
U.S. Mines to Market

September 17, 2014

In early 2014, the National Mining Association commissioned SNL Metals & Mining to carry out a study tracking the minerals mined and refined in the U.S. through to their end-use in finished products. This report highlights the key findings and insights. 

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Mineral Commodity Summaries 2014

March 06, 2014

2013 six growing trends in corporate sustainability

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Emerging Workforce Trends in the U.S. Energy and Mining Industries: A Call to Action

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Department of Defense: Strategic and Critical Materials 2013 Report on Stockpile Requirements

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From Twitter

"Our country is over-regulated, which means it under-produces." Read here: "#Mining for balance": via @cdapresscom

How is #gold mined & refined? WATCH this video to find out: via @MiningGlobal #mining
28 Oct

Do you support #American #manufacturing? Tell your policymakers that #minerals matter to our manufacturing industry!
28 Oct

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