A look at the search engine Bing's predictions for the gubernatorial elections across the country. Image courtesy of Bing.
A closeup of Instagram photos taken the morning of February 19, after government forces attacked the Maidan the previous night. Photo courtesy of "
by Sonia Paul

Twitter and Facebook have become default resources for journalists, newsrooms and ordinary citizens during news events, but where does Instagram fit into that picture? That was the question a team of researchers at CUNY’s Graduate Center asked while watching the protests in Ukraine unfold this past February. After months of analyzing more than 13,000 Instagram photos [...] more »

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Can Journalism Be Built for Inclusive Community Participation?

Josh Stearns, Oct 9, 2014

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Must Reads
by Julie Keck

1. Before the “teaching model” of journalism education: 5 questions to ask (Katherine Reed / Nieman Lab) 2. ‘Out of touch’ parents blocking development of children’s digital skills (Roland Moore-Colyer / V3) 3. In era of shrinking mainstream media, journalism schools are filling the void (Aalia Shaheed / Fox News Latino) 4. BuzzFeed, Columbia create [...] more »

Must Reads
by Julie Keck

1. How Harvard Business Review beats bigger rivals on social media (Lucia Moses / Digiday) 2. As journalism and documentary film converge in digital, what lessons can they share? (Liam Andrew / Nieman Lab) 3. Flipboard debuts a big redesign and the Daily Edition, a morning news section (Ellis Hamburger / The Verge) 4. MPAA [...] more »

Must Reads
by Julie Keck

1. FCC kicks off push to regulate Internet TV services like cable (Amy Schatz / Re/code) 2. “Ed Snowden taught me to smuggle secrets past incredible danger. Now I teach you.” (Micah Lee / The Intercept) 3. Digital chief Denise Warren leaves the Times (Joe Pompeo / Capital New York) 4. Behind the scenes, Storyful [...] more »

Must Reads
by Julie Keck

1. Susan Wojcicki wants to sell you YouTube video subscriptions (Lauren Goode / Re/code) 2. The changing face of technology journalism (Ricardo Bilton / Digiday) 3. Google algorithm change hits streaming, torrent sites hard (Casey Johnston / Ars Technica) 4. Twitter is actually going to generate more than $1 billion in sales this year (Dan [...] more »

by Mallory Perryman

In the latest update to his e-text “Searchlights and Sunglasses,” author Eric Newton highlights important tools that help journalists mine public data. Here’s one way of introducing open data in the classroom. The students in the introductory journalism course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison always respond with a collective groan when we arrive at “data [...] more »

Must Reads
by Julie Keck

1. The biggest threat to press rights may be a failure to understand them (Jonathan Peters / Columbia Journalism Review) 2. How crowdfunding journalism affects reader relationships (Catalina Albeanu / Journalism.co.uk) 3. Ben Bradlee could teach us all a thing or two about real disruption (Kara Swisher / Re/code) 4. Facebook offers life raft, but [...] more »

by Mallory Perryman

In the latest update to his e-text “Searchlights and Sunglasses,” author Eric Newton calls on journalism educators to integrate social media into their lesson plans. Here is an example of what that integration might look like for an introductory journalism course. “A train crashed Monday night two miles outside of town, according to the sheriff’s [...] more »

by Meagan Doll

Leyla Akincilar is a former administrator, teacher, coach and curriculum director. After 13 years in urban education, both in public and charter schools, Akincilar recently took her skills from the classroom at KIPP Bayview Academy to EduCrate, an ed-tech startup that is curating educational videos to help teachers bring rigor, differentiation and engagement to their [...] more »

Must Reads
by Julie Keck

1. Why the New York Times built a tool for crowdsourced time travel (Justin Ellis / Nieman Lab) 2. Hong Kong: The difficult task of verifying news amidst censorship and social media (Jihii Jolly / Columbia Journalism Review) 3. Gamergate and how Internet users think about gaming and harassment (Alyssa Rosenberg / The Washington Post) [...] more »

by Jackson Brook

Having survived my senior year at Palo Alto High School, I think I can safely say that thus far in my education, the most useful thing I have done to develop my intellectual vitality has been joining my high school magazine, Verde. Although most high schools focus solely on a yearbook or a newspaper, Paly [...] more »

by Fannie Cohen

Last week HBO and CBS both announced plans to offer stand-alone streaming services on the web. It’s a major turn-about for the pay cable service HBO (owned by Time Warner), which has long maintained they are “not TV.” This move will allow viewers to cut the cord to their cable TV subscriptions and purchase HBO [...] more »

by Sonia Paul

Here’s a list of current media and journalism fellowship programs, including deadline for applying. If we’re missing any major programs, please use our Contact Form to let us know, and we’ll add them to the list.  Featured Fellowship JoLT Fellowships @ American University American University invites applications for three JoLT (Journalism Leadership Transformation) fellowships in games and [...] more »

by Sonia Paul

Here’s a list of current media and journalism awards, including deadlines for applying. If we’re missing any major programs, please use our Contact Form to let us know, and we’ll add them to the list.  OCTOBER 2014 DEADLINES Webby Awards The Webby Awards honor the best of the web, from multimedia to digital journalism to interactive publishing [...] more »

by Sonia Paul

Each week, MediaShift posts an ongoing list of upcoming events in the digital media and journalism world. These will be a mix of MediaShift-produced events and other events. If we’re missing any major events, please use our Contact Form to let us know, and we’ll add them to the list. If you’d like to pay to promote [...] more »

Must Reads
by Julie Keck

1. Opinion: Why it’s so disappointing that j-schools are panicking over Ebola (Andrew Beaujon / Poynter) 2. How much start-up culture do we need to attract young talent? (Tilmann Knoll / INMA) 3. Surprising gadgets, not just books, are ready for checkout at college libraries (Jeffrey R. Young / The Chronicle of Higher Education) 4. [...] more »