23 October 2014

Gangster government in Mexico

Mexican journalist Ana Francisca Vega explains how drug gangs have taken over some local governments, and how that fact is linked to the case of the missing college students. Play entire video

How airline names came to be on credit cards

Pioneering banker Richard Vague recalls the origins of co-branded cards. Plus: Is China’s economy about to collapse?   Play entire video

The Church’s path to opposing contraception

Sarah Posner talks to Patricia Miller about how Catholic teaching on contraception became stricter than ever under Pope John Paul II. Plus: Whose Catholic Church will it be?   Play entire video

Will runoff elections ruin Christmas?

Betsy Woodruff and Daniel Strauss talk about how control of the Senate may not be decided until January. Plus: Gay Republican embroiled in sexual harassment scandal.   Play entire video

Do Republicans do better when Americans are afraid?

Bill Scher and Matt Lewis consider. Plus: The strange saga of Charlie Crist’s portable fan.   Play entire video

The problem with political science

Robert Farley and Tom Nichols critique the modern political science department. Plus: What if Obama had struck Syria in 2013?   Play entire video

What evangelicals mean by “compassion”

Sarah Posner talks to Lydia Bean, author of The Politics of Evangelical Identity. Plus: Evangelicals for socialized medicine.   Play entire video

Shifting identities in Korea

Steven Denney and Adam Cathcart discuss the diminishing ethnic bond between North and South Koreans. Plus: What happened to Kim Jong-un?   Play entire video


Why we want Jon Stewart to host Meet the Press

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Conor Friedersdorf and Mark Oppenheimer discuss the comedian’s advantages over political pundits.   Play entire video

The politicization of Ebola

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Adrianna McIntyre and Yevgeniy Feyman discuss the domestic politics of the disease outbreak. Plus: Why don’t we have an Ebola vaccine?   Play entire video


Putin’s savvy restriction of food imports

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Russian democracy activist Alexey Sidorenko describes how Vladimir Putin is using European Union sanctions to his advantage. Plus: Scenes from a Russian anti-war march.   Play entire video


Why Turkey’s president turned against his old pal Assad

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Soli Ozel, speaking from Istanbul, explains the enmity between President Erdogan and the Syrian leader. Plus: Why isn’t Turkey saving Kobani?   Play entire video


Will scandal bring down Hong Kong’s leader?

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From Hong Kong, Christopher Beam discusses the newly precarious position of the island’s chief executive. Plus: Can Hong Kong’s protests win over its people?   Play entire video

Woodruff & Strauss

Why some scandals don’t stick

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Daniel Strauss and Jeff Blehar discuss the controversies surrounding Scott Walker and Chris Christie. Plus: Why are polling experts always at each others’ throats?     Play entire video