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Getting to the Finish Line: The (Non) Limits of One Woman's Endurance

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - 11:00 PM

In 1982, a young Julie Moss competed in the fourth annual Ironman competition. Her finish, as she describes in our Limits episode, was a heroic and heart-wrenching display of one woman pushing her body to the brink. After a 2.4-mile swim and a 112-mile bike ride, Julie struggled to complete the last leg of the triathlon (running a 26.2 mile marathon) in this incredible (and incredibly hard to watch) clip of her final 400 meters.


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Comments [2]

Margot from Philadelphia

What an incredibly brutal and inspiring moment. This story is one of my all-time Radiolab favorites. I have often thought of Julie in moments of, "Can I do it? It is possible for me? What kind of person am I?" I hope that I too will be a fighter in my darkest hour.

Oct. 20 2014 05:15 PM

I've decided that every time someone on NPR uses bad English, I'm going to comment on it. Mr. Krulwich said, "You had ran...." I'm hearing this more and more often and it's WRONG.
Present: I run.
Past: I ran.
Present perfect: I have run.
Past Perfect: I had run.
Future perfect: I will have run.

Oct. 19 2014 01:18 PM

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