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Money Talk with Liz Weston

  • A few options for student loan forgiveness
    A few options for student loan forgiveness

    Dear Liz: I have a rather ugly student loan predicament. You mentioned "the possibility of forgiveness" in a recent column. I feel very strongly that I am deserving (if I dare use that word) of partial or full forgiveness of my undergraduate loans, although the loans from my...

  • Husband being hounded to pay debt on car he returned to dealer
    Husband being hounded to pay debt on car he returned to dealer

    Dear Liz: My husband returned a car to the dealer when he lost his job. Now the company says he owes it more than $7,000 (the difference between what he owed to the dealer and the price for which the car was sold). He refuses to pay any amount, but recently he received a letter from a law...

  • How will generous gift to high school graduate affect financial aid?
    How will generous gift to high school graduate affect financial aid?

    Dear Liz: Our grandson's stellar high school performance and his family financial situation were such that he was admitted to his state university with grants sufficient to pay all school fees, including room and board, with no loans or work-study. His grandmother and I have a 529...

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