Where Do I Start With Sleater-Kinney?

Brow Beat
Slate's Culture Blog
Oct. 21 2014 10:10 AM

Where Do I Start With Sleater-Kinney?

Sleater-Kinney perform in the 1990s.

Photo by Pat Castaldo / Flickr

Monday’s announcement of a forthcoming Sleater-Kinney album, No Cities to Love (out Jan. 20, 2015), marks the phoenix-like return of one of rock and roll’s most unique and cultishly beloved bands.* From 1995 to 2005, Corin Tucker, Carrie Brownstein, and Janet Weiss made music with teeth and guts and brains and humor and overwhelming amounts of heart, from the Riot Grrrl scorch of their self-titled debut to the loud and gorgeous grandeur of 2005’s The Woods, their most recent full-length release.


A list of Sleater-Kinney’s greatest hits can quickly start to resemble a list of Sleater-Kinney’s entire catalogue, but here are 11 tracks—my editor and I got in an argument and couldn’t cut it down to 10—to get you on your way.

Slow Song” (Sleater-Kinney, 1995)

Dig Me Out” (Dig Me Out, 1997)

Get Up” (The Hot Rock, 1999)

Oh!” (One Beat, 2002)

Step Aside” (One Beat, 2002)

The Fox” (The Woods, 2005)

Modern Girl” (The Woods, 2005)

*Correction, Oct. 21, 2014: Due to an editing error, this post originally misstated the new album’s release date. It is due out Jan. 20, not Jan. 1.

Jack Hamilton is Slate’s pop critic. He is assistant professor of American studies and media studies at the University of Virginia. Follow him on Twitter.

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