Soldier and gunman killed in Ottawa shootings
Gunman killed by police inside parliament building after he fatally shot Canadian soldier guarding war memorial.
Kurdish authorities agree to send Peshmerga fighters to northern Syrian town to fight ISIL after Turkey allows passage.
Four ex-employees of US security firm found guilty of charges related to shootings of more than 30 civilians in 2007.
Leaders say they may not take part in further talks, accusing authorities of failing to make any meaningful offers.
Four Egyptian policemen among the wounded in blast that comes after security forces clamp down on student protests.
Pakistani Muslim religious leader, who led low-profile life in Canada, emerges as leader of anti-corruption movement.
Supreme Court rules son of Iranian-Canadian cannot sue Tehran after his mother was allegedly tortured to death.
Farmers grew a record 209,000 hectares of poppy in 2013, raising questions about $7.6bn US counter-narcotics efforts.
Michael Pizzi
Syrian town grabs all the headlines in fight against ISIL - but does it really matter?
Lack of child protection laws means abandoned and orphaned kids rely heavily on the care of strangers.
UN officials 'shocked' by Detroit's mass water shutoffs, urging city to immediately resume service for poor residents.
Laura Gottesdiener
The Tunisian elections will be held amid growing frustration over the country's Islamist-secular divide.
Yemen’s southern secessionists will revive plans for independence amid internal divisions and Houthi ascendency.
Fault Lines22 Oct 2014 07:45 GMT
As the US strikes ISIL targets in Iraq, we report from Erbil on the consequences of the latest foreign intervention.
Al Jazeera World22 Oct 2014 13:47 GMT
The story of Syrians fleeing conflict, first to Libya and then to Europe on journeys fraught with danger and turmoil.
Potters in India are struggling against Chinese competition during Diwali, the festival of lights.
Not many see Haiti as tourist haven, but work is under way to attract surfers to a destination with alternative flair.
North Korea is a reclusive state but Al Jazeera was granted access to portray daily life in the Northeast Asian nation.
Torrential rain, strong winds and snow cause widespread disruption in Australia.
Five families were personally welcomed by President Jose Mujica after travelling across half of the world.
Colombian television shows footage released by the military of the army raid which killed Alfonso Cano in 2011.
Amid increase in parents opting to teach children at home, some politicians argue they are missing rounded education.
New York state accused of falling short on guarantee that everyone has right to lawyer, even if they cannot afford one.
One-day walkout at Frankfurt airport by Lufthansa's long-haul pilots forces 1,500 flights to be cancelled.
Pakistan is developing new sources of power to help tackle a massive energy shortfall.
A week after cyclone Hudhud decimated entire villages, local residents are scraping by without basic staples.
Macau's attempts at starting protests related to those in Hong Kong have failed and ensured its dependency on China.
Mobile phone companies are all vying for market share in India, with 1.2 billion people.
Compared to other diseases, Ebola is not especially contagious - but has a far higher fatality rate and no proven cure.
Pinpointing military and humanitarian aid from nations in the international struggle against the armed group.
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