Man Jumps White House Fence, Is Attacked By Secret Service Dogs and Arrested

The Slatest
Your News Companion by Ben Mathis-Lilley
Oct. 22 2014 8:20 PM

Man Jumps White House Fence, Is Attacked By Secret Service Dogs and Arrested

The White House was put on lockdown Wednesday evening after a man jumped the White House fence. The Secret Service apprehended the man, who was first attacked by Secret Service dogs. "Dogs got him," a Secret Service spokesman told Reuters. Video showed the man kicking the oncoming dogs before being surrounded by Secret Service agents on the north lawn of the White House.  

Here’s more on the video from The Hill:

Video of the incident shows a man wearing a dark shirt and white gym shorts on the lawn outside the White House being yelled at by Secret Service officers. He briefly lifted his shirt to show his chest before a pair of Secret Service dogs rushed to the man and pounced. The fence jumper struggled with the animals, landing repeated punches and kicks. Eventually, a Secret Service officer grabbed the man to lead him away. Officers cleared the North Lawn of journalists and began conducting a search of the premises. 

“The incident comes roughly a month after an intruder armed with a knife scaled the White House fence and made it inside the executive mansion, raising questions about security levels at the heavily guarded complex and spurring the resignation of then Secret Service Director Julia Pierson,” Reuters reports.

Elliot Hannon is a writer in Washington, D.C. Follow him on Twitter.

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