Judy's story is a featured chapter of Triple Divide, which investigates impacts from a neighbor's Marcellus well pad 450 ft from her water well.

Judy’s story is a featured chapter of Triple Divide, that investigates impacts on a neighbor’s Marcellus well pad 450 ft from her water well. © jbpribanic


Triple Divide, a provocative new documentary about fracking in America, makes its European debut at Queens Film Theatre in Belfast on Saturday, October 19th. The 90-minute documentary is a project by PublicHerald.org, an investigative news nonprofit co-founded by journalists Joshua Pribanic & Melissa Troutman who are also the film’s directors. Triple Divide is based on their 18-month, cradle-to-grave look at fracking’s impacts in the largest shale play in America – the Marcellus Shale of Pennsylvania.

Co-narrated by actor Mark Ruffalo, the film provides exclusive reports on radioactive waste, drinking water contamination, split-estates, the “pre-drill test scandal”, and the “pressure bulb.”

“Audiences should expect to see things they’ve never witnessed or heard before,” remarked Pribanic. “We offer raw data from files and evidence in the field, something that’s apolitical and unapologetic.”

[pictured] Joshua Pribanic, co-director of Triple Divide. © matroutman

[pictured] Joshua Pribanic, co-director of Triple Divide. © matroutman

Hard-hitting, Triple Divide is also fair. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), in charge of fracking in the state, is highlighted in the film for weakly enforced regulations. Yet DEP Deputy Secretary Scott Perry told Troutman he’s seen the film and it’s very well done. “This attests to Public Herald’s journalistic integrity and ability to reach both ends of the public spectrum: community members and heads of state,” said Troutman.

“Triple Divide is a springboard for discussion about the real impacts from fracking, and it’s a forewarning for places like the UK and Ireland.”

[pictured] Melissa Troutman, co-director of Triple Divide. © jbpribanic

[pictured] Melissa Troutman, co-director of Triple Divide. © jbpribanic

Troutman studied journalism at Dublin City University and is aware of FrackNation, Irish documentarian Phelim McAcleer’s film on the subject, though she doesn’t think it’s very well done. “Phelim should stop obsessing over Josh Fox and start digging into the impacts of fracking. Triple Divide gives people the truth about fracking with investigative journalism, not ‘yellow journalism’ like FrackNation.”

Troutman hails from the triple continental divide in Potter County, Pennsylvania where much of the documentary is set. It’s also home to the most pristine, highly regulated waters in the state, now partly damaged by fracking — a story documented in the film’s chapter called “Exceptional Value.”

Film starts at 3:00 PM. Tickets and more information available at Queens Film Theatre website http://www.queensfilmtheatre.com/films/tripledivide/ and 028 9097 1097. Parts of the film are available online at http://vimeo.com/publicherald/goodneighbor and on the film’s website, TripleDivideFilm.org.


About the author

Joshua Pribanic is Editor-in-Chief for publicherald.org, an investigative reporter, director, photographer, and permaculturalist. His debut documentary, Triple Divide, investigates how the impacts of fracking are being handled by the state and industry. Influences include Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, and ProPublica's Editor Paul Steiger. Follow on twitter: @jbpribanic

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