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Mirror honours first world war fallen with poetry supplement

The Sunday Mirror carried a 12-page supplement today of first world war poetry. It takes its title from Laurence Binyon's famous poem, "For the fallen".

In company with the Daily Mirror, it marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the war, which began on 28 July 1914.

smi Front page of the Sunday Mirror supplement

The papers' website is also featuring a video in which a host of celebrities and media personalities recite Binyon's lines.

They include Pixie Lott, Jeremy Vine, John Humphrys, Frank Bruno, Kate Garraway, Eamonn Holmes and Nick Ferrari.

They also read out the words of other war poets, such as Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Rupert Brooke plus the current poet laureate, Carol Ann Duffy (sister of the Mirror's managing editor, Eugene Duffy, incidentally).

Alison Phillips, the weekend editor of the Mirror, said:

"We wanted a way of remembering that dreadful conflict in a way that was relevant and engaging to all our readers.

We were particularly keen to bring the realities of that conflict to readers of similar ages to the bulk of those that were killed in it.

We thought there could be few better ways of achieving this, and bridging the gap of 100 years, than taking the emotive words of the war's great poets and having them read by celebrities and personalities from our modern world."

Sources: Trinity Mirror/Mirror online

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