January 11, 2014
Shale Gas Mythbusters Coming to Central Park !

Shale Gas Mythbusters are coming to Central Park West this Thursday, 2  64th Street at Central Park West, 6:30 PM. See you there ! (54) New York Shale Gas Potential: How Does it Compare to Pennsylvania? New York Shale Gas Potential: How Does it Compare to Pennsylvania? What can New Yorkers expect if high-volume hydrofracking is permitted here? Analysis of 2700 Pennsylvania gas wells shows that the highest yields are where shale is deepest and thickest. But the Marcellus shale gets thinner and shallower rapidly as it crosses the border into New York, leading to predictions of significantly less production, but with considerable potential damage from frack waste and drill cutting disposal, road damage, compressor stations, and pipelines. New York Society for Ethical Culture 2 West 64th Street, 6:30–9 pm, Doors open 6:00 pm  Come early and […]

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Duke Blows Whistle on EPA Cover UP

January 11, 2014
Duke Blows Whistle on EPA Cover UP

Previously unreported studies conducted by Duke University researchers indicate that EPA was premature to close their investigations of methane migration. We have commented on this before – clearly the deRanged Resources shale gas well bore ventilated the Strawn gas formation into groundwater, which was picked up by shallow residential water wells. Everyone in the industry knows this. And that is what has happened in Pennsylvania – shale gas well bores release shallow gas deposits into groundwater, which in turn, contaminates well water. Whether the gas is from the produced formation – the shale – is irrelevant: the water wells have been rendered useless by the drilling.  The vertical section of a shale gas well bore is as big a hole as you’ve ever seen. More than sufficient to ventilate every bit of […]

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January 11, 2014

Residents of nine West Virginia counties, between 100,000 homes and businesses (approximately 300,000 people) have been told by their governor “DON’T DRINK THE WATER”.     Schools, restaurants, hotels and other businesses were forced to close due to contaminated water supplies.   The West Virginia State Legislature canceled their sessions on Friday, Jan 10, 2013 as well. People are being told to only use their home water for flushing the toilet.    They should not be drinking, cooking, bathing, washing their face, brushing their teeth, watering plants or washing their clothes in it. This is a FLUSH ONLY order. Complaints received on Thursday evening (Jan 9, 2013) of a licorice smell in the air led Kanawha County Fire Department and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) to chemical storage tanks along the […]

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Shale Shyster Appoints Self To Supremes

January 10, 2014
Shale Shyster Appoints Self To Supremes

Here is the latest missive from Shale Shyster Tom West, who labels his briefs to the New York Supremes on Dryden and Middlefield as “The Final Word”  Then goes on to refer to something he calls the “Mind Land Reclamation Law”.  “Mind Land” was of course the name of Jefferson Airplane’s 4th album. Invoking it is, a best, an intriguing legal gambit, but at worst, sadly emblematic of West’s juris imprudence.  Or spelling aptitude. West neatly overlooks the the fact that eight (8) New York justices have looked at this issue and have all come to the conclusion that prohibiting an activity entirely is not regulating its functions. January 08, 2014 The Final Word Regarding Home Rule in New York! “Although the New York Court of Appeals will have the final […]

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No Eminent Domain for Cannucks in Texas

January 10, 2014
No Eminent Domain for Cannucks in Texas

The Texas Supremes have just ruled in favor of Texas landowners – and against the Canadian Keystone XL Tar Ball pipeline company. Eminent domain applies to common carriers in Texas, which means the line has to be open to local product.  Not lines that only carry Canadian tar balls. Welcome to Texas, eh Jacque ? Maybe they should hire the openly bi-national Ted Cruz as their lawyer. After all, he has dual citizenship – Texan and Canadian: which means he can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. Texas Supreme Court Favors Landowner Over TransCanada in Keystone XL Eminent Domain Case Tar Sands Blockade | January 9, 2014 9:33 am | Comments The Texas Supreme Court ruled in favor of landowner Julia Trigg Crawford, ordering TransCanada to submit information by Feb. […]

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January 10, 2014

Anthony Cugini, former Director of the National Energy Technology Laboratory, was found on Wednesday morning in a dry creek bed in a wildlife area of Upper St. Clair. His wife had reported him missing on Tuesday. According to Allegheny County Medical Examiner Karl E. Williams, “We found a guy out in the woods with no obvious signs of trauma. Of course, his death is suspicious.  I don’t think it’s a homicide. This guy was under investigation, so I said, ‘Let’s try to get some more information.’ We want to do toxicology and tissues tests. There was some minor trauma consistent with a fall but nothing that would cause his death,” Williams said. Upper St. Clair police officials who are conducting the investigation could not be reached for comment. Cugini was […]

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January 10, 2014

Radio Disney in Cleveland Ohio has canceled the remaining fossil fuel industry sponsored shows. Responding to Disney’s partnership with the Ohio Oil and Gas Association (OOGA), more than 80,000 people signed an online petition to demand Disney CEO Bob Iger stop the OOGA program. News organization Al Jazerra ran the Disney-OOGA partnership story on January 8, 2013. On January 9, 2013, Disney emailed a statement to Al Jazeera, saying the company has pulled out of the remaining installments of the Rocking Ohio tour. “The sole intent of the collaboration between Radio Disney and the nonprofit Rocking in Ohio educational initiative was to foster kids’ interest in science and technology. Having been inadvertently drawn into a debate that has no connection with this goal, Radio Disney has decided to withdraw from […]

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Zombie Fracking Coming to the Big Screen !

January 9, 2014
Zombie Fracking Coming to the Big Screen !

Frack Zombies coming to a movie screen near you ! Behold:  Zombie Killers: Elephant’s Graveyard is due this year and will star Billy Zane and Mischa Barton, star of television’s The O.C. The story line is that fracking causes a dead horde to come to life and attack a rural town – kind of like the real frackers do. Live ones. Not just Frack Zombies like Norse Energy. And the town’s people have to defend themselves. Kind of like fractavists do. In real life . . Zombie Killers: Elephant’s Graveyard (2014) – IMDb‎ Directed by Harrison Smith. With Mischa Barton, Billy Zane, Dee Wallace, Felissa Rose. A young militia is all that stands between a coming dead horde and their … ‎NewsDesk – ‎Trivia – ‎Quotes – ‎Plot Summary Zombie Killers‎ Synopsis · Cast · Filmmakers · Gallery · Videos […]

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Native Americans Protest At Albany Frackdown

January 9, 2014
Native Americans Protest At Albany Frackdown

Idle No More at Governor Cuomo’s State of the State address: Mohawk Nation Drummers from Akwesasne assert their rights. This year, authorities ruled that no drumming would be allowed in the concourse under the state capitol in Albany during the governor’s state of the state address. That memo never reached members of the Mohawk Nation who came to Albany to add a first nations perspective to the call for a ban on fracking. The problem for the police is that this rule took no account of the religious and culture centrality of the drum to native peoples, nor the implicit understand of this on the part of supporters who instantly rallied in support of the drummers. It was an inspiring. Chants of “let them go” changed to “let them drum”.  The […]

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Forget Fracking, Cuomo Goes Solar !

January 8, 2014
Forget Fracking, Cuomo Goes Solar !

Not a peep in Cuomo’s speech today about about fracking. Imagine that. Newly Released NY Energy Plan Mum on Fracking   Because there’s not much shale gas to frack in New York . . . come to the Shale Mythbusters show at Ethical Culture in NYC on the 16th or Foothills at Oneonta on the 17th and will explain why fracking shale gas is not such a high priority any more in New York Sate. Nutshell: There’s more wind power, hydro and sunshine in New York than shale gas. You heard it here last. The Governor gave a boost solar, so here’s to that ! Fracking absent in NY’s new long-term energy plan Opponents of hydraulic fracturing for natural gas, or fracking, rally outside the Empire State Plaza Convention Center before Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s […]

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Albany Frackdown Videos !

January 8, 2014
Albany Frackdown Videos !

Complete video of the Albany Frackdown here –   Idle No More at Governor Cuomo’s State of the State address: Mohawk Nation Drummers from Akwesasne assert their rights. This year, authorities ruled that no drumming would be allowed in the concourse under the state capitol in Albany during the governor’s state of the state address. That memo never reached members of the Mohawk Nation who came to Albany to add a first nations perspective to the call for a ban on fracking. The problem for the police is that this rule took no account of the religious and culture centrality of the drum to native peoples, nor the implicit understand of this on the part of supporters who instantly rallied in support of the drummers. It was an inspiring. Chants of […]

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Corbett Asks Supremes to “Reconsider” Home Rule

January 8, 2014
Corbett Asks Supremes to "Reconsider" Home Rule

Governor Corbett, the best governor that money can buy, has asked Pennsylvania’s high court to “reconsider” its recent ruling that upheld Home Rule. This after the state made the same arguments in front of the Supremes. File this under “lame fracking attempt at coercion by corrupt politicians”  or just “yet  another reason to dump Corbett” . . . Pennsylvania Asks State Supreme Court to Reconsider Decision on Home Rule Jan 6 (Reuters) – The state of Pennsylvania on Thursday asked the state Supreme Court to reconsider its December decision that struck down parts of an oil and gas law. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court voted 4-2 in mid-December saying key provisions in Act 13, a 2012 law that governs oil and gas drilling, is unconstitutional. In a state known for its shale […]

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January 7, 2014

The year 2013 has passed, and ahead of us is 2014.   I thought this may be a good time to revisit and update a few stories that are sure to crop up again in the new year. “Teh kitteh” photo is there to get all you facebooker’s attention.  More about the kitteh later. ACT 13 ONE-SIZE FRACK ZONING As you know, the zoning provision in Act 13 was struck down by the PA Supreme Court last month.  PA Governor Tom Corbett and the fossil fuel industry aren’t happy about it. Well, just when you thought it would be safe to celebrate the victory, it may be short-lived.  In a last ditch effort, and scrambling for any legal hand hold, Corbett  (and we assume with the backing of his fossil fuel […]

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Albany Frackdown !

January 6, 2014
Albany Frackdown !

Dear friends across New York, Still trying to decide whether to drop everything and join us Albany on Wednesday for an historic State of the State anti-fracking rally? The answer is yes. After years of creative, brave, anti-fracking resolve—and frankly, a whole lot of tedious work, personal sacrifice, and against-all-odds efforts—this is our defining moment. Now, before the eyes of the world—and with all of New York’s media cameras rolling—we need to demonstrate the breadth, depth, diversity, power, and ascendency of our movement. We need you! Here are ten more reasons to get off the fence and onto the bus: 1) A luxurious rally location.  The venue is a magnificent, warm, indoor, marble concourse with access to bathrooms and coffee.  Famous, well-dressed people will walk by on their way to hear the governor’s speech.  Every major elected […]

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Shale Oil Terror Trains

January 6, 2014
Shale Oil Terror Trains

Who needs a pipeline when the PetroTerrorists can simply wipe out whole towns one Tanker Terror Train at a time ? The frackers have found new ways to turn old fashioned crude oil tanker cars into 21st Century Tank Bombs. One train load at a time. How do they do it ? By pumping the tank cars full of volatile toxic chemicals, not just crude oil. Voila. Not your granddad’s oil tanker anymore. But a catastrophe waiting for a town to happen in. Roll a hundred of these bad boys onto a siding, let the temperature rise so that the volatiles expand and leak and then KABOOM. Adios Mayberry. Or Buffalo. Or Kansas City. Mover over Timothy McVeigh and Osama, there’s a new breed of terrorist coming to town. One tank […]

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AP Reports Tip of Fracking Iceberg

January 5, 2014
AP Reports Tip of Fracking Iceberg

The AP, The Fracker’s Public Relations Auxiliary now (finally) reports that the industry has been down-playing the amount of pollution caused by fracking. As if that were actually news, to anyone other than the Frackers Public Relations Auxiliary. Some old news from a surprising new source, the APs Uber Shill Kevin Begos – in some belated attempt to establish his credentials as a journalist – not a totally transparent Frak Flak. Associated Press Review of Fracking Complaints Casts Doubt on Industry View That it Rarely Happens. STORY HIGHLIGHTS AP requested data on drilling-related complaints in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and Texas Extracting fuel from shale formations requires salt, chemicals, heavy metals and radiation Most common type of pollution involves methane gas, not other chemicals SHARE 1561CONNECT 454TWEET 62COMMENTEMAILMORE PITTSBURGH (AP) — In at least four states that […]

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$500 Million Frack Lien Complicates Homeowner’s Refinancing

January 5, 2014
$500 Million Frack Lien Complicates Homeowner's Refinancing

No, not making this up. A homeowner faced some difficulty in refinancing their mortgage after a fracker filed a lien on the property. It comes as a surprise to most homeowners that when their mineral rights are sold or leased, the frackers pledge those mineral rights as collateral against their own bank borrowings. So each property is encumbered by that corporate line of credit lien. Surprised ? Who the frack did they think they were dealing with ?  Leasing or selling the mineral rights under a property that is encumbered by a home mortgage may put the borrower in default. They may not find that out (nor will the lender) until they go to sell or refinance the property. There are several reasons why – a residential loan may prohibit the borrower […]

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In Surprising Twist, New York To Get Stoned Not Fracked

January 5, 2014
In Surprising Twist, New York To Get Stoned Not Fracked

Governor Cuomo has decided that New York is better off stoned than fracked. From a strictly personal perspective, I’ll drink to that. The NYT has the scoop New York Set to Loosen Marijuana Laws By SUSANNE CRAIG and JESSE McKINLEY Published: January 4, 2014 516 Comments ALBANY — Joining a growing group of states that have loosened restrictions on marijuana, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York plans this week to announce an executive action that would allow limited use of the drug by those with serious illnesses, state officials say. Enlarge This Image Michael Nagle for The New York Times Andrew M. Cuomo Connect With NYTMetro Follow us on Twitterand like us on Facebookfor news and conversation. Enlarge This Image   Map: States That Allow Medical Marijuana The New York Times Readers’ Comments Share your thoughts. […]

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Fracked Babies. One Newborn At A Time.

January 5, 2014
Fracked Babies. One Newborn At A Time.

Fracking and babies don’t mix according to a new study. This work confirms work done two years ago by Elaine Hill at Cornell. Living in or near a shale gas field is a textbook way to produce low birth weight babies and babies with health issues. How this might come as a surprise to anyone has never been in a large producing gas field, much less lived in one. The good news is that if the well is a gusher and the parents owned the mineral rights, they can now afford to move and get expensive medical care for their newborn. And they can name the infant “Aubrey” Study Shows Fracking Is Bad for Babies By Mark Whitehouse – Jan 4, 2014 The energy industry has long insisted that hydraulic fracking — the practice […]

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January 5, 2014

We all know the fossil fuel industry talking points need close scrutiny to properly understand how they define their words.   We also know their supporters will happily promote those talking points regardless of whether or not these supporters understand the talking points and the definitions. It’s an insult to parrots to say these supporters are “parroting” the Fossil Fuel Industry (FFI) talking points.  Studies have shown parrots are intelligent and possess an understanding of words and what they mean.  No similar study exists to indicate the fossil fuel supporters understand what is coming out of their mouths.  Perhaps sockpuppet would be a better word to describe the supporters? Aside from the FFI’s  trade organizations, front groups and green washed associations, there are the political sockpuppets.   Use of a politician as […]

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January 3, 2014

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Environmental Quality Board recently announced that a public comment period is open for the long-awaited proposed revisions to oil and gas regulations that include performance standards for oil and gas activities. The regulation include a consideration of drilling impacts on public resources as well as standards related to managing drilling waste, restoring drilling sites and gathering pipeline construction, and requirements for finding and dealing with abandoned wells close to proposed well sites. This is your chance to voice your opinion on these important environmental regulations through written comment or at public hearings in January. Clean Air Council will be sending additional information in the coming weeks, but right now it’s important to get out to one of the public hearings if you […]

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Home Rule in Colorado

January 3, 2014
Home Rule in Colorado

May be settled by a ballot initiative next fall. To make Home Rule, the town’s right to protect its residents, inviolate in the state constitution. The way it is in other places. Like Texas. And Pennsylvania. And New York. There is no good reason for a town not to apply local zoning to oil and gas wells. Home Rule applies in Texas, and you can’t argue that Texas hasn’t been royally fracked. So the notion that Home Rule is detrimental to anything – other than the frackers and a few crooked politicians – is a fracking fairy tale. If a town does not want to get fracked, some bureaucrat in the state capital should not make that decision for the town.  The town should make the decision. Like they do in places like […]

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Albany Rally 2014 !

January 3, 2014
Albany Rally 2014 !

The New York legislature is back in session this month. Count your spoons. Uber Gruppen DINO, Jeff Klein will be working on new ways to pretend he’s a not a Closet Fracker, or, oy vey, a Republican. Fracking Lobbyist Karen “Mushrooms” Moreau will be skulking about the corridors with a satchel full of fat envelopes, with an irresistible come-on: “Hey Senator, wanna frack ? It’s absolutely harmless.” And there will be a rally – indoors – on January 8th to get things started  ! Be there or be fracked.  Rally at Cuomo’s State of the State: No Fracking, Yes Renewables! Wednesday, January 8 at 11:30am in EST

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No More Frackin’ EZ Money

January 2, 2014
No More Frackin' EZ Money

Evidently the frackers have run out of foreign suckers to subsidize the Shale Game. The WSJ has the scoop on foreign frackonomics. It’s no secret that the Shale Boom was financed by Mad Money. And some of the maddest money of all came from foreigners, including the Chinese. Whose investments turned Chesapeake into Chinapeake. Who would have ever guessed that ? ENERGY / HYDRAULIC FRACTURING For Frackers, Days of Easy Money End on January 2, 2014 at 6:00 pm Foreign shale-drilling investment declined in 2013 compared with 2012. Shown, a pump jack in the Monterey Shale in California last year. Reuters Oil and gas companies slash spending as foreign investment dries up NEW YORK, NY — “Since 2008, deep-pocketed foreign investors have subsidized the U.S. energy boom, as oil and gas companies spent far more […]

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January 2, 2014

The United States Geological Service (USGS) released a report in September 2012 and a second one in December 2013. The September 2012 press release title was “Dissolved Methane found in SOME New York Groundwater”.     Note the term “SOME”. December 2013’s press release title is “Methane is COMMON in Groundwater from Valleys in South-Central New York State”.  Note the term “COMMON”. As I’ve stated numerous times, we need to define our terms.    What is meant by “SOME” and what is meant by “COMMON”? As these terms relate to quantity, “Some” is less than “Common”. SOME AND COMMON Both are fuzzy terms, so let’s look at the two studies a bit closer. The USGS 2012 study stated: (emphasis added) A recent study that looked at groundwater samples from more than 200 wells […]

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Shale Gas Mythbusters Oneonta January 17th

December 31, 2013
Shale Gas Mythbusters Oneonta January 17th

We are honored to have the Otsego County Conservation Association, the Otsego Land Trust and the Cornell Cooperative Extension Service of Otsego and Schoharie Counties co-sponsor our presentation at Foothills Center in Oneonta on January 17th at 7 PM. Come early and enjoy the band.  Linger and ask questions moderated by Prof Ingraffea. Hope to see you at the show ! PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release: December 31, 2013 Shale gas potential in New York: Limited production doesn’t preclude possible negative impacts  ONEONTA – The likelihood of marginal shale gas prospects in New York State, which may in turn attract marginal drilling companies, is one of several possible scenarios to be discussed during a presentation on New York shale gas potential onFriday, January 17 at The Foothills Performing Arts Center, 24 Market Street, Oneonta. […]

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December 30, 2013

Hey KIDS!  Fracking for oil and gas is COOL!  IT’S FUN!  Mickey says you too can build a pipeline! Yep, Disney has jumped on the fracking hype and joined with the Ohio Oil and Gas Association (OOGA) to promote fossil fuel fracking to kids and make it fun! Elementary school classrooms in Ohio are being treated to a super special, game show-like day presentation, brought to them by Radio Disney and funded by the state Oil and Gas Association. All of the activities are aimed at teaching kids about science — the science, that is “behind oil and gas production and their value as natural resources.” The Wooster Daily Record describes how the program, “Rocking in Ohio,” combined science and fun (and industry interests) at the Wayne County fairgrounds this […]

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December 29, 2013

Bryan Walsh, Senior Editor at Time magazine , published an article entitled “Fracking for Natural Gas May Help Us Save Water”.   Based on some study from the University of Texas at Austin (UT), for which Walsh does not give a link or even the study title, he contends the extraction of oil and natural gas through the process of unconventional drilling (i.e hydraulic fracturing) is saving water. If you run a google search on “university of austin natural gas fracking saves water”, you will find essentially the same article on a number of fossil fuel cheer leading sites.   The similarity of wording, and the closeness of publication times between all these “articles”, leads me to believe they are essentially a copy/paste job from a fossil fuel industry source. It took […]

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Shale Shyster Opines on Home Rule in Every State But New York

December 28, 2013
Shale Shyster Opines on Home Rule in Every State But New York

Where, selectively, some state court cases – such as the recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling in favor of Home Rule – have no bearing on New York state law (correct) but that some anti Home Rule state court cases do have bearing on New York state law (wrong !). Note that this comes from the Disjointed Landowners Coalition’s very own captive Shale Shyster, who has been trying to milk the landowners of their money in order to mount a publicity stunt against the State of New York. Catch is he has no plaintiff that has been damaged, no case law to base the claim on, and hence, no case. Just an excuse to shake down landowners for some legal fees. So now the Shale Shyster opines on Home Rule case law in […]

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Forced Pooling of 8 Acres For a Publicity Stunt

December 28, 2013
Forced Pooling of 8 Acres For a Publicity Stunt

Chespapeake’s lobbyist Tom West’s publicity stunt against the state of New York is based on frack zombie Norse Energy’s sole remaining drilling permit application on file with the DEC, a copy of which is shown here. Norse has no other applications on file; meaning that it is suing the state of New York for the right to drill one wildcat  exploration well – that would require a compulsory pooling of a neighbor with 8 acres –  in order for Norse (in liquidation) to have enough acreage to drill the wildcat Note that Norse only has 152 acres leased, not enough to drill the one lateral shown as what is listed as a “wildcat” exploration well to the Marcellus. But that the DEC says that the 152 acres is sufficient to force the […]

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Out of Work Shale Shill Greg Sovas Expounds on Home Rule

December 27, 2013
Out of Work Shale Shill Greg Sovas Expounds on Home Rule

Greg Sovas, former water boy for the frackers at the New York Department of Mineral Resources, current wandering shale shill without portfolio, is now predicting that the New York legislature, or at least the politicos that have been bought off by the fracking lobbyists, are going to weigh in on Home Rule – on the side of the frackers. Which is a roundabout way of saying the frack lobbyists, including the one that has been arguing the case for the frackers, must think that the New York Supremes are going to uphold Home Rule as it pertains to oil and gas wells.  Thanks for the tip. We agree. We think that the Supremes will read the lower court opinions and will concur with the rulings of the eight (8) New York justices that have held […]

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December 27, 2013

Newly hired President of the Marcellus Shale Coalition (MSC), David Spigelmeyer  has a sad and reacts to the recent ACT 13 rulings by retelling old Frack Fairy tales.  One would think in light of growing opposition to the fossil fuel industry’s industrialization of our communities that Spigelmeyer would have come up with better frack fairy tales. Briefly, Spigelmeyer, was Vice President of Government Relations for Chesapeake Energy.  He and a number of other Chesapeake employees were let go in mid 2013 during a “massive restructuring” of the company.   Forbes magazine characterized it as a “bloodbath”.  Since the beginning of 2013 approximately 1,200 employees have been let go. If you are interested in reading what Chesapeake Energy employees (current and former) are saying, CLICK HERE.   ACT 13 FRACK FAIRY TALE […]

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Fractavist Sleeper Cell Exposed !

December 26, 2013
Fractavist Sleeper Cell Exposed !

They were evidently taking taking orders from their guru, an old guy in a white robe and a beanie, known as “Il Papa,” AP reports.  A major Fractavist Sleeper Cell, lead by Miriam “Moon Child” Hurst, retired high school trigonometry teacher, and Ralph “Road Dog” Gibbs, aging bus driver and part time banjo player (a sure giveaway), has been exposed in Ohio ! Delete all emails from these crazed rebels. Deny you have any knowledge of their devious activities. Hide your inflammatory yard signs and insurgent bumper stickers. Tuck your dreds under a gimme cap – they could be your ticket to the pokey. Remember: The First Rule of Fractavist Club is to deny there’s a Fractavist Club.  Apology issued for terror training scenario Posted: Thursday, December 12, 2013 5:45 pm | Updated: 8:22 pm, […]

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Frackquakes: Seismic Guidelines for Frackland Buildings

December 25, 2013
Frackquakes: Seismic Guidelines for Frackland Buildings

There have been so many frackquakesin Frack Land that the USGS is coming out with a new map of where architects and engineers might expect them – so that they can design earthquake resistant structures . . . FRACKQUAKES: USGS to Make Risk Map for Man-Made Quakes Mike Soraghan, E&E reporterEnergyWire: Monday, December 23, 2013 Federal officials are wrestling with how to account for the hazard created by man-made earthquakes, many of which are triggered by oil and gas activities.In the past, the U.S. Geological Survey has generally excluded shaking related to industrial activity from its earthquake hazard maps. The maps project the likelihood of large, natural earthquakes and are used to develop building codes, plan roads and bridges, and set insurance rates.But amid an increase in the number and […]

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Fracker’s Orphaned Wells

December 25, 2013
Fracker's Orphaned Wells

Thousands of abandoned oil and gas wells in New York, and no funds to clean them after the operators skip out. As this paper by Prof. Ron Bishop details. New York had a plugging fund to clean up the mess frackers leave behind – but the fund got raided by the politicians years ago and ended up paving some roads somewhere instead. This phenomena of creating bastard wells – orphaned after the frackers are gone – happens wherever there are frackers – even in the Big Sky country of Wyoming, where the state regulators are paid to look the other way during the bastardization. December 24, 2013 Wyoming Acts to Plug Orphan Wells as Gas Boom Ends By DAN FROSCH DENVER ­ Hundreds of abandoned drilling wells dot eastern Wyoming like sagebrush, vestiges of […]

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Fracked: Toxic Mortgages

December 24, 2013
Fracked: Toxic Mortgages

  Fracking Real Estate Shale Boom Threatens Mortgages By Joel Dyer More than 15 million people now live within one mile of an oil and gas well that has been drilled and fracked just since the year 2000. And it is predicted that we are only in the beginning stages of the current drilling boom, which will eventually extend into 34 of the lower 48 states. When a shale play and a population center collide, the results are staggering. For example, a recent examination by The Wall Street Journal found that in Johnson County, Texas — an area sitting atop the Barnett Shale on the southern edge of Fort Worth with a population of 150,000 — 99.5 percent of county residents live within a mile of one or more of the 3,900 […]

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Totally deRanged Resources !

December 23, 2013
Totally deRanged Resources !

Are now officially America’s Biggest Fracking Gasholes ! Cabot doesn’t even come close. Chesapeake ? Choir boys. Read how deRanged got that way. I had a meeting scheduled with Range’s corporate counsel a few years ago and it was all set up for lunch in Arlington, half way between Ft Worth and Dallas –  until he figured out who I was.  Pity, I had bought a concealed mic at Radio Shack for the occasion. . . Range are the kind of fracking gasholes that give fracking gasholes a bad name. Range Wars  Posted December 23, 2013 by PETER GORMAN in News When Ron Gulla, a heavy-machinery salesman, leased the mineral rights on his Pennsylvania property in 2002, he said, he was told that standard vertical gas wells would be drilled and that in […]

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Don’t Frack With The Irish

December 23, 2013
Don't Frack With The Irish

Phlegm McClear’s  Frack Nation has bombed in his native Ireland. Where the Irish EPA, not to be confused with the IRA, have told the frackers ot take a hike.  First the Roman’s tried to frack Ireland, but you don’t see many Romans there now days do you ? Then the Norwegians gave it a go; that didn’t last much longer than Norse Energy in New York. Then the English tried to frack Ireland – and that worked for a bloody while, but no more. Then came the frackers – who have been sent packing.  Keep Ireland frack free.  On a personal aside, my great grandfather, Peter Keliher, nee Patrick Kelleher, came to Texas from County Kerry in 1870 as a teen soldier in the US Army; stationed near Laredo. Curiously enough, he […]

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Unable to Sue Cuomo, Frack Babies Send Him a Christmas Card

December 22, 2013
Unable to Sue Cuomo, Frack Babies Send Him a Christmas Card

Apparently unable to get it together on their publicity stunt to pay some Shale Shysters to sue Governor Cuomo, the Disjointed Landowners Coalition of New York are going to send him a holiday card instead. How nice.  Dear Friends, Coalition Leaders, Landowners, Natural Gas Supporters, Gullible Reporters and Paid Off Politicos: . In the spirit of the season the JLCNY has prepared a timely greeting for you to down load, print, sign, and mail to Governor Cuomo at the following address… . The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo Governor of NY State NY State Capitol Building Albany, NY 12224 . Please take advantage of this seasonal opportunity now and throughout January 2014 to let the Governor know that we’re still here, that we’re thinking of him, that we are still working on suing him, and […]

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NJ County Bans Fracking

December 22, 2013
NJ County Bans Fracking

In some states, such as New Mexico and Colorado, counties can exercise land use controls – something only municipalities do in most states, like Texas, New York and Pennsylvania. Evidently, New Jersey counties can prohibit certain hazardous land use practices – like fracking.  In New York, counties have limited powers of protection – such as prohibiting spreading frack waste on county roads. Middlesex First County in NJ to Ban Fracking Unanimous freeholder vote follows ordinances in Highland Park, New Brunswick  Dec. 21, 2013   |    On Thursday, Middlesex became the first county in the state to ban fracking. The measure follows ordinances in Highland Park and New Brunswick, the state’s first two municipalities to ban the controversial natural gas drilling process.  Written by Bob Makin @ReporterBMakin NEW BRUNSWICK — Middlesex County Freeholders […]

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Ft. Worth Files For Divorce From Chesapeake

December 22, 2013
Ft. Worth Files For Divorce From Chesapeake

Citing irreconcilable differences. And they were such a cute couple. The City cited mental cruelty. Ft Worth based Deranged Resources is named as a co-respondent. Ft Worth is near the epicenter of the Barnett Shale. It’s the Dimock of the Barnett. Prior to 2009, you could only drill an oil or gas well in a heavy industry zone in Ft. Worth, but that changed withe the City started issuing Special Use Permits  (SUPs) that enabled drillers to drill just about anywhere they could get an SUP. Dallas, its sister city – like Minneapolis / St. Paul or Buda and Pest (Budapest), saw what was happening and effectively banned shale gas exploration in the city. Now Ft. Worth is having second thoughts about letting its neighborhoods get cluster fracked in the first place. […]

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Norse Energy: A Town Supervisor’s Opinion

December 21, 2013
Norse Energy: A Town Supervisor's Opinion

Here’s a note from Jim Goldstein, Town of Lebanon Supervisor: who dealt with the bankrupt Norse Energy,  the plaintiff of record in “Rent A Plaintiff vs Dryden” and tells what his experience was with them:  “It is beyond ironic that Norse Energy, the company that drilled in  the Town Lebanon and Madison County for years, is the litigant in Dryden since Norse lost $100 million and it was due to bad business practices and overestimating market prices, not due to failure by the state to permit HVHF. Professor Selleck of Colgate University has made it abundantly clear at multiple presentations that the prospects for Marcellus and Utica shale gas development in upstate New York were always overstated and Norse is a great example. This is a company that signed up gullible rural residents […]

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How To Frack The News

December 21, 2013
How To Frack The News

Here’s a textbook example of how reporters just get some industry sound bites, make up some filler, stir a bit and print it.  No editor or fact checking necessary. My comments in bold: Pennsylvania Fracking Ruling Has Parallels to New York Case ALBANY-A Pennsylvania court decision that dealt a blow to that state’s booming oil and gas industry this week parallels a case now before New York’s highest court. What the court did was uphold a lower court ruling that upheld a municipality’s right to apply its land use laws to oil and gas well, which is the norm in almost every state, except where the frackers have tried to subvert it. Whether this is a “blow to that state’s booming oil and gas industry” is a matter of whether towns […]

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EPA FRACKING STUDY – Thought you should know

December 21, 2013
EPA FRACKING STUDY – Thought you should know

Regarding the EPA  hydraulic fracturing study and at the attendees list for the Dec 9, 2013 Round table meeting: There were a total of 36 participants and 2 observers. Of that: 19 participants are from fossil fuel industry, including 2 from Exxon-Mobil, and 2 from Halliburton. Of the observers, there was one from American Petroleum Institute Totals: 20 out of 38 with direct fossil fuel interests If you include State Agency participants where the state has a decided leaning towards fossil fuel exploitation, then the number is much higher. I did read the “publications” (i.e. powerpoints) – all fluff, no stuff, so we will have to wait for the final report. The scope of the study is limited to “fracking”, not the entire process of unconventional drilling, meaning EPA study […]

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December 20, 2013
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December 20, 2013

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision on portions of ACT 13 is a victory for the people of Pennsylvania and a blow to the fossil fuel industry. Of special interest was the one-size-frack-all zoning provision, which sought to eliminate local community control of where and under what conditions the fossil fuel industry could operate. In affirming the municipalities’ standing to bring the Act 13 challenge, which was challenged by the state’s attorneys, Chief Justice Castille wrote in the 162-page majority decision that “[t]he protection of environmental and esthetic interests is an essential aspect of Pennsylvanians’ quality of life and a key part of local government’s role.” The decision also notes “how remarkable a revolution is worked by this legislation (Act 13) upon the existing zoning regimen in Pennsylvania, including residential zones,” […]

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December 19, 2013

The Fracksylvania Supremes have upheld a municipality’s right to apply local land use ordinances – aka Home Rule – to oil and gas drilling. Bravo. This squares with established law in every state -except where out of state Carpetfrackers have attempted to subvert Home Rule by buying off some local politicians. Home  Rule applies in the states where the frackers come from – Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico. Even in the city with the highest number of frackers per capita in the world, Dallas. The frackers tried to buy their way out of Home Rule in Fracksylvania. Almost worked. They just couldn’t buy the Supremes. “By any responsible account, the exploitation of the Marcellus Shale Formation will produce a detrimental effect on the environment, on the people, their children, and future generations, and potentially on the public purse, […]

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Frack Waste Ordinances

December 19, 2013
Frack Waste Ordinances

Fracksylvania gets gassed, New York gets frack filth dumped on it.  Many towns and counties are starting to ban the importation of Genuine Fracksylvania Frack Filth – by prohibiting the spreading of frack flowback on local roads, and prohibiting the dumping of radioactive drill cuttings in municipal landfills. Onondaga County and Erie County have followed Westchester County in that regard. Not a bad idea, since the frackers will truck this stuff to Idafrackho to get rid of it-  unless you think that driving on roads laced with Radium 226 will help keep you alert at night. Or that dumping radioactive shale gas drill cutting in landfills will be safe for the next thousand years or so. Catch is the ordinances have to be well crafted to achieve the intended purpose. Meaning they […]

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Ralph Hill’s Biggest F*ckups as CEO of WPX Energy #1: Fracking a Fault in Franklin Forks

December 18, 2013
Ralph Hill's Biggest F*ckups as CEO of WPX Energy #1: Fracking a Fault in Franklin Forks

Warning– this borderlines on Satire… but it’s ALL TRUE! We don’t mean to pick on Ralph Hill as a person. He’s probably a swell church-going man. We only mean to pick on his professional performance. Since he just got canned by the WPX Board of Directors, it feels a little like picking on someone who’s already down… It’s just so darn fun, and his screwups — a BUNCH of ‘em, to boot!– have been so spectacular, they can only be called… EPIC… Ralph Hill’s WPX Energy is like Doofy Doofis, the four-eyed fat kid with buck teeth that everyone picks on. It’s so easy to pick on Ralph Hill, there is a little attendant guilt or shame… But he deserves this for the living hell he’s unleashed on Pennsylvania. So […]

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NYC Files Brief in Support of Home Rule !

December 18, 2013
NYC Files Brief in Support of Home Rule !

Home Rule is the law of the land in almost every state except where the frackers have tried to undermine it, so it is not surprising that the biggest municipality in America would support it – and they have, in filing an amicus brief in support of Middlefield and Dryden with the New York Supremes: NYC Comptroller-elect Files in Support of Home Rule By Scott Waldman 5:22 a.m. Dec. 18, 2013follow this reporter ALBANY—New York City Comptroller-elect Scott Stringer will file an amicus brief today in an upstate court battle over a community’s right to enact a fracking ban within its borders. Stringer’s brief argues on behalf of Dryden, an upstate town which enacted a municipal ban on fracking in 2011, a strategy that was subsequently repeated by dozens of communities across the […]

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Onondaga County Bans Frack Filth From Roads & Water Plant

December 18, 2013
Onondaga County Bans Frack Filth From Roads & Water Plant

I guess they decided that if dumping fracking filth on the roads and in water treatment plants is illegal in Texas, the World’s Capital of Frack Filth. Maybe it’s not such a hot idea for New York, unless you think Radium 226 on your tires improves traction. No Frack Waste in Onondaga County Bill Monahan fills his truck with water that will be used for hydraulic fracturing at a pumping station in Pennsylvania last year. Onondaga County legislators voted today to ban hydrofracking fluids from roads and treatment plants. (Andrew Maykuth | Philadelphia Inquirer) Print By Glenn Coin |  Follow on Twitter on December 17, 2013 at 4:08 PM, updated December 17, 2013 at 5:46 PM Syracuse, N.Y. — The salty fluids from hydrofracking will be banned from roads and treatment plants in […]

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Compulsory Integration with a Frack Zombie

December 18, 2013
Compulsory Integration with a Frack Zombie

Tom West has sued New York over the “right” to compel some people to participate in a shale gas well with his “client” frack zombie, Norse Energy. That’s what this boils down to. Chesapeake’s lobbyist, shale shyster Tom West, has proceeded with his  latest political publicity stunt, and filed a lawsuit against the Governor and the state of New York for not allowing his “client” a bankrupt Norwegian penny stock prospector to compulsively integrate neighboring land owners into a shale gas well. That’s right, folks, the only shale gas well application Norse has in the queue would require compulsory integration – under the Compulsory Pooling law that Tom West wrote for his accomplices inside the DEC-  to compel people into participating in a shale gas well – in this, that would mean […]

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Ed Cox : Fracking Online Troll

December 17, 2013
Ed Cox : Fracking Online Troll

Under the screen name “Judy Tuesday” for the company he shills for – Noble Energy who uses trolls to post pro-fracking comments online – at, among other places, a Boulder Colorado newspaper. Two such commentators have been traced to Noble’s IP address, the other commentator “Butch Slade” is believed to be recently fired Norse Energy mouthpiece, Dennis Holbroke. Speaking of Dennis the Fracking Menace Holbrook, when he got outed on the Buffalo Shale Shamstitute, an anonymous blogger “Don’t Let the Facts Stop  You” went to his defense. Turns out the anonymous blogger was none other than Holbrook’s son, on Norse’s payroll. Back when Norse had a payroll. Of course most of these pro fracking commentators are trolls. No secret there. One of the local NYS “commentators” on an interview I did about NYS in the NYT […]

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When Frackers Frack Other Frackers

December 17, 2013
When Frackers Frack Other Frackers

Fracks fly. A horizontal well is a dandy way to frack a near by well – particularly an old vertical well bore. It happens a lot more often than is reported. If there are a lot of old vertical wells in an area, fracking the area horizontally becomes problematic – since any of the horizontal laterals can re-pressurize a vertical well, causing it to fountain whatever crud is in the well right up the rusty casing into groundwater, a pond, stream, lake, what have you. Shown below is a map of the oil and gas wells in New York State. The solid mass of yellow in the western part of the state shows that the well density in some counties is off the charts – leaving no place to drill […]

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Deborah Goldberg Frack Fighter

December 16, 2013
Deborah Goldberg Frack Fighter

My pal Deborah Goldberg, or as I call her Lady Chainsaw, is where the rubber meets the road in the legal battles to keep frackers at bay. Great interview here. She looks so harmless, doesn’t she ? At least that’s what shale shysters Tom West and Scott Kurkoski thought before she had their guts for garters. Advice to frackers: If this person shows up carrying a legal brief, cell phone and notepad – do not make eye contact – walk slowly back to your truck, get in, lock the door, and head back to Oklahoma. Do not speed or forget to use your turn signals. Should be OK. PODCAST Print this page  Email this page CAMPAIGN: Fracking Gone Wrong: Finding A Better Way Fracking is a dangerous way of getting oil and gas […]

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Frack Fluid Mimics Estrogen

December 16, 2013
Frack Fluid Mimics Estrogen

But does a really bad if not fatal impersonation, according to a new peer reviewed study. Published in the journal of endocrinology. If frack fluid blocked or interfered with testosterone, Texas would be a very very different place. Or fracking would be illegal there. . . My pal Theo Colburn was the first scientist to link fracking chemicals as endocrine disruptors – toxins that either interrupt the normal function of hormones – such as androgens in men and estrogen in females – or mimic them. A new study found 11 such fracking chemicals that are potent endocrine disruptors- which can lead to all sorts of maladies. Maybe that’s why the frackers in Dallas just increased the set back of a shale well from 300 to feet to effectively outside the city limits. Think […]

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Frack Documentary on MSNBC Sunday December 15th

December 16, 2013
Frack Documentary on MSNBC Sunday December 15th

Co-starring Martin Sheen and Lou Allstadt. Yes, that Lou Allstadt. This Sunday on MSNBC. Check it out. Then come see Lou in person in New York City on January 16th, at Ethical Culture Auditorium on 64th at Central Park West, Oneonta at Foothills Center on the 17th and Vestal on the 30th. This Sunday our new mini-documentary about the health impacts of fracking will premiere on MSNBC around 5 PM. Martin Sheen’s Breakthroughs documentary program worked with us, and our national arm, Environment America, this fall to produce this new exposé on fracking that is now rolling out to public television stations in all 50 states, with the potential to reach 60 million households nationwide. And it was made possible thanks to hundreds of our members who chipped in to help fund the project. Be […]

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December 14, 2013

During the reconstruction era, following the Civil war, the term Carpetbagger was coined to describe northerners who moved to the south and were usually seen carrying a bag which looked like it was made from a carpet. Motives for the “carpetbaggers” include political aspirations and/or economic opportunities.  Many carpetbaggers were businessmen who purchased or leased plantations and became wealthy landowners. Today, carpetbagger refers to anyone coming in from the “outside” for political or economic motives. WPX and FRANKLIN FORKS Earlier this week, word was spread among fracktivist groups of the WPX obtaining a court order to allow them to remove water equipment from the home of two families in Franklin Forks.   WPX had previously halted water deliveries, and the families relied on themselves and through donations to purchase and deliver […]

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Pass More Anti Fracking Symbols !

December 13, 2013
Pass More Anti Fracking Symbols !

Last line of this report from a local Frack Baby Fracker cracked me up. When two towns in Otsego County passed bans and moratoriums, some local gas bag said,“We’re a good decade away from having any drilling in New York,” said Parker. (What happened to Frack Us Now ? JLN)“ Why waste your time on issues that are purely symbolic?”  (Then why protest them ? JLN) Short answer, because the frackers have an infinite supply of frack filth to dump on your roads, land fills and in your town water treatment plant. So of course, your town should ban frack waste spreading, radioactive drill cuttings and fracking flowback from Fracksylvania, like Erie County just did. After all, there are more ways to frack a town than with a shale gas well. […]

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NY Times Exclusive: Fracking Causes Earthquakes

December 13, 2013
NY Times Exclusive: Fracking Causes Earthquakes

About three years after this was actually news, the New York Times does a report on the fact that frack waste disposal wells are a dandy way to start earthquakes.  If you can’t shoot it down a hole and you can’t  slather it on roads, what are you going to do with the billions of gallons of toxic, radioactive frack filth ? (Not a trick question)  Man-Made Quakes: Scientists see a link between earthquakes and the disposal of wastewater from oil and gas wells, including those that use the production method known as hydraulic fracturing. By HENRY FOUNTAIN Published: December 12, 2013 169 Comments OKLAHOMA CITY — Mary Catherine Sexton has been rattled enough. Multimedia Interactive Map Oklahoma Quakes Like the science desk on Facebook. Enlarge This Image Nick Oxford for The New York Times […]

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December 13, 2013

If you live in a shale area, like the Marcellus Shale, then perhaps 3, 4, 5 years ago you were approached to lease your property for the purpose of natural gas extraction. Maybe you attended a few meetings held by a natural gas corporation representative, or one put on by their PR front groups.    Maybe you just offered the landman a cup of coffee and a slice of homemade bunt cake while he spun dreams of being rich beyond your wildest dreams. After being razzled dazzled, perhaps you signed a lease.  You would wait patiently for those big royalty checks to arrive and think about all the things you could do with that money.   Renovate your home, put on an addition, send your kids to college, or buy a new […]

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Erie County Tells Frackers to Frack Off !

December 13, 2013
Erie County Tells  Frackers to Frack Off !

Bravo. No such bans exist in Texas. Because it’s illegal under state law to spread frack filth on roads. . . Rita Yelda, Food & Water Watch  led the way on this, bravo The Rita. Has your town and county banned frack filth ? What are you waiting for ? Erie County Bans Fracking By Dan Telvock The Erie County Legislature today banned high volume hydraulic fracturing on county land and imports of any drilling waste to its water treatment facilities. The legislation passed 9-2. The vote comes almost three years after Buffalo became the second city in the nation to ban the controversial gas drilling practice, also called “hydrofracking.” On Dec. 3, the County Legislature received a petition with 3,845 signatures supporting the ban. The legislation also includes a ban on importing drilling waste to county water treatment facilities […]

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Shocking New Study: Fracking Devalues Homes !

December 12, 2013
Shocking New Study: Fracking Devalues Homes !

What a surprise ! People don’t want to live in a shale gas field. Imagine that ! Quick, run some more TV Gas Blonde ads. Hire some more frackademics. Throw fatter envelopes at politicians. You have two options when the frackers take over your neighborhood : tough it out and see what the endocrine disruptors do to you, or sell your house for nothing. Up to you. There is of course, the other option: tell the frackers to stay the frack out in the first place. Analysis: Fracking Leaves Homeowners in Big Hole By Michelle Conlin Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:46am EST Spiller – along with Christopher Timmins, a Duke University economics professor, and Lucija Muehlenbachs, a fellow at think tank Resources for the Future – published a working paper on […]

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Frack U Mexico !

December 12, 2013
Frack U Mexico !

The frackers have teed up California del Norte, now it’s time to frack Mexico ! Here’s how : first get the Mexicans to change the law to allow US companies to frack there. Then frack the place like it was Fracksylvania. Or Califrackingfornia.  Cardenas nationalized the Mexican oil fields in the 1938. The frackers have a plan to reverse that. Starting with a re-education of the Mexican public . . .

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Cornell Profs Give Fossil Fuels an “F”

December 11, 2013
Cornell Profs Give Fossil Fuels an "F"

Cornell’s professors have asked the University to divest itself of investments in fossil fuels. Before we’re all fossils. Most of New York state’s future electrical energy needs can be met with new wind and hydro power – but that will take some leadership  in Albany. New York has to look to the future on this – the production of fossil fuels is not even much of an option in this state, as we explained on October  30th at Cornell.  Full story here : December 11, 2013 Cornell University Faculty Senate Votes to Divest Ithaca, NY — The Cornell University Faculty Senate made a strong statement on Wednesday by adopting a resolution that calls for the University to divest its $5.7B endowment from the top 200 fossil fuel holding companies.  (1) These companies […]

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Welcome to Dallas: Where Even The Frackers Don’t Want To Be Fracked

December 11, 2013
Welcome to Dallas: Where Even The Frackers Don't Want To Be Fracked

A lot of frackers live in Dallas. Exxon Mobil is headquartered here. And they know enough about fracking to know that they don’t want to live anywhere near it. Accordingly, when the Dallas City Council passed a new ordinance keeping frackers 1,500′ from houses, Exxon Mobil and none of the big frackers bothered to protest the increased setback – because most of their executives live in Dallas . . . And why would they want a bunch of frackers in their own neighborhood ? Debate Shows Power of Cities to Limit Reach of Drilling Dallas passes de facto ban on fracking The city council approved some of the nation’s strictest regulations against natural gas drilling Dallas Passes Tough Frack Ordinance By Randy Lee Loftis 1:57 pm on December 11, […]

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Fracturing Fracking Fairy Tales

December 11, 2013
Fracturing Fracking Fairy Tales

One fracking fable at a time.  The New York Shale Gas Potential presentations planned for New York City on January 16th and at the Foothills Center in Oneonta on the following night, and Vestal on the 31st, will shed some light on where shale gas might be produced in the state, how much might be produced, and what impact that might have, including the collateral damage of fracking. Relying on industry data, including information that has not been publicized by industry lobbyists and PR people, we are going to do some shale gas myth-busting. Three groups in particular have not been thrilled with our presentations – the local landowners leasing groups, the gas lobbyists, and some of the more strident FERC pipeline opponents.  The opposition from the first two groups – the fracking wannabes […]

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“Free Frack Water” Program First Lawsuit

December 11, 2013
"Free Frack Water" Program First Lawsuit

First the environmental NGOs – the Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Frauds, Environmental Advocates, etc. helped New York pass its “free frack water” program- up to 100,000 gallons a day per applicant – at no cost, for ever, no questions asked.  Thanks NGOs, with you on the job, who needs fracking lobbyists ? Now one of those NGOs, the Sierra Club, has woken up to the fact that maybe free water – no questions asked – was not such a great idea after all. So now they are suing the DEC to block one of the free water permits. And The Rachel is doing the legal work. Bravo. Better late than never. The Rachel was the first lawyer to blow the whistle on this aqueous giveaway and the NGOs complicity in facilitating it. So […]

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December 11, 2013

The lawsuit of Haney, Voyles and Kiskadden against Range Resources is opening some eyes.  There are broader implications and deeper questions must be asked. WHAT WE’VE LEARNED About a year ago, through the deposition of Taru Upadhyay, Technical Director of PA DEP Laboratory  we learned about suite codes used by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Briefly, a DEP inspector would obtain a water sample, and through the use of a suite code, indicate what he/she would like the PA Laboratory to report.   According to the testimony of Upadhyay, the PA Lab follows testing procedures according to EPA standards, and do test for more than what is specified by the suite code. Upadhyay said the department’s oil and gas division directed the lab to generate water test reports to […]

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Millenium Pipeline Gasses Catskills

December 10, 2013
Millenium Pipeline Gasses Catskills

A lot of gas. Ready or not. No smoking outdoors still in effect for Delaware County.      Dan Hust | Democrat Dozens of workers and equipment are busy these days installing a compressor station along Hungry Hill Road in Long Eddy. During a procedure on Thursday to connect the compressor’s loop line to the main Millennium Pipeline, an accident forced the workers to vent gas from 10 miles of the main line, and they convinced a nearby family to temporarily evacuate their home. Pipeline accident results in venting of gas Story by Dan Hust LONG EDDY — December 10, 2013 — Jessica and Andy Kenyon were preparing for bed Thursday night when Millennium Pipeline workers knocked on their door. “They said there was an incident and they’d have to […]

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The Myth of Frack Waste Recycling

December 10, 2013
The Myth of Frack Waste Recycling

Tom Wilber’s take here . . . why treat it or recycle it as long as you can just dump it on a road ? 10% or 90% – How much fracking waste is recycled? Loose definitions give industry lots of leeway Shale wastewater released into from a treatment plant in Josephine, Pa. PHOTO CREDIT REID FRAZIER Bloomberg reporters David Wethe and Peter Ward recently shed a little light on a critical aspect of the shale gas boom – wastewater disposal. Their articlelast week explains how recycling – once pitched as a market-based panacea for dealing with 21-billion barrels of brine, solvents, metals, and radioactive elements produced annually from domestic oil and gas production – is less of a hit with investors than anticipated. The reason: technological limits. The article, Fracking Bonanza Eludes […]

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December 9, 2013

In 2010, Gasland, a documentary by Josh Fox, explored the impact of natural gas drilling, specifically the practice of slickwater horizontal hydraulic fracturing.   To the lay person, it’s known as fracking. Gasland was attacked by the natural gas industry, and thanks to those attacks, people became more aware and started to educated themselves about the hazards and risks. Gasland also did something else; it brought a small rural town in northeast Pennsylvania into the limelight.   That town was Dimock. While media attention on Dimock has faded, we must keep in mind there are many other “Dimocks” out there. Small towns, where the gas drillers are denying responsibility. Small towns being ignored by the PA Department of Environmental Protection. Small towns, where real people are without clean water through no fault […]

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Fracksylvania Oil Well Ghetto

December 7, 2013
Fracksylvania Oil Well Ghetto

Great report by Laurie Barr on what happens when oil and gas wells move into a neighborhood.  They take over. To the detriment of the other residents . . . Life on the Wrong Side of the Oil Field Tracks. Dec. 7, 2013 (SOSPA) By Laurie Barr Save Our Streams PA The industry can be broken down into two distinct groups, the old and the new. While Gov.Tom Corbett promotes the successes of the new unconventional drilling industry during his re-election campaign, oil rises up from the shadows of the dilapidated pump-jacks, helping to shed light, revealing a long history of a dysfunctional  agency charged with the oversight of both the old and new style drilling. Leaking well on the Thomas’ Property, Duke Center, Pennsylvania ( SOSPA Photo left) Some […]

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Laura Bush’s Alma Mater Says Fracking Causes Frack Quakes !

December 7, 2013
Laura Bush's Alma Mater Says Fracking Causes Frack Quakes !

OK, technically frack waste disposal wells cause earthquakes. A hole fracking lot of earthquakes. Where there hasn’t been a fracking earthquake in the last 200, 000 years or so. As far as I remember. News SMU Sees Link Between Earthquakes and Fracking — Again By Eric Nicholson Wed., Dec. 4 2013 at 9:00 AM 18 Comments Categories: Nature + Science, News A team of researchers at SMU has reached a conclusion that may seem obvious to those who have felt the 20-plus earthquakes that rattled North Texas last month: The recent bursts of seismic activity could be linked to fracking.The researchers, led by recent SMU grad Ashley Justinic, took a close look at the cluster of quakes in and around Cleburne in 2009 and 2010. The data offer no definitive proof that they were tied […]

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Frackers Find That Cuomo Costs More Than Original Estimates

December 7, 2013
Frackers Find That Cuomo Costs More Than Original Estimates

Guess the frackers will have to increase the frequency of those Gas Blonde TV ads to every 15 seconds. And re-hire Shepstone to straighten things out. Give Karen “Got Mushrooms?” Moreau some fatter envelopes to carry in Albany. Hire some more frackademics. Threaten some more Shale Shyster publicity stunts against the State of New York. That should endear them to the populace. .  . Frackers Out-Lobby Opponents 30 to 1, Still Lose Ground  By Scott Waldman 2:34 p.m. Dec. 6, 2013 follow this reporter ALBANY—If the fracking industry is losing ground to opponents in New York, it’s not for lack of spending on lobbyists.  According to state disclosure records, the American Petroleum Institute spent at least $503,903 on lobbying and activites including educational outreach in the first half of this year. Constellation Energy spent $71,089, Exxon spent $62,167 and Shell spent $30,000, […]

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Delaware County Bans Smoking Outdoors !

December 7, 2013
Delaware County Bans Smoking Outdoors !

Within a few miles from new gas pipelines. And compressor stations. And LNG refueling stations. What have you. In order to keep residents from being blown to kingdom come. December 7, 2013 Family evacuated over pipeline problem By Joe Mahoney Staff Writer The Daily Star A family of four from southern Delaware County were advised to leave their home by Millennium Pipeline workers Thursday night following what the company called a problem with the installation of an interconnection to a compressor station. Recently approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the compressor station is being built off Hungry Hill Road in the town of Hancock in order to add capacity to the natural-gas pipeline, which stretches from Steuben County to Rockland County. Jessica and Andy Kenyon of Hungry Hill Road said they and […]

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December 6, 2013

Pennsylvania Legislature Senate Bill  411: Use of Acid Mine Water for Hydraulic Fracturing and Industrial Applications has been “re-referred” to Appropriations on December 4, 2013. CLICK HERE TO READ SB 411 Yes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, (soon to be renamed the Fracksylvania Corporation), is considering allowing the Gas & Oil corporations to use ACID MINE WATER for their fracking operations. On the surface, and if you only read the industry and political puppet talking points, it may seem like a good idea. It reduces the need to use fresh water, and it seems to help with the acid mine drainage problem caused by the coal industry.   In fact, these are the big talking points being rolled out. ORIGINS OF SB 411 The “brilliant” idea of cleaning up contaminated water by […]

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Export Gas To China. Import Chinese to Catskills. Frak Flak Diversifies.

December 6, 2013
Export Gas To China. Import Chinese to Catskills. Frak Flak Diversifies.

That’s Tom Shepstone’s new gig.  Unable to actually frack the Catskills – on account of the fact that there isn’t any shale there worth fracking, this bankrupt, double dipping, dis-accredited, semi pro gas bag has signed on to help import Chinese via a “buy green cards for your entire family” immigration scheme. And no, I am not making any of this up. For a change. Hey, it could be a hole fracking lot worse: the frackers could have turned Grossingers into a gigantic Man Camp. Which could have given a new meaning to “Dirty Dancing.” When Sheepdip was hired as Energy In Depth’s “political organizer” for New York, there were no town bans or moratoriums on drilling. After many town presentations by Sheepdip, there are now over 170. Thanks Shep. Since he went on sabbatical at EID, he’s been […]

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New York IOGA Outta Gas !

December 5, 2013
New York IOGA Outta Gas !

Unable to perpetuate the myth of abundant shale gas in New York any longer, the state’s largest lobbying group, the Independent Oil & Gas Association is melting away like a snowball in South Texas. You know why ? Because there really isn’t much fracking shale gas in New York worth fracking. And then there’s that “grassroots gap” After being carpet bombed by industry propaganda for years, there is no grass roots support for fracking New York.  Just some random publicity stunts from a few leftover Shale Shysters. . .  The Independent Oil and Gas Association cut ties with the Hinman Straub lobbying firm and Corning Place Communications in the last month, executive director Brad Gill said. The industry-backed group has lost 20 percent of its members and has also eliminated a few positions […]

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50,000 Say No To LNG in New York !

December 5, 2013
50,000 Say No To LNG in New York !

 50,000 comments say no to proposed LNG regs. in New York State. Bravo ! Anti-LNG advocates drop 50K comments on DEC Environmentalists to NY: Scrap liquefied gas plans Video here.  

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Farmers That Want To Get Fracked

December 5, 2013
Farmers That Want To Get Fracked

One way or another. If only as a way to get out of farming. Or  to sell fracked milk to Chobani. Catch is that somebody has to want to frack them. And they have to have something actually worth fracking. Which 95% of them do not. The Farm Bureau has argued against land use ordinances, claiming preposterously that gas can be “harvested” like corn . . The Farm Bureau has also argued that mineral rights are worthless for appraisal purposes, which might complicate a “takings” claim Note the quotes below from Brad Vickers, President of the Farm Bureau – whose property is outside the  shale gas productive area. He was supposed to debate me and Kelly at a town hall meeting at Sauquoit. But he failed to show up, so […]

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Elections and Legislator Contact Rant

December 5, 2013
Elections and Legislator Contact Rant

The following is my personal opinion, and will probably anger some people.  Fine if it does, because it means they’ve read it and have spent a few seconds to think about and consider my rant. I also hope people do not just click the like and share button on FaceBook or other social media and actually do read this.   Clicking like and share without reading any article is useless, after all how can you know if you “like” an article if you haven’t actually read it? The ELECTIONS The focus of most election is on the big chair (i.e. President or Governor), the power and responsibility to write and pass legislation is with Congress or state legislature.   A “BIG CHAIR” may want “x” done, but it won’t be done without […]

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50,000 Fracking LNG Comments !

December 4, 2013
50,000 Fracking LNG Comments !

Final day – comments in on Cuomo’s Plan to Festoon New York State With Cryogenically Cooled Gas Bombs  Need a few more comments to surpass 50,000 comments, which we are submitting today. Submit 13 great comment letters from Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy: And/or use Frack Action comment tool: And please share this on Facebook:

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How to Keep Radium 226 Off Your Tires

December 4, 2013
How to Keep Radium 226 Off Your Tires

Don’t drive in the winter in New York. Or in the summer on dirt roads. New Yorkers are finding out the hard way how to get Fracksylvania frack filth off their windshields, tires, dogs, kids, plants, what have you. Of course, some New York towns and counties have banned spreading frack filth on roads. Ironically, there are no such county or town bans against spreading frack filth on roads in Texas. Because it is illegal to spread frack filth on roads in Texas. Not from horizontal shale gas wells. Not from vertical oil wells. Not from no fracking wells no how. Comprende ?  Flowback from shale gas wells is not that great for roadside plants, birds, your cat or you. Unless you are on a diet high in arsenic, Radium 226, Radium 228, Cl, […]

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Frack Zombie Threatens DEC With Extortion !

December 3, 2013
Frack Zombie Threatens DEC With Extortion !

For not letting it frack leases that it no longer actually owns. And that it couldn’t give away after its test wells hit dry holes. Makes sense right ? It does if you’re a Shale Shyster looking for some publicity. Blaming its bankruptcy on Cuomo, Martens and Shah, Chesapeake’s lobbyist (aka Tom  West)  has issued a demand letter to the DEC on behalf a bankrupt Norwegian penny stock speculator. As part of the frack lobby’s on-going publicity stunts.  Read it and try not to laugh at what is transparently a publicity stunt wrapped in legalese : What this really amounts to is more free publicity for a Shale Shyster : Fracking firm threatens to sue over delay There are a couple of holes in this approach. . .The first of which is that […]

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Natural Gas and Oil Sites are People!

December 3, 2013
Natural Gas and Oil Sites are People!

We know from the 1973 movie that Soylent Green is People, and we know from various US Supreme Court decisions that Corporations are people.   However, many people maintain that they will believe corporations are people when Texas executes one. Nonetheless, a piece of paper establishing a corporate entity does have constitutional rights. Just when you thought corporations as people has reached it limits, guess what……   In Pennsylvania, Natural Gas and Oil operations are people too or will be if a bill introduced by Sen. Scott Hutchinson (R- Butler) is passed. Hutchinson has submitted a bill to the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.   One will prevent Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) from installing and monitoring video cameras at gas & oil well pads. “It is important that the department […]

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Environment America Takes On Fracking

December 3, 2013
Environment America Takes On Fracking

Great new video  on fracking starring  Lou Allstadt as Lou Allstadt.   All thumbs up. Check it out : Breakthroughs Takes on Fracking Environment America Featured in Martin Sheen Exposé on Dirty Drilling Released to Public Television Stations in 50 States Monday, December 2, 2013 New York, NY — This week, Martin Sheen’s Breakthroughs program released an expose on fracking featuring Environment America to public television stations across the country. As the debate over dirty drilling continues to mount, the Breakthroughs piece could reach as many as 60 million viewers in all 50 states. “Fracking is taking a terrible toll on our environment and our health,” said John Rumpler, senior attorney for Environment America. “People should see and hear the truth before they find themselves living next […]

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Don’t Frack Big D !

December 3, 2013
Don't Frack Big D !

Dallas has enough fracking gasholes as it is. At least 6 on the City Council.  Frack not, lest ye be fracked.   9 Days to the End of the   Dallas Gas Wars     Don’t Let Industry Take Away Protections in the Next 9 Days We Fought So Hard to Win Over the Last 12 Months  THIS WEDNESDAY  December 4th   1 pm   Dallas City Council Mtg.  Dallas City Hall 6th Floor   Public Comment Being      Taken on New Gas   Drilling Ordinance  NEXT WEDNESDAY   December 11th   1 pm  Dallas City Council Mtg.  Dallas City Hall 6th Floor  Public hearing and  VOTE on new Gas Gas Drilling Ordinance  What’s at Stake: The 1500-foot buffer zone between drilling and compressor stations and neighborhoods This 1500-foot “setback” was supported by a 14-1 vote […]

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Get LNG Comments In – Make it 10,000 !

December 2, 2013
Get LNG Comments In - Make it 10,000 !

Time’s a wastin’. Work that turkey dinner off. Write ‘em up and then pencils down.  30 DAYS OF FRACKING REGS!  CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT A COMMENT TODAY! View it in your browser. Welcome to THE VERY LAST DAY of The Return of Thirty DaysDEADLINE FOR COMMENTS SUBMITTED THROUGH THIRTY DAYS WEBSITE IS MONDAY TONIGHT DEC. 2 (We need time to print out and box up for in-person comment delivery on Weds., Dec. 4.)TOTAL COMMENT COUNT TO DATE:  9,391NEW COMMENTS SUBMITTED: 453  GOAL BY DEC. 2 DEADLINE: 10,000 plus COMMENTS STILL NEEDED:  608 plus click here to get started!  Dear Thirty Days authors, That light you see in front of you is not an LNG flare stack.  It’s sunlight at the end of the comment-writing tunnel.  That same sunlight will someday power New York. We need 608 comments today to reach our goal of 10,000.  In the 59 […]

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Califrackfornia, Frackinfornia, Frackufornia. Any Way, It’s Fracked.

December 1, 2013
Califrackfornia, Frackinfornia, Frackufornia. Any Way, It's Fracked.

That place that either has Meat Head Arnold or Moon Beam Brown for a governor. And nothing normal in between.  Is already getting fracked. In the middle of an almond grove. Where else ? By Occidental Petroleum. Who else ? Dumping frack flowback onto the ground – for almost 2 weeks. You can kiss those almonds goodbye. Or set them afire.  The amount of water needed to produce the Monterrey Shale would run into the trillions of gallons. More water than oil. And all that water ends back in those farm fields . . . and orchards, welcome to Califrackfornia. All caught on video – natch.  This is the best ad for frack-free Finger Lakes wines and frack-free New York yogurt that I can think of. Share widely. Eat local. Unless you live in […]

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Frack Filth Recycling Hype vs Reality

November 30, 2013
Frack Filth Recycling Hype vs Reality

“So how much of the Marcellus waste water is being recycled?  Not all that fracking much. Despite industry claims of 85% in PA, the SRBC did a count a year ago and found only 14% in the Susquehanna River Basin, which is close to PacWest’s estimate of 10% overall. As this article points out, treating the waste water to make it useable is expensive. If say only 15 % is being recycled in PA, where is the 85% going? To Ohio and New York to be dumped. If shale gas drilling came to NY, where would that waste go?  Possibilities include thousands of tanker trips to Ohio disposal wells, hundreds of tapped-out Trenton/BlackRiver wells, those 130+ POTWs listed in the S-GEIS, and that Azeo desalinization plant.  Both industry and DEC have refused to discuss this during the S-GEIS process.” […]

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Last Zombie Standing At Norse Energy

November 30, 2013
Last Zombie Standing At Norse Energy

Is not their tedious fracking mouthpiece – Dennis Holbrook – the Friendly Face of Fracking in New York State – who has been let go. To swing slowly in the wind.  In their 3rd Q report, Norse says that they are now down to a staff of one employee.  Mark Dice is listed as CEO, “interim” ? CFO and, evidently,  copywriter for press releases.  Presumably that means Dennis the Fracking Menace Holbrook was left holding the bag when the music stopped. No mention of their fracking publicity stunt lawsuit against Governor Cuomo, the DOH, the DEC, Fannie Mae, the American Mortgage Bankers Association, Wells Fargo Bank,  Bank of America, Bradford Energy, their creditors, their investors,  hundreds of towns in New York state that have passed bans or moratoriums, the NSA, the CIA, […]

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Shillin’ for Drillin’ in Big D

November 29, 2013
Shillin' for Drillin' in Big D

My council member on the Dallas City Council, Sheffield Kadane is also a residential real estate broker.  It is axiomatic that none of his clients would want a shale gas well anywhere near them. Not even a mile away.  Because they know what all that would entail. Nor would they want a storage tank battery, a gas compressor,  gathering lines. Nada.  But Mr. Kadane is also notoriously fracker friendly- he can afford to be – since he knows there will be no fracking in the neighborhoods he represents: because more frackers live there than frackees. But when the City Council debated the matter of increasing the setback to 1,500 feet, Mr. Kadane called his fellow council member, one of the advocates of the change – which has already been recommended by […]

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Don’t Lift the LNG Ban

November 29, 2013
Don't Lift the LNG Ban

 Only a few more days left to tell the DEC what you really think about their plan to festoon New York with cryogenically cooled methane bombs –  in your neighborhood, next the local school , are at the local waterfront. Wherever they can get away it.  Please sign and help distribute this Move On petition from The Sandra.  It calls for a withdrawal of the fatally flawed LNG regs. – all six (6) pages of them, as written by the frackers for their stenographers inside the DEC. And here’s the accompanying meme for all those active on Facebook: Many thanks !

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Ed Cox: “I am not a fracking lobbyist !”

November 27, 2013
Ed Cox: "I am not a fracking lobbyist !"

Cluster fracking Ed Cox becomes the newest spectator sport in Albany.  Might as well frack him before he fracks you –  on behalf of his fracking benefactors. Tuns out that this Nixonian leftover’s lame campaign for governor was just a bit of unregistered lobbying for some frackers. Masquerading as “conservationist” to boot. Pretty tricky, eh ? Turns out that Cox  is just another fracking prick. Anti-fracking groups push League of Conservation Voters on Ed Cox’s fracking ties 26 November 2013, 2:02 pm by Jon Campbell A coalition of groups opposed to hydraulic fracturing for natural gas sent a letter to the New York League of Conservation Voters on Tuesday, calling on the organization to oust New York Republican Chairman Ed Cox as the head of its education fund. The letter, which is signed by […]

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New Yorkers Who Don’t Want to Get Fracked

November 27, 2013
New Yorkers Who Don't Want to Get Fracked

By a bunch of Okies, Texans and Mexicans. Now out-number those that do by a margin of 10%, according to a new Wall Street Journal poll. Somebody must be paying attention, now that the newest political epithet is “fracking lobbyist.” In a seemingly unrelated announcement, The Association of Frackers announced they are going to step up their television ad campaign featuring Brooke Shales to run ever 90 seconds on FOX and PBS; to, in their words, “counter the growing impression that fracking shale for gas is just some kind of Wall Street scam perpetuated by puff pieces in the Wall Street Journal and a barrage of television ads from a soap opera actress and the occasional fat envelope in Albany and Washington.” The fracking question:   Q: Hydrofracking is a process of splitting […]

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Frackwaste Coming to New York !

November 27, 2013
Frackwaste Coming to New York !

To a landfill, road, water treatment plant or trout stream near you. In fact it’s already here from Fracksylvania. Contrary to unpopular belief, frackwaste is already being dumped in New York – since Fracksylvania is apparently full up of billions of gallons of toxic radioactive flowback and it’s actually easier to get rid of the stuff in New York – since New York has no prohibitions against dumping it on roads, in landfills or in municipal water treatment plants, golf courses, farm fields or swimming pools.  Check out this interactive map that shows where fracking filth is already finding a new home in Upstate New York – for the next thousand years or so.   Radioactive toxic frack filth: the Keystone State’s everlasting gift to the Empire State ! By the truck convoy […]

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Cooked With Gas – US Methane Emissions Twice Previous Estimates

November 25, 2013
Cooked With Gas - US Methane Emissions Twice Previous Estimates

New scientific study indicates that “official” estimates of methane pollution by the EPA are off by half – meaning there is twice as much methane going into the atmosphere as previously thought from the Big Three : gas wells, oil refineries and . . .  cattle feed lots. Put a cork in it Bossie. Given those sources, guess which state is the biggest gasser of them all ? Hint: rhymes with Lexus. This study squares with other studies that have focused on atmospheric testing. It apparently contradicts studies done by frackademics – but that contradiction disappears when you read that the frackademic studies, some of which were part of the Environmental Defense Fraud’s on-going greenwashing of methane, were simply testing leak rates on newly completed wells. Which is like driving a new car around […]

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New York: Where Fracksylvania Dumps Its Frack Filth

November 25, 2013
New York: Where Fracksylvania Dumps Its Frack Filth

Not all of Fracksylvania’s frack filth gets exported to Ohio and Idafrackingho. Some of it is already being dumped in New York -as “brine.”  So here’s the game  – the gas goes to China, and New York gets the filth. Sound like a plan ? DEC confirms fracking fluid processed at Cuylerville plant November 25, 2013 by Howard W. Appell A 3-year-old rumor was confirmed during the question and answer session at the Nov. 6 DEC-AkzoNobel information meeting at SUNY Geneseo Newton Hall: In 2010 the Cuylerville desalination plant was used to treat fracking fluid from wells in Pennsylvania. DEC Special Assistant Ray Yacuzzo qualified that the treatment was a one-time experiment, and that the more odious elements in the waste fluid — radioactive material and heavy metals — were […]

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Frack Barges ? We Don’t Need No Fracking Barges !

November 25, 2013
Frack Barges ? We Don't Need No Fracking Barges !

Sign the petition to prohibited frack waste from America’s waterways –  What the Coast Guard proposes is simply a loophole to dump frack waste in America’s waterways – virtually unregulated once the barge leaves port.  Linked below is the letter to the Coast Guard opposing frack wastewater transport on rivers that organizations signed on to. We submitted the letter today. 140 groups signed on from across the U.S. in just 14 days! This makes a very strong statement about the public’s interest in this proposal, undermining the CG argument that there is a lack of “public controversy”. The docket is still open for comment officially through November 29 at or email and the Coast Guard has “unofficially” extended the comment period through to Dec. 6. so comments can still be submitted up to that time. So […]

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What to do With Frack Filth ?

November 25, 2013
What to do With Frack Filth ?

Search me.  At the Cornell forum somebody asked what they do with frack waste in Texas – where it is illegal to dump it on roads or in municipal water treatment plants. My response: “We pump it down disposal wells in order to induce earthquakes.” Meaning, there is no way to safely get rid of the billions of gallons of toxic radioactive frack filth. Except, of course, dump it in Idahofrackingho, where it might boost the mean IQ a notch or two. Here’s the latest FrackQuake Swarm from Dallas Fort Worth For the 11th time this month, an earthquake rattles residents near Eagle Mountain Lake By Robert Wilonsky 7:01 am on November 25, 2013 | Permalink This map from the USGS shows the number of quakes recorded near Eagle Mountain Lake since […]

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University Dumps Chesapeake Lease

November 25, 2013
University Dumps Chesapeake Lease

Binghamton University has gotten rid of its mineral rights lease with Chesapeake Energy, which was being held up by the fracker’s farce majeure gambit. And would have subjected the neighbors into being forced into the well sideways via compulsory integration. One more fracking pinata in the dumpster. Thanks BU ! Written by Steve Reilly The nonprofit organization handling Binghamton University’s $90 million endowment fund has been freed from an unwanted mineral rights lease on a 563-acre parcel in the Town of Union. In a legal document filed Nov. 18 in the Broome County Clerk’s Office, Chesapeake Appalachia LLC agreed to release the Binghamton University Foundation from a disputed lease for oil and gas rights at 423 Western Heights Blvd., a vast tract of wooded land near Glendale Technology Park that had been one of […]

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Norse Energy To Blame Cuomo For Bankruptcy !

November 24, 2013
Norse Energy To Blame Cuomo For Bankruptcy !

As a side show of the on-going fracking soap opera, Norse Energy, that tedious Norwegian fracking zombie, now proposes to blame its demise on the Governor of New York, after having blamed every one and everything else (except their own monumental ineptness). The bankruptcy court appointed trustee is planning to squander what little is left of Norse’s assets on yet another Fracking Publicity Stunt. Norse Energy Trustee to Blame Cuomo for Bankruptcy A couple of public documents quietly popped up last Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013 in an obscure location — Item Number 637, deep in the files of a federal bankruptcy court case — revealing Norse’s bankruptcy trustees’s intent to hire Tom West to sue New York State. Norse Bankruptcy Trustee Proposes Legal Challenge to NYS on de facto Moratorium  The documents […]

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“We Buy Fracked Houses”

November 24, 2013
"We Buy Fracked Houses"

After we frack them useless. Not content with trashing the environment, Cabot Energy is going into the home wrecking business. Friday, November 22, 2013 Cabot buys second polluted residential property in Dimock 12-acre parcel on Carter Road flanked by faulty gas wells The former Mike Ely propety, now owned by Cabot Cabot Oil & Gas has closed a deal for a second residential property affected by chronic methane pollution in the heart of its prolific gas operations in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. The Texas-based company paid Michael Ely $140,000 for the 12-acre property that includes a doublewide modular home, according to records filed in Susquehanna County Courthouse Wednesday.  The property – now vacant — borders the intersection of the south end of Carter Road with State Route 3023 in Dimock Township. The […]

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November 24, 2013

Two years ago, in the New York Times series, Drilling Down, it was revealed radioactive waste water was being dumped into Pennsylvania’s rivers and streams.  According to the DEP this practice has stopped. About 11 months ago, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), announced plans to study levels of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) associated with natural gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale. The DEP says it plans to analyze radioactivity in frack flowback water, drill cuttings, drill mud, and the levels in equipment such as pipes, well casings storage tanks, treatment systems and trucks.  The study is expected to take 12-14 months.  In addition studying NORMS, it will also look at Technically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORMS). DEFINE THE TERMS Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM):  Naturally occurring […]

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Frack Shill Calls Frak Flak A Fracking Lobbyist !

November 23, 2013
Frack Shill Calls Frak Flak A Fracking Lobbyist !

New York State Senator Jeff Klein, certainly the biggest fracking obstructionist of fracking reform in New York, has outed Nixon’s Number 1 Son-In-Law, Ed “Weenie” Cox as being a stealth fracking lobbyist. Which of course, Weenie Cox is. Carrying frack water for frackers in New York and trying to use fracking as wedge issue to launch his own lame campaign for governor. The political significance of this is not lost on us – The newest political epithet in Albany to kill gubernatorial ambitions: Call them a fracking lobbyist. And make them fracking deny it. Senator Klein files SEC Complaint Against State GOP’s Ed Cox over Fracking Ties 22 November 2013, 3:43 pm by Joseph Spector in Uncategorized – 2 Comments Sen. Jeff Klein, the head of the Independent Democratic Conference, today filed complaints with federal and state watchdog agencies […]

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New York County Frack Regs Almost as Good as Texas !

November 23, 2013
New York County Frack Regs Almost as Good as Texas !

Onondaga County is proposing banning the spreading of frack filth on its roads and frack waste from its water treatment plants. There are no such county or municipal bans on frack waste in Texas, because it is against state law to dump such frack mess on roads or in muni treatment plants. Texas may been populated by rejects from Alabama and Nuevo Leon, but we aren’t so stupid as to slather our roads with Radium 226. No siree.  If this was not the case, by now there would be a Dead Zone within a hundred yards of every road in Texas (which would save on Round Up) and the roads would glow radioactively at night. No headlights needed. Plus there would not be a trout left in the state. Regardless […]

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Frackers Want the F Word Banned in Schools

November 23, 2013
Frackers Want the F Word Banned in Schools

So that fracking is not mentioned in science textbooks. Because that might give fracking a bad name. Or, for that matter, any name at all. Read on about this new form of fracking ban – or more precisely,  censorship. Oil and Gas Industry Advocates Launch Surprise Attack on Texas Environmental Science Textbook By Dan | Published November 21, 2013 When the State Board of Education‘s public hearing on new science textbooks for Texas public schools finally began late Wednesdaynight, it became clear that creationists were unable to mount a real attack on the biology textbooks. So all looked to be going well — until it became equally clear that oil and gas industry interests had decided to attack the only environmental science textbook up for adoption by the state board. The last person to testify, Becky […]

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Inergy’s (Not So) Secret Plan to Freeze Opponents

November 23, 2013
Inergy's (Not So) Secret Plan to Freeze Opponents

By cutting off their propane supply.  More on The Dory’s coverage of  Inergy’s plan to ban delivery of propane to businesses that oppose its massive gas storage facility – appropriately code named “Krakatoa” in the Finger Lakes of Upstate, New York. And the regulators are actually thinking about granting these fracking idiots a license ?“The proposal by Inergy LP of Missouri to store 88 million gallons ofliquid propane gas in salt caverns adjacent to Seneca Lake has never generated much local enthusiasm.Once most residents understood the project would be a quantum-sized expansion of propane storage and industrial infrastructure — and had potentially super-sized safety issues too — loud voices of protest complained to local governments, then to the New York state Department of Environmental Conservation, eventually escalating to marches, some […]

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Sierra Club Fights Fracking

November 23, 2013
Sierra Club Fights Fracking

In Texas of all places, where Home Rule is established law and there ain’t nothing Rick “Hairdo” Perry can do about it.  Still the frackers threaten municipalities will lawsuits, then sue the cities, then lose. Repeat. Here’s the latest from the Dallas Sierra Club: You may have thought the fight to protect Dallas from the many harms and risks of unconventional shale gas drilling was over when the Trinity East permits were defeated. Unfortunately, the fight’s not over and your help is needed now, more than ever! We need at least 2 more votes than last time, to pass a good gas drilling ordinance (because a regular majority is needed for this, rather than a super-majority to overturn the denial recommendation that was needed last time)–and, so far, it looks […]

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Barging Frack Waste

November 22, 2013
Barging Frack Waste

Along a river or lake or ocean near you. The US Coast Guard has issued a set of proposed regulations that would allow frack waste – radioactive drill cuttings, toxic frack flowback, etc. to be transported by barge on any navigable waterway in the country – any river, lake or ocean. So far so bad. Catch is there are no standards, no monitoring, no inspection, no nothing as to what happens to that frack filth. So guess what happens ? The frack waste gets loaded onto a barge, the barge goes out into a lake or down a river and then when nobody is looking,  the crew dumps the frackwaste overboard. Clever huh ? Who needs to spread that filth on a road as “de-icer”? Who needs to truck it […]

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November 22, 2013

Controversy has erupted from within the fracktivist community over a Stateimpact.npr article entitled “Gas Drilling May Not Be a Top Issue in PA Governor’s Race”. I realize what I’m about to say is going to cause a good number of people to start waving pitchforks, but I hope it will wake up a few more to the real issue facing us in the upcoming 2014 election. I ask everyone sets aside the pitchforks and torches, take a few minutes to read this blog post, you can resume attacking each other and me later. While the majority of grassroots fracktivist groups agree natural gas industrialization SHOULD be a top issue, the divisions and infighting are occurring in the how and what to make it a top issue. A big WELL DONE […]

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Ole Sheepdip is Back !

November 21, 2013
Ole Sheepdip is Back !

Tom Sheepdip, the frackers’ covert, double dipping, bankrupt, defrocked land planner is back doing his bit as a gas bag for Energy In Deep. Thanks to all of you for petitioning the frackers to bring back that rumpled old sack of flowback. Was getting kind of boring without Tommy Frak Flak and his gashole buddy Frackman to crack us up.  He can out-gas any of those K Street yuppy bloggers when it comes to shilling for shale – even in places where there ain’t no fracking shale gas . . .  “Sheep dipped” The phrase “sheep dipped”, is commonly used in intelligence circles. It’s a way of saying someone has been given an alternate identity. The best known example being Air America, but also in many other covert ops applications. Not necessarily […]

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Shale Jobs Fish Tale

November 21, 2013
Shale Jobs Fish Tale

Seems like the Frackers told us a real whopper about all those fracking jobs in Fracksylvania. They must have been counting the Texans, Mexicans and Okies three times over.The number of shale jobs has been over-stated by 10 to 15 times by the gas industry, based on actual labor statistics, according to a new white paper by economists and researchers, the Multi-State Shale Research Collaborative = who actually bothered to read the statistics. Their report is here. Really comes as a surprise, huh ?  And the news coverage here . . .

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Fracking Washington

November 21, 2013
Fracking Washington

One politician at a time. The complete hit list is here. Lots of fat envelopes for local pols to look the other way on fracking – for instance – Schumer $16 K, Gillibrand $23.5K, Chris Gibson $24.5K, Hanna $13k. Paying off pols is by far the best return on investment a fracker can make. And then there are the Gatekeepers, who get the Jumbo Bags. Note that, as much money as these pols are paid, it’s peanuts compared to what the frackers save from lack of regulation: The frackers pay peanuts, they get these monkeys: Fracking Campaign Contributions At Record Levels The Huffington Post  |  By Jared GilmourPosted: 11/20/2013 4:21 pm EST  |  Updated: 11/20/2013 6:45 pm EST   Fracking industry contributions to congressional campaigns spiked 231 percent between 2004 and 2012 in districts and states with […]

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Testing Lab Greenlights Frack Filth into New York

November 20, 2013
Testing Lab Greenlights Frack Filth into New York

Peter Mantius exposes how New York regulators turn a blind eye to labs that test frack filth being imported into the state.  Because the frackers couldn’t find a place to dump it in Fracksylvania. All the trout streams were full up I guess. Full story here Tainted Water Testing Lab Flourished Under Lax New York State Regulators By Peter Mantius, on November 20th, 2013 Natural Resources News Service | Leave a comment EPA Raid on Upstate, Sept. 2010 SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Even after armed federal investigators raided its offices in 2010 and the New York Department of Health suspended its state certification in early 2012, Upstate Laboratories Inc. continued its lucrative business of testing water samples from landfills and wastewater treatment plants across the state. Officially, state environmental regulators will not accept test […]

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New Book Focuses on Marcellus Shale Science

November 20, 2013
New Book Focuses on Marcellus Shale Science

From The Marcellus Effect: When asked whether NY will allow high volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing (aka: fracking) Governor Cuomo is fond of saying “Let the science decide”. But the truth is, science can’t “decide”. The best science can do is present the facts, such as they are known. Policy-makers are the ones who “decide”. And now there’s a new book about the science of the shale beneath our feet – a book that could help our local and state legislators and regulators put more science into their decisions. The Science Beneath the Surface: A very short guide to the Marcellus shale was recently published by the Paleontological Research Institute. PRI has a long history of addressing contentious issues, such as evolution and climate change. Now add shale to that list. […]

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November 20, 2013

Anthony Cugini, the former Director of the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), has been indicted by a Pittsburgh, PA Grand Jury on obstruction of justice charges. Cugini was escorted out of his western Pennsylvania office in late September 2013 and placed on administrative leave.  His computers from his office in Morgantown, WV, were removed.  At that time, Department spokesperson, Shelley Martin did confirm that Cugini was on “leave”, but would not comment further stating it’s a personnel matter. Approximately 3 weeks later, in October of 2013, Cugini submitted his resignation.  NETL spokesperson, William Gibbons restated no comment because it was a personnel matter. ABOUT NETL NETL is part of DOE’s national laboratory system, is owned and operated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).  It has offices in Oregon, Alaska, […]

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Truthland Fracking Lies

November 19, 2013
Truthland Fracking Lies

Turns out that Truthyland, the eponymous Shelley dePue’s quest for truth about shale gas wells – while her own annulus was bubbling merrily away- was just another frack ad paid for by the frackers. Imagine that. Here are the latest reports on how Chesapeake underwrote the frackumentary.  The Fracking Industry’s Dishonest Response to ‘Gasland’ Lee Fang on November 18, 2013 – 2:24 PM ET An oil drilling rig near Medicine Lodge, Kan. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner) The break-out success of GasLand and GasLand 2, documentaries by Josh Fox about the dangers of largely unregulated hydraulic fracturing, has prompted the natural gas and drilling industry to adopt an aggressive public relations strategy to combat critics. Last year, at the Warner Theater in Washington, DC, a group of high-profile lobbyists and communications staffers celebrated the […]

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Ed Cox Sock Puppet of Frackers ?

November 19, 2013
Ed Cox Sock Puppet of Frackers ?

Governor Cuomo leads Ed Cox by a hole frack load So what’s this Cox Sock Puppet to do ? Dick Nixon’s Number One Son-in-Law is mulling a gubernatorial run, Hamlet style, with his campaign platform being “Elect Me Frackmeister in Chief and I Will Frack the Daylights out of Upstate” While this ploy may resonate with Cox’s fracking benefactors, it strikes me as a rather superficial approach to economic development – particularly when there’s not a mouse fart worth of shale gas in New York to begin with – any decade soon. Dick’s son-in-law Cox touts all the local jobs that those iffy wells are supposed to create. So who is Dick Nixon’s Cox appealing to ?  Could it be Noble Energy – who pay this Nixonian leftover to sit on their board ? The […]

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November 18, 2013

If you were in Covert, NY, on November 5, 2013, you may have seen Covert’s own Elephant Man.   You may have even wondered who was inside that floppy eared grey suit. Wonder no more, it was Jeff Vann, Covert’s very own Elephant man.  Vann is a sitting member of Covert’s town board, and not up for re-election. Inquiring minds want to know if this is the dress code for Albany Republican Style politics?  Or was Mr. Vann giving fair notice to Covert residents that the circus would will officially replace town meetings? We are not sure the reason behind the costume.   It was a cold day, and perhaps, Jeff Van, the Elephant man locked his coat in his trunk? ©2013 by Dory Hippauf

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November 17, 2013

A friend of mine sent me a link to a paper, which at first glance I thought it was something from “The Onion” or MAD magazine.   The title of the paper,  “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels” cause me to run and find a roll of gauze so I could wrap it around my head to prevent my jaw from hitting the ground. It’s an 11 page paper written by Alex Epstein, Founder of Center for Industrial Progress.  Epstein is also the author of Fossil Fuels Improve the Planet, (he never did say which planet). EPSTEIN’S CREDENTIALS Per DeSmogBlog:  “Alex Epstein is the director of the Center for Industrial Progress (CIP), an organization he founded in 2011. Its mission is to “inspire Americans to embrace industrial progress as a cultural […]

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New York LNG Regs – Best Comments Contest !

November 17, 2013
New York LNG Regs - Best Comments Contest !

The DEC has extended the comment period on their Gas Blast Contingency Plans until December 4th. If you haven’t sent in comments, now’s the time. A primer on the regs and suggested responses is here at 30 Days of Fracking. There  is a Grand Prize for the Best Comment of a  jeroboam (ask a lush) of Ommegang’s best. 2nd prize is 2 jeroboams of Ommengang’s best brew, 3rd prize, 3 jeroboams.  Get busy ! Source Watch Wiki site on New York DEC LNG regs here  “Ommegang” is Walloon (ask a Belgian)  for “frack off.” Here’s a shout-out to my homeys Simon, Larry and the dudes that brew the best frack free beer in  New York. Radium free since 1503.

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Rob Gastorino: What Me Worry About Fracking ?

November 15, 2013
Rob Gastorino: What Me Worry About Fracking ?

The wannabe Governors have already started making noises, with their campaign platform: Elect Me And I Will Frack New York Senseless. Frackmeister wannabe Rob Gastorino, an Alfred E. Newman (ask your dad or grand-dad) Doppelganger (ask a German) is from way far from the frack fields – Westchester County, home of State Senator Greg “Goof” Ball, the biggest fracking flip-flopper in Albany. The other hat in the ring ? Richard Nixon’s son-in-law.  Should be a real fracking gas. When contacted by NFW’s roving reporter about fracking, the perky WC Exec chirped: “I think it’s great. It’s my name in Italian: “gastorino“- it means gas from a little bull, a torino.” WC Exec Gastorino Considers Gov Bid ! Nov. 11, 2013   |11 Comments ALBANY — Westchester County Executive Robert Astorino is framing a potential gubernatorial run around […]

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Credit Union Redlines Fracking

November 15, 2013
Credit Union Redlines Fracking

One fracked mortgage at a time. Add SECU to the list of lenders that are telling frackers to take a hike. SECU Pulls Back From Financing Fracking Property BY DAVID MORRISON November 14, 2013 • Reprints Share on linkedinShare on twitterShare on facebookShare on emailMore Sharing Services6 The State Employees’ Credit Union said it now is one of a growing number of financial institutions in some parts of the country that have stopped financing purchases of property whose owners have sold the mineral rights. The mineral rights have most often been sold to facilitate exploration and drilling for oil and natural gas, often through a procedure known as hydraulic fracturing or fracking, which extracts oil and natural gas from primarily shale deposits with a mixture of water and chemicals forced underground at pressure. […]

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JLCNY Reduced to Pimping for a Fracking Publicity Stunt

November 14, 2013
JLCNY Reduced to Pimping for a Fracking Publicity Stunt

After coming to realization that no real oil and gas company is going to come frack them any time soon – if ever – the landowners coalitions are now reduced to pimping for a Shale Shyster’s Publicity Stunt. That’s literally all they are left with: Hot air and pimping for a Shale Shyster –  who  is still milking dairy farmers to get publicity – as a shale shyster.  All this so that the Shyster can pretend to sue the state agency that issues drilling permits for not issuing the landowners drilling permits that they never even bothered to apply for.  Good luck explaining that to the jury.  If Publicity Stunts were juried. . . Come to a Shale Gas Myth Busters show near you and learn what the New York Fracking Fairy Tale […]

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Norse Energy: Exhibit A in New York’s Shale Gas Mirage

November 14, 2013
Norse Energy: Exhibit A in New York's Shale Gas Mirage

Even in death, Norse’s PR spin is emblematic of the disconnect between the actual prospects for shale gas in most of Upstate (terrible) and the PR of the gas industry: that there is a lot of shale worth fracking in New York (Norse could not find any) and that the state moratorium drove the majors away and made Norse go bankrupt (wrong again, most of the majors left the state before the moratorium). Norse crooked its investors and got sued. It crooked the towns it drilled in on road damages. It could not make any money on vertical gas wells.  And it proved where the Utica and Marcellus “fairway” are not located in New York.  Then tried to start a Shale Shamstitute at the University of Buffalo as part of the […]

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Home Rule Challenged in New Mexico

November 14, 2013
Home Rule Challenged in New Mexico

Some states, including New Mexico all land use ordinances at the county level – as well as the town or city level. This is because in some western states, there are few towns or cities – just the county. So some of those counties, notably Santa Fe, have adopted land use ordinances to address drilling. Since the frackers want to be able to frack anywhere without regard to surface land uses, they have challenged one of those county ordinances. Oil and gas ban spurs lawsuit in NM county By SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN, Associated Press Updated 2:07 pm, Wednesday, November 13, 2013 ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A decision by one northern New Mexico county to prohibit oil and natural gas development has prompted a statewide industry group and three landowners to […]

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November 14, 2013

For those who have been following and learning about unconventional hydraulic fracturing (i.e. fracking), it is no comes as of no surprise that the chemicals used are a “trade secret”. Chemicals are soooooooo secret not even the drillers or DEP knows what’s in it. (See related at the end of article)   We may soon find out, as ruling on Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Judge Debbie O’Dell Seneca ordered 40 Range Resources contractors and subcontractors to provide the court with all chemicals, components or substances used on the Yeager site since 2009.  They have 30 days to comply. …Or more likely, 30 days to find legal loopholes so the industry doesn’t have to comply. MORE SECRETS One of the procedures prior to fracking or storage of natural gas is to […]

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Pope Bans Fracking !

November 13, 2013
Pope Bans Fracking !

At Vatican City anyway, which has had “home rule” for about a thousand years. And maybe elsewhere too – where the locals don’t want to get fracked six ways to Sunday. Maybe electing a Jesuit pope was not such a bad idea after all. They’re not overly fond of dipping into Holy Water laced with radium 226, arsenic, and benzene. And the Jesuits are the kind of crew that would be inclined to do something about it. Meet the Newest Anti-Fracking Activist: Pope Francis Posted By Katelyn Fossett  Wednesday, November 13, 2013 – 1:32 PM  Share Pope Francis has already become a favorite of progressives with his fairly open-minded statements on homosexuality and birth control. But that adoration may go into overdrive, now that the Pope has adopted a new role as an environmental crusader, too. On Monday, the Pope […]

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Fracking Property Values

November 13, 2013
Fracking Property Values

One mortgage at at time – from The Stephanie at EcoWatch:  Fracking People’s Houses: Drilling Decreases Property Value Resource Media |November 13, 2013 1:39 pm | Comments 489 2Share0 2 521 Drilling conflicts are almost always described in the context of their impacts on air, water andhealth. But increasingly, as the drilling boom sweeps the country, another part of the drilling story is starting to bubble up in drilling hotspots like Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York, Wyoming and Texas.Increasingly, oil and gas development is butting up against, and often trampling, the bedrock American principles of property rights and the value of one’s home.Industry estimates peg the number new wells that will be drilled across the U.S. over the next decade at more than 200,000. In this rush to tap once unreachable deposits, oil and gas development is pushing the […]

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Banks Ban Fracking !

November 13, 2013
Banks Ban Fracking !

One loan at a time. Banks are not making loans to home owners that are at risk of getting fracked. And not renewing mortgages on fracked land. And in some cases, putting fracked mortgages into default.  Bankers don’t want the collateral on their loans to get fracked. They’re just funny that way . . .  American Banker has the story here. It “could end up where someone puts a drilling platform on” their land, says Jim Blaine, president and CEO of State Employees’ Credit Union in North Carolina. “We’d have to tell their neighbors, ‘We’re sorry, your property value just went down.’” Fracking Boom Gives Banks Mortgage Headaches by ANDY PETERS NOV 12, 2013 11:19am ET An East Coast oil boom has promised potential riches to lucky landowners. But the oil rush […]

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Albany LNG Frackdown Videos !

November 13, 2013
Albany LNG Frackdown Videos !

LNG regs. protest now on YouTube – great comments about Cuomo’s proposed LNG Gas Bombs Blast Remediation Plan : the 3 and a half pages of proposed regulations to site an LNG gas bomb in  any neighborhood, town, city, public park, parking lot, or harbor near you.  Here’s your chance to see some of what happened in Albany at the LNG protest and hearings. Keith Schue speaks powerfully at both the rally and in the hearing, and Dr. John Davis wraps it up at the end of the video. In addition to those who appear in the video, compelling testimony was provided by several other great activists including Kelly Branigan, Julie Huntsman, Nicole Dillingham, Ann Marie Garti, Allegra Schecter, Suzy Winkler, Clark Rhodes, and Marion Karl. More information on the DEC’s proposed […]

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November 13, 2013

The Finger Lakes region of New York is well known for its vineyards and wine.  It is a vibrant economic resource which attracts thousands of tourists every year, from the novice to the connoisseur of fine wines. As with any produce, wine grapes need clean water, clean air and a healthy land to thrive.  This is one reason a number of wineries and vineyards in the Finger Lakes region are concerned about natural gas drilling. Unlike the short-term boom-bust cycle of natural gas drilling, the business of wine is long term and a vital part of the local economy.   You can understand the conundrum of potentially contaminating the air, water and land for a short term gain via natural gas drilling or foregoing the promise of gajillions of dollars in […]

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Shale Shyster Threatens NYS Over Loss of Non-Existent Shale Gas

November 12, 2013
Shale Shyster Threatens NYS Over Loss of Non-Existent Shale Gas

Just when you thought the Fracking Fairy Tale of Shale Gas in New York could not get much weirder – landowner fracking-wannabes have now put out a cut ‘n paste draft of a “lawsuit” against the Governor of New York, the DEC, the DOH, and All That is Holy alleging a “takings” of property because their John Doe plaintiffs say that the DEC has supposedly denied them the right to frack themselves silly, despite the fact that none of them either bothered to apply for a drilling permit on their property – before or after the de facto moratorium for one narrowly defined type of fracking went into effect. The Joint Landowners Coalition of Central New York – the JLCNY (pronounced “JLCNY”) has sketched out a skeletal pleading without one named plaintiff in […]

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New York Shale Gas Potential – Videos !

November 10, 2013
New York Shale Gas Potential - Videos !

The Cris has finished the videos from the October 30 presentations at Cornell, showing both the speaker and the Power Point in split screen, as shown on the Tompkins County Council of Governments website here. Great work Cris McConkey and Bill Huston. Great shots, great audio. Nice package, no dry holes here. Worth a watch to see the interdisciplinary approach to the issue : Just how much shale gas is there in New York ?  Short answer, Nowhere near as much as the gas industry lobbyists lead people to believe.  Not even fracking close. Welcome and Introduction from Prof. Ingraffea 1-Anthony (Tony) Ingraffea: NY Shale Gas Potential New York Shale Gas Potential – Economics and Regulatory Considerations – James “Chip” Northrup  2-James Northrup: NY Shale Gas Potential 3-Brian Brock: […]

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New York Shale Gas Potential – Economic and Regulatory Considerations

November 10, 2013
New York Shale Gas Potential - Economic and Regulatory Considerations

Wherein reality interferes with New York Shale Hype. First there’s the geology as the primary indicator of where shale gas might be productive in New York State. Then economics intervene – not just as a function of the price of gas, but the underlying financings of the Shale Game itself. And lastly, the regulatory considerations – which can reduce the productive area substantially. The Shale Gas Myth Busters are planning repeats of the Cornell forum for NYC, Syracuse and Oneonta.  Watch this space for details. Jerry Acton models the geological factors here – which explains why shale gas drilling applications are where they are and aren’t where they aren’t .  .  .here Lou Allstadt discusses the industry’s view on New York here – whereby a retired Mobil Executive VP explains […]

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November 9, 2013

The results of the November 5, 2013 ballot measures regarding the natural gas industry is cause for concern by a number of investors.    The Motley Fool, an investment/stock market website lamented over how fracking is losing the PR Battle. Per Sarah Murphy article: “Seriously, these guys have got to step up their game if they want to survive. At last week’s SRI Conference on Sustainable, Responsible, Impact Investing, I talked with countless fund managers, investors, financial advisors, and academics, all of whom agreed that while fracking is controversial from a sustainability perspective, the industry’s ham-fisted approach to public engagement has been so feeble as to be pathetic.” The public relations approach by the industry has relied on waving false promises of becoming a “shaleionaire” in the general public’s faces and […]

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An Industry View of New York Shale Gas – Lou Allstadt

November 9, 2013
An Industry View of New York Shale Gas - Lou Allstadt

Ex Mobil Oil Executive Vice President, Lou Allstadt made a presentation at Cornell recently on something he knows a lot about: the oil and gas business.  Allstadt focused on the industry’s behavior regarding the prospects for shale gas in New York.  He analyzed what they did – not what their PR departments said about New York’s shale gas potential.  His presentation, narrated online here, shows that, armed with a wealth of geological data on New York’s shales, the industry tested the area and left before the de facto moratorium went into place in 2008. Some of the most knowledgeable shale specialists, such as Range Resources, never bothered with New York at all. Lou explains why. Lou Allstadt explains what the majors saw in New York’s shale, why they left years ago, […]

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Mean Mother Fracker

November 9, 2013
Mean Mother Fracker

Could have described The Sandra a bit more more artfully, but it captures the essence. Good profile in Outside Magazine How Sandra Steingraber is Leading the War Against Hydraulic Fracking Steingraber is hardly a newcomer to the environmental scene: people have been comparing the former biology professor to Rachel Carson since 1997, when she publishedLiving Downstream. The book examines how illness is linked to pollution, and it grew out of Steingraber’s experiences battling a form of bladder cancer that may have been caused by industrial runoff. But over the past three years, Steingraber, 54, has emerged as one of the country’s top experts on the hot-button issue of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. And here’s the really surprising thing: at a time when everyone from big green groups like the Natural Resources […]

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New York Shale Gas: Frack What ? Frack Where ? Frack When ?

November 8, 2013
New York Shale Gas: Frack What ? Frack Where ? Frack When ?

This is a narrated online overview of the Power Point presentations made at Cornell on October 30th on New York Shale Gas Potential  on BrainShark (click reload if necessary). Non-narrated version online here on Scribd. It gives a summary explanation of the key variables that both drive and constrain shale gas potential in New York – geology, economics and regulations – that can be used to arrive at an estimate of the area effected. Lou Allstadt’s presentation will go up shortly, followed by Brian Brock’s.  Jerry Acton’s Power Point is already up, here.  We are planning repeats of the forum around the state, stay tuned. When you watch these Power Points, keep in mind what the public was told about the Marcellus and Utica shales – the tens of thousands of jobs predicted, the […]

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November 8, 2013

We’ve seen the flags as backdrops to Political sideshows.  We’ve seen the flag lapel pin on every politician’s article of clothing.  Go to any Senator or Representative website and there will be some graphic reference to the flag, liberty and/or freedom. Just about every political party or front group disguised as a party will have the same. It’s all about appealing to your belief this country was founded on and is still rooted in the concept of “we the people”.   How many speeches have you heard about what the “American people want” or referencing “the American people have spoken” versus Corporate America wants or the Corporate American has spoken?    I’d wager more of the former and nothing from the latter. Natural gas drilling is one of the issues ruffling the […]

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Goodbye Frackers ! Hello Casino Buses !

November 7, 2013
Goodbye Frackers ! Hello Casino Buses !

News from the Catskills, where the locals are probably now going to have to learn to contend with casino buses, not frack truck convoys. Good coverage from the River Reporter. Note that the reporter points out the fact that much of the Catskills has been cooked off of gas is not exactly news within the industry and to anyone that has been paying attention when Hess and Newfield bailed out of Wayne County, across the Delaware River and up in the trees. Catch 22 is that the Catskills remain vulnerable to all of the collateral damage coming out out of the Frack Zone – and Delaware County, New York has been teed up by Exxon for a fracking. Right by  a trout stream near a NYC reservoir.Thickens the plot. New York […]

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November 7, 2013

In Cooperstown, all of Otsego County, 90% of Chenango County and all of Schoharie County. Plus about 85% of the rest of Upstate New York.  This leaves some third rate frak flaks, the odd frackademic, and a couple of local shale shysters to lay down a smoke screen to cover the frackers retreat. This Power Point explains why: New York Shale Gas overview The Freeman’s Journal gets the scoop in today’s edition. Issues now on the news stands. Get your souvenir copy and I will sign it for a 4 pack of Ommegang. FRACKING IMPOSSIBLE LOCALLY, DATA SHOWS Two of the most expert and eloquent local opponents of fracking, Lou Allstadt and Chip Northrup of Cooperstown, have concluded there is too little natural gas under Otsego County to ever warrant development.  For […]

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Bruce Selleck – Frackademic ?

November 7, 2013
Bruce Selleck -  Frackademic ?

Was on a panel with Colgate’s Professor Bruce Selleck in Utica, and he struck me as perhaps a closet frackademic, Terry Engelder Lite. This became apparent when he defended New York’s lack of a severance tax as being unexceptional (it is not), which had much to do with shale shilling and little to do with the geology, which he was empaneled to address. So was not surprised by his reaction to the work presented on New York’s shale gas potential at Cornell.  Bruce Selleck is evidently just another a frackademic, parroting the gas industry’s lines. Bruce Selleck’s Utica Fairway was one of drivers of the Shale Game in New York Here’s Tom Wilber on the matter: “Bruce Selleck is a geologist at Colgate University who has identified the prospective area for shale […]

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New York Shale Gas Mythbusters Coming Soon to a Dry Hole Near You

November 6, 2013
New York Shale Gas Mythbusters Coming Soon to a Dry Hole Near You

We will finish putting the Power Points online then focus on scheduling a repeat of the Cornell presentations Panel of Experts: Little Marcellus Gas Potential in New York State By Bill Chaisson Marcellus Shale Gas potential   Systems engineer Jerry Acton, geologist Brian Brock, former Mobil executive Louis Allstadt, and former ARCO executive Chip Northrup at Hollister Hall. Posted: Wednesday, November 6, 2013 12:00 am By Bill Chaisson | On Wednesday, Oct. 30 at a symposium hosted by Cornell engineering professor Tony Ingraffea at Hollister Hall, a geologist, a systems engineer, and two former energy company executives discussed the potential of the Marcellus Formation in New York State to produce shale gas. Their conclusion was that only a small portion of the southern parts of Broome and Tioga counties are likely to […]

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Geologist Bursts Shale Gas Bubble

November 6, 2013
Geologist Bursts Shale Gas Bubble

Our pal Art Berman explains why most of the shale gas boom is non-sustainable, and never was going to be.  New York Shale Gas Potential Overview here

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GOP Blames Governor For NYS Geology: “Where’s The Gas Gov ?”

November 6, 2013
GOP Blames Governor For NYS Geology: "Where's The Gas Gov ?"

AP Buffalo November 6th Kevin Bogus GOP’s Ed Cox Guilt Trips Governor For State’s Lack of Shale Gas Potential In a withering diatribe, Richard Nixon’s son-in-law (no I can’t make this stuff up) has blamed New York’s almost complete lack of economically viable shale gas reserves on Governor Cuomo. Mocking the Governor in front of $500 a plate dinner of Xtra Spicy Buffalo Wings at the local Dinosaur Barbecue, Cox asked rhetorically: “What have you done with all that fracking gas, Andrew ? When you became Governor, there was an estimated 80 Trillion Cubic Feet in this state. You said so yourself.  It said so in the New York Post. A recent assessment puts that down to less than 4 Trillion – nothing more than a bit of flowback from Pennsylvania. What […]

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Frack Barges on the Erie Canal ?

November 6, 2013
Frack Barges on the Erie Canal ?

Frackers are talking about getting Coast Guard approval to barge frack waste down the Erie Canal. Would not touch that with an 11′ barge pole. The following article provides insight on the Coast Guard’s proposal to allow fracking waste to be transported by barge, the problem with barge spills, and Pennsylvania’s lax rules that encourage illicit dumping. As Lou Alstadt has pointed out, a consequence of transporting fracking waste by barge could be a lot of northbound trucks carrying fracking waste through Otsego County up to the Erie Canal. Here is a link to the federal website to comment…!docketBrowser;rpp=25;po=0;dct=PS;D=USCG-2013-0915   A friend, who happens to have been a licensed ship commander in charge of a tanker fleet, weighs in on the prospect:  “There are several water routes north from the PA gas […]

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Fractavists Win Big In Colorado !

November 6, 2013
Fractavists Win Big In Colorado !

Big wins in Colorado where voters tell frackers to take a fracking hike  Huge Election Victories for Colorado’s Anti-Fracking Movement EcoWatch |November 6, 2013 9:33 am | Comments 15 0Share0 4 38 Yesterday’s election brought huge results for anti-fracking voters in Fort Collins, Boulder and Lafayette where all measures were approved that will either ban or pause the practice of hydraulic fracturing. Initial results show Broomfield with a tally so close—13 votes—that it will force a recount. “With wins in Boulder, Lafayette and Fort Collins—and a partial-victory in Broomfield—this election sends a huge wake-up call to Governor Hickenlooper that the people of Colorado do not want to be fracked,” said Gary Wockner of Clean Water Action. ”Fort Collins’ vote is especially revealing—a decisive 10 point win in a swing county while being outspent 40 to 1. The oil and gas industry […]

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November 6, 2013

In following the Range Resources case involving water contamination of 8 families in Amwell Township, we learned: Range Resources Don’t Know Frack PA Department of Environmental Protection Don’t Know Frack Testing Labs Don’t Know Frack We’ve been subjected to the same tired excuse by the natural gas corporations of why they can’t tell us what’s in the fracking chemicals. It’s a trade secret. It’s proprietary information. Top and Bottom Secret. Hush Hush. Double super-dooper heavily guarded recipe. If they tell ya, they’ll have to kill you – but of course if they don’t tell you, it will kill you anyways. So who the frack knows what’s in the frack? After months of run around, excuses, and pleas for extension of time we find it’s the SUPPLIES who know what’s in […]

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November 6, 2013

By casinos.  Surprise ! And the geology of the area. Not such a surprise ! And New York’s new Mayor Elect who is not likely to be a complete fracking shill like that other guy.  Thanks in advance, Mayor !  Casino traffic and frack truck convoys don’t mix. And the casino lobby will make sure who wins that argument in Albany. Local frak flaks like Karen Moreau and Brad Gill won’t be able to get a lie in edgewise. Wherever there is a casino, there will be no fracking. Wherever there is a road into or out of a casino, there will be no frack traffic.  Game over. Casinos can out-lobby anybody. Bye bye frackers, hello Barry Manilow in the Main Lounge. Chesapeake’s secret plan to turn Grossingers into a Man […]

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Tom Wilber Zeros in on New York’s True Shale Prospects

November 5, 2013
Tom Wilber Zeros in on New York's True Shale Prospects

As usual, Tom Wilber brings a nuanced approach to the subject. Tom finds someone other than a gas industry PR person to talk about the subject, in the form of a Colgate geology professor, who comes across as Engelder Lite.  Read more here: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 What are the prospects for New York’s shale reserves? Sociology, ideology weigh heavy in debate over geology The value of a given shale gas reserve depends on the physical characteristics of the rock. How deep? How thick? How much wet gas? How much dry gas? But as with many aspects of the shale gas debate, there’s more to it. Community attitudes, politics, special interests, markets, and ideological conviction all influence the social and monetary push to get things moving.Things are not moving in […]

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Buck Bids Adios to Buffalo Frackademics

November 5, 2013
Buck Bids Adios to Buffalo Frackademics

With the lingering, question – just who were the University of Buffalo Frackademics trying to fool ? When the only gas anywhere near Buffalo is likely to be at the Dinosaur Barbeque ? New York Marcellus Gas Potential Explained by Buck Quigley – posted 11:43 am, November 5, 2013 Filed under: Energy, Environmental, State Politics Tags: Jerry Acton, Norse Energy USA, UB Shale Resources and Society Institute Click here to watch a presentation by retired systems engineer / systems architect Jerry Acton that should help you understand why companies like Norse Energy were doomed to fail. Not because New York State is unfriendly to the natural gas industry; but rather because the cold, hard facts of geology contradict the gaseous hyperbole spouted by pro-frackers. There likely just ain’t so much gas in them thar hills of our southern tier. Makes you wonder […]

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JLCNY Continues to Shakedown Clueless Landowners

November 5, 2013
JLCNY Continues to Shakedown Clueless Landowners

To pay for a lawsuit that the original plaintiff, Anschutz Exploration bailed on – not for lack of funds, but for lack of motivation to pursue a legal matter that 8 New York justices have now ruled in favor of: Home Rule. With no dissents. This case remains alive more for political reasons than legal ones, with Chesapeake’s lobbyist still trying to find a Rent a Plaintiff to stand in for the former Rent A Plaintiff, the now defunct Norse Energy.  And then there’s their  frivolous publicity Takings Stunt against New York. They have no  plaintiff, no bone fide claims to pursue, and no money, but they do have a shale shyster with his hand out.   That’s a start, right ? Dear Friends and Natural Gas Supporters, The JLCNY continues […]

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Shale Gas Mythbusters Puts NYS Frack Flacks In Tizzy

November 5, 2013
Shale Gas Mythbusters Puts NYS Frack Flacks In Tizzy

Peter Mantius’s take on the frackers reaction to the Fracking Reality Check presented at Cornell.  Note the disconnect between the industry’s behavior – they came, they tested,  they left – and the industry PR types left behind to continue to perpetuate the myth of of shale gas abundance in New York.  The difference between the two – the major’s departure prior to the moratorium and the PR types covering their retreat –  is 93.5% hot air.  Jerry Acton’s model is presented here. More to come soon.  My summary overview is here.  Marcellus Watch: Mythbusters Tackle Frack Hype The peddlers of false hope are in a tizzy over the latest challenge to their myth that natural gas will be an economic “game-changer” for upstate New York By Peter Mantius Posted Nov. […]

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New York Shale Gas Potential – Jerry Acton Model

November 4, 2013
New York Shale Gas Potential - Jerry Acton Model

Jerry Acton has modeled shale gas productivity in Pennsylvania and projected the likely outcome of drilling the extension of those formations into New York.  Jerry presented this model at a forum held at Cornell on October 30th. A narrated slide show of his work is on BrainShark, here.  Click “reload” webpage if it does not load on first try.  My overview of the 4 presentations is here. Well worth a listen. The Oil & Gas industry’s behavior prior to the de facto moratorium on shale gas wells validates Jerry’s findings. They came, they tested and most of them left for browner pastures before the moratorium even went into effect, leaving hapless Norse Energy and Gastem to prove where the “fairway” goes rough.  Likewise, the HVHF well permit applications on file with the DEC […]

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Norse Energy Blames Bankruptcy on Everyone But Norse

November 4, 2013
Norse Energy Blames Bankruptcy on Everyone But Norse

The “Don’t Bother to Drill Here” Memo evidently was not translated into Norwegian. . .  Ignoring the fact that they could not make a dime on their vertical gas wells, crooked their investors, dodged road use obligations and looked for Shale Love in All the Wrong Fracking Places, Norse blames their thoroughly predictable demise on “political geography” – whatever the frack that is – not geology, which they clearly don’t understand.  Norse Energy did the fractavists a real favor by testing the Utica and Marcellus shales in the supposed “fairway” and proving there’s no gas there. A convenient fact that was not lost on the rest of the industry. And came as absolutely no surprise to anyone that really understands the geology of the region. Somewhere in Norway, there’s a […]

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Frackers, meet Nicole Dillingham. Game Over.

November 3, 2013
Frackers, meet Nicole Dillingham. Game Over.

Now that her twin daughters are off to college, our pal Nicole Dillingham will soon be re-entering the legal profession on the side of the Good Guys, after having just passed the New York Bar Exam. She’s smart, she’s relentless and her heart is in the right place.  We’re lucky to have her on our side. Many of you know of her work in New York on Home Rule, the proposed fracking regulations, and the proposed LNG facility regs,  copied here – Comments on the New York DEC’s proposed LNG regulations Before she became a full time mom,  Nicole worked as a litigation attorney in San Francisco, California, representing clients in high technology, antitrust and contractual disputes. As her career progressed, she became an Arbitrator and Mediator with the America Arbitration […]

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November 3, 2013

In February of 2012, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett signed ACT 13 into law.  One of the provisions is the collection of “IMPACT FEES” on natural gas well production.   The Impact Fee was the preferred choice of the natural gas corporations as opposed to a severance fee. Prior to the impact fee, natural gas corporations negotiated with municipalities to cost of repairs related to industrialization, such as repairing the infrastructure and remediating other damages. The natural gas driller pays the impact fee to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) which divvies up the money, gives Pennsylvania government its cut, and further divvies it up to communities. Communities cannot just willy-nilly spend their portion of the impact fee on just any old thing.  There are eligible activities spelled out on how it […]

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Shale Gas Prospects In New York – Ithaca

November 1, 2013
Shale Gas Prospects In New York - Ithaca

Excellent presentations at Cornell Geology Department Building. Audience of 200 and great Q&A. Hosted by Dr. Ingraffea and planned by Sara Hess, Irene Weiser and Karen Edelstein.  The Power Points will be narrated online, then a video out of the presenters – Lou Allstadt, ex Executive Vice President Mobil Oil, Jerry Acton, ex Lockheed Martin, Brian Brock, retired geologist, and yours truly. Summary of presentations here. Cornell Panelists: Most N.Y. Shale Likely Unprofitable Little local economic gain. Collateral damage likely. 8:03 PM, Oct 31, 2013   |  Comments    A panel at Cornell University Wednesday night said the economic advantage of hydraulic fracturing in New York state is limited compared to neighboring Pennsylvania. Written by Andrew Casler ITHACA — Hydrofracking would bring little economic gain to New York state and more environmental fallout, according […]

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October 31, 2013

The incumbents and supporters think they have hit on a big sure-fire campaign theme.   Label the challengers as *GASP* liberals and tie them to the dreaded “Ithaca style politics”.   Whatever “Ithaca style politics” means, it must be really really bad….right? To date the incumbent crowd has called the challengers, left-wing extremists from Albany, radical extremists, Ithacan-style politicians, and outsiders.   They have warned the citizenry that should the challengers win it could lead to banning of wood stoves, coal stoves, FIREARMS, Home-based businesses, pesticides and *gasp* Hunting. This week, Covert residents received a postcard style flyer in their mail boxes, warning them of just such an Apocalypse.    The graphic features a 1960’s orange VW bug with flower decals, and a peace symbol.  They forgot to include an image cavorting, half-naked hippies […]

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October 30, 2013

Nothing indicates desperation in politics like slinging mud, and the incumbent supporters in Covert NY are bringing in truckloads of mud. We’ve all seen it, on playgrounds and if we have children, we’ve seen it in our own homes, when a fight ensues and one child will resort to calling the other a “doodyhead”. Although the incumbents’ supporters have not actually called the challenging candidates “doodyheads”, they are using the word “OUTSIDERS”.  The irony of the use of “outside” money from corporations funneled to the Seneca County Republican Party, (which would include Ithaca), and trickled down to the incumbents eludes them. There is also a half page ad endorsing the incumbents by the Seneca County Board of Supervisors. One ad calls out the challengers one-by-one and tosses out the “OUTSIDER” label. […]

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Why Ban Drilling if No Gas ?

October 29, 2013
Why Ban Drilling if No Gas ?

Some of you evidently have been wondering. Good question. Simple answer: Because a well written “ban” ordinance is a prohibition of heavy industrial use(s), and there is collateral damage to address – that may not be covered by a fracking ban. Such prohibited uses should include some of the support activities to drilling a fracking a well – all of which can occur remote from the well site itself. Most importantly, town and county ordinances can also address the industrial discharge of fracking waste, such as frack waste dumping of frack flowback on town or county roads for de-icing or dust suppression, the dumping of radioactive drill cuttings in landfills or the discharge of frack flowback into municipal water plants – all of which can be addressed by various town and county ordinances. Road use […]

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Frack Zombie Tries To File Dryden Appeal

October 29, 2013
Frack Zombie Tries To File Dryden Appeal

Just in time for Halloween . . . Chesapeake’s lobbyist, Tom West has been unable to find a sentient substitute plaintiff against the Town of Dryden, so he’s stuck with a rotting corpse as a client. “Norse Energy” only exists in liquidation by a Trustee.  And paying Tom West to beat a dead horse over Home Rule is not something a bankruptcy trustee is likely to do.  Which begs the question: “Who is paying Chesapeake’s Lobbyist in Albany to sue the Town of Dryden on behalf of a zombie plaintiff ?” Scott Waldman gets the scoop  BY SCOTT WALDMAN 2:23 pm Oct. 28, 2013 ALBANY—Attorneys filed briefs with the state’s highest court on Monday in a case that will determine whether or not municipalities can ban hydrofracking within their borders. The […]

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Unfracked in Ithaca !

October 29, 2013
Unfracked in Ithaca !

One way or another. High Above Cayuga’s Waters – there’s not likely to be any fracking any century soon. And a Hole lot of other parts of Upstate New York as Well.  Good coverage of the Cornell New York Shale Gas Potential panel for Wednesday    Map to Hollister Hall here : Tompkins an unlikely target for gas drilling N.Y. is  Shale Gas Poor, Presenters at Cornell Will Say 6:24 PM, Oct 28, 2013   | Comments Written by Andrew Casler If you go The free event, “Marcellus and Utica Shale Gas Potential in New York State,” is scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday in Hollister Hall Auditorium Room B-14, 4 Central Ave. on the Cornell campus. ITHACA — Gas drillers would likely find poor natural gas reserves in Tompkins County, according to a […]

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October 29, 2013

In 7 short days, Covert Counts will see how well they have done with their campaigns.  They need your help. Covert Counts grew out of Concerned Citizens of Covert (CCC), a true grassroots organization comprising entirely of volunteers.   At serious risk is the community of Covert – its land, its water, its air and its people as the threat of natural gas drilling and fracking draws nearer. As CCC, the volunteers sought to work within the system of the local town government.   They talked to people, held educational events, held petition drives, attended and spoke at town meetings.  In 2012, CCC offered to create a Citizen’s advisory committee in conjunction with the town board for the purpose of researching and educating the residents of Covert.  The advisory committee would have […]

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Peter Mantius Nails New York Shale Play Story

October 28, 2013
Peter Mantius Nails New York Shale Play Story

Big time . . . New York Shale Play Gets Major Downgrade By Peter Mantius, on October 28th, 2013 Natural Resources News Service | Leave a comment NY Median IP Projections – Jerry Acton mapped his projections for median initial production at gas wells in New York based on production figures from wells in similar geology in Pennsylvania. Black diamonds represent uneconomic drilling. BINGHAMTON, N.Y. — The real reason New York State has not allowed high-volume hydrofracking for natural gas in its Marcellus shale is that there is almost no gas that can be economically extracted, according to four retired professionals turned fracking analysts. Their argument contradicts the gas industry’s narrative – widely accepted as fact by many landowners, investors, politicians and state regulators – that shale gas is a potential economic […]

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October 28, 2013

Former Rep. B.J. Nikkel (R-49) was originally appointed by a vacancy committee and was sworn into the Colorado General Assembly on January 13, 2009, and ran for election in 2010. Nikkel ran for election in 2010 served a 2-year term.  In early 2012, she announced she would not seek re-election and thus avoided a primary battle against fellow Republican Rep. Brian DelGrosso. Nikkel’s Campaign Finance disclosure may be found by clicking HERE. As of 2011, Nikkel was the Colorado State Chairman of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).  ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wish lists to benefit their bottom line.  Corporations fund almost all of […]

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Farm Bureau Rejects Farm Fracking !

October 27, 2013
Farm Bureau Rejects Farm Fracking !

Schuyler County, New York has about as much upside in Shale Gas as the Rock of Gibraltar. So banning wildcat exploration, frack waste, frack dumps and injection wells makes perfect sense.  Strictly Business: Farm Bureau Rejects Fracking 5:52 PM, Oct 26, 2013   |    More than 150 municipalities in New York have passed a ban or moratorium on gas drilling or fracking, according to FracTracker. Earlier this month, Schuyler County’s Farm Bureau joined the fold. In this undated file photo, Range Resources workers stand near the rig that drills into the shale at a well site in Pennsylvania. / FILE PHOTO Written by G. Jeffrey Aaron Ed Gates, a dairy farmer who has operated Seneca Valley Farms just outside Burdett since 1967, milks 1,000 cows on his farm. Those cows get their […]

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Industry Writes DEC’s Position on LNG inFrackstructure

October 27, 2013
Industry Writes DEC's Position on LNG inFrackstructure

From The Sandra and Mary Menapace – who points out that the DEC’s position on the “environmental benefits of LNG” was not written by the DEC. But was dictated to the DEC’s resident frak flaks   by the name of “Expansion Energy” that sells a proprietary LNG technology used to frack wells ! How convenient. Anywhere else that would be a clear conflict of interest. But at the NY DEC, it’s how the fracking sausage gets made.  The Sandra explains all –  “Who is behind the 2011 NYSERDA report that is the sole scientific basis for the claim in DEC’s draft regs that LNG has “environmental benefits”? Mary Menapace discovered that NYSERDA hired out the research and writing of the report.  She spoke about that publicly. It turns out that the energy […]

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Cuomo’s LNG Gas Bomb inFrackstructure

October 27, 2013
Cuomo's LNG Gas Bomb inFrackstructure

The Keith summarizes Cuomo’s Plan to Permit LNG Gas Bombs Statewide. Commentary: Liquefied gas plan offers peril to state By Keith Schue, Commentary Published 10:14 pm, Saturday, October 26, 2013 In 1976, in the wake of a horrific explosion on Staten Island that killed 40 people, the New York state Legislature put a hold on new liquefied natural gas facilities, pending the adoption of regulations. But the Department of Environmental Conservation never actually wrote any rules, so a de facto ban has been in place ever since. Fracking changes that. Just in time for Halloween, DEC has resurrected Frankenstein regulations that it failed to adopt 40 years ago. In a recent interview, DEC Commissioner Joe Martens claimed that its newly proposed rules for LNG have nothing to do with fracking. This suggests a willful disconnect from reality. […]

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Tom Wilber’s Prequel to Cornell Shale Show

October 26, 2013
Tom Wilber's Prequel to Cornell Shale Show

Tom Wilber covers the Cornell Shale Show scheduled for Wednesday, Oct 30th at Hollister Hall at 7.  Some responses below.   Friday, October 25, 2013 Will Utica, Marcellus Remain Non-Starters in Empire State? New Theory Holds Geology, Not Politics, Thwarts NY fracking A collection of factors stalled the Pennsylvania shale gas rush at the New York state border, including grass roots opposition, a market glut, the threat of local bans and —  above all — the state’s reluctance to complete permitting guidelines without more information about health impacts. That, at least, is the familiar version of the story recounted through the popular press. But a group of activists – some uniquely qualified – are building an argument that something more profound and fundamental is at work: A lack of gas. […]

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Fractavist Vera Scroggins Silenced For Doing EPA’s Job

October 25, 2013
Fractavist Vera Scroggins Silenced For Doing EPA's Job

Couldn’t have put it more succinctly than Dr. Brasch, so I didn’t.  Here’s his take on Vera’s Fractavist Martyrdom  by Cabot Energy . . .  Fracking Activist Silenced for Doing EPA’s Work WALTER BRASCH FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Monday morning, Oct. 21, 2013: Vera Scroggins, a retired real estate agent and nurse’s aide, was in Common Pleas Court for Susquehanna County, Pa., to explain why a temporary injunction should not be issued against her. Before her were four lawyers and several employees of Cabot Gas and Oil, who accused her of trespassing and causing irreparable harm to the company that had almost $1 billion in revenue in 2012. They didn’t want her on their property they owned or leased in the Marcellus Shale. Scroggins is an anti-fracking activist, someone who […]

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October 25, 2013

Just in time for Thanksgiving. 30 days more to tell them what you really think.  Info on how to comment here. Get those comments in ladies & gents ! The DEC seems to have overlooked a few things in their 6 page LNG regs. Maybe because that’s what they’re paid to do: Fast track the LNG SuperHighway to a blast site near you. Like next door. DEC EXTENDS PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD ON PROPOSED LNG REGULATIONS FOR 30 DAYS   Written Comments Will Be Accepted Through December 4, 2013 Public Meeting and Hearing in Albany Scheduled for October 30, 2013   The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has extended the public comment period on proposed regulations (6 NYCRR Part 570) to set criteria for the construction and operation of new […]

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Shale Gas Forum 7 PM October 30th at Hollister Hall at Cornell

October 25, 2013
Shale Gas Forum 7 PM October 30th at Hollister Hall at Cornell

Tompkins County Council Event to Address Economic Potential for Shale Gas in NY Story Tompkins County Council Event to Address Economic Potential for … Comments Posted: Thursday, October 24, 2013 9:02 am By Staff Reports | 0 comments ITHACA — Lou Allstadt and Chip Northrup, analysts of drilling technologies and the economics of the gas industry, along with Jerry Acton, a systems engineer, and geologist Brian Brock, will give a free presentation on assessing the potential for shale gas drilling in New York State. Having studied 5 years of shale gas production records from Pennsylvania and test wells in N.Y., they have compiled enough information from public and industry sources to confidently address where the Marcellus and Utica could be productive for drilling in New York, given current technology and economic conditions.  And just as […]

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Former Presidential Candidate Who Beat George Jr In Popular Vote Backs Fracking

October 24, 2013
Former Presidential Candidate Who Beat George Jr In Popular Vote Backs Fracking

We’re doomed ! Not !  A golden oldie:  Al Gore Invests in Fracking Company April 1, 2014 Former U.S. Vice President and environment advocate Al Gore has closed a deal to make a multi-million dollar investment in a natural gas producer that specializes in fracking. In a statement to shareholders, Canada-based PetroBakken Resources announced that Gore and his investment partners would be pumping $200 million into the company in return for a 15 percent stake. The move comes just weeks after Gore sold his shares in cable broadcaster Current to Al-Jazeera, a Middle Eastern channel backed by oil wealth. Both transactions have raised eyebrows because of the dissonance between Gore’s high-profile environmental activism and his investment strategy. The PetroBakken investment in particular has come under harsh scrutiny because the company develops unconventional resources like shale gas and tar sands, both highly controversial with […]

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Non-existent Appeal of Dryden Case Promoted in New York Times

October 24, 2013
Non-existent Appeal of Dryden Case Promoted in New York Times

Just in time for the New York Supremes to decline to hear the case Because there is no actual plaintiff in Nobody vs Dryden.  Just a lawyer. Who happens to be Chesapeake’s lobbyist.  Color me skeptical, but the timing of this story – right when the lawyer for the putative plaintiff is trying to instate a substitute plaintiff seems a bit curious, since it implies that ‘Dryden must be heard’ – when the Middlefield appeal would resolve the Home Rule issue quite nicely – if the Supremes think it necessary to hear either appeal. So it reads as ‘Tom West Must Be Heard.” Go figure.  Fracking Fight Focuses on a New York Town’s Ban   Nathaniel Brooks for The New York Times Deborah Cipolla-Dennis, left, and her wife, Joanne, received a pitch from a […]

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Frackbook World Fracking News

October 23, 2013
Frackbook World Fracking News

All the news that’s fit to frack . . . The 30 DAYS OF FRACKING REGS  Day 17: Operator Competency NJ: Anti-fracking supporters march to sway Christie Michigan DEQ proposes new fracking regulations in light of environmental, health concerns WV: Data lacking on gas drilling waste disposal PA: Upper Bucks town wins fight over gas-drilling N.D. lawsuit foretells lengthy disputes over mineral rights Dangerous Amounts of Radiation Detected in Stream Containing Fracking Wastewater Natural Gas Boom Is Part of Climate Problem, Not Its Solution: Report Canada: Group says answers needed about RCMP response to anti-shale gas protest EU prepping safer shale gas regulations  

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Canada’s Fracking Cancer Capital

October 23, 2013
Canada's Fracking Cancer Capital

Is Tar Land, Alberta. Want lung cancer ? Go to Tarland, Alberta. Go outside. Breathe deep. Repeat  Heavy air pollution in Canadian area with cancer spikes Heavy Air Pollution in Canadian Area With Cancer Spikes Oct. 22, 2013 — Levels of contaminants higher than in some of the world’s most polluted cities have been found downwind of Canada’s largest oil, gas and tar sands processing zone, in a rural area where men suffer elevated rates of cancers linked to such chemicals. The findings by UC Irvine and University of Michigan scientists, published online this week, reveal high levels of the carcinogens 1,3-butadiene and benzene and other airborne pollutants. The researchers also obtained health records spanning more than a decade that showed the number of men with leukemia and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was […]

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How Much Shale Gas In New York ?

October 23, 2013
How Much Shale Gas In New York ?

Enquiring minds want to know ! I take a flying stab at some answers because The Lou was ill and couldn’t make the taping. Get a preview of the presentations at Cornell on October 30th at Hollister Hall at 7.   More info on the Cornell presentations here Capital Tonight on YNN Liz Benjamin Show

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“Pinelands” Does Not Mean “Pipeline”: Just Say NO to the South Jersey Gas Company

October 23, 2013
“Pinelands” Does Not Mean “Pipeline”: Just Say NO to the South Jersey Gas Company

From Kevin Heatley, Shale Justice Coalition South Jersey Gas Company wants to run a 22 mile pipeline (carrying fracked gas) through the New Jersey Pinelands – an internationally designated UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. It is supposedly protected by the Pinelands Commission but the commission has been compromised and is about to allow an exemption to the Comprehensive Plan. South Jersey Gas claims they are using it to change the BL England coal plant over to gas. But the plant is located on Egg Harbor – next to the Ocean. It’s an easy speculation what that location portends–global transport. Don’t Gas The Pinelands on Vimeo This is not rocket science. This is a moral imperative. CALL Governor Chris Christie (609) 292-6000 and demand that the pipeline NOT be built through the Pinelands!

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World Fracking News

October 22, 2013
World Fracking News

The 30 DAYS OF FRACKING REGS  Day 16: Operator Competency DEC Commissioner Martens: State health report on hydrofracking not coming any time soon Hydrofracking and water issues divide Hector WV: Gas drilling distance buffer not far enough, researcher says Ohio : South Side company wants to recycle fracking debris IL: Fracking Draws Concerns in Johnson County Virginia: The Oil And Gas Industry Wants To Start Fracking At The Source Of D.C.’s Water Supply New Brunswick fracking protests are the frontline of a democratic fight Fracking Protests in NB: Why Resource Projects Are in Peril

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The Vera Barred From Frack Sites !

October 22, 2013
The Vera Barred From Frack Sites !

The Vera has been recording fracking shenanigans and leading guided tours in the Frack Zone for years, signing in as “visitors”. Now some frackers are trying to get a court to keep her from watching them. So that they can frack in secrecy. Because the Second Fracking Commandment is “Never Let the Public See You Fracking”    Fractivist Barred from Cabot Frack Sites BY STACI WILSON (STAFF WRITER) Published: October 22, 2013 A fracker  from a “Man Camp” exposes himself to the unblinking eye of Vera’s camera.  Fractivist barred from Cabot sites As well permits decline, wastewater reuse plateauing A natural gas driller gained a preliminary injunction Monday barring a local anti-fracking activist from trespassing onto its leased well sites and access roads. Houston-based Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. filed […]

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Nobody v Dryden DOA at Supremes ?

October 21, 2013
Nobody v Dryden DOA at Supremes ?

First Anschutz sued the Town of Dryden over its fracking ban and lost. So Anschutz bailed on an appeal. Then Chesapeake’s lobbyist, Tom West got with Dennis Holbrook to get Norse Energy admitted in Anschutz’s place to appeal the case, which he lost. Now Norse Energy is in liquidation and the Trustee is not likely to pursue a futile appeal. Meaning there is no plaintiff – no damages, no claim against the town.  So Tom West has to get the New York Supremes to pretend like there is actually something relevant to hear – other than Tom West’s fabrications, since the Middlefield case addresses the same legal issues.  The Supremes may decide that Middlefield sufficiently tests Home Rule, and will decline to allow yet another Rent-a-Plaintiff stand-in be substituted in […]

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Frackers Sued For Flaring Gas

October 21, 2013
Frackers Sued For Flaring Gas

Because somebody else owns the royalty interest in the gas being vented to the atmosphere. Imagine that. Which gives this report a poignant capitalist twist: the flaring will stop, not because of the damage to the biosphere, but because it breaches some obligations in mineral lease agreements ! Hoisted in their own fracktard.  Cliff Krauss gets the scoop   Oil Companies Are Sued for Waste of Natural Gas The New York Times Flared gas has nearly tripled in the last two years in North Dakota Producing emissions equivalent to more than two medium-size coal-fired power plants. By CLIFFORD KRAUSS Published: October 17, 2013 HOUSTON — In the sharpest challenge yet to the surge in flaring of natural gas in the Bakken shale oil field, North Dakota mineral owners this […]

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No Rush on “Health Study”

October 21, 2013
No Rush on "Health Study"

Because there is no health study.  There never was. Just the pretense of one for PR purposes, then Dr. Shah gadding about pretending to do research on health risks. And there’s no rush, because there’s hardly any gas worth fracking  in New York state- as we will explain at Cornell on the 30th – and Governor Cuomo is well aware of that fact. . . . despite all the leasing group rhetoric to the contrary.  The Post Standard gets the scoop DEC Commissioner Martens: Health Report on Fracking Not Coming Any Time Soon By David Figura |  on October 21, 2013 at 3:40 PM, updated October 21, 2013 at 4:45 PM DEC Commissioner Joe Martens Don’t expect a final, state report on the health aspects of hydrofracking any time soon, said […]

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When Frackers Frack Other Frackers They Break The First Fracking Commandment: Thou Shall Not Frack Another Fracker

October 20, 2013
When Frackers Frack Other Frackers They Break The First Fracking Commandment: Thou Shall Not Frack Another Fracker

It can get pretty testy. Encana fracked somebody else’s well – in yet another case of “involuntary stimulation” ( COUNSELORS, N.M. (KRQE) – More than 200 barrels of fracking fluid, oil and water blew out of a traditional oil well on BLM land in the San Juan Basin in late September raising questions about who is responsible for the spill. State regulators say the blowout on a Parko Oil well happened because of pressure from nearby fracking operations run by Encana Oil. Fracking–short for horizontal fracturing–is a controversial practice that uses chemicals pumped under pressure to break up underground layers of shale to release oil and natural gas. “The spill has been contained,” said Jim Winchester, spokesperson for the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, which houses the state […]

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Cuomo Dodges Fractavist Foodies

October 20, 2013
Cuomo Dodges Fractavist Foodies

In yet another episode of playing hide ‘n frack, Governor Cuomo ducked out of a schedule appearance at a wine and food festival today in NYC when he found out that some fractavists  might be there.  Anti-Fracking Protesters Stake Out Wine And Food Festival But Cuomo Never Shows . . . NY1: Anti-Fracking Protesters Stake Out Wine And Food Festival, But Cuomo Never Shows Play now Anti-fracking protestors staked out the New York City Wine and Food Festival Saturday, but the person they were angry at, Governor Andrew Cuomo, never showed. Cuomo was scheduled to make an appearance at the annual event but apparently backed out at the last minute. The Cuomo administration has been studying whether to lift a moratorium on the controversial drilling method that extracts natural gas […]

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New Brunswick Frackdown !

October 20, 2013
New Brunswick Frackdown !

More details on the New Brunswick Frackdown  Canada’s RCMP Brutalize Indigenous People for Opposing Fracking on Their Land By Miles Howe Global Research, October 18, 2013 Halifax Media Co-op 18 October 2013 Region: Canada Theme: Police State & Civil Rights Moncton, New Brunswick – I have been camping at the current blockade along highway 134 since the inception of the encampment, filing almost daily reports for the Media Coop. During June and July of this year, when protests against shale gas exploration in New Brunswick were of far less national interest, I was doing the same. Around 6am yesterday morning, October 17th, RCMP forces again blocked off both sides of the anti-shale gas encampment along highway 134, this time with an as yet unseen amount of police force. For numerous days prior, RCMP were […]

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Local Elections Critical: Vote or Be Fracked

October 20, 2013
Local Elections Critical: Vote or Be Fracked

For every voter that is a resident of New York (not me) or an ex con (no comment) November 5th is election day for local offices. Would strongly encourage you to what I can’t do: vote. If you do not get control of your town and county board, you will have no protections against frackers drilling wildcat wells. No protections from damaged roads without county and town road use agreements. No way to prevent frackers from dumping frackwaste on town and county roads, or dumping radioactive toxic drill cuttings in local landfills. No way to prevent an LNG Gas Bomb from being located next to the local high school. Because the DEC does not regulate road use or local land use. (And they wouldn’t help you anyway).  So get out […]

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Frackbook: All The News That’s Fit to Frack – Saturday October 25th

October 19, 2013
Frackbook: All The News That's Fit to Frack - Saturday October 25th

Inside Fracking’s ‘Man Camps’, Where Sex, Drugs, and Gonorrhea Run Rampant Ohio: Fracking waste targeted Fracking Coming to Washington D.C. ‘s Drinking Water? Colo. starts levying fines for late FracFocus reports Texas: Another Earthquake Rumbles in the Barnett Shale

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Frackbook: All the News That’s Fit to Frack

October 18, 2013
Frackbook: All the News That's Fit to Frack

The 30 DAYS OF FRACKING REGS  Day 13:  Zoning & Land Use New York’s proposed liquefied natural gas stations prompt health, hydrofracking concerns Protesters gather outside LNG meeting Wyoming high court to hear fracking disclosure suit Fracking: The Other EPA Shutdown Peter Voser: cheap shale gas is a myth Australians ‘Lock the Gate’ to fracking Cop cars burned, 40 arrested at Canada fracking protest RCMP move in on Mi’kmaq fracking protesters in New Brunswick. Police arrest 40 at New Brunswick fracking protest. Forty arrested at Canada fracking protest. Police in riot gear tear-gas and shoot Mi’kmaq protesting gas exploration in New Brunswick. Romania : a small village’s anti-fracking protest spreads to the capital ‘Nobody is leaving,’ New Brunswick native protesters vow after […]

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New York DEC LNG Frackdown !

October 18, 2013
New York DEC LNG Frackdown !

Learn how to respond to the proposed DEC LNG Gas Bomb Remediation regulations  When:         Wednesday, Oct. 23, 7 pm Where:        First Unitarian Church, Ithaca 306 N. Aurora Street, on the NW Corner with E. Buffalo Map:  Reception:       Enjoy homemade snacks and conversation following the program More Info:   Sandy Podulka, email: Background: Despite a moratorium on high-volume hydraulic fracturing, the New York Department of Conservation (DEC) is quickly and quietly trying to adopt new rules for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facilities that would pave the way for fracking, threaten communities, and make us more dependent on fossil fuel. We must fight this new threat! (The) Keith Schue and (The) Sandra Steingraber have scrutinized the regulations. They will present their analyses of the weaknesses and provide fodder for your comments to DEC. The new permitting […]

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Dallas Frackdown

October 18, 2013
Dallas Frackdown

Local zoning ordinances apply to gas wells in almost every state – and where the state tries to override local ordinances – as in Pennsylvania – the issue of jurisdiction is  being litigated. In Dallas, the City Manager leased some mineral rights before the City council approved the drilling permit.  When the driller showed up to drill the wells, the City council disapproved the permit. So the driller wants its money back. And the City is firming up restrictions on drilling.  October 17, 2013 Debate Shows Power of Cities to Limit Reach of Drilling By JIM MALEWITZ DALLAS — Claudia and Ed Meyer do not want drilling near their West Dallas home or anywhere else in the city, for that matter. Their neighborhood sits next to a patch of land that developers, […]

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Norse Went Bankrupt Because It Couldn’t Find Any Gas In New York

October 17, 2013
 Norse Went Bankrupt Because It Couldn't Find Any Gas In New York

There, I said the obvious. Come to Cornell on October 30th and we will explain in grim detail why Norse went belly up. Why Anschutz didn’t bother to appeal the trial court ruling, and now why the fracking lobbyists will have to find another fracking zombie to stand in as a Rent-a-Plaintiff  in Somebody With a Pulse vs Dryden.  Most of Norse NYS wells were vertical – not subject to the moratorium. Their wildcat tests of the Utica and Marcellus shale were dry holes. In the end, Norse proved to be more hot air than gas.   Norse Folds Because They Couldn’t Find Any Fracking Gas ALBANY, N.Y. — A Norwegian company that invested heavily in upstate New York gas leases that it couldn’t develop under the state’s fracking […]

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Canadians Who Don’t Want to Be Fracked

October 17, 2013
Canadians Who Don't Want to Be Fracked

At least not in New Brunswick . . . Violence Erupts in New Brunswick Over Shale Gas A protest over shale gas exploration in New Brunswick turned violent Thursday as RCMP officers trying to enforce an injunction clashed with protesters in Rexton. The RCMP says at least 40 people have been arrested for various offences. Google Maps   Police closed down Route 134 in Rexton and Route 11 between Richibucto and Ste-Anne-de-Kent early Thursday. The CBC reports that the confrontation escalated around midday, when several male protesters tried to push their way through a police line and officers fired pepper spray at the group. Meanwhile, schools in the Rexton area were on lockdown as a precaution. The Anglophone North School District informed parents that they would be busing students home early. According […]

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US Army Supports Fracking Ban

October 15, 2013
US Army Supports Fracking Ban

Guess radium 226, strontium 90, arsenic and barium don’t mix so well with with MREs. But then what does ? The US Army Corps of Engineers, whose reservoirs provide drinking water for millions, say “no fracking way” on a watershed they are responsible for upstream of Washington DC. A word to the wise: Don’t Frack with the United States Army Go Army ! Beat Navy ! September 22, 2013 A FRACKING BAN IS BACKED BY THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS BY DARRYL FEARS, THE WASHINGTON POST, SEPTEMBER 7, 2013 Here is the latest on this story from Environment Virginia George Washington National Forest is more than just one of the largest expanses of pristine land in the East. It’s the leafy cradle of the Shenandoah, James and Potomac rivers, a source of […]

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Halliburton Pleads Guilty in Gulf Oil Spill

October 15, 2013
Halliburton Pleads Guilty in Gulf Oil Spill

BP blamed the oil spill on its contractor – Halliburton – who denied culpability. Because they were hiding records that would incriminate them.    Ex-Halliburton Manager Pleads Guilty To Destroying BP Spill Evidence   By MICHAEL KUNZELMAN10/15/13 11:56 AM  NEW ORLEANS — NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A former Halliburton manager pleaded guilty Tuesday to destroying evidence in the aftermath of the deadly rig explosion that spawned BP’s massive 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Anthony Badalamenti, 62, of Katy, Texas, faces a maximum sentence of 1 year,  in prison and a $100,000 fine after his guilty plea in U.S. District Court to one misdemeanor count of destruction of evidence. His sentencing by U.S. District Judge Jay Zainey is set forJan. 21. Badalamenti was the cementing technology director for Halliburton Energy Services Inc., BP’s cement […]

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Syracuse LNG Frackdown – Wednesday Oct 16th

October 14, 2013
Syracuse LNG Frackdown - Wednesday Oct 16th

Tell Cuomo What You Think About New LNG Gas Bombs In Neighborhoods Central New York residents line up outside the main entrance to the New York State Fair last year to protest hydrofracking. Environmental groups plan to protest at the fairgrounds Wednesday before a public hearing on regulations to allow liquified gas storage facilities. (Lauren Long | Print By Glenn Coin |  Follow on Twitter on October 14, 2013 at 10:31 AM Syracuse, N.Y. — The public can comment Wednesday at the state fairgrounds on a plan to allow new liquified gas storage facilities in New York. The state Department of Environmental Conservation has proposed new rules to allow storage and truck fueling stations for the first time since 1973. That’s the year 40 workers died in an explosion at a Staten […]

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Industry Debates Its Own Sock Puppet

October 13, 2013
Industry Debates Its Own Sock Puppet

Guess who wins ? This reads as comedy – when you see that the frackers foil in a debate is the Environmental Defense Fraud – the biggest fracking apologist in America.  In what is headlined as a “polite debate” between some frackers who contend that fracking is “real real environmentally benign” vs a greenwashing group who adamantly insist that it is merely “real benign”. A real slugfest. Between a couple of slugs . . . A Polite Debate on a Fractious Topic Posted on October 12, 2013 at 6:30 am by Emily Pickrell Considering the sparring partners — representatives of an oil company and an environmental group — the bout over hydraulic fracturing was pretty friendly. The two shared their thoughts on the often-contentious topic last week at the University of Houston, in the […]

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Fracking Accidents Map

October 13, 2013
Fracking Accidents Map

New York Fracking Accidents are shown in this nifty map of Fraccidents by Earth Justice – No where near as many as there are in Fracksylvania – which looks like a Fracking War Zone: View Fraccidents Map in a larger map

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Cairo Shale Show !

October 13, 2013
Cairo Shale Show !

Cairo, New York that is. In Greene County. Where those beautiful green mountains are a lot bigger than the pyramids. And it didn’t take a bunch of slaves to put them there. Wherein Kelly Branigan will once again wow the crowd and discretely correct me (in a whisper several times) during my presentation. Hope to see you there. Greene Renewable Energy & Environmental Network Presents: A FORUM ON HYDROFRACKING: LEARN WHAT’S AT RISK AND WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT FEATURED SPEAKERS: CHIP NORTHRUP and KELLY BRANIGAN DATE:           Sunday, October 20, 2013 TIME:           3pm – 5pm PLACE:        Cairo Public Library, 15 Railroad Ave. Cairo NY Q&A following. Light refreshments served.  Bring a friend! Chip Northrup, former planning manager at Atlantic Richfield and an independent oil and gas investor for over 30 years with an MBA […]

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October 12, 2013

Dumping of drill cuttings from natural gas wells has been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in Hazleton, Luzerne County. Hazleton Creek Properties received approval to accept drill cuttings through the ironically named corporation “CLEAN EARTH”, LLC.  Colleen Connolly, spokes person for DEP said Clean Earth has a permit to dispose the cuttings, after stabilizing them, at old mining and industrial sites known as brownfields that are being reclaimed according to departmental regulations. Clean Earth assures us they test for radiation, metals, volatile and semi-volatile organics before entering or leaving their facilities.  Dan Mueller, manager of Clean Earth states his company does not process cuttings that contain fracking fluids. Hazleton Creek is the third brownfield in the state approved to accept drill cuttings from Clean Earth. In […]

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October 10, 2013

The fracktivist community is all buzzing with the publication of an article entitled “Some anti-drilling activists change tactics, tone”.  It was written by By KEVIN BEGOS and MICHAEL RUBINKAM.  The appearance of Begos’ name should have been enough to send up the red flag and alert everyone to be a News Nanny. I could go and dissect the Begos/Rubinkam article in detail, but Texas Sharon and Bob Donnan did that beautifully. See: AP’s Begos does hack job on fracking insurgents ‘Hatchet Job’ Backfires on AP’s Kevin Begos Regarding the use of the word “SOME”, it’s has become a way to lend credibility to a general statement which has little or no credibility.   WATCH: Outfoxed- Fox News technique: “some people say”. The local group featured in the article is Breath Easy […]

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Exxon To Frack New York Trout Stream !

August 11, 2013
Exxon To Frack New York Trout Stream !

Exxon’s only shale gas well permit left in New York is smack dab next to a stream that feeds into the Delaware River. Across the river and into the trees from The Josh. Under the heading “I really can’t make this fracking stuff up” behold the location of Exxon’s newest and last remaining shale gas well permit application in New York State. This is at the border of Delaware and Broome counties New York and Wayne County, Fracksylvania – where Hess and Newfield recently decamped.  This is so close to the Fracksylvania border that you can almost hear the banjo music. And no, I’m not referring to “Deliverance“  Exxon’s XTO shale subsidiary snuck this permit application in upstream of The Josh. As a kind of “Frack You Josh” PR stunt. This latest application […]

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Brooke Alexander: The Stepford Shale Blonde Shills For Shale

July 25, 2013
Brooke Alexander: The Stepford Shale Blonde Shills For Shale

The TV Gas Blonde, the Fracker’s Tokyo Rose, etc. Turns out to not be a robot or a cyborg as some have alleged, but a real person, with a real name, Brooke Alexander, aka “Brooke Shales” and a real background – as a Fox News Bunny, and a role as a con artist on a soap opera. Which may explain her shale schtick: There is a shale formation out there known as the Stepford. And it offers a 100 year supply of clean gas, that never pollutes the air or water. A bridge to a brighter future. Promise. The commercial was subsequently changed from “100 years” to “60 years” and, as more LNG permits have been approved to export the gas overseas, the Gas Blonde now says America’s supply of gas will […]

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Karen Moreau: Frak Flak Leftover

May 6, 2013
Karen Moreau: Frak Flak Leftover

It’s indicative of fracking’s prospects in New York when the New Face of Fracking is Karen “Mushrooms” Moreau. Picking Ms. Moreau to represent them is indicative of what the frackers thinks of their prospects in the Boondocks of the Marcellus: Not so fracking much. In replacing Mike Doyle, who actually knew a smattering about the business, they haven’t gone to the bench, they’ve gone to the dumpster, they’ve opted for a frackmailer. Because unlike Doyle, Ms. Moreau doesn’t actually know much about the oil and gas business. She just knows how to frackmail politicians. And she knows how to frackmail towns. (Prior to the Dryden & Middlefied rulings)  For instance, here was her legal advice to town boards on how Home Rule does not apply to shale wells, and that if they do ban […]

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History of New York Fracking Bans

May 4, 2013
History of New York Fracking Bans

History is written by the winners, but history is made by the doers. So with that in mind, here’s my take on how the town ban movement started in New York, as told by the winners, those relatively few men and women that were instrumental in actually making it happen, first as a legal strategy and then as a political accomplishment – one town at a time. The history to date of the Middlefield and Dryden defenses of Home Rule has been chronicled in legal journals, such as Charles Gottlieb’s piece, here. And in the findings of the courts themselves, as summarized in the appellate court’s ruling in Dryden.  What has not been adequately chronicled is how those town bans – that have been so valiantly defended – came to be enacted in the first place. Let’s […]

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The Bravest Man in Albany

February 12, 2013
The Bravest Man in Albany

Was Dr Nirav Shah. Who took the heat for the Governor. Every member of the Cuomo Administration has been systematically bought-off, cowed, co-opted or otherwise compromised by the fracking lobbyist. But for once someone in the Administration appears to have done the right thing. Maybe. If only by playing Good Fracking Cop to Martens’s Bad Fracking Cop.  Shahs’ letter to Commissioner Martens. Whenever Martens starts selling HVHF permits, the legal scenario will remain the same – the DEC has royally botched the rule-making process and they will be blocked – in court. Because the DEC has labored mightily for years and brought forth the Best Regulations the Frackers Could Buy.   The fracking shills inside the Cuomo Administration may go ahead, but Dr. Shah wasn’t to blame. It was a bright spot in the […]

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How Cuomo Sold New York to the Frackers. Cheap

February 12, 2013
How Cuomo Sold New York to the Frackers. Cheap

Hope it comes as no surprise to you that the Cuomo Administration has sold out the state to the frackers. That the way that he has handled the matter has been an exercise in duplicity and deceit. To put that in context, New York is the only state in the United States that has no autonomous environmental agency to oversee fracking and no state tax on gas production at the wellhead to pay for regulations. It is the fracking regulatory equivalent of Eritrea. This is not a coincident of circumstances, this is by conspiracy, by design. Here is a timeline of how this has unfolded: The timeline to Frack New York 1972 — First NYS Oil and Gas regulations 1975 The NY State Legislature passes a law to create the New York’s […]

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Fracking Central Park ?

December 16, 2012
Fracking Central Park ?

“A FOIL request of the DEC has uncovered two shale gas well permit applications in New York City’s Central Park. The address on the first application is given as “Central Park West at W. 62nd Street.”  The second is an address on Central Park East. The mineral rights owner is listed as “New York City” and the mineral leases are to “N. Bedford Forrest Operating Company, of Guthrie, Oklahoma,”  ably represented by The Law Firm of Tom West. The applications are shown as exploratory or “wildcat” tests of the Olmsted Shale, a formation of which little is known in Midtown. Target depth is 10,000 feet, which would require one of the biggest land rigs available to be brought up from the Eagle Ford field in South Texas, possibly by barge up the Hudson […]

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Utica Shale DOA in New York ?

October 25, 2012
Utica Shale DOA in New York ?

Shown below are the location of some of the few Utica tests wells applications on file with the DEC. They were filed by Norse Energy, who seems to have an uncanny ability to not find gas in New York  is effectively comatose in the state, having put most of their acreage up for sale, and hiring themselves out as Rent-A-Plaintiffs in order for a recently vivisected lobbyist to maintain a pulse for the Dryden appeal. Note that most of the permit applications fall outside of the USGS “sweet spot” for the Utica and are on the northern edge of where the Marcellus might be productive. Note that several of them are hard by state lands, which could mean that they intend to integrate state property into these speculations. If they need more […]

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