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Declaration of Independents

America’s independent producers are dedicated to ensuring strong, viable domestic energy production, recognizing that a robust and secure supply of American oil is essential to the national economy and security. These small businesses are creating American jobs and energy at a time when we desperately need both. But, too often the industry is vilified through misguided and misinformed attacks – and the truth about American oil production is a much different story than what has been attributed solely to “big oil.” Please click the image above to learn more about America’s Independent oil producers, and visit the map below to hear their story.

What They’re Saying About America’s Independent Oil Producers:

Fayetteville:  The Shale Gale Reaches Arkansas

Independent Spotlight

Whiting Petroleum Corporation
Creating good jobs and moving forward with the American renewal in natural gas exploration. Whiting Petroleum is an independent operating in Colorado, North Dakota and Texas.


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