By Joe Keohane

A Great New Novel About the American Dream

Matthew Thomas's "We Are Not Ourselves"

| 1 day ago
By Dan Hyman

A Model Who Really Loves the Outdoors

The photos are so she can pay for this

| 1 day ago
By Josh Ozersky

He's Not a Foodie, But Jim Gaffigan Knows Food, Dammit

As well as the unholiness of so-called 'Al-Qaeda cheese'

| 1 day ago
By Jim Gaffigan

The Most Tender Love Letter to Steak You Will Read This Year

An excerpt from Jim Gaffigan's Food: A Love Story

| 1 day ago
By John Hendrickson

How Spike Jonze Became the Master of High/Low Style

From directing the Beastie Boys to directing Oscar-winners, Jonze has always been a unique entity

| 1 day ago
By Daisy Melamed

Avoiding Meat May Decrease Your Sperm Count

Male vegetarians may have a lower sperm count than those who eat meat.

| 1 day ago
By Michael Howard

Denmark Says Goodbye to Cash

Pickled herring is almost always purchased on credit, so Denmark is doing something about it

| 1 day ago
By Andrew D. Luecke

The Coolest Kansas City Hats Of All

A little high-end something for the baseball-obsessed gentleman

| 1 day ago
By Aaron Goldfarb

Unexpected Praise for the Frozen Drink

So bad, it's good.

| 1 day ago
By Peter Gerstenzang

Listen: New Elvis Costello Song from 'Boardwalk'

The rocker covers a Bing Crosby song for the show's new soundtrack

| 1 day ago
By James Joiner

Are Old Dogs Cuter Than Puppies?

Portrait series explores the faces of old dogs, but can they stand up to a puppy's charisma?

| 1 day ago
By Ryan Bort

Bill Murray Dispenses Solid Parenting Tips

Who knew an oscillating fan and stick of peppermint were essential?

| 1 day ago
By Mike Sager

The Night Ben Bradlee Taught Me How to be a Journalist

Esquire Writer-at-Large Mike Sager cut his teeth as a cub reporter at The Washington Post during the final chapter of Ben Bradlee's illustrious career. Here, on the occasion of Bradlee's death, Sager looks back at the man and the myth.

| 1 day ago
By Andrew D. Luecke

This Infographic Describes the Director-Fashion Relationship

It wasn't always as it is now

| 1 day ago
By Andrew D. Luecke

How Dizzy Gillespie Pioneered the Jazz Look

Looking back at the godfather of bebop and his impeccable style

| 2 days ago
By Ryan Bort

The Importance of Peyton Manning's Lame Touchdown Celebration

We need him to be a dork

| 2 days ago
By Paul Schrodt

The Best Fast-Food Meal You Can Get for Under Five Dollars

Oh, yes...

| 2 days ago
By James Joiner

To Shampoo Or Not To Shampoo

For that is the question. And the answer is obvious.

| 2 days ago
By Daisy Melamed

Life's Biggest Beer-Related Query, Answered

This is like the adult version of a choose-your-own-ending novel

| 2 days ago