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Gov. Cuomo Sees Minuscule Book Sales After Rejecting Morning Joe, Daily Show Invites

New York Times reporter Amy Chozick tweeted Wednesday that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo‘s (D) new memoir has sold less than 1,000 copies in its first week, a depressingly small sales number, even for a politically-related book, which normally don’t sell well anyway.

It probably didn’t help that Cuomo mysteriously declined invites from two popular national TV shows, MSNBC’s Morning Joe and Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, where he could have promoted the book.

When we reported that last week, we posited that he might have skipped the opportunities because he didn’t want to face any questions about a corruption scandal swirling around his head. Both shows have been critical of Cuomo, who dismantled an ethics panel he created once it started probing into his office.

At the time, Cuomo’s office declined to give us comment on the show invites.

Maybe book sales aren’t important to him. Or they’re at least not as important as avoiding potential embarrassment on national TV.

[Photo via Shutterstock]

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