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Bruder Gas Drill Site Incident Report 052113

Bruder Gas Drill Site Incident Report 052113

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Published by fishcreekmonitor
Fire Department Incident report dated 5/21/13 regarding gas release/gas leak at the Bruder Gas Drill Site in Arlington, TX operated by Chesapeake Energy.
Fire Department Incident report dated 5/21/13 regarding gas release/gas leak at the Bruder Gas Drill Site in Arlington, TX operated by Chesapeake Energy.

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Published by: fishcreekmonitor on May 21, 2013
Copyright:Attribution Non-commercial


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Westchester Gasette added this note
This City of Arlington, TX Property Use coding (Part J) was last updated in 1999. See the bottom of Page 1 *Code for this Property Use as Mining/Quarry. Looks like the City and/or Fire Department haven't recognized Gas Drilling as a property use for its "Incident Reports."
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