ALEC Exposed

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Through ALEC, Global Corporations Are Scheming to Rewrite YOUR Rights and Boost THEIR Revenue

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.
In ALEC's own words, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. DO YOU? Numerous resources to help us expose ALEC are provided below. We have also created links to detailed discussions of key issues, which are available on the left.

Who Is Behind ALEC?

What Is ALEC?

Who Funds ALEC?

ALEC Corporations

ALEC Politicians (all states)

ALEC Non-Profits and Think Tanks

ALEC State Chairs

ALEC "Scholars"

ALEC Boards & Task Forces

ALEC's Koch Connection

Essential ALEC Resources

Report on ALEC "Scholarships" (UPDATED!)

CMD Fact Sheets on Key Topics

ALEC Press by Date and State

CMD's PRWatch Articles on ALEC

CMD's SourceWatch Resources on ALEC

The Nation Special Edition on ALEC

Common Cause Trove of ALEC Task Force Docs

DBA Press ALEC Archive

Voter's Legislative Transparency Project (VLTP)

ProPublica Database of ALEC Corporations' Election Spending

Abolish ALEC (Daily Kos blog)

Hot Topics

Lobbying and Ethics Complaints

ALEC & NCSL Comparison

Democracy & Voting

Privatizing Education

Repealing Labor Rights

Health & Tobacco

Limiting Environmental Protections

Changing Civil & Criminal Law


Corporate Prisons

Join the Conversation!

Take Action!

Tell the IRS to Investigate ALEC

In light of new evidence reported in The Guardian this week, request that the Internal Revenue Service investigate whether ALEC has violated federal tax law by making substantial misrepresentations on its sworn tax returns.

ALEC Exodus

News Corp and Occidental Among Latest Firms to Cut Ties with ALEC

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Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., Occidental Petroleum, International Paper, and are the latest corporations to say they have left the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) after a wave of technology companies led by Google and Facebook announced their departures last week.

News Corp., the $8 billion-a-year global media company run by media mogul " style="line-height: 20.7999992370605px; Rupert Murdoch that owns the Wall Street Journal, had been a member of ALEC's Education Task Force and Communications and Technology Task Force. A spokesperson told Media Matters in response to an article published Friday that the company is no longer a member of ALEC. Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications Ashley Huston told the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) that News Corp. has not been a member of ALEC since its split from 21st Century Fox in July 2013.

Occidental Petroleum, at $24.5 billion in annual revenue, is one of the largest global oil and gas exploration and production companies based in the United States. It had been a member of ALEC's Energy, Environment, and Agriculture Task Force. Linda Peterson, Associate General Counsel at Occidental, said in a letter to Timothy Smith of Walden Asset Management, who is involved in leadership of shareholder campaigns, that "there are no plans to continue Occidental's membership in, or make further payments to ALEC." She said the company had paid $12,500 to ALEC in 2014. She also referenced the concern that the company could be "presumed to share the positions" on climate change and air pollution regulations held by ALEC, as National Journal reported.

Read the rest of this item here.

Special Reports

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We suspected it all along, but now we have the goods that prove that Charles Koch was a member of the John Birch Society at the height of their attacks on the civil rights movement and civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King.

In the early 1960s Charles moved back to Wichita and followed in the footsteps of his dad Fred Koch who helped found the John Birch Society in 1958. We broke the story on DemocracyNow!, provided detailed excerpts of the anti-civil rights agenda, and launched a new wiki resource called Koch Exposed (of course). You can see our full special report in the new "Robber Barons" edition of The Progressive magazine.

ALEC Open Records Lawsuit

After Unprecedented Claim of Legislative Immunity, Vukmir Releases ALEC Records, Pays Damages

After nearly a year of litigation, the Center for Media and Democracy has settled its open records lawsuit against American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) National Board member and Wisconsin State Senator Leah Vukmir.

Senator Vukmir, who had previously insisted that she had no records in her possession and made an unprecedented claim of legislative immunity, is anticipated to release numerous emails from her private email account, and pay $2,500 in damages. This may be the first time a Wisconsin legislator has had to pay damages under Wisconsin's open records law.

Read the full article here.

ALEC's "Model Bills"

Breaking News

State Reports

"We Are All Connected"

"On this 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's March On Washington, let's remember what we have in common."

Greenpeace presents a powerful new look at ALEC policies and how they harm the public interest.

Bill Moyers Follows Up on ALEC Exposé

United States of ALEC: A Follow-Up

PBS's respected "Moyers & Company" show follows up on a breakthrough 2012 report about ALEC.

Sign up for news and updates from the Center for Media and Democracy

ALEC Exposed is a project of the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD). CMD does NOT accept donations from for-profit corporations or government agencies. More information about CMD is available here. You can reach CMD's Executive Director, Lisa Graves, via editor AT Privacy policy: Other than material you post to this wiki in your name, our privacy policy is that we will not disclose private personally identifiable information or data about you, such as your name, email address, or other information, unless required by law. On copyright: ALEC Exposed considers contributions to this wiki to be released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License or in accordance with law. Information on how to provide us with notice regarding copyright is available at this link. Notices regarding copyright or other matters should be sent to our designated agent, Lisa Graves, via email (editor AT

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