OutFront live Mon. – Fri. 7p ET

Erin Burnett has the latest on the deadly shooting at Canada's Parliament.
October 22nd, 2014
09:45 PM ET

Rene Zellweger raises eyebrows with her new look

Renee Zellweger is one of Hollywood's most famous faces.

As Jeanne Moos puts it, "she may have raised more than her own eyebrows."

Now, many of her fans say they barely recognize her.

Jeanne looks at the public's reaction... and some overreactions.

Filed under: Uncategorized
October 22nd, 2014
09:37 PM ET

U.S. on alert following Canadian Parliament shooting

NORAD put additional aircraft on standby and went into a higher state of alert following the deadly shooting in Ottawa.

Barbara Starr reports from the Pentagon on ways the U.S. increased security following today's attack.

Filed under: Uncategorized
October 20th, 2014
09:47 PM ET

Ferguson bracing for protests in case of no indictment

The city of Ferguson, Missouri is bracing for another round of violent protests now that new evidence could acquit the officer who shot unarmed teen Michael Brown.

Law enforcement sources tell CNN that Brown's blood was found on the gun, uniform, and car belonging to Officer Darren Wilson.

This new evidence may support Wilson's account that he fired in self-defense, but it draws anger and suspicion from local activists.

CNN's Sara Sidner is OutFront with the latest.

Filed under: Justice • News
October 20th, 2014
09:23 PM ET

Family: Nurse Amber Vinson was not "careless prior to or after her exposure"

The family of Amber Vinson, the second Dallas nurse to contract Ebola, have hired a high-profile defense attorney.

They say it is "untrue and hurtful" that Vinson ignored the agency's protocols and put others at risk by taking commercial flights between Dallas and Cleveland.

They insist that Vinson did everything properly:
-Consulting Texas health officials and the CDC repeatedly throughout her trip
-Clearing her flight to Cleveland with hospital and CDC officials.
-Asking if she should fly back to Dallas

Vinson also spoke with Texas health officials and asked if she should fly back to Dallas immediately after learning her colleague had Ebola. She was told that was unnecessary.

Still, the next day she decided to fly back, calling health officials three separate times to report her temperature, and was cleared to fly each time.

CNN's Tom Foreman is OutFront.

Filed under: Ebola • Health • News
October 20th, 2014
09:00 PM ET

Researchers race against time to find Ebola cure

As the World Health Organization warns the hot zone of West Africa could see 10,000 new Ebola cases per week, researchers are in a race against the clock to find a miracle drug to stop the epidemic.

Kyung Lah is OutFront.

Filed under: Ebola • Health • International • News
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