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September 2012
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TPA Roundup 9/10/2012

The Texas Progressive Alliance thinks it’s high time the NFL began negotiating honorably with its referees as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff says that the state of Texas has clearly demonstrated the ongoing need for Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

BossKitty at TruthHugger sees this election year faced with critical health issues hurting working class people, when Bubonic Plague and Legionnaires Disease and Hanta Virus still occur in America, are we Unprepared, Careless and Incapable In 2012?

The GOP’s plan may have backfired, by intentionally discriminating they may have actually saved the Voting Rights Act. Because, as WCNews at Eye on Williamson, shows us The Voting Rights Act, still working as designed.

Neil at Texas Liberal saw Mitt Romney’s jet plane in Cincinnati last week. Neil offered up his view of what the letters on the tail of the plane were meant to convey.

Lightseeker reminds us that it is easy to throw the low level supervisors to the wolves when scandal strikes, but we should not forget where the fundamental problem lies. Are you listening Rick Perry and Republican legislators? Check out Behind the Drug and Rape Kit Scandals.

Rick Perry wants Texas women to get pap smears at colonoscopy clinics. CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme didn’t know Perry was that stupid.

Texas History for the Week of September 10 – 15

September 09
East Dallas incorporated (1882)
Meteorite hits Grayson County (1961)
Terry’s Texas Rangers mustered into Confederate service (1861)
September 10
Spanish colonizer of South Texas dies in Mexico City (1770)
Spanish regulations changes frontier line in Texas (1772)
Washerwoman buys valuable Dallas property (1869)
September 11
Ottine Swamp designated state park (1933)
Spanish-language dramatic company attracts large audiences (1891)
Irredentist forces from Mexico try to take back Texas (1842)
September 12
Early colony holds first election (1844)
Country singer born in country town (1909)
First producing oil well in Texas comes in (1866)
September 13
Philanthropist Alexander Sanger dies (1925)
Fence-cutting war reaches Mabel Day’s ranch (1883)
Abolitionist minister lynched in Fort Worth (1860)
September 14
Mexican-American civil-rights conference meets in Laredo (1911)
Robert Neighbors assassinated at Fort Belknap (1859)
Hospital destroyed in hurricane (1919)
September 15
The University of Texas opened its doors on September 15, 1883.
Mexico frees slaves (1829)
Revolutionary journalist attacks Mexico from Texas (1891)
Promotional stunt in non-existent town kills three people (1896)

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