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Dana Liebelson
Dana Liebelson is a reporter at the Huffington Post, covering politics and privacy. Previously, she worked as a staff reporter for Mother Jones magazine. Her work has appeared in Marie Claire and The Week. In her free time, she plays bass in a DC-based punk band, Hemlines. She can be reached at or on Twitter @dliebelson.

Entries by Dana Liebelson

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler Tells Silicon Valley He's Open To Obama Net Neutrality Plan

(0) Comments | Posted November 12, 2014 | 5:00 PM

WASHINGTON -- On Monday, President Barack Obama went public with his support of an aggressive approach to protecting net neutrality. Shortly after that, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler told a gathering of business representatives and public interest groups that he was taking the president's comments under advisement and that...

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FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler Tells Silicon Valley He's Open To Obama Net Neutrality Plan

(159) Comments | Posted November 12, 2014 | 2:35 PM

WASHINGTON -- On Monday, President Barack Obama went public with his support of an aggressive approach to protecting net neutrality. Shortly after that, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler told a gathering of business representatives and public interest groups that he was taking the president's comments under advisement and that...

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Arizona Threatened To Search Pro-Choice Advocate's Home

(195) Comments | Posted November 11, 2014 | 2:24 PM

Last month, Kat Sabine received a letter from Arizona Department of Health Services that she found deeply troubling. The letter alleged that she was providing healthcare services in her private home without a license, and notified her that government officials could come to investigate.

But Sabine doesn’t practice medicine....

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Obama Urges FCC To Set 'Strongest Possible Rules' To Protect Net Neutrality

(782) Comments | Posted November 10, 2014 | 9:48 AM

On Monday, President Barack Obama came out in favor of the "strongest possible rules to protect net neutrality," endorsing a popular proposal that would empower the Federal Communications Commission to require Internet service providers to treat all web traffic equally and not charge content providers for better access....

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9 Reasons Why The Challenge To Obamacare Could Fail

(231) Comments | Posted November 7, 2014 | 6:44 PM

The U.S. Supreme Court announced Friday that it would hear another challenge to the Affordable Care Act in a case that could destroy Obamacare. But the plaintiffs may have a tough time succeeding on the legal merits of their argument.

The ruling in King v. Burwell will hinge...

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Texans Slam Voter ID Law: 'Now That It's Happened To Me, I'm Devastated'

(2114) Comments | Posted November 7, 2014 | 1:43 PM

Betty Thorn, an 84-year-old grandmother who lives in an assisted-living facility in Austin, Texas, has voted in every major election in her life since she became eligible. But Thorn didn't vote this year, her granddaughter says. Thanks to Texas's new voter ID law, considered one of the strictest in the...

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Republicans Control the Senate. But Here's Why Democrats Still Represent More People

(35) Comments | Posted November 5, 2014 | 3:42 PM

WASHINGTON -- By Wednesday morning, Republicans had taken control of 52 seats in the U.S. Senate. Democrats and allied independents held 45, and three states were still up for grabs. Two of those are likely to go Republican and one Democratic, leaving a 54-46 split.

But based on population,...

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America, Meet Your New Republican Bosses

(598) Comments | Posted November 5, 2014 | 12:17 AM

WASHINGTON -- Republican victories in Tuesday's Senate elections push out a Democratic old guard and usher in a new crop of hungry GOPers, some just getting their feet wet in politics.

Republicans won control of the Senate partly with the help of newcomers who ousted Democratic incumbents and whipped...

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This Is What Happened Because Congress Didn't Fix The Voting Rights Act

(216) Comments | Posted November 4, 2014 | 8:45 PM

WASHINGTON -- A number of voters in Texas reported problems casting their ballots on Election Day, with many of the issues stemming from a restrictive new voter ID law that went into effect for the first time this election cycle. Texas is one of several states where residents are reporting...

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Republican Congressman Claims Voting Machines Are Rigged

(325) Comments | Posted November 4, 2014 | 1:31 PM

WASHINGTON -- A Virginia Republican congressman and the state’s GOP are claiming they’ve received reports of faulty polling machines in almost two dozen locations, with voters intending to vote Republican accidentally selecting the Democratic candidate instead. But the voter registrar in his district is reporting considerably fewer irregularities.

Rep. Scott...

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A Guide To Not Getting Arrested When You Use Your Cell Phone On Election Day

(28) Comments | Posted November 3, 2014 | 6:44 PM

WASHINGTON -- Aaron Huertas wanted to make sure he picked the right candidates when he walked into the voting booth Wednesday, taking advantage of the early voting period in Washington, D.C. When he came down to the end of the ballot, he pulled out his phone to confirm the name...

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Ginsburg Was Right: Texas' Extreme Voter ID Law Is Stopping People From Voting

(2402) Comments | Posted October 30, 2014 | 3:59 PM

WASHINGTON -- A Texas voter ID law considered to be one of the most restrictive in the country is doing exactly what Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg warned it would do: stopping Americans from voting.

A disabled woman in Travis County was turned away from voting...

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Liberal Lurch: Both Parties Find Progressive Jesus In Dying Moments Of Campaign

(161) Comments | Posted October 30, 2014 | 7:45 AM

WASHINGTON -- While the GOP has effectively locked down the campaign for the House and is in a good place to win control of the Senate, the contours of the midterm election have taken on a decidedly liberal edge as candidates make their closing arguments.

From the Deep South...

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Turns Out Nobody Wants To Donate To Politicians With Bitcoin

(3) Comments | Posted October 28, 2014 | 4:31 PM

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Election Commission voted earlier this year to allow political candidates and committees to accept donations in bitcoin. But a week before Election Day, candidates who accept the popular virtual currency reported that their total bitcoin donations were small to nonexistent, though they remained optimistic...

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Smells Like Quarantine Spirit: Governors Push For Stronger Ebola Policies Than The CDC

(30) Comments | Posted October 27, 2014 | 8:19 PM

WASHINGTON -- Even as New York and New Jersey fend off criticism that their quarantine measures for health care workers returning from Ebola hot zones are medically unnecessary, a number of other states are moving in the same direction.

Throughout the country, various quarantine policies have been announced over the...

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Doctors Worry Ebola Quarantines Could Keep Them From Fighting Disease

(11) Comments | Posted October 27, 2014 | 7:49 PM

WASHINGTON -- Since 2009, British doctor Javid Abdelmoneim has gone into the field five times through Doctors Without Borders, providing medical care in countries such as Iraq, South Sudan and Haiti. But if a future mission to Ebola-stricken West Africa means that he'd be forced into a strict hospital quarantine,...

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Congress Says The CDC Can't Be Trusted On Ebola

(505) Comments | Posted October 24, 2014 | 7:51 PM

WASHINGTON -- Members of Congress took the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to task at a hearing on Ebola Friday, hammering the agency over how it has handled the virus's presence in the United States.

The hearing came a day after Craig Spencer, a doctor in New York City,...

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North Carolina Fights To Take Voting Site Away From Pesky College Kids

(579) Comments | Posted October 23, 2014 | 8:49 AM

Early voting starts Thursday in North Carolina, even as the state has pushed to move early voting sites farther away from college campuses.

The Republican-dominated North Carolina State Board of Elections, among other efforts, has sought to remove an early voting location from the campus of...

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Alaska National Guard Sex Abuse Scandal Threatens GOP Governor's Re-election

(42) Comments | Posted October 22, 2014 | 1:44 PM

WASHINGTON -- The Alaska National Guard is facing down some grave allegations: A recruiter trying to give alcohol to high school girls, botched responses to sexual assault complaints, embezzlement, a former porn company owner keeping his job despite military investigators finding that...

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Ebola Panic Hits Schools, Businesses, Airlines Across U.S.

(222) Comments | Posted October 21, 2014 | 12:42 PM

WASHINGTON -- One person in the United States has died from Ebola. And that person, so far, has infected just two people -- both health care workers tending to him in a Dallas hospital. And yet, a large chunk of the country is fearful over the possibility of this disease...

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