Create Visual Social Media With Instagram

Digital Tools

Create Visual Social Media With Instagram

Instagram is a very popular social media platform for taking and sharing photos and video. Launched in 2010, Instagram is available for iOS, Android and Windows mobile operating systems.

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Apply to Be a Part of KQED Education’s Teacher Working Groups

Online Trainings

Apply to Be a Part of KQED Education’s Teacher Working Groups

Are you a Bay Area middle- or high-school social studies, science or arts teacher interested in deepening your work with media and technology? Would you like to impact the resources developed by KQED for educators? Join KQED’s Educator Working Groups! You will have the opportunity to: Join the KQED Education think tank. Influence media and […]

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Is Project-Based Learning the Way to Go?

Do Now

Is Project-Based Learning the Way to Go?

More than 5,000 schools nationwide have transitioned from traditional learning methods to project-based learning (PBL). Should all schools move in this direction and implement PBL in their science classes?

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PBS Learning Media Arts Webinars

PBS LearningMedia Resources

PBS Learning Media Arts Webinars

Calling all California teachers! KQED, in partnership with the CCCSESA Arts initiative and the California Department of Education, invites you to attend three lunchtime webinars introducing free arts education media resources.

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Where Do You Belong? 20 Videos Exploring Geography

General | October 15, 2014 | 3 Comments

Where Do You Belong? 20 Videos Exploring Geography

By Sarah Bremer My students carry GPS-enabled devices (smart phones) in their back pockets and view paper maps as artifacts from a distant past.  PBS LearningMedia makes it easy for me to engage these “digital natives.”  A quick search turns up high quality, targeted materials that I can easily incorporate into a lesson or homework […]

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Elements of Art: Form

Arts | October 14, 2014

Elements of Art: Form

Study up on the different ways visual artists create Form in the third installment of our Elements of Art series. Through the eye-fooling genre of Trompe L’oeil, we look at a variety of techniques artists use to transform shapes into forms and give their art depth and dimension.

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Why Should You Vote in an Election?

Do Now | October 10, 2014 | 422 Comments

Why Should You Vote in an Election?

The upcoming midterm elections on Nov. 4 have drawn renewed attention to the importance of the youth vote as well as the challenges that youth voters face. Why is it important for young people to vote?

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10 Resources for Exploring the Roots of Resistance

Events & Conferences | October 8, 2014 | 0 Comments

10 Resources for Exploring the Roots of Resistance

Over a thousand educators will gather this weekend to network, explore empowering learning environments and develop a professional learning community at the 14th Annual Conference: Teaching for Social Justice– The Roots of Resistance taking place Saturday, October 11th at Mission High School in San Francisco. KQED News Education Editor Mathew Green will be facilitating a […]

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When is a Remix Stealing from the Original?

Arts | October 7, 2014 | 112 Comments

When is a Remix Stealing from the Original?

Appropriation is the intentional borrowing, copying, and alteration of preexisting images and objects. How do you determine what is considered artistic appropriation and what is considered “stealing?”

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Re-thinking Fast Fashion

Do Now | October 3, 2014 | 356 Comments

Re-thinking Fast Fashion

Fall is here, which means colder weather and, for some teens, a reason to buy new clothes. But purchasing a new wardrobe can be problematic if you’re looking to balance style, affordability, and ethics. How should teens balance affordability, style and ethics when it comes to buying clothing?

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Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities with the Police [An Illustrated Guide]

News & Civics | October 3, 2014

Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities with the Police [An Illustrated Guide]

In August, riots erupted in Ferguson, Mo. after a white police officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed, black 18-year-old. The incident underscored the importance of people knowing what their rights are when stopped by the police, and how to act appropriately during these interactions to best avoid potentially dangerous confrontations. Cartoon journalist Andy Warner explains the rules of engagement.

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#TeachDoNow: Students & Their Teachers Discuss Building Civic Discourse with Social Media

Events | October 2, 2014 | 1 Comment

#TeachDoNow: Students & Their Teachers Discuss Building Civic Discourse with Social Media

As technology becomes increasingly present in the classroom, teachers’ roles as mentors & learning facilitators continue to grow. How do educators make sense of what youth are producing today — driven by interests & passion — and mediated by digital tools & openly networked platforms? This outstanding webinar, hosted by Jon Barilone of the Connected […]

Continue Reading + Teacher Productivity Tools Join the PBS Family

General | October 1, 2014 | 2 Comments + Teacher Productivity Tools Join the PBS Family

PBS LearningMedia now offers a student learning portal and a suite of productivity tools for teachers. These new features make it easy to create personalized learning experiences for students to explore inside or outside of the classroom. Digital productivity tools also make it easier than ever for students to connect with curriculum concepts. The Lesson […]

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How Do We Prioritize Protecting Species in the Face of Climate Change?

6 -12 Science | October 1, 2014 | 55 Comments

How Do We Prioritize Protecting Species in the Face of Climate Change?

Plants and animals are responding to climate change in different ways, altering ecosystems all over the world. How do we balance protecting species with human interests in dealing with and adapting to climate change? What do we prioritize?

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