Baldwin Hills Oil Watch serves as an information portal connecting residents effected by and living in the vicinity of the Inglewood Oil Field operations to other organizations and resources actively engaged in Oil, Gas and fracking issues in Baldwin Hills, Culver City, Los Angeles and throughout California.

Founded in May 2012, BHOW was the original website for Frack Free Culver City. Baldwin Hills Oil Watch is currently run and maintained by it’s Director and webmaster Stephen Murray.

The Inglewood Oil Fields has been operational since 1924 and was considered “played out”. In 2004 after the transfer of lease ownership to PXP, drilling has ramped up. Over 1,600 wells have been drilled within the oil field boundaries which covers 1,100 acres. It is this nations largest contiguous urban oil field. Over one new well is drilled per week.

In California, there is no regulation of fracking.


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