
Fracking – a bad deal for New Yorkers!

Gas drilling using hydraulic fracturing “fracking” is a highly industrial process used to extract natural gas from deep within the earth.  Its proponents claim that with proper regulatory over sight, it can be done safely in New York, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and bring about much needed economic benefit.

fracking site containment pond overflowingUnfortunately, the facts don’t support their claims. Fracking is a dangerous and destructive extreme form of energy extraction and it brings with it very serous environmental, health and economic problems.  In the end it will leave our communities in much worse condition than when it starts.  It is a bad deal for New Yorkers.

Based on extensive study, scientific evidence, and the results of what has happened in other states and communities, Catskill Mountainkeeper has determined that there is no way safe way to extract natural gas from underground using hydraulic fracturing and we have called for it to be banned in New York State.  Never-the-less we are working hard within the existing process to raise critical issues, widen the discussion and pursue the best options for all New Yorkers.

Please use the information in this section to learn about the dangers of gas drilling using hydraulic fracturing and pass along this information to your friends and neighbors.  All New Yorkers will be negatively affected by fracking and it is important that we all get involved to address this very dangerous threat.