David Edgar

Most recent

  • 12 Jul 2014:

    David Edgar: Early experience of theatre, either as participants or spectators, is vital to encourage children, but the opposite is happening

  • Interactive Interactive, 26 Mar 2014:

    Writers including Alan Bennett, Carol Ann Duffy and Jeffrey Archer declare support for campaign by Howard League for Penal Reform

  • brecht 18 Sep 2013:

    Brecht's belief that drama should present moral ideas through action is unfashionable, but as theatre becomes ever more narcissistic, audiences are seeking him out again, writes Michael Billington

  • 18 Sep 2013: The former Writers' Guild president says universities undervalue traditional playwriting, despite industry-wide increase
  • 30 Jun 2013: Susannah Clapp: David Edgar's assault on coalition politics – yellow and blue and hard to put together – is his most snappily phrased yet
  • Birmingham Repertory theatre 12 Feb 2013: David Edgar: Birmingham Repertory theatre's centenary is well worth celebrating – and not just because my parents met on its stage-door steps
  • 11 Jul 2012: Mark Lawson: Whether it's coalition government, banking or war, scenes or subjects – even apparently inconsequential – can take on a new resonance for audiences in the light of current events
  • 18 Mar 2012: Charm Offensive's ambitious adaptation of David Edgar's detective story-cum-thriller is less impressive than the church in which it's staged, writes Killian Fox
  • 4 out of 5
    Stephen Boxer and Oliver Ford Davies in Written on the Heart 8 Nov 2011: In Written on the Heart, David Edgar has come up with a learned, information-packed and engrossing play that sees the King James Bible in its historical context, writes Michael Billington
  • 3 out of 5
    23 Mar 2010:

    Birmingham Rep
    The one culprit in this adaptation of Julian Barnes's race case starring Conan Doyle is too much action, writes Michael Billington

  • 13 Mar 2010:

    In Julian Barnes's most recent novel, the main characters, Arthur Conan Doyle and George Edalji – an Anglo-Indian solicitor wrongly convicted of a heinous crime – don't meet until 300 pages in. How could David Edgar possibly adapt it for the stage? Only, he writes, by blowing the whole storytelling strategy the moment the houselights dim

  • The fall ofthe Berlin Wall, 11 Nov 1989 4 Nov 2009:

    Andrew Haydon: The collapse of communism 20 years ago offered rich pickings for British playwrights. Are the tremors afflicting capitalism about to do the same?

  • 4 Oct 2009: Actors and writers oppose reducing financial support for single-parent migrants unable to take jobs
  • 27 Sep 2008:

    Why has this decade seen the rise of a vibrant theatre of reportage? Playwright David Edgar points to a decline in conventional journalism and TV documentary

  • 22 Jul 2008:

    David Edgar: The glorification clause of the Terrorism Act has created a climate where artists and academics must watch their words

1-15 of 58 for David Edgar

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