Natural Gas

In-depth coverage of the fossil fuel being touted as America's chance for energy independence and a bridge fuel on the way to renewable sources of energy.

Permit Allows Fracking Waste Storage in Backyards, Community Fights Back

Dick Stedge puts the East Township supervisors on the spot for not disclosing a certified letter from Chesapeake Energy regarding a waste permit application. photo: jbpribanic

Written by Joshua Pribanic & Amanda Gillooly for Nine Smithfield Township natural gas leaseholders have banded together to fight a new permit from the state Department of Environmental Protection that allows more than 700,000 gallons of toxic […]

Oil & Gas Worker Deaths Increase Over 100 Percent Since 2009

Oil and gas worker on a rig during a shoot for the fracking documentary Triple Divide. photo: jbpribanic

On-The-Job Deaths Spiking As Oil Drilling Quickly Expands by Andrew Schneider & Marilyn Geewax for NPR  Blue-collar workers, hit hard by automation and factory offshoring, have been struggling to find high-paying jobs. One industry does offer opportunity: As baby […]

Natural Gas Economic Expansion Meets King Coal in Wyoming


We’re scraping millions of tons of coal from the ground in Wyoming and Montana. But new oil and gas developments are shifting the energy landscape – and sparking debate on U.S. fuel and climate policy. by Gary Braasch […]

A Hill of Beans: DEP Approves Permit for #Fracking on Unleased Property

Private Property Posted No Trespassing. photo: Creative Commons

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has issued a permit to Talisman Energy to drill a natural gas well under unleased property in Susquehanna County, according to landowners Steve and Joyce Libal and state documents provided to […]

Ohio Penalizes $350,000 for Illegall Discharges of #Fracking Waste

Pennsylvania conventional farmer suffers crop yield losses, which he believes is due to runoff from the Marcellus well pad bordering his crops. © jbpribanic

Ohio Department of Natural Resources settles with two companies over Utica shale violations by Bob Downing for Akron Beacon Journal Gulfport Energy Corp. will pay a $250,000 fine, after the Ohio Department of Natural Resources discovered leaking brine […]

Texas Study Finds Arsenic in Water is Closely Associated w/ Fracking

Judy Eckert holding water contaminated with arsenic drawn from her private well. In 2007 Guardian Exploration drilled and fracked a Marcellus well 450ft from her home, which she believes contaminated her water supply. To learn more about her case you can donate to receive a copy of Triple Divide — a Public Herald documentary on fracking. © J.B.Pribanic

New Study Finds High Levels of Arsenic in Groundwater Near Fracking Sites by Theodoric Meyer for ProPublica  A recently published study by researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington found elevated levels of arsenic and other heavy metals in […]

The Debate About Fracking in Africa

Map Showing Operator Permits in the Karoo Basin, South Africa for Shale Gas exploration and prospecting. photo: U.S. Energy Information Administration

The price of energy Is fracking for shale gas an environmental risk or could it be the golden ticket for Africa? by South to North for Al Jazeera Is fracking for shale gas an environmental and social risk […]

EPA & Its Evasive Action on Fracking

photo: Creative Commons

EPA’s Abandoned Wyoming Fracking Study One Retreat of Many by Abrahm Lustgarten for ProPublica When the Environmental Protection Agency abruptly retreated on its multimillion-dollar investigation into water contamination in a central Wyoming natural gas field last month, it […]