Bio-Inspiration Is Finally Delivering Inventions Based on Porcupines, Parasites, and Of Course Geckos

New Scientist
Stories from New Scientist.
Oct. 19 2014 7:00 AM

Inspired by Porcupines

What could an inventor of medical technologies based on nature learn from Spider-Man?

An unwitting trailblazer in the field of bio-inspiration.

Photo illustration by Slate. Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.

This article originally appeared in New Scientist.

Jeff Karp is an associate professor at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. His research combines bio-inspiration, materials science, and stem cell biology to develop innovative medical technology. He is also the co-founder of Gecko Biomedical, specializing in wound closure technologies. Like Peter Parker, he takes ideas from nature and improves on them to make the world a better place.

Taking inspiration from nature seems very popular right now. Why is that?


Bio-inspiration is an idea that has been around a long time, but it’s only recently that we’ve seen tangible examples applied to everyday problems and actively shared by social media. Based on the super-hydrophobic properties of lotus leaves, surfaces have been developed that can repel water—and they may one day make windshield wipers more effective or even unnecessary; tree frog toes have inspired tire treads; and several research groups have mimicked gecko adhesion to create tapes that allows robots to climb walls. It’s supercool.

What is the difference between bio-inspiration and biomimicry? Is it more than terminology?

As the name suggests, biomimicry is where you copy directly from nature. Bio-inspiration, on the other hand, is where you take an idea from nature and find a way to improve on it for your own purposes.

For example, we looked to porcupine quills as bio-inspiration for better surgical staples. Porcupine quills go into the skin easily but are very hard to remove because they have backwards-facing barbs that catch on to tissue, flare out, and create enormous drag. Based on those properties, we developed synthetic quills that have reduced penetration force and increased pullout force. We put those quills on either end of a surgical staple to develop a better fixation system for patients. And we made the system biodegradable, so you wouldn’t have to remove the staples—they simply disintegrate as the wound heals.

How do you find the initial inspiration?

You’d be surprised at how much you can find just searching the Web. When we were looking for new solutions for tissue adhesion, which is crucial for things like skin grafts, we were trying to find a parasite that had a good way to mechanically interlock with tissue. We would then study the mechanism it used. By doing Google image searching, you can identify parasites that latch on to their hosts in lots of interesting ways. You then start working from there to see what you can mimic.

We also take trips to the zoo and the aquarium. But ideas can come from anywhere, really. You just have to get out there and start observing and researching.

Is there hubris in thinking we can generally improve on ideas stolen from nature?

No. I think that the problems we face in the health care world are very different from those faced in nature. A lot of problems in medicine have been present for decades—and as we try to use technology to solve them, we’ve really had to look beyond our own fields and seek out new sources of inspiration.

You’ve said that means looking not only to nature but to other fields of research. Why is that so important?

I believe that the process of innovation happens at the interface of disciplines. There are many, many steps required to translate a technology into a solution that has the power to help patients and improve quality of life. Each step requires thoughtfulness and creativity, from finding inspiration for a new material to how you create it, manufacture it, run clinical trials, and so on.

As bioengineering has gained ground since the 1990s, there has been a realization that you can achieve so much more when you get very different types of scientists, talking and working together with engineers and clinicians. My lab couldn’t exist without that.

Why is collaboration so crucial to what you do?

To give an example, when we developed a device inspired by jellyfish tentacles to capture circulating tumor cells in people with metastatic cancer, we joined forces with experts on single-molecule manipulation and nanofluidics. We knew that jellyfish extend their tentacles in the water around them to capture particles of food and wondered if we could use a similar strategy to capture cancer cells in blood. Together, we were able to create these synthetic DNA tentacles that could function at some distance, enabling us to flow 10 times more blood through our device than traditional cell-capture approaches. We couldn’t have done it without everyone’s expertise and input.


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