American Thinker Blog

Here's the latest news from the 8th century - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 It's not just Islamic State who wants to take us all back to the 8th century. More
Feds prepare for another 'surge' of illegal kids at border - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 Repeating the farce from last summer. More
Department of Justice expert testifies blacks dumber and less sophisticated than whites - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 It is amazing what Eric Holder’s minions are willing to say in order to facilitate vote fraud. More
Hilarious 2001 commercial predicted feds' Ebola incompetence - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 What does Holiday Inn know, and can I get some of that prescience? More
About that 'coalition' of nations helping us in the air campaign against IS... - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 Gulf States not mentioned in Pentagon briefs for a week. More
Ben Bradlee dies at 93 - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 For better or worse, the man who shaped newspaper journalism for the last half century more than any other. More
Senator Hagan a no-show at debate - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 One hour of free air time for Tillis. More
The Klinghoffer opera is not about Klinghoffer - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 The Met had advertised, "See the opera and judge for yourself". Well I did and the opera is horrible. Far worse than I had thought it would be. More
Sen. Coburn's 'Wastebook' details $25 billion in outrageous government spending - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 A taxpayer funded study to see if massage can help recovery times after strenuous exercise - for rabbits? More
U.S. veteran joins the Kurds to fight ISIS - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 A young vet takes it upon himself to join the fight against ISIS. More
Lundergan Grimes fail - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 Look before you tweet. More
Hit-and-run incident in Canada that killed soldier called 'terrorist attack ' - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 No "workplace violence" in Canada. More
White House to Red State Dems: Don't blame Obama for election results - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 Some anticipatory posterior covering seems to be underway. More
Not a 'divorcio,' but 'una separacion' is happening - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 "The fog is lifting" among Hispanics when it comes to the Democratic Party. More
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President Doofus Monty Pelerin The cover-up for Obama is over. The man and his Administration are completely incompetent, so much so that most Democrats and media no longer try to defend him. Both are running from him as fast as they dare. More
Is ACORN behind violent unrest in Ferguson? Matthew Vadum ACORN has a new name, but the mission has not changed: gin up chaos and reap the rewards. More
The Politics of Psychopathology James G. Long Psychopathology is the driving wheel of Marxism. More
America's Number One Vote Suppressor? Ken Blackwell The president and his fellow progressives are also trying this campaign season to make “voter suppression” an election issue. More
An End to Defensive Republicanism Doris O'Brien For many Americans, sole knowledge of the ‘other party” is a menacing one provided by Democratic operatives, whose purpose is to scare them into voting the straight party line.  More
Where is C. Everett Koop when We Need Him? Kevin Wade and Fay Voshell We need a C. Everett Koop to step up to the plate now.  We do not need another czar who will doubtless attempt more smoke and mirrors tactics to politicize a disease. More
RINOs are not the Enemy Burt Prelutsky Our real choice is between the zealots for socialism who infest the Democratic Party and those who constitute the only buffer we have against them. More

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American Thinker Blog

Here's the latest news from the 8th century - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 It's not just Islamic State who wants to take us all back to the 8th century. More
Feds prepare for another 'surge' of illegal kids at border - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 Repeating the farce from last summer. More
Department of Justice expert testifies blacks dumber and less sophisticated than whites - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 It is amazing what Eric Holder’s minions are willing to say in order to facilitate vote fraud. More
Hilarious 2001 commercial predicted feds' Ebola incompetence - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 What does Holiday Inn know, and can I get some of that prescience? More
About that 'coalition' of nations helping us in the air campaign against IS... - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 Gulf States not mentioned in Pentagon briefs for a week. More
Ben Bradlee dies at 93 - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 For better or worse, the man who shaped newspaper journalism for the last half century more than any other. More
Senator Hagan a no-show at debate - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 One hour of free air time for Tillis. More
The Klinghoffer opera is not about Klinghoffer - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 The Met had advertised, "See the opera and judge for yourself". Well I did and the opera is horrible. Far worse than I had thought it would be. More
Sen. Coburn's 'Wastebook' details $25 billion in outrageous government spending - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 A taxpayer funded study to see if massage can help recovery times after strenuous exercise - for rabbits? More
U.S. veteran joins the Kurds to fight ISIS - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 A young vet takes it upon himself to join the fight against ISIS. More
Lundergan Grimes fail - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 Look before you tweet. More
Hit-and-run incident in Canada that killed soldier called 'terrorist attack ' - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 No "workplace violence" in Canada. More
White House to Red State Dems: Don't blame Obama for election results - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 Some anticipatory posterior covering seems to be underway. More
Not a 'divorcio,' but 'una separacion' is happening - 10/22/14 October 22, 2014 "The fog is lifting" among Hispanics when it comes to the Democratic Party. More
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