Drillers Mindful of the Neighbors in Weld County

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WELD COUNTY, Colo. — The steady rumble of engines provides the soundtrack for operations at Anadarko Petroleum Corp.’s new “stim center,” where five towering silos dispense silica into blending equipment and a dozen red tractor-trailers provide the horsepower to blast the resulting sand-water slurry deep underground.

Usually, the focus of this industrial hydraulic fracturing operation would be wells just 100 feet away, with the high-pressure mix creating fissures deep underground to coax oil and gas from the subterranean rock. But here, the wells targeted for stimulation are a mile away, separated from the persistent roar and clustered equipment by fields, farms and grazing cattle.

With the stim center, Anadarko is able to consolidate well stimulation operations and hydraulic fracturing supplies in a single location serving multiple well pads.

“Instead of having hydraulic fracturing trucks and operations and cranes on each of those in series, we rig up in one central location and run high pressure lines out to those pads across the miles,” said Alex Hohmann, an engineer who manages stakeholder relations for the company. “All of the sand gets hauled to one point and pumped through the line; all of the water makes its way to one node; all of the white pickup trucks carrying the personnel; so again it limits impact.” READ MORE ...

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