4 objectives to be covered at UTD’s first annual AccessAbility Summit

Britt Berrett, clinical professor at UTD's Jindal School of Management, will be one of two keynote speakers at the AccessAbility Summit on Monday.

Michael Thomas, a Special Needs Insider blogger and non-profit executive for My Possibilities, recently wrote about the University of Texas at Dallas’ first annual AccessAbility Summit.

This event, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, is free and open to the public, and will include a panel of representatives from different disability groups. (You can read the full post here)

Here are four objectives Monday’s summit will cover:

1. Identifying areas of focus for improvement in 2014-2015

2. Incorporating individuals with disabilities in the UT Dallas emergency planning process in order to ensure those needs are addressed during an emergency response

3. Discussing and identifying how public transit and other forms of transportation can facilitate travel for people with disabilities around campus and the community

4. And identifying the universal design approach for UT Dallas faculty to support all students.



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