Discovering a Taste of Cuba at the Cottonwood Arts Festival

Isaac and Joey Rousso, owners of Taste of Cuba

We love the Cottonwood Arts Festival. Beautiful art, live music, people watching – what’s not to like?

But to be honest … we go (mostly) for the food. Amid the tons of people taking pictures of the art, of the musicians, of kids creating, you’ll find us taking pictures by the food trucks.

Saturday, as we headed toward the food trucks, I decided I wanted a corn dog. I have a thing for meat — even “meat” of a questionable nature — on a stick. As we paid the corn dog vendor, the smell of awesome pervaded the air. It was the Taste of Cuba food truck, and it was quickly making any desire for a corn dog a thing of the past. We decided to try sausage on a stick (there’s the meat-on-a-stick thing again), and funnel cake fries, which, as the name suggests, is a funnel cake cut into strips. Both “excellent choices,” assured the knowledgeable kid offering us a colder bottle of water than the one we’d selected.

Husband holding the rejected corn dog as we eat Taste of Cuba's sausage on a stick and funnel cake fries

Intrigued by the unusually good customer service, and wanting to learn more — fine, also wanting to eat more — I returned to the festival on Sunday. This time, I introduced myself to the owners, Isaac Rousso, his wife Lily, and their charismatic 10-year-old son, Joey. it’s quickly evident that this is a family business.

Starting at the State Fair with recipes his parents brought with them when they moved here from Cuba in 1962, Isaac has grown the business and hopes to leave a legacy for the next generation. Joey has a lot to say about the food and the business as well, excitedly explaining about the awards their recipes have won. The passion this family has for food is evident in its fantastic taste and integrity. Both days the food was hot and fresh, and though portions are generous, it is the kind of delicious that makes you want to try everything. Major bonus points for finding a way to make it possible to eat a funnel cake while walking.

When asked why he does this, Isaac replies, “We love food… we love making people happy.”

That brings me to the award-winning fried Cuban roll. Looks like a large egg roll filled with pork and happiness. If you eat one thing at the festival, do yourself a favor and make it a Cuban roll. Foodies who didn’t make it to the arts festival, fear not — Isaac informed me that the Taste of Cuba will have two locations at the upcoming Wildflower Festival, May 16-18.

Find the truck, give Joey a high five, and enjoy the incredible taste of Cuba.



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