Things to consider when applying for Richardson’s Cottonwood Art Festival

Far North Dallas resident Betty Robbins (right) interacts with potential customers Sunday while standing next to one of her biographical paintings, a staple of her work, at the Cottonwood Art Festival. (Staff photo by Daniel Houston/neighborsgo)

Out of the 240 artists selected for last weekend’s Cottonwood Art Festival in Richardson, only 19 call the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area home.

Festival director Serri Ayers told neighborsgo editor Daniel Houston recently that the focus is on quality and the objective is to bring “the best art in the country,” to Richardson.

If you are an aspiring artist who hopes to secure a spot in the next installment of Cottonwood, here are some things jurors consider (read more about Cottonwood Art Festival in the full feature here)…

Consistency of style and authenticity is evaluated by examining high-resolution images of submissions from each artist.

Reproductions of artworks must be limited edition, signed and numbered.

No preferential treatment is given to local artists in the selection process.



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