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Last Updated: Friday, 15 September 2006, 15:43 GMT 16:43 UK
Canada gun victims still critical
Anastasia De Sousa, killed in a Canadian school shooting
Anastasia De Sousa was killed in the gun rampage
Four victims of Montreal's college shooting remain in critical condition, with one in a coma, officials say.

Relatives held vigils and urged fellow Canadians to pray that those seriously injured made a full recovery.

Meanwhile more details of the rampage emerged. Killer Kimveer Gill had packed his car with ammunition, police said.

Gill stormed through Dawson College on Wednesday, killing 18-year-old Anastasia De Sousa and wounding 19 others before turning a gun on himself.

One victim was in a "very deep coma", said Dr Tarek Razek, the director of trauma at Montreal General Hospital, while another three were in critical condition in intensive care.

The hospital would not name the victims, though friends of one of them named him as Leslie Markofsky.

"We're praying for him and we're praying for all the victims. We're asking for people across the whole country to pray," said Ronnie Cahana, rabbi of the Beth El synagogue in Montreal.

Photo of Kimveer Gill taken from his internet blog
He was a good son
Kimveer Gill's mother

"We're also praying for the well-being of the Canadian people. This assault has attacked the soul of the Canadian people," he told the Toronto Star.

Meanwhile Amanda Williams, a friend of another victim, named only as Liz, said she was making a remarkable recovery, despite being shot eight times in each arm.

"Her mother tells me she's moved her fingers... She's going to be okay," she told the Star.

Police searched the house where Gill lived with his mother and seized his computer and other belongings.

"I don't know what they found in the computer," said his mother, who did not give her name. "They took everything."

She described her son as "a good man.... Just ask anybody. Ask the neighbours. He was a good son."

28 April, 1999: 14-year-old boy kills one student, wounds one other at a high school in Taber, Alberta - eight days after US Columbine massacre
24 August, 1992: Professor Valery Fabrikant kills four colleagues at Concordia University, Montreal
6 December, 1989: Marc Lepine, 25, kills 14 women at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, then kills himself
28 May, 1975: 16-year-old high school student kills a teacher and a student, wounds 13 others before killing himself in Brampton, Ontario

Police said they had found Gill's Pontiac car parked outside the school, with the boot full of ammunition.

Gill, 25, had a blog on a website devoted to the Goth sub-culture in which he referred to himself as an "Angel of Death" and said his ambition was to die in a hail of bullets.

It contains a photo gallery of more than 50 pictures showing him in a variety of poses with different guns and wearing a long black trench coat.

He wrote of his hate for people and said he enjoyed computer games in which the goal was to massacre innocent people.

But detectives said they did not know what sparked the rampage.

"We don't have any motive for now," Montreal police chief Yvan Delorme said.

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