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Girl On Fire (Inferno Version)

November 27, 2012 | Format: MP3

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Product Details

  • Original Release Date: November 23, 2012
  • Release Date: November 23, 2012
  • Label: RCA Records Label
  • Record Company Required Metadata: Music file metadata contains unique purchase identifier. Learn more.
  • Duration: 4:30 minutes
  • Genres:
  • ASIN: B00A5056TU
  • Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (51 customer reviews)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #2,636 Paid in Songs (See Top 100 Paid in Songs)

Customer Reviews

It really highlight Alicia Keys' incredible voice.
Charles R. Smith, Jr.
I would recommend listening to the sample before purchasing.
Silver Bell
One of the best versions of this song I have ever heard!

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful By Reawakened on January 5, 2014
Verified Purchase
I wanted the straight up version, not a rap infused version. There was no rap in the sample. If you like rap added you'll like this version. I wanted plain - didn't get it and I don't care for this version.
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Verified Purchase
Really like this song by Alicia Keys, her voice is strong and powerful, and kick butt!! I would recommend listening to the sample before purchasing.
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By Gerry on April 16, 2014
Verified Purchase
This is not the version I wanted. This has some rap insertions that I really not like, but it was missing from the sample. How do I get the normal version?
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By Mike R. on April 10, 2014
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I would love to see her in person and sing to me hehe. I know it is a dream of mine. But I love this song and all she sings really I have not found a bad one yet...
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The song is okay, but bought it by mistake, just not my type of music.. I tried to return but was unable to.
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By mary beth britt on November 19, 2013
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Great song for ringtone or ringback tone at decent price.very good selection of current and older favorites for your enjoyment on phones.
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By Bizzy Bizzy on August 17, 2013
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I usually listen to country music, but this song caught my attention. I really enjoy this song. I put it on my iPod for the gym and love it when the song comes on while working out.
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By Ivy on July 18, 2013
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I love it , it Inspires me to do more when I'm down or being lazy Alicia is awesome I love her!!
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