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About Me

Consider: “How will we do it?”
More Importantly: “What do we need it to do?”

I have been in the technology business, in one way or another, my entire professional life. Most of my work has been finding ways for businesses to use technology to enable growth — primarily by engineering custom made resource management software to suit business needs.

My greatest successes — more accurately, my most fulfilling successes — have been through the engineering of these processes and the marriage of the best software solutions that could be created. The fulfillment comes when you see the light go on in someone's mind as they realize that they can now do more than they ever thought possible. I've been very fortunate to witness this over and over again throughout my professional life.

The software development may be all well and good but the real work is in the engineering of the process itself. Not so much "How will we do it?" but more importantly, "What do we need it to do?"

For more detail about my professional accomplishments and employment history, go to my Work History section.

Plays well with others!

I'm a people person. My greatest strength is working with others. Whenever there are engineering and technology needs, there is aways a need for communication — more accurately, communication and mutual understanding. Not everyone is an engineer or database administrator. When it comes to communication with coworkers, product owners and clients, you need to be able to talk to them in their own terms — that is, in terms of what the technology and engineering means to them. For me, this concept has always been critical to the success of a project.

In my professional life, my most important tasks had everything to do with bringing all sides together into this kind of mutual understanding and I have been able to enjoy great success because of it.

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