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Ohio Solar Companies Ready to Take on Clean Power ...

COLUMBUS, Ohio – They’re ready to roll with clean energy. Over a dozen solar businesses in Ohio have sent a letter to the White House backing the EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan. Steve Melink, president of Melink Corporation in Milford, signed the letter because he says limits on carbon pollution from power plants are a critical step towards moving to a clean energy economy. He adds, renewable sources of...

New tracers can identify frack fluids in the envir...

Scientists have developed new geochemical tracers that can identify hydraulic fracturing flowback fluids that have been spilled or released into the environment. The tracers, which were created by a team of U.S. and French researchers, have been field-tested at a spill site in West Virginia and downstream from an oil and gas brine wastewater treatment plant in Pennsylvania. “This gives us new forensic tools to detect if...

To Modernize the Grid, We Must Forget Everything W...

The rate structures designed at the dawn of the electric grid are starting to break down, argues Black & Veatch’s Edwin Overcast. Today’s electric utility rates, largely based on structures developed in the 19th century, cannot support the evolving business needs of utilities. Nor can current rates provide for a fair distribution of costs, particularly among residential consumers. In order to modernize the electric...

Want to help the Great Lakes? Change your soap

Researchers can’t say how many microbeads are floating in the Great Lakes, but there are enough to cause concern for their potential impact on marine life and the lakes’ overall ecosystems. Do you wash your face every night? Brush your teeth? Of course you do. But your nightly beauty routine might be adding to plastic pollution in the Great Lakes, and environmentalists are ramping up efforts to try to get you to...

How you can help clean energy eat Big Oil’s lunch...

Bill McKibben and the folks at have decided to target the pernicious financial influence of the fossil fuel industry and its front groups. On the day following the election, they kicked off a 21-city “Do the Math” tourto “mount an unprecedented campaign to cut off the industry’s financial and political support by divesting our schools, churches and government from fossil fuels.” Divestment is a fine...

Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions Could Save 3,500 ...

WASHINGTON –- Save the planet, save lives? A study released Tuesday says reducing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants in order to curb global warming also would improve health for Americans. That’s because reducing greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide would lead to declines in other pollutants — saving up to 3,500 American lives per year, or an average of nine lives per day. The emissions cuts also would...

Here’s Who To Blame For America’s Increased Contri...

A new report released by the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday shows just how much large American industrial facilities including power plants, refineries, and chemical manufacturers contributed to global warming in 2013. The report answers the question of how carbon dioxide was emitted by these industries in 2013 compared to 2012, and the short answer is this: more. googletag.cmd.push(function() {...

Fracking companies use loophole to avoid permits f...

Federal laws meant to protect drinking water require fracking companies to get a permit before using diesel fuel in the drilling process. That permit is important: Diesel contains chemicals that can cause cancer and damage nerve tissues. The permits regulate the length and depth of concrete and steel well casings that keep those chemicals from reaching groundwater. But a loophole in the law allows oil and gas companies to...